MY story - and my day 1
MY story - and my day 1
The Breakup was initiated by me, and was very harsh and cold bloded, i just through her out of my apparment at 10 Pm, which made her go angry, and talk shvt about me to her mom...(This was 2 days ago).
I have been in a LTR with her for 8 months, and before i got into a LTR with her, i was HUNTING her for 6 months, i was BLINDED by her.. She is a HB9, a very pretty and intelligent girl, and i truly had some great moments, and for the first 6 months of the LTR i was VERY happy with her.
No more than 2 hours after the breakup is official on facebook, this dude (that she has fooled around with before me) invites her for diner, the very next day ... talking about beast mode - which she replies to, and probably went to (i honestly do not know, because i choose to block her on facebook, to keep my mind of her, and heal easier).
Yesterday morning - before i knew about the arranging of a date - i called her, at 10 am, just to realise she wouldn't answer and would not return my call - and she still hasn't (24 hours after)..
At some point, i am very happy that she never returned my call, and that she started flirting with this other dude again. Ofc. it hurts like hell - it realy does, especially at night, it makes me fell like an fool, unwated and played with - but it also made me realise what a "Slvt" she is, which i am fairly happy with. The fact that she is moving on this quick, is also a sign that her love towards me was somewere near 0.
So i have contacted her once after the brake up.
Now i am going NO CONTACT.
This is day 1, and my goal is to forget her, not to reinitiate contact (since this LTR is shattered).
I am really hoping that the pain will go away fast, it is really unpleasant, and at night i cannot fall asleep; in the morning i wake up very early, with an empty feeling.
So lets do this, Day 1, here we come!