11/22/13 - 12/27/13 Week 66
Sorry for not updating in a long time, just not much has happened worth writing about. So since there isn't a whole lot to talk about, I might as well consolidate it into one post instead of each and every week, so that I am once again caught up.
Thanksgiving: Not a whole lot worth mentioning. Came home for a few days to visit my family and celebrate Thanksgiving with my cousins. I believe I was just lazy most of the time and since there's not a whole lot for me in Delaware I just played video games, worked out, and hung around at home with my family.
Finals Week: F***ing sucked. I aced my Library Studies, Jewish History, and Performance of Literature finals. I don't even want to look at my Math final because I know I didn't do well in that, I just hope I got a C overall or better so I never have to take math again. Spanish I also didn't do well, but there's bound to be a big curve and I did well in every other aspect of the class. Actually studied quite a bit for the first time in my life. Made it feel even worse when I bombed that math final.
Women: Nothing new. F***ed HB Nicole a few times, pretty sure I didn't see HB Allie much, if at all. HB Megan never ended up hanging out again, which is fine, I just hope she doesn't judge me too much based on that crappy performance. I number closed HB Michaela at the dining hall. Agreed to hang out with HB Shayna after break, but we'll see if that happens.
Parties: Meh, I'm sure there were a couple but none were all that memorable. I have a crapton of alcohol at my place though. A handle of Burnett's and a 24-pack of Bud Light. I downed a third of the handle on a Thursday night before going to Fibber's. I didn't feel the buzz so I kept drinking. By the time I got there I had another beer and talked a guy out of his shot. After a while I went outside and sat on the side of the road until we were ready to leave. My world was spinning and I ended up dry heaving, but amazingly nothing came out. I had only every once had so much alcohol that I puked, and was surprised this was not one of those times. Somehow made it home and back to my bed, terrible hangover on Friday though.
Christmas: It was ok, when it's with my family it's always a joy having to do everything at the last minute and rush over to hang out with cousins we don't always enjoy being around. But this time it was alright. I got some clothes and shoes and good stuff like that. It was an ok day, nothing extraordinary or magical, no snow unfortunately either.
One thing worth mentioning was that I had been trying to hang out with HB Katelynn since she was back for break as well. After a few hiccups with planning we hung out later on Christmas day since she would be leaving for Connecticut the next day. Now I knew she wasn't with the same guy from graduation, but I keep seeing her in pictures with this guy kissing on Facebook. I figured not to ask and see what she would say.
We hung out and since everything was closed I drove with her to a park and just sat in the car with her, music on, and talked about school and caught up with things. At one point I mentioned her last boyfriend and she told me about the breakup and drama and all that stuff, didn't mention the other guy. I told her I wanted to ask because "I wanted to know if I'm still allowed to do this", and that's when we started making out.
Moved with her to the backseat and kept making out, took her top off, got shirtless, she didn't want me to finger her so I didn't push her for sex. I remembered all the spots that really turned her on and god damn did I miss that body of hers. She was easily one of my hottest. She told me this cute story about how there was a time(s?) where she would write me a
text, but then delete it all because she thought I was with some other girl (since I don't like taking selfies or anything like that, my profile pictures are the ones that I deem good enough to put up, and usually they're taken by/with female friends). I could see myself having kind of a summer dating thing with this girl. The other guy bought her some ring for Christmas so I have no idea how serious they are or whatever, but I like this chick.
I might see her on the 10th since she'll be here again for her brother's baby shower, but that's about it.
Other things to note:
I played paintball last Saturday. One of the worst experiences I ever had. First match my goggles and glasses got so foggy that I had to call myself out, while walking to the safe zone I literally held my hands out to feel for things because I couldn't see. Second round I ran out of ammo. Third round early in the game I was in a great position, but we played against a bunch of "Christmas kids" with souped up guns and gear and somebody came up on our right about 10 feet away and shot me in the side of the only part of my body that wasn't covered - my neck. Worst pain ever, swore more in the minute after that than I have in a while. Walking out some guy on my team told me to hold up my gun so they wouldn't shoot at me...I gave zero f***s.
We all left after that game, the paintball exploded so the side of my neck looked like a lot of blood and paint, and it was raised like a swollen bruise or something. Right now it's just a really big scab that looks similar to a really bad hickey.
I got my personal training certification from AFI. Means I can now find work in my school gym and other places as a personal trainer and be paid for it instead of just helping my friends. Lovely stuff, needed an 80% to pass, got an 83% my first time.
My personal statistics are as follows:
Bench: 225
Squat: 280
Deadlift: 365
Press: 160
Power Clean: 180
Some of these numbers were higher but the press and bench mess with my right shoulder, so I might have some injuries or weakness there. I currently weigh around 188 lbs., getting a little more defined.
I want to switch to either cardio through boxing, or a routine like this:
I want to get really ripped for the summer and have a 6-pack without needing to flex it. Not sure if I want to lift to achieve this, or cardio. Let me know what you think.
I believe that is all the important stuff, peace.