My Ex is starting to contact me again...
Hello Dons!
I have a very interesting situation developing here. My ex and I broke up about 3-4 months ago, we were together about 19 months. After we broke up, I discontinued contact with her for over 2 months, no calls, no
texts, nothing! I did break the cardinal rule, I called her about 3 weeks ago. I called to say hello and see how she was, but there was another reason behind it...i was going to vegas and truthfully, i wanted to plant a little seed in her mind that I was going and going to have a great time without her. We talked for 20 mins or so and that was all.
The day before I left, to my surprise, she texted me..."Play some roulette, do a high five bet (00,0,1,2,3). Think of Lola (her dog) and you will be lucky, all she wants in return is Bacon! I waited about an hour, my response was, "i will, if i win she can have all the Bacon she wants." That was that.
So, I went to Vegas and had a blast!!! I had so much fun. Well, sure enough, the day after i got back I received a text from her..."Are you back?" I was slightly surprised, especially that I had called her. I kinda felt like I may have put myself at a disadvantage by calling her and texting her back before. So i waited a while after the text and gave her a call. She asked about the trip initially. I told her how much fun I had, where we all went to drink and party. Then she kinda disguised the reason she called, asking me about the computer I had gotten for her while we were together, asking me about one of the programs...yea, i bet that's why you called!! Again, we talked for about 15 mins and that was that.
I figured that would be it, sure enough, 4 days later, she texts me again..."Are you around?" At this point, I'm kinda shaking my head...I was sure I'd put myself in the friend zone permanently with her, but she's continuing to contact me. Again, i waited a while and called her. She started with small talk, the usual...then she tells me "I have something to tell you." Apparently, an ex of hers made contact with her, he was kind of a stalker, leaving presents at her doorstep, leaving messages and just being overall really creepy. Well, she talked to him and told him she was married just to get him off her back. He says, "to who? Nick?" I was kind of upset that she dragged me into this drama, but I couldn't help laugh a little. The guy is such a royal wuss, begging her and pleading with her. Honestly, i was really creeped out that he knew my name, there is no way he should know who I am, i don't know him, nor have I ever met him. In some ways, I kind of feel like this story might all be bull****, just an excuse to make contact with me again. But the guy is real, she made me aware of him early in our relationship, but I'm thinking the story is just a ploy.
Finally, today, she texts me a picture of her finger with a ring on it saying "my wedding ring" All i can think to myself is oh my god!! what the hell is going on here?? Is this the woman who broke up with me, now she's sending me a picture of her hand with a ring on it. She's wearing it just in case she runs into him and she can corroborate the story that she's married...and apparently, he showed up at a place she often goes, a friend of hers happened to be there and told the guy, "did you hear she got married?"
Something is going on here, guys. I'd like to hear your thoughts. It seems like she definitely misses me, even after I made the initial contact, she's been increasing her contact with me as of late, and the whole marriage story, including me in the drama kind of pisses me off truthfully, but at the same time it all sounds like a cry for my attention. What do you all think?
Big Nick