ketostix said:
And I tell you what, the people who will most likely screw you over the worst are the people who are always shouting they have integrity.
Actually, the people most likely to screw you over are those who are CLOSEST to you. My family, and a very, very small handful of people have proven themselves over the years.
I think it's a classic example of people trying to shift the blame of this married woman's lack of integrity on to someone else.
Funny....I just got back from hanging out with some friends, and my one lady friend was there (the one who introduced me to the married chick) and I asked her point blank what she thought of me for having slept with a married woman.
Now keep in mind, this woman found out that her husband of ten years had numerous affairs. So she is COMPLETELY against adultery. This is the one woman I know who I would say that I am 99% certain would NEVER step out on her husband, even if she wasn't happy, and I know her pretty well so I'm not pulling this out of my ass.
So I asked her what she thought about it, and she says, "Well, I'm not gonna lie....I DO have an issue with "K" having done what she did, but you? You're can do whatever you want".
To be honest, I was surprised at her reply. I thought that if ANYONE would have something to say about it, it would be her. But to my surprise, even SHE realized that I had no commitment to anyone, and thus have no responsibility to anyone in the situation.
STR8UP if only you'd hang out with "single" women of quality and integrity then any and all your problems with women would be solved

! Yeah if you can find them, huh?
I know, what a fukkin joke. I put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else here, and despite the erroneous conclusion that has been reached by the STR8UP lynch mob, I have a whole stable of normal, well adjusted friends. they have their flaws just like everyone else does, but in the end they are only HUMANS, average in most senses of the word, which means some of them cheat and do things others wouldn't approve of, but overall they are the same kind of people that most any other decent person might consider being friends with.
Maybe you should just put your blinders on and as long as you believe you're dealing with a single quality woman that'll make it magically true.
You know, I envy guys like Rollo who seem to be happy and have healthy relationships with their S/O's.
But unlike Rollo, a lot of the other guys here who are in relationships (even the ones who claim to be perfectly happy), I think they are setting themselves up for a huge POSSIBLE failure, in that if something WERE to happen where their woman went out and cheated or something of the sort, they would be so devastated they wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
Guys like Rollo are likely to succeed because first and foremost they know that the most important component to maintaining a happy, healthy relationship is to be a MAN at all times, but almost equally as important they realize that their wives are HUMAN and are not superhuman "quality" women with unwavering "integrity". They know that they have made a wise choice, but in the end only time will tell.