The biggest lie sold to man....


Oct 26, 2017
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AJ, are you inferring that the jaded men around here complaining that the whole market is crap are equivalent to fat ladies? ;)
Or the equivalent to an older 40 something dude with hair plugs, false teeth, and ex-con societal status who got tossed in prison to do a bid for the biggest lie he sold to man.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
How about the attractive women who finally meets the Greed God and expects the Greek God to behave like the 100 other thirsty guys she rejected, only to find out that she has been the one to get NEXTed due to her poor attitude.
No attractive woman is the equivalent of a "Greek God" mister Hollywood lol.

Come back to earth.


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
One of the biggest lies sold to men unsurprisingly comes from men themselves. Especially on dating/PUA mediums.

None of this is your fault. All women are sluts, can’t be trusted and the dating markets sucks. It’s not that you’re 40 living at your parents house, shower once a week get haircuts at Supercuts and work a minimum wage job. The dating market is just trash and all women are evil skanks


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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No attractive woman is the equivalent of a "Greek God" mister Hollywood lol.

Come back to earth.
Learn how to read above your estrogen-induced, baby bathwater-throwing tantrum. Greek God is me, not the woman.

You should feel guilty even talking to me with such intellect (lack of).


One of the biggest lies sold to men unsurprisingly comes from men themselves. Especially on dating/PUA mediums.

None of this is your fault. All women are sluts, can’t be trusted and the dating markets sucks. It’s not that you’re 40 living at your parents house, shower once a week get haircuts at Supercuts and work a minimum wage job. The dating market is just trash and all women are evil skanks
There's that too, and to be honest there are many women with similar delusions. Women have been sold on this idea that they can get top valued men just by being a smart, independent woman because that's what 'real men' want.

Well we all know that's BS to an extent. Men, like women, also want someone who they find sexually attractive. A woman could have all the personality attributes men want but if she's not attractive it won't land her a top valued guy.

It's not just in the dating 'marketplace' either. People are being sold on this idea that they are entitled to what they want simply because they want it. People finishing college and expecting to walk into a 100k/year job, newlyweds expecting to buy their dream home before they even established their careers.

People are maxing out credit to consume stuff that makes them feel good because society tells them that they deserve it.

How to get the most and put in the least. Many aspects of the dating world are like this.

But there are decent men and women out there, just gotta weed through the crap unfortunately.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
this is part of the problem.

women dont realize that most mens frustration is coming from the realization that what they thought worked to get a girls interest is actually what pushes them away. the anger stems from knowing that women are more willing to give their affections and sexuality to the man who is seemingly "treating them like trash" while they have been working hard to be noble, qualifying, decent men.

the jadedness is coming from knowing how easy it is to manipulate women and even depressing to know the things that they fall for and willing to do if they *like* you.

its dissapointing and you just dont look at them the same way anymore
Exactly this.

Women are immoral and unethical by nature. Especially in a relationship. The fact that they will only stick to you if you pass certain requirements and that they will leave you if someone better pops around with no phucks given should be a huge tell.

Women flock to singers and celeb figures with no shame whatsoever. Anyone with authority and some charm will make them submit and leave their lower ranked partner.

Women arent good by nature, that doesnt mean you cant like them, just know this reality.


this is part of the problem.

women dont realize that most mens frustration is coming from the realization that what they thought worked to get a girls interest is actually what pushes them away. the anger stems from knowing that women are more willing to give their affections and sexuality to the man who is seemingly "treating them like trash" while they have been working hard to be noble, qualifying, decent men.

the jadedness is coming from knowing how easy it is to manipulate women and even depressing to know the things that they fall for and willing to do if they *like* you.

its dissapointing and you just dont look at them the same way anymore
So it's a problem when a women flakes and a problem when they want to do things to get your interest.

Flaking - girl frustrates the guy because she is not showing interest.
Giving interest - girl frustrates guy because of how easy it is to get her to be interested?

So if a girl shows interest in a nice man that man wonders how easily manipulated she can be into showing other guys interest?

I'm really trying to understand this because it seems like a lose lose either way.

Monster DJ

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
Exactly this.

Women are immoral and unethical by nature. Especially in a relationship. The fact that they will only stick to you if you pass certain requirements and that they will leave you if someone better pops around with no phucks given should be a huge tell.

Women flock to singers and celeb figures with no shame whatsoever. Anyone with authority and some charm will make them submit and leave their lower ranked partner.

Women arent good by nature, that doesnt mean you cant like them, just know this reality.
Yeah.. but i can tell you they're some women out there that'll stick to one guy because of love.


Yeah.. but i can tell you they're some women out there that'll stick to one guy because of love.
There are decent men and women out there but it's hard when people get stuck on personal negative experiences to see beyond those experiences and when there's lack of insight it becomes "all men are this and all women are that."

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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This entire forum needs a stiff dose of POONKING right about now. You see Mr. Moderator(s), there is a reason you keep guys like him around regardless of his antics.


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
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I know good looking nice-guy corporate lawyers who can't get a date. Guess what their problem is?

There's this weird dichotomy where men really want to make women the metric of their own value, but that's not really the case. That is more of a specialization area with its own rules and skill-set required.
And there’s countless individuals with graduate degrees working minimum wage in jobs unrelated to their fields.
So should we then go telling kids to not further their studies


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
What we should definitely do is explain to them that they should not be doing these things for women, and we should not castigate them for their failures with women or imply it has any connection to some sort of material failure in life.
SHOW ME IN ANY OF MY POST WHERE I SAID DO THIS FOR WOMEN. I HATE PEOPLE ADDING THINGS ONTO WHAT I SAID. I said hold yourself accountable. Don’t be a slob, a loser, having nothing going on for you and EXPECT good things to come to you.
Why don’t we all just sit at home and expect to become the ceo of a Fortune 500 company because we deserve it. No you get up off your lazy ass and work for it


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
So it's a problem when a women flakes and a problem when they want to do things to get your interest.

Flaking - girl frustrates the guy because she is not showing interest.
Giving interest - girl frustrates guy because of how easy it is to get her to be interested?

So if a girl shows interest in a nice man that man wonders how easily manipulated she can be into showing other guys interest?

I'm really trying to understand this because it seems like a lose lose either way.
It is a lose, lose either way with these types. This is their reality. These are the only women they attract, because they've yet to grow out of that boyish phase allot of teenage males go through. I would say that they are stuck there, because of mommy issues or really never had a strong male role model around. They were also probably your social outcasts and maybe even bullied. That would explain the anger and contempt. They probably have problems keeping commitments themselves, as if the case deesade has already exhibited and have never really accomplished many goals. They assuredly never challenge themselves and are supremely lazy. Your typical finger pointers and victim card pullers. Their frame is frail, as they are physically, mentally and spiritually. If they were to upload their real pictures as their avatar, it would be no surprise. They are your typical participation trophy winners. They don't even place in the game, so they try to change the rules, while hating on the other participants that are winning. They are defeated souls and have been ousted for a reason and luckily for us all, they're rhetoric is usually confined to anonomys forums and their small social circles of like-mind.
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Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
It is a lose, lose either way with these types. This is their reality. These are the only women they attract, because they've yet to grow out of that boyish phase allot of teenage males go through. I would say that they are stuck there, because of mommy issues or really never had a strong male role model around. They were also probably your social outcasts and maybe even bullied. That would explain the anger and contempt. They probably have problems keeping commitments themselves, as if the case deesade has already exhibited and have never really accomplished many goals. They assuredly never challenge themselves and are supremely lazy. Your typical finger pointers and victim card pullers. Their frame is frail, as they are physically, mentally and spiritually. If they were to upload their real pictures as their avatar, it would be no surprise. They are your typical participation trophy winners. They don't even place in the game, so they try to change the rules, while hating on the other participants that are winning. They are defeated souls and have been ousted for a reason and luckily for us all, they're rhetoric is usually confined to anonomys forums and their small social circles of like-mind.
If we were all in a room right now, all of us c*ck-carrousel-riding-attention-wh0ring-slvts would be all over your c*ck carrousel right now after that post LOL ...and really, that’s all it would take because we’re all just feeble hamster-brained cvm-dumpsters that they’re better off without anyway and their lives are much better off if they all get a room together and comisserate about why WE’RE all wh0res. Every. Single. one of us (without exception) lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
If we were all in a room right now, all of us c*ck-carrousel-riding-attention-wh0ring-slvts would be all over your c*ck carrousel right now after that post LOL ...and really, that’s all it would take because we’re all just feeble hamster-brained cvm-dumpsters that they’re better off without anyway and their lives are much better off if they all get a room together and comisserate about why WE’RE all wh0res. Every. Single. one of us (without exception) lol
I think they need and depend on these types of women they end up with. They are on their last leg and running on fumes. They have nothing positive to offer and run on pain, anger and hate. While very explosive and volatile, it burns hot, but short lived. So what do they do? Run out and find another mate that is just as insecure as themselves that will fvck with them and turn right around bleed them dry emotionally and mentally of what's left of them to keep going and never pointing the finger inward. Everyone deserves to be treated as an individual and with respect, until proven otherwise.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
I think they need and depend on these types of women they end up with. They are on their last leg and running on fumes. They have nothing positive to offer and run on pain, anger and hate. While very explosive and volatile, it burns hot, but short lived. So what do they do? Run out and find another mate that is just as insecure as themselves that will fvck with them and turn right around bleed them dry emotionally and mentally of what's left of them to keep going and never pointing the finger inward. Everyone deserves to be treated as an individual and with respect, until proven otherwise.
Do you suppose they’re seeing the irony yet that the only guys in this thread that are getting attention from the chicks are the ones who are NOT foaming at the mouth insisting that women are knob-gobbling delusional idiots who should be treated like dirt? Or are we not pointing that out yet? lol


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
Do you suppose they’re seeing the irony yet that the only guys in this thread that are getting attention from the chicks are the ones who are NOT foaming at the mouth insisting that women are knob-gobbling delusional idiots who should be treated like dirt? Or are we not pointing that out yet? lol
For the most part I agree with much of what you say.
But let’s play devils advocate

What’s your agenda here


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
Do you suppose they’re seeing the irony yet that the only guys in this thread that are getting attention from the chicks are the ones who are NOT foaming at the mouth insisting that women are knob-gobbling delusional idiots who should be treated like dirt? Or are we not pointing that out yet? lol
You seem very adamant on proving that women arent what Ive mentioned in the OP.

LOL have you seen the women who flock to celebs and singers?? ALL these women jumping on one c0ck. Show me a female version of Dan Blizirian. Oh wait, you cant. Men are more dignified. Women are shameless. Its apparent but you dont need to believe that.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2017
Reaction score
For the most part I agree with much of what you say.
But let’s play devils advocate

What’s your agenda here
I used to read this forum as a distraction at work... I would just smirk and think “I could never be part of this train wreck”... but I broke... I made an account because I couldn’t stand by anymore watching a bunch of single dudes explain women to other single dudes lol (also I had a question which required an account).... so now I’m here... queue the circus music :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2015
Reaction score
If we were all in a room right now, all of us c*ck-carrousel-riding-attention-wh0ring-slvts would be all over your c*ck carrousel right now after that post LOL ...and really, that’s all it would take because we’re all just feeble hamster-brained cvm-dumpsters that they’re better off without anyway and their lives are much better off if they all get a room together and comisserate about why WE’RE all wh0res. Every. Single. one of us (without exception) lol
'attention whoring slvts' call it what you want but it isnt men wearing chit loads of paint on their faces in order to seek that attention.

Its quite apparent.