Here's the breakdown from the Ladies' locker room:
Why this happened: Complete incongruence on your part as da dynamically and Konada have both indicated. You were cool & smooth in person and humping her leg via
text after sex. Not good. This casts you as poser who can play cool/player but really is eager beaver with nothing else going on. Please don't take my comments as put downs to you
@narcissist as I am being absolutely point blank blunt how this comes across to a woman.
Why is this my analysis? Your text game shows you had nothing better to do then beg her to go out with you, so she started backpedaling. Here are particulars based on the messages.
1. Do not call a woman "Miss Pamela", who is she, a princess? That is subtle pedestalization. Notice how she is not addressing you in a similarly elevated way Mr. Narcissist?
2. Notice how you were pushing for another get together the very next day? Way too fast/Impatient. Incongruent to your in person presentation that got you laid. You are a man with options, therefore you must exhibit patience/indifference. A man with options is never pushing for a second date the next day, rather he is savoring the experience and weighing his options! A better play would have been to text "Really enjoyed last night, busy next few days. Will be in touch." then go silent for a couple days. Rather you came off as a stage 5 clinger.
3. Look at how you handled the time thing. You are asking for the afternoon, (she flakes) then you are asking for 6pm (she flakes), then you are asking for 9pm (she flakes again). She is now giving you the dog ate my homework excuse for not seeing you and you are still trying to confirm a date. *Awkward.* Next time bail on the set at the first flake (afternoon times don't mesh or whatever). Your response when she backed off the afternoon meetup should have been: "No worries. I'm busy later. Will be in touch." Right now she also thinks you are over eager to get laid again. That works against you while she works out the whole shame thing in the first 48 hours.
You gotta be patient, somewhat unavailable, and let her rationalize that sex that quickly was a good idea in her own mind. If you give her the chance (assuming she likes you)
she will convince herself IN YOUR ABSENCE. But you didn't give her the gift of that opportunity. Don't make that mistake next time.
4. Too dam many words as already stated. There is an oft stated axiom that "Brevity is the soul of wit." (Shakespeare, the wise old bas tard) I realize it is ironic for me (wordy as I tend to be around here) to say that, but its utterly true. In trying to be clever and witty you have come off as trying too hard.
Let her double or triple text you. So what? You have options. She can wait until you reach out again in a few days. You are not under obligation to respond to every inconsequential text she sends. Let her WONDER about you and what else you have going on.
So in short, Incongruence and Zero Mystery after Sex, which makes you look not so bueno.
If you want to play with salvaging this, wait 3 or 4 days and hit her up with "I'm going to (enter an activity here) later today. Join me." If she responds with a maybe or silence at that point, then it's blown, but if you get a bite, be direct and to the point, but bail if the flakiness starts again. You have to get her out in person again, but it may be too far gone. Live & learn.