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Techniques like Neg-hits are False!


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Wuwd, your understanding is more glitchy than a broken VCR. This goes for many more of you too.

C+F.... this is supposed to be ****y and FUNNY. As in, if you aren't making a chick laugh, you are not doing it right!!!!!

Neg-hits are supposed to be like teasing your little sister, not making some really stupid insulting comment...

Get it right and stop making posts using your own misunderstandings as a basis of what you think is refuting tried and true DJ techs...

Good post BBB!


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
In case y'all haven't noticed, it has ALWAYS been said that this forum misunderstands neg-hits. Guys like SexPDX have been saying that for a long time.

You should only use neg-hits on superhotl b*tches who think that they are "all that". I got the impression that neg-hits are something to differentiate you from the other guys who would take her b*tchyness up the ass from a girl like that.

Besides, there is no one "technique" or "way" that will work EVERYWHERE. Picking up girls in class at HS, is different than picking up girls at parties, is different from picking up girls at clubs, etc., etc., etc.

The REASON people push this "mindset" mantra, is because that is the ONLY thing that remains when you peel off all of the "situation", it is the underlying cause.

Also, how you feel, is more IMPORTANT than anything. If given the choice between being HAPPY and having SEX, I would choose to be happy. (Although, sometimes, they overlap! ;) )

The main purpose of women is not sex, it is MAKING YOU HAPPY.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
thumbs up icepick.

Too bad most of the guys need to get laid many times to realize this.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2002
Reaction score
True that icepick,

A lot of people pick quick pleasure over happiness. Be happy guys.. there is so much in the world to be happy about.

Guys, C+F is all about having a fun attitude. Its not something you should try and 'act' like.. Its just being fun and playful.. don't be rude, don't be arrogant, just be playful and make jokes. Its like sexual innuendo.. your just playfully flirting.. I tease girls about somethings, but always in a fun way, never put her down.. i just joke about how good looking I am. that is not being conceited, that is having FUN with yourself. And as it turns out women love this.

****y is defined as mild over-confidence. Mild. Not a ****y prick. Just thinking of yourself very positively, which you should be doing anyways. Be playful guys, it aint hard..


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
drow, i think i've found an answer to my "why do girls call me *******" question. :p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 7, 2002
Reaction score
Cloud 9.
HangTen3000: I've found the worst things about me and got rid of em. Notice how I'm not pushy
That is an arrogant statement too, fortunately, the girl you were talking to is clearly too dumb to realise it.

What you said was "I bet my little sister could whoop you"
Sorry guy but that isn't a neg-hit either.

As for the rest of your post, I am inclined to disagree. Don't get me wrong, I don't entirely disagree.

You've got it right, techniques, manipulation, aren't the end all. They are not the magic, they are merely things you wear to trick the girl into being attracted to you. However, just like Mr. Fingers said, you cannot just wake up with the enlightened transcendal DJ mind set.

These techniques, these masks that are worn, are much like Final Fantasy 9 items. Yes. That's right, Final Fantasy 9. You wear these masks, and the more you wear them, the more experience gained with them on, the more the skills that accompany the masks join you, become you.

And then you take the mask off. However, your personality has changed. You're different now. You don't even try to use the skills, yet women flock to you. The false-confidence the mask provided has become true confidence. The ****y & funny is no longer something you meddle yourself with, as now you are a naturally humorous guy.

One who uses the tools isn't a DJ. He is on his path to transcendance. There is no short-cut to this. There is no way around it.

I'm sorry, but you have failed to rock my world.

edit: fixed an easycode
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Originally posted by Eventide

I'm sorry, but you have failed to rock my world.
Probably because you basically understand it already? Could that be a reason?


The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Sebastian... even when you know... you really never know ;).

Let's see what we have here shall we:

there are VERY FEW hard line tips in the Don Juan Bible! Most of them revolve around mindset.
Sebastian makes a point that I must say I agree with... hence the reason as to why, I have rarely ever posted anything on a particular "technique"and have posted many things on mindset. Granted... mindset may be little without the proper technique... however, technique is much more useless, without the proper mindset. Let's continue.

Do NOT do C+F and Neg-hits!
I'll address this in a second...

****y is seen as overconfident. Overconfident = conceited, and conceited turns girls off. Years of experience has proven this to me.
This is where the quandry lies... the quandry of this post lies in this exact statement right here: This is where the mindset comes in over the technique. Remember... this is coming from a real, live, overconfident human being. If you were a confident human being, especially a overconfident one (truly)... what other people "thought" of you would concern you in very little capacity. Since when did women become such a high authority that we should refrain from being certain ways because it "turns them off." Who gives a damn... girls do a bunch of things that turn me off... if they can't deal with my arrogance then they can kiss my ass.

Now... let me advocate one thing very clearly: I only blame people for being the way that they are for one reason: if they are being it to please other people. That's why I don't feel sorry for nice guys. Nice guys don't really want to be nice guys... they want to be nice guys to please women.

This is where you're conversation comes in: Now to change for the betterment of yourself is one thing... but come on Sebastian... please tell me I am reading this wrong...

"Notice how I'm not pushy" (Does it matter if she notices or not?)

"I put myself in your shoes: "why doesnt this guy shut up about himself?" (Why does it matter?)

"I made you mad quite a few times too"
(Again... why does it matter?)

One thing I always tell myself when I start to feel that human need for approval creeping in... I say, "Remember Diamond... the only person who has to look at yourself in the mirror every morning... is you." All of these people's opinion that you alter your character for will not be with you in the mirror... either change yourself for you... or don't change at all.

Someone answer the question: WHY would you want to bring a woman DOWN to your level? Why not bring yourself to their level!
Here's a better question: Why is there even a level?

Let's move on to the Negative Hit example that you provide us with Sebastian. Remember what I said earlier... "Mindset may be little without the proper techique... but techique is useless without the proper mindset. Understand this guys... with the right attitude, you can say whatever the hell you want... and get away with it. Whenever I say something brash with little confidence... it sounds arrogant. Whenever I say something brash with my usual overconfidence... It still sounds arrogant... but people will let it go. Is everyone going to like the things that I say all of the time... of course not. But in my opinion... I rather make noisy enemies than silent ones. Being stabbed in the front hurts a lot less... with a Teflon vest.

just want you to remember that you are a unique individual, a special person who does not need to use a bunch of techniques to attract women.
We would agree here...

The idea of using techniques is bad! Techniques often times fail. You will over-analyze what you are trying to do and fail miserably. You must quit the overconfidence and your insults mixed with humor. Be genuinely funny, and keep at the kino! You’re sure to succeed.
Not necessarily... with the right mindset... techniques can be extraordinary. That's like saying... I have the mindset to be a surgeon... but screw the training and I just want to start cutting people open... wrong answer. Second, do not knock "overconfidence" as people tend to put it... I do not believe people are overconfident, I merely believe that too many of us are so unconfident that when we actually witness a human being with real confidence... we call them overconfident.

make the girl feel good.
Why is that important again?

Most women, especially younger ones in High School, even in college, cannot take a joke.
Sounds like their personal problem...

Keep being a great guy who can make people laugh, be the person people can talk to. Make lots of friends, make them your allies.
I can make people laugh, and I am a person that people can talk to... but I do not have a lot of friends nor a lot of allies for a good reason... for in this world, we are all actors and as I stated before... I would rather have noisy enemies, than silent ones.

I know I'm running a little long... (aren't I always? ;)) Brazilian... you always make me proud!

In closing I say this: the best advice that I could ever give anyone... is to live your life how you want it, when you want it, and the way you want it. Not many people ever achieved greatness by worrying about how they were perceived by others. Instead... they had their vision, learned the rules, followed the rules until they could bend the rules. Bend the rules, so they could break the rules... in order to change the rules. At that point... everyone who has ever achieved major greatness... became the rules.

I also wrote a post similar to this one...

The Matrix: Revolution™


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
I must agree with some of the others, WUWD, i haven't seen a good example of a neghit yet.

Also, that conversation you posted didnt seem so hot either :\

My interpretation of a neghit is this: Its a funny/different way of saying "You arent perfect, but its okay."

however from your post I judge that you take a neghit to mean simply "you arent perfect," which is still a crucial step in the process, but the "its okay" part is equally important.

I havent even used neghits OPENLY on girls. Not the really NEGATIVE ones like you posted, practical insults.

The only time I have EVER said anything have as mean as what you type is when i was in drivers ed.

I came in and this blonde preppy bimbo sparked my attention.

So i sat down, and continued to get the attention of the class with just silly, but pretty funny remarks to the teacher.

I got a head turn from her, so I smiled and got an eyeroll and a smile from her.

Then, i made a big deal about filling out the information sheet for drivers ed.

just blurting out random comments, and asking the people at my table the things like "so what color are my eyes?whats this mean?how tall am i?"

So then no one could guess how tall i was, and the last time i got measured was like in 7th grade, so i decided to ask the teacher.

i yell out "hey, how tall do I look? :)" and half the class looks at me.

So the teacher comes over and tells me to stand up, looks at me and then tells me Im about 6'0 6'1'' somewhere in there.

Then at this point, the blonde bimbo turns around and says

"just about too tall for my dating range"

and so i make that little "sneeze-laugh" noise and shoulder shrug thing, you know what i mean, makes that "pfft!" sound.

so i go "pfft! haha, who said you were in mine?"

and she turns around and is like "what did he say? what'd he say? what did YOU SAY?"

i tell her "you heard me :)"

this isnt a neg hit either but it was a negative "hit" on her, and it worked, throughout the whole class she kept spinning a round asking my table ****, talking to them, all sorts of little attention getting stuff.

I kept interrupting and being PLAYFULLY rude to her, saying things like "no, you cant, now go away"

"would you shut up!? i cant hear anything"

"look, i dont wanna get hit by someone like you while im driving, so can you pay attention?"

"turn around! *gesture to her* and leave my table alone, your table not good enough for you?"

all this while having a ****y smile and a confidant attitude. half playfully half seriously.

Then I made her do things for me! I told her to go get me paper cuz i didnt have any (i was too lazy to reach into my backpack :)), then i told her buy me a notebook folder thing for drivers ed, and all of this while sitting at a table of chicks was giving me major points with them.

At some point during the week, she tried neghitting me!

I answered some thing right and she was like

"hey good job!"
"want a cookie?"
"..sure :)"
"well the snack machine is right behind you!" *with a barbie GOT YOU! attitude*

I about had a heart attack i laughed so hard at her. She was all red and blushing, and then she got some answer right and i just teased her a bit more with "hey, want a cookie? ;)"

By the time the first break of drivers ed started I could have EASILY got her number, i even managed to get some kino in, while moving her chair out of the isle telling her i couldnt get past her ass.

I didnt particularly care for her however, she was about a 7 on looks and had the *****yness of a 9.5 (she came from a redneck school full of "butch" ugly girls, so i guess she was the only looker there, so violla! the b1tchyness)

However by the time drivers ed was halfway down, she was telling people I was her boyfriend!

I was like "hahahahaha, sure babes" with a tone of voice that obviously points out her BS.

I was extremely ****y and funny with her. Not just funny to her, but to the table of girls I was sitting with, to whom i have been relatively nice. One of them even told me

"you cant be so mean to girls! you have to tell them nice things"
my reply was something like "so... tell me more about your experience with seducing women.. id love to know what you do :D"

Unfortunately she wasnt bisexual and didnt have anything to share :\

My point is, ****Y AND FUNNY is completely different from ARROGANT.


"I am sexy, look at me, not only that but i am rich." In a tone of voice and facial expression that makes you feel worse because of him.

****y and Funny:

"I am sexy, look at me! :) but not only that, I am rich ;)" With the kind of expression that says "come and enjoy it with me" and makes the listener actualy feel BETTER by being in the presence of this great guy. You can literally feel his awesomeness rub off on you!

That is the ultimate goal to being a great guy.

Not to have people be jealous of you because you are so much better then them, but to look at you as someone who makes them better, just by being with you.

You being ****y and funny makes her want to be with your secure and humorous self.

Your neg hits help her realize who she really is, and help her act more like the REAL person she is.

and all of this BS about "bring her down to your level"


is this that book "the time machine" where us guys are the horrible scary monsters living under ground and women are some heavenly creatures walking "above" us?


Dammit! bring her UP to YOUR LEVEL.

The basics behind my perception of neghitting and C&F:

"hey, look, this is where you are, i am aware of this, but i still approached you. Now, look where i am, much higher then you, so what i want is for you to climb up here and be with me."

thats all the mindset you need for having success with these concepts.



Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
Second, do not knock "overconfidence" as people tend to put it... I do not believe people are overconfident, I merely believe that too many of us are so unconfident that when we actually witness a human being with real confidence... we call them overconfident.
You got me here! That ties into conceited to the girl. I thought I would merely abandon the whole thing. Good thing you pointed this out.

There are many ways to look at this. I made it that way. It's very open to interpretation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Oreo, your convo example is EXACTLY what i do!!:D Want a cookie?? hahaha....thats my favorite thing along with the good job. I usually like to add a, im proud of you. HAHAH i love it, I love me, I own joO. Call that arrogant if you please, yet, its just me being really ****y ;)

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
Oreo.... that post deserves a standing ovation man! Nice examples used too.....

"so... tell me more about your experience with seducing women.. id love to know what you do "

Unfortunately she wasnt bisexual and didnt have anything to share :\


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
nu juru
Nice reply guys-

1) If you are using neg-hints on an average looking girl, expect neg restults. Girls who are not "goddesses" are not full of confidence, and they WILL take neg-hints the wrong way. Trust me dawg, i learned from experience more then once.. Neg-hints are only to be used on girls who are a 9-10 on the rating scale. They are full of confidence and you have to bring THOSE GIRLS down with neg-hints.

2) Also-why would you ask a girl how she likes the new you? We learned never to take advice from girls about how u act around girls (AFC!) lol, dont trust waht they say, girls think they want a nice guy..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!
I havn't read any of the replies thus far, and I dont plan to. All I am going to say is: you obviously don't understand either of those concepts. For more clarification pm or im me. I gotta get to soccer :-\


Master Don Juan
Aug 14, 2001
Reaction score
In regards to neg-hits, I think the whole pedestal she is on is only really there in her mind. That's what makes it extremely difficult to 'raise' yourself to her level because it'd have nothing to do with changing you, it'd have everything to do with changing her self-image. If you find a girl who thinks that she's all that, trying to show her that you're all that also all that would come off as desperate and pathetic in my books at least. I think neg-hits are good. As with almost everything you just have to know how and when to use them. I think the problem lies mostly in the fact that people don't fully understand neg-hits and how to use them.

Something I think is a big misconception on this board about using 'techniques' is that they make you mechanical or something. Think of techniques like moves in a sport, I'll use basketball as an example. You learn a bunch of fakes, cross-overs and different kinds of footwork and cuts which are all different basketball techniques. You practice them and use them until they become natural and a part of your game and you don't even have to think about what to do because you'll just do it. The same can be said about these 'DJ techniques'. What seems to be preached now is don't learn or practice the techniques because you'll come off as mechanical which is a very short term view. Given time and practice things will go smoother. Just like in my example, the first couple times you try a cross over or something the other guy might totally see it coming and burn you but if you keep at it you'll get better and it'll be more smooth and polished. Same with these techniques.

As for ****y and funny, I don't think it's such a bad thing if it's alot more funny then ****y. I think something else that everyone should defianetly do or have the ability to do is being able to do is poke fun at themselves, that is a great way to diffuse a ****y image and promote a funner, easy going image. Just don't go overboard with it (same goes for C&F)

Anyways that's just my view on the subject, I don't think things are as bad as everyone seems to want to make them out to be.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
hmmm, this is a tough one, but as BBB said, an intelligent post deserves an intelligent reply :D

C+F and neghits are the most misinterpreted concept in the DJ Bible. The reason is because they've been so exaggerated, and stretched, that they've lost their original meaning.

****y is when YOU KNOW you are great. You know what a great definition of ****y is? It's having so much confidence you don't have to assert it. It has **NOTHING** to do with self-absorbtion. That seems to be what the girl was disliking in your convo. It has **NOTHING** to do with always talking about yourself or how great you are. Confident people don't talk about how great they are. You know why? Because they don't care if other people think they're confident. By SAYING you are confident, you are instead declaring your insecurity.

Neghits are way overrated. Neghits can only be used with certain girls. Which girls?
The ones who get approached by so many guys, who have armies of men at their fingertips, ready to bend over at her every whim. These women who have their ego's so high they believe men were put on earth to supplicate their needs.
ONLY THESE women should have neghits used on them. Why? Because by neghitting THESE women, you declare that you are not one of her puppets, that you are not fooled by her alluring curves and well-made-up face. It is VERY RARE for girls in HIGH SCHOOL to be like this -- it is generally for the older DJs who go clubbing. The reason is that most girls in high school have not been exposed to that much male supplication - few guys have approached them, and they do not yet know how to fully harness their power.
The reason Neghits are so advocated is because all guys WANT to attract THESE TYPES OF GIRLS -- which is why so many guys swear by it. However, these types of girls are not especially the best, so neghits are not especially the most valuable tool in your DJ kit.

So..... AS A RULE OF THUMB, NEGHITTING IS NOT FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS. It was never inteded for high school, it was intead originally meant for older DJs!


Now, I have a few things to point out.

First off, do not confuse "what a girl likes" with "what guy a girl likes"....... simply because a girl "likes you more" now that you're not "overconfident" does not mean she'd rather sleep with you now than before. What "girls like" is a friend. Period. So your convo with your female friend proves nothing in terms of DJhood (especially since what she is describing is not ****iness as it should be), except that it is easier to make friends when you're not talking about yourself (ahhh the truths of life!)

Second, some girls just can't take jokes. There are girls that are so dense or insecure that jokes about them will trigger their ***** shield. I generally keep away from those chicks. On the other hand, you could just tone down the neghits, or, every time you make a joke and she stares at you, look right back at her and say "I'm joking."
However, for the most part, girls enjoy a bit of teasing. It creates sexual tension. Especially if you can determine that the teasing IS teasing, and not insulting. You do, in this case, have to be careful WHAT you tease ABOUT..... you do not want to hit a nerve.

Now, back to confidence (yes I'm jumping around, I have no logical stream of thought). I have found that the occasional joke where I talk myself up IS effective. However, it must have a few rules...... first, it must be, as I said, *occasional*.... second, people must understand that I have a great sense of humor and joke constantly...... third, it must be in good taste..... and fourth, they must also have a sense of humor :)
An example:
I beat her at a card game.
me: "it's not your fault, I'm just perfect" *with a grin*
her: "Oh shut up (laughing), let's play again
Do not overuse it, or it just becomes annoying and loses its effect. But use it sparingly, and it keeps its freshness, and teh effect remains. What is the effect? It's a little subliminal, but it CREATES IN HER MIND an image that you truly ARE as great as you say.
Humans are so sensitive to other people's opinions (especially girls). That's why advertisements are so effective. One person says a product is good, and suddenly another person who has never tried the product before says "it's good".... without even realizing why they think it's good!
Same thing. By telling a girl you're awesome, she will eventually get this image that you truly are, without remembering or understanding where the image comes from.
But, of course, as I said, it must be used sparingly, or it becomes a joke to her, and has no effect.

Aside from that, however, confidence must NOT BE SPOKEN. Confidence is an ATTITUDE. It's not SAYING "nothing I can't handle", it's actually taking the god damn challenge by the horns and saying "I can handle you, *****". This creates an aura, which girls detect.

AURA. GIRLS ARE SENSITIVE TO AURAS MORE THAN THEY ARE TO ANYTHING YOU CAN SAY ABOUT YOURSELF. When you are great and YOU KNOW IT, you don't have to say anything for the girl to understand it.

OK, I think I've strayed off and this reply is becoming long enough to be a post of its own.... so I'll jsut sum up my points (I think I had points...)

C+F and neghits are simply misunderstood
Neghits should only be used with specific types of girls, which are rare in high school.
****iness should be FELT rather than SPOKEN
Talking about yourself is just ****in stupid.
I rock ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
I like these replies! Very well thought up!

Especially Seloifters!

I KNEW there was something wrong with these techniques, and I merely pointed it out. You guys (majestically) managed to figure it out, and worded it better than I ever could have.

Congratulations. That was the secret goal of this post. Many of you have really come a long way (Except for Girevik).

I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL. Those who made a long, intelligent, analytical reply, I sincerely thank you. You are what made the post great. The post itself sucked. You guys have shown the light. Therefore I think this should go into the bible for educational purposes! I shall edit my foreword accordingly now.

One more thing...
Originally posted by RedBlueOI
I havn't read any of the replies thus far, and I dont plan to. All I am going to say is: you obviously don't understand either of those concepts. For more clarification pm or im me. I gotta get to soccer :-\
You have missed the REAL body of the post. The replies contain the brilliant answers to the thoughts I put out there.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by whatsupwiddat
I like these replies! Very well thought up!

Especially Seloifters!

I KNEW there was something wrong with these techniques, and I merely pointed it out. You guys (majestically) managed to figure it out, and worded it better than I ever could have.

Congratulations. That was the secret goal of this post. Many of you have really come a long way (Except for Girevik).

I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL. Those who made a long, intelligent, analytical reply, I sincerely thank you. You are what made the post great. The post itself sucked. You guys have shown the light. Therefore I think this should go into the bible for educational purposes! I shall edit my foreword accordingly now.

One more thing...
Originally posted by RedBlueOI

You have missed the REAL body of the post. The replies contain the brilliant answers to the thoughts I put out there.
Secret goal of this post was for us to figure something out that you couldn't? Come on man, you need to cover your ass better then that. The lights been there, you just didn't know how to turn on the lamp. Bible material because of the replies? Dude...


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by crazykid
Secret goal of this post was for us to figure something out that you couldn't? Come on man, you need to cover your ass better then that. The lights been there, you just didn't know how to turn on the lamp. Bible material because of the replies? Dude...
Nicely put. And i too have to disagree with your bs wuwd. Making excuses like you made is pathetic. You know like we know there was noe secret goal. Well time 2 life the night life. HOLLA!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!
-One more thing... [Redblueoi]
You have missed the REAL body of the post. The replies contain the brilliant answers to the thoughts I put out there.-

No, I read your post, it was incorrect. It was as if you misread the entire DJB, then misinterprited your misreading, and then used what you *thought* were dj principles as the foundation of your article. I didn't read the replies, and I didn't need to, think before you post.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
