Mostly I'm amazed at how hardened the hearts and minds already of the youth and advancing 20 year olds are. As if reality and the status of the country is firmly entrenched.
Tomb, you're putting the CART before the HORSE. People were here before THE GOVERNMENT. Any government, not just our's. A government is created FOR the people, BY the people, OF the people. In today's global economy, it operates almost 100% autonomously as if it were a corporation TELLING THE CITIZENS what's good for them.
A government is any ruling which gets together to protect the collective interests, needs, and wants of the people. The downfall to democracy is that it's MAJORITY vs MINORITY, so if the majority comprises of 51% of the people, then the other 49% must accept whatever is passed or ruled on. That is still a large % outed. However, at present it's the system that makes sense and seems most equitable at PRESENT.
However, the united states wasn't just HERE and we all immigrated INTO it like present day immigrants. It was FOUNDED and hoped to have been the best form over tyrannies, socialist societies, fascist societies, communist socities and feudal systems.
What is a private companies financial benefit for researching ways to stop the spread of infectious diseases and epidemics? Most of these research projects run in the red and dont come up with a solution to a problem at hand.
Well, let's see curing Cancer? That should drive profits. And my father is on many meds for heart disease and blood pressure, and those aren't cheap either. Financial benefit? Deriving a cure for the disease yields a profit. I don't think you can dispute that the profit would be given to discovered of a cure. If it's a MINOR disease with few contagions, then nobody, not even the gov. is likely to explore cures. But if it's widespread, then it's profitable enough for the drug maker to discover the solution.
I have other beliefs that many diseases coming about, and ones in the past that surfaced were man-made. I know, hard to fathom, but altogether true. They're deriving the solution, wouldn't it seem possible that they also created the problem to continue to validate their existence? No matter if you buy it, if there's profit to be had in solving a widespread epidemic, SOMEONE would do it. If only a handful of people died or were sick from 1 disease, then it's not likely the gov. would even waste time figuring it out.
I am speaking of 1st hand experience here. I could go on about what my parents know from their jobs but its still not personal experience.
Actually, isn't that how interviews are done? Don't we take advice from 1st parties and use that as the basis of much of what we do? I fail to see how his Parent's own experience are discounted because it's NOT first hand? Isn't that better than saying "check this website out," or "my friend..." ? You're not likely to get ANYONE volunteering information on taxes publicly, nor would you get many whistle blowers ready to espouse the truth.
In high school after going out, partying and skipping my chores my parents told me if I didnt like their rules I should leave their house. I moved out after graduating and enlisted in the Army. Same rule applies for this country. If you dont like the rules, no one is holding a gun to your head to stay and pay taxes. Immigrate somewhere else, renounce your US citizenship and live the rest of your life in some other country where you feel that you are getting a better deal. Seems simple enough.
So life has an automatic claim against it? An automatic liability? To a program of which we have no control? Just take my money and I must do as you say? Is that what we fight for?
Have you ever thought for a minute that, just because we're figthing or defending, does the killing or warring balance itself out? That if we're SUPPOSEDLY a nation of good people attack us, and we defend, then retaliate and kill millions, that we'd be better off dying? I would say so. Maybe it's luny, but honestly, WHIPPING out life, because we feel some manifest destiny to it doesn't balance out well.
Defending, fine. Killing. Empire building. Warring. Doesn't work. The world isn't better off, in any circumstance. The war we fought to be free from England was defense, and persisted until we had gotten them to submit.
The best analogy I can use that's widespread is from "A Few Good Men." In it, a marine was executed secretly because he wasn't "able" to handle the pressures of marine life and he jeopardized the rest of his unit. They killed him, because it was felt he might lead to other losses. Well, tell me, how is it justifiable to kill, with the expectation he MIGHT lead to lossess? If you're going to protect the masses, you have to protect ONE. You can't apply this rule, and then kill and innocent man. You deal with the situation at hand. They said they were meant to protect ALL LIFE, not just they deemed OK to protect, not just human beings (supposedly), BUT even their fellow soldiers, no matter their situation. Make sense? YOU don't separate what life to protect and what life you don't, and who you kill and who you don't. Totally undermines the purpose of WHAT THEY DO.
Force would be the last option here but it is still something that will come up. You dont pay, you will be fined and eventually your property will be seized. The roads arent free, the education system isnt free (most of my property tax goes to education), the parks arent free, the town pool isnt free, the county beaches arent free. All need maintenance money from your taxes or else you would be living in a dump/ghetto. Who wants to live like a slob? not me.
Tell me if our taxes CREATE this, is it worth it to have them? If the benefits we hand out to seniors, to retirees, to the dependents, and children, and survivors, and they don't MAKE better anything in return for TAKING the taxes, THEN GET RID OF THEM. They don't serve the purpose. Why is it so that generation after generation stay on welfare? Because it's JUST enough to not get off, or be able to get off, but we still fund the program. The UNDERLYING skills aren't built up for people to get off the program. We collect exhorbitant tax bills, YET seniors are more pissed than EVER about our healthcare system.
TWO wrongs definately don't make a right, especially when it relates to taxes. Moreover, you can't squash ideas before they are played through to their potential end.
Clarifying one thing, I believe we ALL owe, to EACH other SOMETHING, monetary (since it's the simplest system of barter right now) in order to protect, and keep up our common lands, BUT, that's where it ends. As stated previously by Nocturnal and emphasized by my posts, ILLEGAL taking of money is what it is, esp. by the branch known as the IRS. Moreover, the underlying PROGRAMS are not illegal, but are inherently evil.
And I'll be peacocking on Friday nights now with a full Indian garb. Thanks for the idea.