Why play a game where it is heavily rigged against men in favor the females. A 2/10 female has more bargaining power than a 7/10 male in the game. All a female has to do is put on makeup and make herself available and she can find a mate like. However, if a guy does not possess the looks to basically get day gamed by women in public or is not in a social circle that gives him access to truly single available women(not already emotionally/sexually attached to some guy that will not commit) then he is left to fight for scraps in the battle royale wilderness with all the other countless single men. In addition, Chad will eventually lose at this game. He might be winning big now, but eventually he will fall off because he will eventually commit and become your typical beer gutted former hs jock in a sales position, suffer the negative effects of constantly having an extroverted party lifestyle, or the girl will just dump him for another Chad. You can continue to play this pointless dating game and constantly come up with contradicting theories on what attracts women, but that's on you lol. In conclusion, the best route for any men is MGTOW.
I could say both: Yes and No, reading your post. Read for example
Sex, Love and Relationships, that post put some light and explain "how stuff works between males and females in any relationship".
What I want to say is that you are right in most things you said but a conclusion is not ok if you ask me. We need women, and they need us on same, actually on the different way, but they need us.
For example, you say "
A 2/10 female has more bargaining power than a 7/10 male in the game. All a female has to do is put on makeup and make herself available and she can find a mate like." and that is 101% true. Women at same base levels will try to attract as many men as she can, that is in their nature, larger audience = better chances for best male in the group.
Their mind simply functioning on that way, and we should not be mad at them. We are men and we should be leaders in the dating and every other game with women and we should "stop dating" or something similar. We just need to accept "games rules". For example, I had luck with women from age 15-16, and didn't have any problem, ok I am very good looking, educated, played basketball, etc, etc, but point is that in those younger ages I could have almost any girl I wanted. 10 or more years later, same those girls would be with me again, but I am looking 10 years younger girls, who want to full around or a date with older guys but I was struggling in some time to understand why it is not so easy like 10 years ago since I had and have the same approach. Then I found out that I totally forgot "money factor", when added that in the game everything was like it should be...
I gave you this example just to try to convince that women are like they were always been, and on us (men) is to understand and play game, on that way we can win. Many Times...
Conclusion are words of great Sun Tzu: "
Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril!"