The best option for men is definitely MGTOW, the dating game is a lose lose game

Red Legg

Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2016
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I take what I call "clarity breaks".I have been with numerous BPD women to know to take clarity breaks.When your around a particular woman too long who is giving you constant sex you have a "pvssy fog " that clouds your judgment and you don't see things that you would normally see if you weren't so close to her so you can make better judgement calls about the direction of the relationship on a "clarity break" (3 or 4 days)


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
Yes, traditional dating puts you on their turf. Not fun. However if you're already in the habit of going out regularly, inviting a lady to join you, is different. You are the one who is going out, she is just company/tagging along.

Putting your self on women's turf is an invitation for them to take advantage, and walk all over you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Why play a game where it is heavily rigged against men in favor the females.
Only if you're a retard believing in monogamy and bringing the state into your ltr via common law or marriage.

What you forget is that, the wall awaits, her fertility is failing her, and you're smv rises in time assuming you are not on phaghitree.

The game changer being, new girls are turning 18 everyday. Come @me bro.

In conclusion, the best route for any men is MGTOW.
MGTOW is only halfway there. Going your own way is a good thing assuming it's rooted in 'purpose' and not cowardice. This post reeks of cowardice.

You sir are failing. I am not sure what you are looking for. Sympathy? A box of tissue to dry those tears? Nobody cares.

Deida, way of the superior man, a woman isn't your purpose. This is the path. Red pill or blue pill. You're experiencing red pill awareness. You acknowledge that, women are skiing down cawk mountain, are running through Chad's, and having bastard children out of wedlock.

I can't give you a path. I can just tell you that, anger and resentment is useless. It's futile. It offers no value.

Musk puts in 80 hr work weeks. He's terraforming Mars. He is getting baes. If that dudes putting in 80 hours a week, you have no time for this low test cuckholdry rubbish.

Yes. Divorce and family courts are a nightmare. Marriage is retarded. Playing house with cratered smv is retarded.

The word Men is used far too loosely these days. With such low levels of test, I question the merit lol

Go get baes. Casually even. More importantly, CALL ALL IN ON YOUR PURPOSE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Sure a monk mode of three days in between plates I can see,but monk modes lasting months are just plain ridiculous,even during your small break you should be talking to new women online at least.
It depends. if a man is a thirst bucket... he needs to sort himself out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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All of which is in perfect alignment with Sosuave

adjective: suave; comparative adjective: suaver; superlative adjective: suavest
  1. (especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant.
    "all the waiters were suave and deferential"
    synonyms: charming, sophisticated, debonair, urbane, polished, refined, poised, self-possessed, dignified, civilized, gentlemanly, gallant; More
    smooth, polite, well mannered, civil, courteous, affable, tactful, diplomatic
    "your clothes should show what a suave man you are"
    antonyms: unsophisticated


Jan 14, 2018
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MGTOW are a bunch of fvckin losers in my opinion.Women have not changed one iota and have been the way they are since the beginning of time.I enjoy the mental part of the game as much as the physical.I have done very well without a social circle my only objective with women is to have fun and get laid.MGTOW men are either weak or ugly or lazy and don't need to be spreading their seed anyway for the good of the species.
It's a path borne out of being butthurt and not getting past it.

Life is full of risks. U either face it or run away with ur tail between ur legs and howl at the moon to the injustice women throw ur way.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I just saw a girl I banged eh about 6-7 years ago. She had a baby last year. Fvck guys, she used to be soooo Cute (the most amazing, at the time I thought, endless eyes that'd never go dull or bad - she was captivating in her EYES). She used to have this 'look' about her that set her apart from just about ALL other women. She didn't have the best body (big but shapely as5), decent t!ts, not very tall at 5'6" I'd guess (I like tall women cause I'm tall). She was a very good kisser - I could have seen myself giving her that baby and her being my wife at the time.

NOW, she'd just average and looks NOTHING like I remember her even from 2 years ago. She's changed a Ton since the baby. A lot more "plump" and I don't think that she'll be able to lose it either (she'll NEVER regain her shape from her just-3-to4-years-younger-years. It's sad that she can't Stay the Same as she was when I made love to her that summer. She was christian small-town girl but a large tat of a cross on her back. Seriously. Now, she's Just another woman, nothing special. The light has gone out in her eyes. She wears a lot of lipstick/makeup (before she wore hardly any). Baby-making has wrecked havoc on her body, eyes, face, beauty. It's just damn how quick a female can drop in value - it can happen in less than a year. She's late 20s now. I guess her stock declined at 28. That's when she had her first baby. She knew she had to get busy with kids or else so she finally did. Of course, that was the end of her beauty. Now, the dude who did the deed, no tellin what # guy he was in her life, but I wager he wasn't even the 11th or 12th, probably 20-sumthingieth. So you make a baby, you'd better plan on sticking with her for life despite her destroyed looks biologically.

That makes it so hard for us guys. The quickness at which a female descends. It can happen in less than a year, then you're stuck with her. I've seen so many women come and go. Flashes in pans. Hardly ANY age gracefully (because of their wayward haphazard SILLY ways about them - the girls' nights out etc etc etc). They'll still get drilled cause so many, even Chads, are pvssy-starved, but it's pathetic for the dude succumbing and doing the drilling of females whose beauty has been wrecked by child-birth. Very few don't get distorted to a substantial degree.

Going your own way always. Females go off in many different "ways," like a bottle rocket shooting off from the ground or some other missile fireworks, it's very hard to determine their destination. Stay firm in your destination (hopefully comfortable in Cash or means or food, water, and shelter - you do not want to be homeless young or old - I see way too many Men holding signs at corners where I live and I live in a good place).


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I take what I call "clarity breaks".I have been with numerous BPD women to know to take clarity breaks.When your around a particular woman too long who is giving you constant sex you have a "pvssy fog " that clouds your judgment and you don't see things that you would normally see if you weren't so close to her so you can make better judgement calls about the direction of the relationship on a "clarity break" (3 or 4 days)
Now this is a better alternative then monk mode.

Going monk mode = self emasculated


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Agree 100 percent.

I especially like the “soft” MGTOW clarification. Because pure MGTOW would imply avoiding women completely (except as necessary for say business).

Soft MGTOW is definitely the way to go in 2018 for most guys.
That's monk-mode version of MGTOW isn't it? Then there is always the "incel" category as well, which means you are not really avoiding women, except for business, they are ignoring you and taking on Chads instead.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Monk mode is excessive in my opinion, I fully support the "ready to drop her" mindset as much as the quit when its no longer funny yet an obsessive attempt to do without them is not any different than an obsessive attempt to get one.

Cost/benefits ratio and rate of return should be what decides out behaviour..and lets not forget to put a "stop-loss" if we got it wrong and she is a mistake, better to accept being wrong and cut the losses than to insist in an attempt to make a broken clock to work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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Monk mode is excessive in my opinion, I fully support the "ready to drop her" mindset as much as the quit when its no longer funny yet an obsessive attempt to do without them is not any different than an obsessive attempt to get one.

Cost/benefits ratio and rate of return should be what decides out behaviour..and lets not forget to put a "stop-loss" if we got it wrong and she is a mistake, better to accept being wrong and cut the losses than to insist in an attempt to make a broken clock to work.
I think the comparison between women and investment is a relatively good one. What kills investors more than anything else is their lack of a rational approach... their emotions get the better of them, they can not restrain them, and they buy and sell at the wrong time.

In the barbarous culture between the sexes today, we have to resort to something like 'The Art of War' [which is often used to enlighten the investor's mindset in a free market]. It's all about the restraint of fickle passions... and going 'monk-mode' may be a means of gaining that control. You may not become a monk, but you will be in a much better position of strength..


Aug 22, 2017
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Why play a game where it is heavily rigged against men in favor the females. A 2/10 female has more bargaining power than a 7/10 male in the game. All a female has to do is put on makeup and make herself available and she can find a mate like. However, if a guy does not possess the looks to basically get day gamed by women in public or is not in a social circle that gives him access to truly single available women(not already emotionally/sexually attached to some guy that will not commit) then he is left to fight for scraps in the battle royale wilderness with all the other countless single men. In addition, Chad will eventually lose at this game. He might be winning big now, but eventually he will fall off because he will eventually commit and become your typical beer gutted former hs jock in a sales position, suffer the negative effects of constantly having an extroverted party lifestyle, or the girl will just dump him for another Chad. You can continue to play this pointless dating game and constantly come up with contradicting theories on what attracts women, but that's on you lol. In conclusion, the best route for any men is MGTOW.
lol whenever i see some mgtow video the guy is fat af but you are right partially

still - i like working out, then looking in the mirror and seeing that godly ripped look (althrough im not there yet, i will be someday) - im not doing it for females i absolutely love it. you can get a lot of female attention just by having good body. so its not like you are playing any game, you just workout your body for yourself and the fact women like it is just an addon. sure some guys might hate gym and do it only for females but I love it


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I think the comparison between women and investment is a relatively good one. What kills investors more than anything else is their lack of a rational approach... their emotions get the better of them, they can not restrain them, and they buy and sell at the wrong time.

In the barbarous culture between the sexes today, we have to resort to something like 'The Art of War' [which is often used to enlighten the investor's mindset in a free market]. It's all about the restraint of fickle passions... and going 'monk-mode' may be a means of gaining that control. You may not become a monk, but you will be in a much better position of strength..
Exactly. You may currently be operating out of a position of weakness or lack . All the women in your life may be using you as a friend and not a lover like bigdave17.

Sometimes you need to break to reestablish your image, your purpose and your relationships. Your boundaries may change with no tricking and no ho chasing put into place . And coming out of monk mode you will institute a policy of no validaton towards women without sexual validation for you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
That's monk-mode version of MGTOW isn't it? Then there is always the "incel" category as well, which means you are not really avoiding women, except for business, they are ignoring you and taking on Chads instead.
Yes, technically full MGTOW would be monk mode. That’s ok as a temporary measure, but I wouldn’t recommend it long-term.

Yes, incels are obviously avoided by women. The other side of the coin is some incels don’t even try to interact with women because they are very afraid of being branded as creepy. It’s the whole, “I know my place. I know you’re gonna think I’m creepy because I’m awkward and not Chad. I’ll do the respectful thing that you (women) want and avoid you completely.”


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Yes, technically full MGTOW would be monk mode. That’s ok as a temporary measure, but I wouldn’t recommend it long-term.

Yes, incels are obviously avoided by women. The other side of the coin is some incels don’t even try to interact with women because they are very afraid of being branded as creepy. It’s the whole, “I know my place. I know you’re gonna think I’m creepy because I’m awkward and not Chad. I’ll do the respectful thing that you (women) want and avoid you completely.”
I think these terms MGTOW and monk mode should be understood as more than outward behavior. They should be thought of as primarily attitudes that are more concerned about a discipline of the self. Once the self is sorted, this should give you more flexibility and more options. It should not be directed against women.... or anti-women... it's aim is not to be free from something, but more free to do something or not.

Perhaps this is where the so-called 'incels' go wrong. They get angry, and stay just obsessed with women as the bro chasing all the hoes.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2018
Reaction score
A new term is needed for men that focus firstly on achieving their purpose/goals etc...and place women as secondary accessories to our lives.

MGTOW seems to want to purposely avoid women. Far too many of us (not SS but in general) place our happiness outside of ourselves. This is wrong and potentially catastrophic. As men we are creators, explorers, builders, etc. These things give us purpose. With purpose comes confidence and inner happiness. With a solid foundation then and only then can we truly enjoy the "gaming" of women. I think that is what MGTOW tries to accomplish with a few FA's taking it to the far extreme.

MGTOW hence is a mindset not a set of rules or a pendulum to swing on. It's the inner game component of MGTOW that should be extracted and placed as the forefront to "gaming women".

Most guys can get laid(standards aside)...but how many of us can say we are truly living our best life.

Excuse the rambling (caffeine).