So, anyway, give a shot to my other question: "what would a health sexuality look like?" How about in a individual or in a society or both? Or even start with a better one "what is sexuality?"
Life is a Gift
We hold from Nature the gift which includes all others. This gift is life- physical, mental, and social life.
But life cannot maintain itself alone. Life has been given marvelous faculties to recreate itself, to grow, and to continue on Nature’s cycle. Just as Nature has given fire to the cosmos so it can render itself again, with supernovas, with suns, with stunning explosions of life, so too has Nature given her earthly creatures the same fire of stars. This
tool for earthly creatures to render themselves again is called
What is Sexuality?
The answer is obvious. Or is it? Is it lust? Is it pleasure? What is this sexuality whose name makes men tremble, mothers shriek, and is the ultimate political question for this century?
It is Nature’s tool for creating life. But I do not mean procreation, as that would be too simple. The combination of sperm and egg create only the
physical life. Science can confirm this. But science cannot tell us what makes art, or what is the path for Human happiness.
Because of these limitations, we must look beyond and examine history, literature, art, religion,
To define sexuality as merely intercourse is as erroneous as to define society as merely a transaction. Just as society extends well beyond the trading of goods, so too does sexuality extend beyond the bedroom. It wasn’t too long ago when sexuality was in language, was in clothing, was in male and female behaviors, and in the arts. Only today, when men do not know how to be men, and women do not know how to be women, does this question concern us.
Sexuality’s Extensions
We are born into a gender of one we did not choose. Like it or not, Nature has divided us up into male and female. But this division has purpose for it is necessary for Nature to continue her process of life.
Life thrives not because it obeys philosophy, art, and science. To the contrary, it is the fact that life thrives in the first place which allowed philosophy, art, and science to exist as faculties and mirrors. They are obedient to life; life is not obedient to them.
Harmony of Sexuality
When life is prioritized, one’s life ebbs and flows through a cycle, of youth, of courtship, of marriage, of children, of grandchildren, and so on. Sexuality is not merely the attraction and interplay between the sexes, it is the cycle of life itself.
It is absurd for young men to be scared of desiring young women. It is just as absurd (and disgusting) for old men to prey on women.
Like it or not, life follows a cycle. When we get older, we cannot ‘free’ ourselves by being young. Our young days are already past. We cannot ‘free’ our lustful days by playing the role of the philosopher, that role comes later. No, the cycle must be obeyed.
Those who rebel against it will find their lives entering a state of hell, of which they cannot pinpoint the source. And, oddly, those who embrace such cycle will find their lives unfolding in joy.
Who would argue that Nature intends for us to possess joy at being lustful in one age, at being a father/mother in another age, at being a child in one age, and so on?
When such cycle of sexuality occurs, not only does one’s life feels correct, but a societal ripple occurs. Your parents looked after you, your grandparents smiled behind their backs. Soon, you will look after your children, and your parents become grandparents. As one generation blends into another, a geneology is formed which shows the triumph of your family name.
Sexuality is morality. With this, the ‘morals’ become not law codified decrees but compass marks for life.
Perversion of Sexuality
How, then, does sexuality and life get perverted? It is when people force themselves to obey a philosophy (or art, or science) at the expense of life. However, the perverted individual will not see himself as extinguishing his flame of life, he will see the
philosophy as life (or art, or science). Once this occurs, he will be amiss to understand why he is so unhappy, why his world seems out of control, and so clings tighter to his perversion to get himself out. How common is it that a frustrated philosopher keeps on philosophizing? Or the frustrated artist keeps wallowing in on his work? Or the unhappy scientist takes a trip to Antarctica or a lab to ‘solve’ his frustrations?
We must submit our ways toward life. It is only then that philosophy ceases to become sterile, that art becomes immortal, and science becomes useful.
The "Don Juan in Hell" polarizes this so correctly. In the play, Heaven is 'life worshipping', Hell is anything but life worshipping.
To Don Juan or not to Don Juan is not the matter before us. Rather, the matter is to follow life or not to follow life.
There is an ebb and flow to life, one that is beyond your control. Most guys are here because they did
not pursue women when they were younger. They probably focused on other interests.
However, Nature has other ideas. Melancholy increases within them until they act.
Just as this urge, all of a sudden, came to be with women came from nowhere, so too will others. One day, you will probably want to settle down and have a family. An
internal pressure will come from within you.
Shakespeare despised melancholy people. I can see why. If you are unhappy,
something is wrong. If you look at happy couples and feel a burning within you,
something is wrong.
People attempt to rationalize this new unhappiness in their lives: "I NEED a girlfriend." Actually, having the girl is not the problem. The real problem is that you are in war with yourself. You are cutting yourself off from emotions, from dreams, from desires that you have.
This is the source of the unhappiness.
Everyone has their dreams. What happens is that they will project those dreams
of themselves onto other people they believe are successful. I understand this far too well. Many people paint me in the most elaborate brush. The truth is that what they imagine of me is actually themselves, their dream seperated from the day. People so love imagining don juans because they see themselves as that.
Guys are not scared of women, they are scared of themselves. Nice Guys do not hate Jerks, they actually hate themselves.
"I need success in the REAL WORLD." There is no world, it is just
your world. You can study the 'real world' all you want with its evolution theories, seduction techniques, so on and so on, but you will still be in front of your computer. By uniting your 'soul', your mind, your dreams, to reality, you finally become awake in this world, no longer scared of yourself.
You blink, feeling like you have just come out of a deep sleep, that you are now finally
It's because you are. Most people sleepwalk through lives, dreaming the same dreams they always have. But now you are
finally being yourself!
For you have united dream and day.