Interesting thread - finally had a chance to read it all. After going through it I had one observation for Jophil and I find myself wanting to offer what I would have done (yeah, advice).
First, the observation (my perception). You have mentioned your exBPD several times. Cutting to the chase, it's as if you can beat this therapist at her game you will in some way have found balance again after the ordeal in 2006. Maybe I'm way off. Maybe I'm getting to my real point. This reminded me of something I needed to check in myself after a relationship from He11 which read right out of a Cluster 'B' case study of a HPD. As I took time to get clear (but never to let the lessons learned slip away) I discovered that it would be very easy to take out the sh!t from the Vampire on the next woman (or women) if things weren't right. Doing this would be bad enough. But knowing it could turn into payback for a HPD he11ride really made stop and re-think things. I realized then and there that doing that to the next gal would actually be worse than what the HPD had put me through (or I allowed myself to take). I knew I needed to always be aware of this be on my guard for that sh!t coming out.
Are you doing a bit of this right now? I'm not sure. I think I'm picking up on that vibe though and you can just call me nuts if you're sure that I'm off on a tangent. BTW, this is in no way to get you to feel sorry for her and stop or cave in (read on and you'll see) but rather to make you aware just in case that demon found a way out.
That being said, the actions of your HB (one with whom you've mentioned being in a LTR for about a year) have crossed that line that should never be crossed. I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you what I would have done.
The entire time I would have been extremely c0cky, funny and kidded about it. Giving it zero energy and never once acknowledging the therapist. The 4-guy thing was meant figuratively and I think most of the readers got it so once again, spin it back but all in fun but just enough to make her just a bit unsure (ie I wonder if he'll actually go out with another woman?).
However, given HB's intentions I think it would have reached the point you've reached anyway given her wants combined with her new "coach". The point where I would have bailed was the s3xual fillibuster. Just the fact she was willing to parrot and also carry out the suggestion of the therapist (stop s3x, LJBF) was the final proof needed to indicate there would never be long term potential. At best there will always be tests like these over and over again because she will always search for ways to erode the frame. She knows eventually she'll wear a guy down OR use his unwillingness to comply as a guilt free excuse to swing to another branch and leave you feeling the guilt
If it was me, I would do what I rarely do with women - switch into serious mode. She would have heard a statement - not a discussion:
Jophil: HB7, we are both mature adults. You know just as well as I do that men need s3x for healthy relationships to continue. Yet for some reason, after a year of being intimate you have decided to give up on a crucial part of any healthy relationship. At the same time, when asked you have provided no answers to my questions regarding your rather abrupt change in behaviour. I am now making the last decision which is in the best interest for both of us. This relationship is over. And being just friends will just drag out longer. So you know, the world is filled with men who will respond to your changes in the way you had hoped. However, I know that neither you or I would have been truly happy had I even once joined their ranks. For some reason, you changed and it ended this? I do hope that you find what you're looking for now. Your things are packed, I'll help you carry them out to your car.
I'd never mention the therapist in the statement. I'd Never call again. I'd Never answer the phone. I'd Delete every
text and email. And you know what, we'd both be better people for it because I knew it passed that terminal point and ended it. Meanwhile, her plan has totally failed. She knows the real cause - the therapist - not trusting her gut and following someone else.
The therapist can console and assure her I was not the right guy (but even she will know deep down that I was one of the rare ones that stands my ground no matter what). HB will feel tremendous guilt for a good amount of time. However, this is not punishment. It is her wake up call back to the natural order she was nudged and shamed into fighting. Plus HB learns a very valuable lesson. DJ's are pretty friggin' rare. If she meets another one (not very likely) she'll know to accept and compliment his life, not test away. Along the way, she'll really tear apart the first couple of chumps which will just reminder her more and more of the mistake she made here. And hopefully a few of those chumps will get knocked out of the matrix long enough to see that they've been in a slumber their entire lives.
Or, the game can just be played longer. She will eventually give in. Will it really be be worth it though? Unless a guy actually walks, they know they ultimately have us because there we are still giving them attention, needing s3x from them. They are masters at watching actions and a man being around after he should have walked is like the strong side giving into the weak sides ultimatum thereby giving them the power they never actually had.
Advice aside, good luck my friend. Lots of important lessons being demonstrated here.
ps. I don't think the therapist is quite as powerful a figure here as you are thinking. Had your HB really been cozy and happy, she never would have sought out this type of advice in the first place. I think your HB was feeling the pressure to move the relationship to a next step. The therapist's suggestions and tactics would almost be entertaining if it weren't for the fact a relationship seems to be failing.