Nine Breaker said:
An average frustrated chump (AFC) is not necessarily a man who lacks in his abilities to attract and seduce women.
Sure it is. Let's not pervert the defination into something else.
Nine Breaker said:
For anyone who truly grasps the concept of being a real man, an AFC is any poor fellow who wastes away his life on the unrealistic hope that finding a woman will bring him happiness.
Or, an AFC, BAFC, WBAFC, is a man who has a pebble in his shoe, a thorn in his side, which is lack of success with women, and no matter how life as a whole is going, that part of life sucks because of it, and it affects the whole like a rank odour fills a room.
Nine Breaker said:
Your attempts to succeed with women are an attempt to validate your own existence, to justify the endless hours of learning seduction theories, reading the books of so-called experts, and memorising canned line after canned line.
My own existance is already validated from God. No further validation is necessary. However, my issue, seems to lie in this specific sector of life.
Nine Breaker said:
From what I have read about you from your posts, it sounds like you have spend well over a decade in your fruitless pursuits of women. Was it not towards the end of high school that you began to develop repeated oneitis' which only resulted in your grades slipping and your ambitions suffering?
Second year University, something went wrong. The oneitis issues are due to the fact, subject girls were never 'asked out' or 'closed', just secretly infatuated with. I underestimated the scope of the problem of the time, and do not know why I didn't commit myself to any counciling service or talk to anyone about these types of feelings - to ensure grades weren't tied up with it.
Nine Breaker said:
Today, now in your thirties, you work in a job that barely keeps you afloat financially, you still live with your parents, a significant amount of your time is spent trying to associate yourself with women with only the slightest of actual contact, and there doesn't seem to be any hint of any of this changing any time soon for you. What is truly saddening about your situation is not that you cannot connect with a woman in any real sense of the word, it is that you have been practically throwing your life away and not trying to make something of yourself - and you almost seem oblivious to it.
I am trying to make something of myself, and will agree that matters of self-improvement should take precedents over spending time sarging and stuff like that. Obviously, work or business should have priority over sarging or bootcamps. If there is really nothing to do, business wise, then sure, this bootcamp should occur.
Nine Breaker said:
This bootcamp you are running is the perfect example of what I am getting at here. Are you seriously suggesting that guys here should willingly go out and spend several hours of their time just to stare at women and see how many times they can say "hi" to them?
You have not read the bootcamp instructions accurately.
Right now, bootcamp assignment is to go to coffee shops and look at people at the corner of their eyes and scope for IOI's. Do not see any problem with that.
Nine Braker said:
An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but you can never buy back an inch of time with an inch of gold. With so many things to see, learn and experience in this world, how can you possibly justify something like this? No amount success with women, in any way, shape or form, can ever be a better thing than using that time to become the best possible man that you can be!
I agree with what Tyler Durden says in the Real Social Dynamics site. If you dont have this area of life handled, then no matter what you do, it's always a problem, so we all have to deal with it. Therefore every inch of the time with the same problem cant be brought back, so you have to handle it. For newbies, bootcamps are great concepts to do just that.
Nine Breaker said:
Yet through it all, no matter how many women you meet and go on "priming dates" or "seduction dates" or whatever else you are calling them, they do not seem to stick around for very long.
All except one. Not many women have 'right attitudes' either. What's the score here, they say out of every 20 meetings, you may meet 3 women who jive with you, and one of three may have the right attitude to make it work, right? It's difficult to find people who are sincere and who have the right attitudes. The one girl that has stuck has seemed to accept me both with and without canned lines, and I'm sure there are others too.
Nine Breaker said:
This, in itself, should show you that your real problem is not with attracting women initially.
Yes it is. Hence bootcamp is necessary. Too many outing reports, fvck up reports where approaches on hb's are not done.
And you have to be confident to approach many different types of women in different situations. This 'attracting women' initially here, was mainly online, and through referrals, so it really is not the same as this bootcamp is directed on.
Nine Braker said:
This is WHY I have always been a strong advocate of being a real man instead of the petty, short-termed seduction tactics that so many other guys advocate throughout life. For not only will it arouse a woman's attention in you like nothing you have ever seen before, it is guaranteed to make you more confident in yourself and assure that your life is not a waste.
I'm afraid Tyler Durden makes allot of sence. If you master approaches, then you wont have to think about it, you've handled an area of life that's been a problem, and you'll naturally do better in other areas because you no longer have that pebble on your shoe or thorn on side.
You will go through life like a starving man, even if you try to improve yourself, the motivations will always be wrong if you dont get this area of life properly handled. That's one of the reasons University flopped - if I had the area of life with women handled since high-school, or during that time, stuff like that would not have happened as I'd basically focus on approaching many women and not focus on any particular person, and certainly I'd close them even if it c&b, because better you get to bottom one time then stringing yourself along. Bootcamps, in that sence are even theruputic, and should be a must for everyone who has issues approaching women.
I can ALWAYS say that the women who slipped from my life, had the wrong attitudes anyway, and I need to only have women in my life who are very understanding, have the right spirit and attitudes, so the blame game on why things fall apart is a two-way street. Let's look at the stats here anyway, people online one offline, over 29 y/o, have been burned in the past by bad relationships, have baggage, whatever.