Other than the sorts of situations
@BeExcellent talks about, I do not approve, as I’ve noticed a track records of “all my friends are guys” women. I actually have a close female friend of 20 years who I look at as a cousin of sorts. Contrary to
@BadBoy89 ‘s statement I’ve never ever had sexual interest in her. My wife and several family members know and have socialized with her and she has met my wife and kids. We used to do double dates when she was married.
Traits I’ve seen in seen in women who say “all my friends are guys”:
1. Early sexualization, as early as twelve.
2. Near constantly in the presence of males from a young age.
3. Never, ever, without a boyfriend or spouse. An eternal monkey brancher, even being in contact with exes while with “currents”.
4. Alpha windowing.
5. Exaggerated hypergamy.