But when you think about it, how can it be any other way? Why on earth would any moderately attractive woman desire a man that doesn't take care of himself, has very little resources and has no noticeable value?cordoncordon said:Now, with BB talking about the average guy, with average game, with an average build, an average income, and average status? Then yep I agree with him. It will get harder for that guy to attract decent women the older he gets.
..But if a woman just sees you as some older guy with no other perceived value? Where you are just average in almost every conceivable way? Then you are just what BB said, an older "creep" and aging becomes a detriment.
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That's only if you choose to continue to "cold approach" women who are in their 20s. In my (limited) experience I've found that a 30-something guy cold-approaching a 30-something girl has a much higher likelihood of a lay than a 20-something guy cold-approaching a 20-something girl. Assuming you don't see a wedding ring, of course.thefonz said:if you thought cold approaching was tough in your 20's than wait for your 30's.
That's true. It's more that you get used to it and don't think as much of it. Dating, I'm referring to.After you do enough of this stuff, you start to lose interest.
I'm not sure I would have ever chased a girl for 2 weeks.You're not going to chase a girl for 2 weeks when you have a REAL job and a much less energy because of that.
whoaaa, buddy. You're 31 and you get that wrecked from drinking? Maybe when you're 51 that happens, but nobody I know in their 30s or even 40s has that much trouble with booze.A hangover from Saturday lasts until noontime Monday so you must remove drunken hookups from the equation.
Sounds like you have some issues with alcohol.It can be done, but try to be a successful 30-something and spend your time sober around drunks all weekend. It's depressing as ****.
Ummm.. what exactly is "rubbed in your face?" That there are a bunch of beta/gamma shmucks out there who can only get laid if they put a ring on a girl's finger? Sounds like you have some sort of sad unfulfilled desire to be a husband.Then add to the fact that EVERYONE at the age of 30 starts getting married/having kids. It's ****ed up. I can't even go on facebook anymore because it's rubbed in my face. Can you deal with that?
Don't lay your trip on us! I come from a loving, well-adjusted family. My folks are still together after 47 years and I'm quite close with them as well as my extended family. There is almost no drama whatsoever. No alcoholics, drug abusers, jailbirds, absent fathers, etc. So don't assume that everyone here has "issues."Also, if you're here I'm assuming you have some degree of family issues
Again, the fact that you give a sh*t about what people may or may not think says more about you than anyone here. Nobody I know even questions why I'm not married with kids. I take that back. About 10 years ago one of my aunts said, "So when are you going to give your parents some grandkids?" I laughed and said, "Not any time soon!" That was the last time anybody -- family or friend -- questioned me about my marital choices.so people around you will wonder why you aren't married/having kids yet no matter how successful you are. Be prepared to deal with that as well.
something funny happened to me yesterdayStagger Lee said:I certainly agree. When I see attractive girls with guys who seem not particularly handsome it's almost always an early 20's guy with an early 20's girl usually around the university dist. I'm not saying the guys are ugly, and I can't even vouch that they're always in a sexual relationship. But far and away that's the only time I see attractive girls with rather average guys.
I know attracting girls was easier for me even 5 years ago. And 10 to 15 years ago with bad game I was turning down sex with girls I couldn't even get today.
Lol, so true. But a lot of the time it's simply a case of proximity, or familiarity, or social circle, or being at the right place at the right time.backbreaker said:you would think by reading this forum that all the cute chicks are being slain by 6'1 210 pound rock hard alpha males with a Cerberus-esque 3 headed 14 inch **** handing from their crotch.
This is something that's really irritated me about life recently, ha. It really is a case of right place, right time. I've mentioned this before: You could meet a girl in a bar on some random night who is literally perfect for you, yet on that same day she may have had some disappointing news that's left her in an irritable mood. You go to approach and get shot down immediately. Yet on any other day when her mood was normal, something could have happened.zekko said:Lol, so true. But a lot of the time it's simply a case of proximity, or familiarity, or social circle, or being at the right place at the right time.
This is true but it's often been said that people are most attracted to girls that are similar to themselves. Now although I'm sure there is a rough sort of objective beauty, it's quite probable that Danny Devito deep down accepts what he is and knows the kind of woman he can go for.. I think it's the case for everyone. Everyone has a rough sense of their own value. I mean I'm not denying I wouldn't be attracted to a 10/10 supermodel but if I were to meet one in person, I probably wouldn't expect to hook up with her and it wouldn't really bother me a bit. Maybe that's self-limiting? I dunno. Anyway I consider myself a legit 10 so this would never happenzekko said:Now there's no question Danny Devito is getting laid. He doesn't have to feel bad about himself. But WDW has a point here. He is probaby never going to be "that guy", no matter how hard he tries.
SteR said:This is something that's really irritated me about life recently, ha. It really is a case of right place, right time. I've mentioned this before: You could meet a girl in a bar on some random night who is literally perfect for you, yet on that same day she may have had some disappointing news that's left her in an irritable mood. You go to approach and get shot down immediately. Yet on any other day when her mood was normal, something could have happened.
When I was younger I'd especially get frustrated and try to analyse every angle to see where I went wrong. Howver this is completely daft since you'll never understand her motivations so it's a waste of effort. Personally I figure if it's meant to be, it'll be. All you can do is try.
This is true but it's often been said that people are most attracted to girls that are similar to themselves. Now although I'm sure there is a rough sort of objective beauty, it's quite probable that Danny Devito deep down accepts what he is and knows the kind of woman he can go for.. I think it's the case for everyone. Everyone has a rough sense of their own value. I mean I'm not denying I wouldn't be attracted to a 10/10 supermodel but if I were to meet one in person, I probably wouldn't expect to hook up with her and it wouldn't really bother me a bit. Maybe that's self-limiting? I dunno. Anyway I consider myself a legit 10 so this would never happen
Maybe for guys who are less fortunate with their looks/status they'll naturally be more comfortable with a girl that's more in their 'range'.
When I was younger I'd especially get frustrated and try to analyse every angle to see where I went wrong. Howver this is completely daft since you'll never understand her motivations so it's a waste of effort. Personally I figure if it's meant to be, it'll be. All you can do is try.
In the end, does it really matter? In the vast majority of cases, a woman is attracted to a man for what he is and not for who he is. If I'm getting what I want/need from a woman, whether or not I'm "that guy" is irrelevant.zekko said:Now there's no question Danny Devito is getting laid. He doesn't have to feel bad about himself. But WDW has a point here. He is probaby never going to be "that guy", no matter how hard he tries.
I don't know, there's an awful lot of emphasis on being the alpha around here. Maybe it's just a PUA fantasy for most.Lexington said:In the end, does it really matter? In the vast majority of cases, a woman is attracted to a man for what he is and not for who he is. If I'm getting what I want/need from a woman, whether or not I'm "that guy" is irrelevant.
I'll agree with this. Nobody is saying the bottom falls out at exactly 30. Many guys, including myself, did BEST at an age of low 30s. But when you start to look 35ish or older, it can be tougher to succeed with younger women. You might have to raise your targets' age a bit.Bread Cutter said:I did not read all the responses in the thread, but IMHO being in your early 30's is not a problem when looking to game girls in there early 20's. Up until 34 there is no barrier. I would say once you hit about 35 it's going to be a little harder to game younger woman.
Say for instance if me and 3 of my 37 year old friends are getting gas at a gas station and 4 23 year old HBO 10's pull up next to us, I think they would be more receptive to us if we were all 27 with all things being equal.
backbreaker said:something funny happened to me yesterday
there is this cutie pie at my gym that works there named McKenzie. she's as sweet as a button, very nice, very foksy, about my height (5'8), skinny, petite, very nice legs, very cute. not "hot" in the sense that oh she's the type of chick you would bang a a club but she's the type of chick you look at and think "that's wife material" right there. and she's not a **** or stuck up.
so we have this rapport going obn. nothing sexual or antyhing but we are cool. we chat each other up, talk about ****, her school (She's a junior she's 20), my work. she gave me some advice to try a new exercise machine for cardio, i tell her tv shows she needs to atch **** like that.
anyway yesterday i go to the gym and she's there just playing around lifting weights. she was off work and she said "i'm waiting on my boyfriend to come pick me up".
I"m like okay, in the back of my mind i'm very interseted to see what his girls BF looks like. this girl is a catch. I'm interested to see what type of super alpha male dude picked this chick up
so this ****ing dweeb comes through the door and i'm like really lol? I'm like bro do you even lift lol? which it's clear he doesn't. I mean he's just a normal looking college white dude lol. not ugly. not hot. nothing to write home about.
you would think by reading this forum that all the cute chicks are being slain by 6'1 210 pound rock hard alpha males with a Cerberus-esque 3 headed 14 inch **** handing from their crotch.
I think in general this forum places WAY, WAY too much emphasis on looks. the girl is a catch but i dated girls hotter than this chick BEFORE i came here as a teenager. so what that she's hot. she's still a girl.
I Mean, i wanted to say you could do better than that, but could she? i mean besides being pretty cute, she's a pretty freaking normal girl.
I think the biggest hting i'm trying to say is that, just get out there and play the game and see what happens. i bet this dude could give 2 ****s about her being the girl that works at the gym or how alpha he is or if him picking her up from the gym is a beta move, etc. just play the game and see what happens. get out, do some ****. meet some people.