I am a building a 'community-based' social system. Many many women are VERY happy with this new system. To build this I had to move away from 'traditionalism' ie the marriage system, monogamy, seeing women as an expense rather than an asset (social, economic, political).
That system is based around community and socialising between men and women. This is where Roman will be able to come and meet women and be able to possibly find love. But to have access to this system, he must fit into it, and there are no guarantees.
A mans ability to have a relationship (and children) though neither are necessary to be happy, is based on his value to this system. Thus, the man has to either bring lots of value to this system, or be subservient to it, as the system is what is bringing value to women.
It is just about forgetting bad ideas ie 'traditionalism' ie individualism and 'excess' competition, marriage, monogamy, excess violence, dominance ie traditional (beta) masculinity.
This system is more like EEF, ie Early European Farmers, rather than the post-Chalcolithic, Bronze Age system that brought marriage, patrirarchy, fuedalism etc. So we are just going back to a more 'natural' system that existed until around 4K BC, and since then we had a mini cycle of Patriarchy and Feudalism, from 4K BC to now, that brought the marriage system too. But that is a tiny part of human history, a degenerate system that has run its course and will now be replaced.
I honeslty cannot believe how well things are aligning. At this point the marriage system, the current dating market, social and economic failure in the UK, everything is collapsing faster and faster, day by day, and the amount of buy-in I am getting from women is massive.
I am pretty confident that in 20-50 years, Britain will be quite different, the whole system will change. Life will be easier, more tolerant, work will be easier, it will more driven by women and there just wont be as much 'energy' that currently exists which is used by the elites of this current order to get the population to work harder for their own benefit.
That time-frame is for the country as a whole, but for the early adopters, things will change as soon as they join the new social order.
In the new calmer system, men and women will just be more chill, work abit less, have more leisure time, less extreme wealth and less poverty, more time for calmness, reflection and that will enable better and deeper positive romantic relationships, even technological innovations. It will more quality and less quantitiy.