@sangheilios I agree and I feel that the biggest issue that most men face in the dating world is due to scarcity or the perception of it. Some of this is legitimately based on reality. Imagine a man that is otherwise successful and well put together but yet struggles with the dating world. It may not even have anything to do with how he looks, his social skills, etc.
Let's say we have Roman, he graduated from college with a degree in electrical engineering and he works at some company like Raytheon. Roman is in a male dominated career that he makes good money at and overall does well for himself. Roman takes care of himself, maybe he likes hiking or goes to the gym or likes to play pickup basketball games. He has a couple male friends he hangs out with, maybe they have a football night at his place or play poker or go bowling, etc. However, the problem for Roman is that he never is really around women. He may see some when he is out shopping for groceries, but that's not neccessarily all that often and it may not even be a realistic scenario for him to capitalize on. He's not really into nightlife so he's basically left with OLD apps. Apps suck for men, so he may get some matches here and there, often from women legitimately below him, and he could go a very long time with no success. However, when he does land a date or find someone he's been experiencing thirst for so long that he behaves in a way that comes across as too intense, which naturally scares her off. This isn't because Roman is a pyscho or needs to see a damn therapist, it's because subconciously he is aware that if it doesn't work out with this one woman in particular he may go months or even years before another opportunity arises. He is also very likely to repeat this same pattern with another woman if he is not aware of these feelings.
This is the reality for many men post college and in the professional world.