It is a lose, lose either way with these types. This is their reality. These are the only women they attract, because they've yet to grow out of that boyish phase allot of teenage males go through. I would say that they are stuck there, because of mommy issues or really never had a strong male role model around. They were also probably your social outcasts and maybe even bullied. That would explain the anger and contempt. They probably have problems keeping commitments themselves, as if the case deesade has already exhibited and have never really accomplished many goals. They assuredly never challenge themselves and are supremely lazy. Your typical finger pointers and victim card pullers. Their frame is frail, as they are physically, mentally and spiritually. If they were to upload their real pictures as their avatar, it would be no surprise. They are your typical participation trophy winners. They don't even place in the game, so they try to change the rules, while hating on the other participants that are winning. They are defeated souls and have been ousted for a reason and luckily for us all, they're rhetoric is usually confined to anonomys forums and their small social circles of like-mind.