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The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
I do not know anyone well who has over 1000. But, I believe they exist.

I have briefly interacted some guys with over 500. They are pick-up guys. I've seen them in action. Every single one of them lives in a mega city (over 10 million). They approach an ungodly amount, are decent looking, and have built an ecosystem.

From personal experience (I have far fewer than 100 myself), I'd say being in a big city increases my rate by maybe 10x.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
I do not know anyone well who has over 1000. But, I believe they exist.

I have briefly interacted some guys with over 500. They are pick-up guys. I've seen them in action. Every single one of them lives in a mega city (over 10 million). They approach an ungodly amount, are decent looking, and have built an ecosystem.

From personal experience (I have far fewer than 100 myself), I'd say being in a big city increases my rate by maybe 10x.
logistics is one of the most important things :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Miami fl
I've been in the game for a decade now, and have known several guys who are or were considered top level players. I've been more of a relationship guy but had my fun in between relationships.

The reality is, the "chad of a thousand lays" is more an incel internet meme than a reality. The stereotypical top level "chads" aren't getting laid anywhere near as often, nor do they have a number anywhere near as high as most think. Let's take a couple of examples:

1. chad athlete at a D1 college. Let's give him 5 years in college for the sake of argument. What is his pool? It's sorority girls, female athletes and maybe a few dozen normies who are into athletes. How many total women are in that pool? At the very most, say at a university with an enrollment of 50,000, it might be a thousand. Second, how is "chad's" time occupied? Classes, practice, games and travel alone take up at least 50 hours a week, not to mention extra time for sleep and recovery. Add to that 10 - 20 hours a week for study if he actually wants to stay enrolled. In other words, "chad's" schedule looks awfully busy year round and doesn't leave much time for chasing stacies.

2. post grad chad in his 20's. If he's lucky enough to be employed full time and is relatively ambitious, he's grinding out 40 to 60 hour work weeks. He is focused on getting ahead, not getting wasted every night at bars. He has a social circle which includes work mates, some former friends and acquaintances from college, and a few stacies in the mix. This may be a couple dozen people total he knows well. Overall, his social circle has declined drastically compared to college. He's good looking enough to attract a pretty girlfriend and he wants to keep her around, so cheating is relatively rare.

What is the lay count of these guys? At best, maybe 1 to 2 new lays per month, at best. That's assuming he doesn't have a girlfriend, and these guys are obviously more likely to have an attractive girlfriend than most guys.

Add to that, most D1 athletes are not good looking. Take a look at a D1 football or basketball roster and ask yourself how many of them pass the looks test. Chances are, it's a low percentage.

The bottom line is, most guys are jealous of a mythological beast, a unicorn that doesn't even exist.
goos stuff but they are getting more and more attractive due to supplements and surgery!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I do not know anyone well who has over 1000. But, I believe they exist.

I have briefly interacted some guys with over 500. They are pick-up guys. I've seen them in action. Every single one of them lives in a mega city (over 10 million). They approach an ungodly amount, are decent looking, and have built an ecosystem.

From personal experience (I have far fewer than 100 myself), I'd say being in a big city increases my rate by maybe 10x.
Guys in the 4 digits are usually celebrities, musicians etc.. but they do exist.

80/20 rule. There's about 20 percent of guys fvcking 80% of the women. Some people might say it's even lower 90/10 etc.. but regardless of the number, there is a small subset of men who are getting a majority of the pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Guys in the 4 digits are usually celebrities, musicians etc.. but they do exist.

80/20 rule. There's about 20 percent of guys fvcking 80% of the women. Some people might say it's even lower 90/10 etc.. but regardless of the number, there is a small subset of men who are getting a majority of the pvssy.
so why would a guy like James Franco open a fake acting school in order to sleep with women ?

most likely he also promised them that he will help them out in their career



Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
so why would a guy like James Franco open a fake acting school in order to sleep with women ?

most likely he also promised them that he will help them out in their career

I don't see how this is relevant. If anything, it just further illustrates my point. Did he do some scummy stuff and abuse his social status? Yes. But you and I both know he is still in the top percentile of men getting most of the pvssy. I barely skimmed over the article, but he mentions he struggles with sex addiction. Addiction makes you do crazy things.. like open a fake acting school to get poo-tang.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
I don't see how this is relevant. If anything, it just further illustrates my point. Did he do some scummy stuff and abuse his social status? Yes. But you and I both know he is still in the top percentile of men getting most of the pvssy. I barely skimmed over the article, but he mentions he struggles with sex addiction. Addiction makes you do crazy things.. like open a fake acting school to get poo-tang.
when you do stuff like that , ofc you have to say things that will make you look less like an animal .

my point was not that he gets laid more than the average guy , my point was that even guys like him are not getting laid as often as we would like to think . Otherwise why would they jeopardize they money making means ? Unless he is a total idiot , which I really doubt in his case


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
when you do stuff like that , ofc you have to say things that will make you look less like an animal .

my point was not that he gets laid more than the average guy , my point was that even guys like him are not getting laid as often as we would like to think . Otherwise why would they jeopardize they money making means ? Unless he is a total idiot , which I really doubt in his case
Nah, he is a total idiot because he actually has underage allegations as well.

He might just have an unrealistic sexual apatite. Maybe he needs to fvck 5 girls in 1 day, which could be a challenge even for a celebrity.. who knows. Or maybe he's just a pedo and this his way of grooming children.

Either way, the guy is a freak and nothing close to a true DJ. But putting that all aside, he's still one of the most well known celebrities in North America, and I'm sure he has no problem getting laid, even if he is a chomo-freak.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Chad has access to the top 10%. He's not interested in sub 8's

Believe it or not, when you're a good looking guy, you don't actually want to sleep with every woman in sight. Incels and beta males do... because it's something they don't have

Chad gets the cream of the crop in university / or the workplace. Which is a much better deal btw and even more of a brutal pill for the non-good looking guys to swallow. He has it so good, he doesn't need "thousands"

But that's exactly how incels and beta males view it from the outside

Exactly. This is what incels don’t realise.
Chads validation is worthwhile because he’s so exclusive and difficult to access for most women. Dating him gives women a huge social boost and sense of validation for being picked.
The minute a Chad is seen approaching many girls, acting thirsty, dating average looking women, seen flirting with other women etc his attractiveness plummets! The Chad bubble pops and he’s seen as average. Plenty of good looking men make this mistake!!! It’s like after a celeb gets #MeToo’d or the Johnny Depp/Brad Pitt scandal etc completely destroys their smv

That’s why Chad has to move so discreetly. His reputation amongst women is everything. If one girl rejects you at work, all the others will find out.

The best game for high value men is to be quiet, mysterious and indifferent
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