The biggest lie sold to man....


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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1) What does consistent mean to you? Every two months since his inception here? As recent as a few months ago?

2) Everyone has dark moments of murder? Are you OK?
that's actually true, everyone has dark moments like that, it's when it translates outside of rage venting that it becomes abnormal


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
The biggest lie and misconception sold to men is that women are Queens and Fairies. Its partially the reason why cucks treat them as such.

Women are deviants in nature. Dont care how good they may be etc. Their nature is shameless and undignified. Treat them like dirt. Its what they are attracted to.

IS the above incorrect? If so,please do elaborate as to why you disagree.
Most people are trash, so yes, dirt gets dusted off my shoes.


Jun 23, 2014
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these are self imposed limitations in the search for an ideal mate. so the tendency becomes to fixate on one girl (or in tenacitys case) on one TYPE of girl (she needs to make xyz a year, no kids, xyz years old,etc)
by doing this, these guys are protecting themselves from any real rejection and reframing the source of the rejection as "low quality" women or women who dont meet their "standards"
in essence, they are disguising their rejection as them being the ones disqualifying the sub-par women, blaming the sexual market, and lashing out at more successful men. anything but critiquing themselves

the problems for guys like tenacity are rooted in other internal issues. they may not have the social skills to put into practice the things they learn about game, they might not have unlearned all the myths they grew up believing about how to get women, they may not have fully internalized a positive mindset but whatever the case, part of transitioning from blue to red pill is taking a real look at oneself and taking the action to make the change. there is no short cuts.
Sir.....this is not my situation at all. Your stupid, untimely, unwarranted, unsolicited analysis of me is OFF. I do not, have not, and will not ever need any you to psycho-analyze me Sir. I did not and have not EVER asked for your help Sir. So why are you writing this long post about Tenacity when the thread topic isn't even about Tenacity SIR??

Some of you guys seriously discuss TENACITY more than you do ANY woman you are dating. @MidnightCity, seriously, when was the LAST TIME you posted a field report? Or posted any information about a chick or chicks you are dating? When?? And for the record @MidnightCity, I have posted and will gladly post moreeeeee pics of me out with chicks/plates. Will you do the same? Tenacity isn't "hurting" for anything and again, I never asked you for anything.

Some of you supposedly straight/heterosexual dudes on here have a weird and creepy fascination with "Tenacity". Like many of you will constantly refer to my "6 Pack", which means apparently you've been staring at my damn 6 Pack pics more than @sazc does! But @sazc is a woman (the LEGEND da dynamically confirmed that she has hugeeee tits) so at least that's understandable lol! @sazc following me around from thread to thread, throwing shade, is just how some women flirt.

But I have some of you DUDES (like @MidnightCity) doing this shyt and you need to seriously get "TENACITY" off your damn brain! Stop psycho-analyzing me! That's weird and creepy as fvckkk!!

I mean literally, every damn time I comment on a thread topic, one of you DUDES will jump up and start psycho-analyzing the fvck out of me. Discussing "Tenacity" and his 6 Pack, or discussing "Tenacity" and how he posts little mean things about women. Seriously, what grown men operate like this?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
The 2% matters. Not every girl you meet is LTR material. But among the ones you do meet, whether that be 1 out of 50 or 100, your attitude is the sole encumbrance. By your own admission, you have chased 5 or 6 "quality" girls away by going off on them, no?
Dude seriously stop talking about 1% to 2% of women I've dated and making those 1% to 2% of women being something of significant importance. My argument is already WON (based on my stance saying the LTR market is trash) by you agreeing with me that only 1% to 2% of women a guy meets would even be a potential LTR candidate.

I have no vendetta against you. You are placing too much importance upon yourself (once again).
Ohhhhh YES you do. It's a weird and creepy fascination like I said about @MidnightCity. Literally EVERY thread I comment on.....either YOU or another DUDE will jump up and start randomly psycho-analyzing "Tenacity". Out of the blue. Out of nowhere. Not even closely related to the topic of the thread.

Most of you dudes have put more THOUGHT into psycho-analyzing TENACITY than your Career, your Workout Schedule, your Investments, and your overall GOALS in life.

That's sick, that's weird, that's creepy, and I have never seen grown men operate like this.

This is a true story. Did you or do you understand the motivation behind my sharing this story with you?
So it's okay for you to be human and have struggled with various issues like anger.......but Tenacity can't be human and have struggled (and still struggles) with it? You have made a comment about me not facing up to my "issues", I was the ONE WHO PUT MY ANGER ISSUES on this board. I was the one who told the board the issues I was dealing with and have documented my journey in dealing with them.

I'm not perfect, will never be perfect. But that has nothing to do with the LTR market being trash. YOU yourself just said that 1% to 2% of women a guy like me will meet, will be LTR material. That means 98% to 99% of other women are NOT LTR material.....that means the market is TRASH!


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
except it is a constant thing.

Tenacitys problem is all internal.

hes creating buffers for rejection to spare his very sensitive ego. it can be clearly seen in his posts.

he tries to tell the other guys here that you need to make xyz a year, be built or look like so and so and have an amazing personality to get a "quality" girl

these are self imposed limitations in the search for an ideal mate. so the tendency becomes to fixate on one girl (or in tenacitys case) on one TYPE of girl (she needs to make xyz a year, no kids, xyz years old,etc)
by doing this, these guys are protecting themselves from any real rejection and reframing the source of the rejection as "low quality" women or women who dont meet their "standards"
in essence, they are disguising their rejection as them being the ones disqualifying the sub-par women, blaming the sexual market, and lashing out at more successful men. anything but critiquing themselves

the problems for guys like tenacity are rooted in other internal issues. they may not have the social skills to put into practice the things they learn about game, they might not have unlearned all the myths they grew up believing about how to get women, they may not have fully internalized a positive mindset but whatever the case, part of transitioning from blue to red pill is taking a real look at oneself and taking the action to make the change. there is no short cuts.

they havent taken the red pill yet, or are regurgitating it. even the most game aware man is always learning, to the plugged in AFC, whats common knowledge to game aware men must seem like blasphemy to them. they thought game and PUA would be a shortcut to getting the girl of their dreams (as is outlined by tenacitys habit of continually trying to convince others that women want a man with money) but they will never see the real value in game.

its easier to rationalize away the reasons for your lack of success than it is to be critical of oneself, accept that change is needed, and take actions to bring about that change.

which is why i keep telling these guys that they need to stop trying to give advice here while having little to no experience with women. they need to go out and put into practice what they learn. maybe they'll get a girlfriend and get burned and that'll be just the traumatic experience they need to get their heads out of their asses. most of the guys that transition into game have already been reduced to nothing and had nothing left to lose (myself included) to have made a smooth transition and adoption of game.

at some point they have to stare into the abyss and change their minds about themselves
I don't know Tenacity but if what you said is true, then yeah, he his own worst enemy and the biggest enemy in the dating/pickup/laying arena. All of that is bull**** and if you are critically honest with yourself....a simple night out on the weekend and observing the different couples around will smash many of those notions. BEing successful is largely a matter of being in the right place, at the right time and having the balls to do something about it when you get the opportunity. The "I don't make enough" or "I don't look like so and so" routine is excuse making and cop out to sit back and be a coward and complain.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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Hey we've got to be fair on this one guys. If she's not putting out by the 4th date I kick to the curb. And that's a new maximum it used to be 3. So expecting them to be born again virgins is a bit over the top. Let's face it a woman is a hole wanting to be filled with time attention d1ck and money
4 dates for sex?. Sluts..

It should be at least a month of hanging out 3-5x week b4 a girl lets you plow.. any earlier she is a SLUT.

F the 3 to 4 dates for sex. That is insane.

A woman has a few dates per each guy about 5.guys a year..

So u want a wife who plowed 25 games feom.age 16-28?.


I must be doing better than i thought then gfs are under 5 guys the last 9 years. And b4 that less as i was in my 20s
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
4 dates for sex?. Sluts..

It should be at least a month of hanging out 3-5x week b4 a girl lets you plow.. any earlier she is a SLUT.

F the 3 to 4 dates for sex. That is insane.

A woman has a few dates per each guy about 5.guys a year..

So u want a wife who plowed 25 games feom.age 16-28?.


I must be doing better than i thought then gfs are under 5 guys the last 9 years. And b4 that less as i was in my 20s
I would never wait that long. I would get bored. I just want sex right away. I'm not gonna pretend to find them interesting just to manipulate them into something.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know Tenacity but if what you said is true, then yeah, he his own worst enemy and the biggest enemy in the dating/pickup/laying arena. All of that is bull**** and if you are critically honest with yourself....a simple night out on the weekend and observing the different couples around will smash many of those notions. BEing successful is largely a matter of being in the right place, at the right time and having the balls to do something about it when you get the opportunity. The "I don't make enough" or "I don't look like so and so" routine is excuse making and cop out to sit back and be a coward and complain.
And here's ANOTHER grown man psycho-analyzing Tenacity o_O

I don't know Tenacity but if what you said is true, then yeah, he his own worst enemy and the biggest enemy in the dating/pickup/laying arena.
If you don't know Tenacity.........WHY do you care??


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
And here's ANOTHER grown man psycho-analyzing Tenacity o_O

If you don't know Tenacity.........WHY do you care??
I don't. I honestly can't careless about what you do or what you are like. I was addressing Midnight's post...what he put down in words is exactly what a person shouldn't be and so it was a good moment to point out if someone reading has any of those traits, to do something about it.

In regards to you specifically it may or may not be the case. As I had said I don't know you so I can't say with 100% certainty. I did not write "yep, that's Tenacity without a doubt"....I had actually given you the benefit of the doubt but given how bothered you seem perhaps there was some truth to what was said? Buzz off.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
.I had actually given you the benefit of the doubt but given how bothered you seem perhaps there was some truth to what was said? Buzz off.
That's like calling a grown man GAY, the grown man gets a bit bothered by the comment, then you say that the grown man MUST BE GAY because he got bothered by the comment.

You would need a private investigator to find the "logic" in that :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Dude seriously stop talking about 1% to 2% of women I've dated and making those 1% to 2% of women being something of significant importance. My argument is already WON (based on my stance saying the LTR market is trash) by you agreeing with me that only 1% to 2% of women a guy meets would even be a potential LTR candidate.
Maybe even less than 2%, but not because 98%+ of women aren't LTR material, but rather finding someone who is compatible with your looks and personality and her feeling compatibility with yours is no easy feat.

I would say more than 50%+ of the market is LTR material, with the bulk of the women in the 1-5 range. As you demand greater looks (e.g. 8-10), the pool shrinks further. Then add compatibility felt on both ends, the pool is tiny. So when you do finally meet one who has looks and compatibility, you best not run them off with your attitude. Get it?!
Tenacity said:
Ohhhhh YES you do. It's a weird and creepy fascination like I said about @MidnightCity. Literally EVERY thread I comment on.....either YOU or another DUDE will jump up and start randomly psycho-analyzing "Tenacity". Out of the blue. Out of nowhere. Not even closely related to the topic of the thread.

Most of you dudes have put more THOUGHT into psycho-analyzing TENACITY than your Career, your Workout Schedule, your Investments, and your overall GOALS in life.

That's sick, that's weird, that's creepy, and I have never seen grown men operate like this.
Creepy to me is your stating that you are going to murder women for being women. My psycho-analyzing Tenacity serves society. Trust me.

Tenacity said:
So it's okay for you to be human and have struggled with various issues like anger.......but Tenacity can't be human and have struggled (and still struggles) with it? You have made a comment about me not facing up to my "issues", I was the ONE WHO PUT MY ANGER ISSUES on this board. I was the one who told the board the issues I was dealing with and have documented my journey in dealing with them.

I'm not perfect, will never be perfect. But that has nothing to do with the LTR market being trash. YOU yourself just said that 1% to 2% of women a guy like me will meet, will be LTR material. That means 98% to 99% of other women are NOT LTR material.....that means the market is TRASH!
Addressed above.

Work on your attitude. It stinks.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Maybe even less than 2%, but not because 98%+ of women aren't LTR material, but rather finding someone who is compatible with your looks and personality and her feeling compatibility with yours is no easy feat.

I would say more than 50%+ of the market is LTR material, with the bulk of the women in the 1-5 range. As you demand greater looks (e.g. 8-10), the pool shrinks further. Then add compatibility felt on both ends, the pool is tiny. So when you do finally meet one who has looks and compatibility, you best not run them off with your attitude. Get it?!

Creepy to me is your stating that you are going to murder women for being women. My psycho-analyzing Tenacity serves society. Trust me.

Addressed above.

Work on your attitude. It stinks.
What woman did I say I was going to murder? And if you TRULY feel I'm a threat to society than you need to be calling the cops....not debating me on a forum.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
That's like calling a grown man GAY, the grown man gets a bit bothered by the comment, then you say that the grown man MUST BE GAY because he got bothered by the comment.

You would need a private investigator to find the "logic" in that :rofl:
Oh stop. Not only are you dishonest, but also lack reading comprehension. I never once branded you as post said I didn't know you but if you were those things midnight described, that's bad....I did not say you WERE those things. It did not take you long however to chime in and start twisting the situation to make seem as though I am "attacking" you. You are a troll; no one has to attack you, your personal hell is bad enough.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Oh stop. Not only are you dishonest, but also lack reading comprehension. I never once branded you as post said I didn't know you but if you were those things midnight described, that's bad....I did not say you WERE those things. It did not take you long however to chime in and start twisting the situation to make seem as though I am "attacking" you. You are a troll; no one has to attack you, your personal hell is bad enough.
If I'm a troll then click Ignore. Case solved. But I don't do the female bickering back and forth Sir.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
That's funny? Maybe we should put each other on Ignore too Guru? I took you off it because I wanted to honestly have debates that put two extreme points of view out there for discussion.

But you always go to personal attacks, character assassination, and weird psycho-analysis to completely turn the topic OFF the topic and onto trying to figure out "Tenacity".

If you want to have good discussions on our different views on the LTR Market, our completely different views on building wealth, etc.....I'm down for that.

I'm NOT doing this flaming stuff dude. I'm NOT doing it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Tenacity, not one post I directed to you was a flame. I recited facts to serve you.