The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
Its been a while
I finished the challenge yesterday. 60days of no contact.
I just been feeling great recently

First thought when i took this challenge, i would be able to get over her in a month.
But i didnt.until about day 45 i started to get over her. Until i finished hia challenge, i just amazed how can i get over her so fast since about day 45.

So for anyone in day 30 or so and been thingking to give up. Dont!

I feel so strong and my confidence continue to boost. Im started to get ripped. I learned to dress like a gentlemen and neat. *it boosts my confidence greatly
Been spinning plates and i enjoy it so much. I able to socialize better, learning to be a good conversationalist, been ****y and funny with the women i approach. They are being very welcome to me.

And one thing. I really feel that i dont even need woman now to be happy.
Now i will put more focus back to my business and improve it.

This nc really works wonder.
Go fail ur nc. And u will miss this great opportunities those our senior dj been preaching about.
Gonna share again later.
Keep strong bro


Don Juan
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
I feel really like **** again today. Me and the ex were due to go away together this weekend. And I now know she's going with a friend. I miss her sense of humour a lot.

I'm trying to keep busy.


Don Juan
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
Female. Today I really miss her. Really struggling not to ring her. Trying to keep busy.


Don Juan
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
So I get this text..

I know you think there is another guy.. That is not true at all.. I cannot even think of anyone else but you.. I still love you..

Ten days of no contact paid off??

I love her.. But she broke my heart when she dumped me.. She is really starting to confuse me and piss me off now...

:cuss: :cuss:

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
arjunck said:
So I get this text..

I know you think there is another guy.. That is not true at all, yet.. I cannot even think of anyone else but you..who I would prefer this moment but once you show me you're still not over me it will change I still love you..although I don't really know what love is

Ten days of no contact paid off??

I love her.. But she broke my heart when she dumped me.. She is really starting to confuse me and piss me off now...

:cuss: :cuss:
Fixed it for you
She starts to feel that maybe she's done a mistake doing you and would like to keep you in check. Sorry for being rough but she's already thinking of dating and ****ing others guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2012
Reaction score
No closure

This thought popped up in my head. Felt peaceful after I acted accordingly and so am sharing it.

If you can't seem to get rid of negative feelings/attachment for your ex, [Irrespective of the outcome] try genuinely wishing your ex well [In your mind].

You preferred that things happen a certain way and they didn't, just let go. In sports, the two teams play with all their heart and whatever the result > They shake hands at the end of the game and part ways = No hard feelings :)

The opposite of love is not hate. Feel free to disagree :p


New Member
May 16, 2014
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Day 1...

Been dating a widow for the past 7 months... she was widowed 2.5 years ago and I was her first foray into the dating world... also the first widow I've dated. Probably the last... Was electric at first, everything was so easy, conversation, sense of humor, activities, loved each others company... Sex was intense and mutually satisfying. Was trying to take things slow, we'd meet most Saturdays... and then she suggested we needed to change things up as she was feeling a little like my "saturday night fling" I obliged and she requested that I began staying over the odd weeknight (with her kids in the house). I obliged... Then boom... she began to shut down on me. Slowly over the next 8 weeks I heard from her less, saw her less, and she checked out. She says it because she discovered that she developed feelings for me (which I believe) and she discovered that she wasn't ready to feel those things again yet... she wasn't ready for a relationship... I believe she did care for me and hasn't fully healed or grieved her husbands death. But last night, I called her on this and said I couldn't remain in limbo any more while she worked on this, was too hard on me. I called it off last night. It hurts terribly but think it needed to happen. I'm dying to contact her but need some support to hold off. Help! Any experience with this NC stuff with widows in this scenario??

Day 1... frig this is hard...


Don Juan
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry everyone, but I failed.

I text the ex. We were due to go away together last night, she went with a friend. I couldn't get it off my mind, so I text her saying "i Hope you have a good night". She replied saying "thank you". That was it. I feel stupid for texting her, as she doesn't deserve me being nice to her. I guess I missed her because we were suppose to be together last night.

So time to start again. Day 1.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
End of day 20
Went jogging with an HB7 I met yesterday. She has a bf and I'm not planning anything, just to meet new friends. Had a great phone chat with an HB8 who looks 90% like the ex, but she doesn't call back so I'll drop her.
Been thinking of ex less, which is a good sign I suppose.


New Member
May 17, 2014
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New here :)


My boyfriend of 3 years recently broke things off about two months ago... He is 22 and I am 21 and we have a long distance relationship during the school year but spend our summers together. He initially broke up with me because of a huge fight we were in, which I was being too aggressive in. I then refused to see him (we were suppose to go to the Bruins game together) and then he broke things off for good. He then did not want to talk to me, hear what I had to say, or listen to me try and apologize. I saw him about a month ago and we talked about things and he said he wanted to be single and spend his senior year having fun and not being in a relationship. He said he would love to be together in the future, but doesn't see it happening now. We then cut off contact for a few weeks and within that time, he started to hook up with someone else continuously. She is the complete opposite of me. He finally contacted me, saying that he missed me and we talked briefly. Now that we've both arrived home for summer, he wants to hangout but he is still contacting the girl he was hooking up with. We did see each other two days ago, when we were out for lunch, and since then he has been occasionally texting me but it seems he is in almost constant contact with this new girl.

I'm thinking of doing the no contact rule for the next 30 days and am looking for some feed back. I am still very in love with him and have done a lot of self-evaluating these past two months we have not been together. I am at a good place, but I am still always missing him and thinking of him and would like to try again.

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
Reaction score
No, don't do it for 30 days. 30 days of NC is meaningless. Do it for the full 60 days. It's either all or nothing with this. There is no in between.


Don Juan
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
First time posting in this thread. It's day 8 of no contact for me. My girlfriend dumped me via text message last week after suddenly acting quite distant for a couple of days. I haven't responded to that text and I don't intend to.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
SlappaDaBayyys said:
First time posting in this thread. It's day 8 of no contact for me. My girlfriend dumped me via text message last week after suddenly acting quite distant for a couple of days. I haven't responded to that text and I don't intend to.
smart move. keep it up


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Day 33

Things are getting easier. Slowly.

At work now and haven't seen or bumped into her this time whole time. I think she maybe on vacation or quit. I hope she quit. Would simplfy things as I would go beast-mode on work. Still getting stuff done though.

Working out, eating well, watching TV (jimmy fallon is hilarious), and trying to socialize.

Can't believe I made it this far, can't wait to make it to the 60 day mark. Though I am starting to wonder if I will contact her then...


Don Juan
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
Because I failed and text the ex the other day I've decided to push myself along.

So, I've deleted the ex number, removed my Facebook acc so I can't see her.

Would be difficult to contact her now, I'm not failing again, I want to learn to just be by myself.