Alright so I'm gonna try to update for these last 2 weeks, but if I only get one, so be it...
8/23/13 - 8/30/13 Week 53
Alright so this week had some good and some bad. Disregarding classes I went out and cold approached a bunch of girls this week because there were supposed to be some decent parties by ATO this weekend. It is Labor Day weekend and it is also Dry Week for the sororities, so parties are hit or miss.
I can't remember everyone I number closed...HB Adrienne, HB Alayna, HB Michelle, HB Haley, HB Shayna, and HB Sarah are the ones I can think of without going through my phone. I'm still a beast at cold approaching, getting numbers is no problem. I sometimes wonder how much further I can go though, whether or not I can invite them over and kiss close or f*** close. But college is a social circle game, and most of the ones I established last year are still in effect while most of these freshmen girls are still looking for one to belong to (sororities). I feel like I might be at a disadvantage by not being in a frat sometimes, other times I'm happy I don't have the responsibilities of cleaning up parties and paying dues, along with not having to be loyal to certain people at a party.
But sorority girls...not sure, but I think they dislike it when a guy they're into isn't part of their favorite frat...I could be wrong, just the vibe I get.
Anyway so let's get to the weekend...during a dinner at Wagoner Hall I met up with this girl Amy who has a huge crush for me, but I'm into her friend HB Allie. Thursday night I want to go with Brett to Sandbar, but Amy invites us to come pregame with her, HB Allie, and some other friends at their suite. So we head over and start drinking, Brett's already a little drunk. I tell him that Amy is into me, but that HB Allie is the one I want. Brett kinda has a girl so he agrees to wingman for me. I also have a friend Ashlea that's here and she does the same.
So we're playing King's Cup/Circle of Death, and having a good ole time. We play for a long time and decide to not even go to Sandbar. Brett's doing his job, and I'm having fun and being playful with HB Allie. Amy is really drunk and wants to hook up with me but Brett's doing a good job of preventing that. Ashlea told HB Allie that I like her and apparently she thinks I'm cute so at one point she invites me to come check out her room. We start making out for a while, but then Amy stumbles in and kills the mood while people begin to fall asleep and get tired and watnot. Brett decides to leave at some point so I decide to do the same.
HB Allie puts her number in my phone and tells me to
text her when I make it back to my place safe. I do, and that's all for Thursday.
Friday I don't remember quite as well. I'm pretty sure it was myself and the girls from last night, along with this awesome guy I met named Eric, going out to a party or two.
I was in the back of a pickup truck while we were driving around to a party that got busted soon after we got there, and then returned to the suites. Tonight was the night I told most of the girls I closed about the party at ATO. I didn't go at first because I was trying to get with HB Allie at the time. Sent a good deal of them invites, a couple showed, most had work or something, thank god, because Stephen was throwing the party in his little garage and driveway...
At like 2AM HB Allie and Amy had some kind of drama going on with one of her distant friends calling about something. She was crying and I stayed for a bit, but eventually had one of her sober friends drive me to the ATO party. It was dead...I filled a beer and Thomas tackled me to say hi and spilled it everywhere. After that I just got on my bike and went home, wanted to fall asleep in my own bed.
Saturday morning I was having breakfast and I saw HB Sarah again with her friend Kathryn and had some conversation. She went to the beach and I later invited her to my pool. Surprisingly enough, she came over by herself and we went swimming. Talked a little bit, then kissed her, then again, and again. After we were done in the pool we went up to my room and continued making out. She kept her clothes on and didn't want to have sex because she wanted to get to know me better and didn't like it when guys would hook up with her once then just drop her. Anyway, made out and messed around for a good 2 hours or so, then she had to leave.
Her car got towed, so she had me buy her her dinner, her mom footed the bill while I almost paid half of the towing cost which was $100 (thank god I didn't, as you'll realize later on).
After that she invited me to come party with her and her friends. I accept, and have Brett come along with me, I needed him to buy me beer and he's always a good friend to have along. I'm riding in a car with 4 girls and 2 guys including myself, so it was a good ratio.
Went to a small party with my 18-pack, it got busted before long. I convinced HB Sarah to stay over at my place tonight, so I was happy about that.
Went to one of the ATO brother houses and drank a little more while saying hi to Miles and some others. I was a little pissed because of my 18-pack, I had only had 9 beers...I hate having to watch over my stuff in a house full of people I expect not to steal from me...
I end up going home with HB Sarah and having her spend the night. We make out, I eat her out, she sucks me off but doesn't make me ***, and eventually go to sleep. She wakes up early to get dressed for work and I say bye and that's that.
Sunday night was the night that pissed me off. If you want the full version, that I will update for next week, you can just read it here:
Otherwise just follow along chronologically.
Tonight was a bid party for ATO pledges and girls. Me, being friends with a lot of the brothers, was allowed to come to this anyway. Originally I was a little upset about having to pay for beer here because the party where Thomas knocked the beer out of my hands was one where I paid and never drank, then the night where the brothers drank my beer from my 18-pack.
Regardless, I paid. There were cups just sitting out that I should have taken, but whatever.
Anyway, before the party, Alex asked me about HB Sarah. I told him he we didn't f***, but did other stuff and that I was into her. One of their pledges invited her to the party and I asked if that would be a problem, and he told me that since I already hooked up with her, I shouldn't have any worries...
A few girls show up to the party, none attractive, I'm just drinking and picking music. HB Sarah gets here with her girl friends from the other night and I say hi to them all. Twice I believe I went over to HB Sarah and just kissed her. She's talking to the pledge that invited her, but I don't worry, I'm not her parent and I don't think this guy will outshine me so I let it happen.
What annoys me is when I see Alex on the couch with his arm around her just talking for a while. At one point I walk past and step on his foot and look at him to try to give him a hint. Later I see him out with her smoking on the porch. After a while I get annoyed seeing this and decide to go hang out with HB Michelle at a different party. Brett picks me up and gives me a ride, it's just her and a few friends. They're all sober about to start drinking, while I'm already halfway drunk. I try to kiss HB Michelle, no dice, she won't even let me give her a neck massage in the car while we wait for her friend to buy beer.
Due to the resistance, and lack of a place to sleep since I have no ride, I just ask her to drop me back off at the ATO party. When I get back I see Alex and HB Sarah smoking again, alone and away from the party in the unlit part of the driveway. This is too much. I yell over right then and there that we need to talk, he sends HB Sarah away. I tell him how pissed I am that I see my best friend, who I told about this girl, sitting there flirting with her in front of me, not taking any hints. Alex read The Game and has a general understanding of pickup, so I can see what he's doing and what would happen. He tells me that he didn't do anything, blahblahblah go read the thread I linked, I don't feel like paraphrasing the conversation.
I basically left the conversation - he wasn't admitting his faults, I walk into the house, fill myself a beer and drink it as I leave the party and walk home. HB Allie is still up though, at another small party just about to leave. I offer to walk her home since it's on the way back to my place.
I meet up with her, make out a bit, and continue to walk back to her suites. She invites me in, a few girls are awake, but go to sleep pretty quickly. Amy walks outside to take a call, and I ask her how long, she replies about 30 minutes.
So I go inside and HB Allie asks if I have a condom, I do, so I have sex for the first time in 5-months, and she becomes the 12th girl I've ****ed thus far in my life. It was one of my worst performances, didn't last at all...which was surprising considering how much I had to drink.
But whatever...I walk back to my place after saying bye to HB Allie and Amy, and that was that.
Been watching Netflix and since this was extra long I don't feel like finishing the other week's update quite yet.
C ya later guys.