I'll take note of going to the Supreme Court and do so. To me, no problem is big enough to be tackled.
I'm not saying handouts Str8up. I don't believe in the social programs that we have, which are more like a resort, encompassing FULL benies for all, with little contribution. But why play a game with already skewed rules?
I already SIDE with you in wealth creation and personal financial independence, but you're playing by their rules anyway, because THEY implemented them. I'm all for R/E, taking care of my own, etc, that's HOW the country was founded and what it was founded for. However, I don't think people are unproductive dolts, that because they're not as smart, or fortunate, skilled, or blessed as you, that they deserve to die.
As stated previously, the intended consequences of our society were long planned out centuries ago, beginning with the creation of forced schooling which dumbs down the masses, on top of the media/government controlled news syndicates. From there, people haven't taken the RED PILL to awaken, so while you can be bitter at their misgivings, to them it's like a SPLINTER in their mind, to which they can comprehend WHY things aren't working out right.
And you can go about your own business as long as one chooses, but so long as the UNDERLYING thinking behind such devices is corrupt, it will only be a matter of time before it infiltrates all levels of thinking/planning. I don't get why it's SO easy for guys here to believe in some AFC agenda, but not see the easiest complicity of all? Illegality with respect to laws, branches, departments, taxes, etc??
You can make your millions, but as long as they write the rules (and the people allow them to) with carelessness toward us, and lethargy on the part of the citizens, they right the rules for the top 1% in mind, and other agendas. It's fine, amass millions, but that doesn't change how illegal some things are, and you can turn a blind eye, but that doesn't make it go away, or change it, and what's all the free money and autonomy, if the imprint we have made is worse than before we arrived?
As far as the tax status of OTHER countries, that's because the US hasn't caught up yet. Europe and Asia are the 2 oldest populations. In some 30 years, Men will out Number women 2:1, and rise exponentially. Birthrates have not kept up to replenish their supply of women, so women will be imported, or the population will decline (esp with larger world wars).
Moreover, the older populations have placed a HUGE strain on the European and Asian populations BECAUSE of social projects, such as social healthcare and pension programs. The US is GETTING there, our population age is catching up, which means...
>less tax payers, more benefit receivers.
>more benefit payouts, for longer periods of time.
>more drain on taxes.
So for the visual...the WHOLE in the bucket funnelling money OUT, is bigger than the SUPPLY putting MONEY into it. WE're at the tipping point of not being able to pay. Why do you think the Canadian currency is barely 10% less valued than our's? It used to be 50%! World currencies have caught up in valuations, while the dollar has tanked. That's not just cyclically, that's a total fiscal policy change.
To solve the financial crisis looming on our doorsteps the following must happen:
>Increase taxes on the whole
>Increase payroll taxes
>Decrease benefit payouts
>Lengthen the age to which you apply for said benefits
People believe in the following strategies:
>People work longer
>More immigrants, more workers
>Greater international trade
>Diminish spending
Ask yourself how many of those APPLY now? Especially when the SENIOR population and boomers, are the largest voting population, who would fight tooth and nail to protect the benefits they've paid for over decades. The generations in trouble are our's...those 40 and under, because benefits we've been locked into, don't apply (and personally I don't care about them anyways, but I don't want to pay something to get nothing), yet taxes will still exist to pay for what are basically illegal collections.
The analogy of the DR vs. the Janitor has nothing to do with income, expenses, benefits, or education. I'm speaking specifically on the illegality of taxes. Taxes effect the DR and Janitor the same, possibly the janitor more, since he's like to feel a larger crimp on his low wages. The DR obviously deserves his return on invested capital (his education) but that does not negate the fact he ALSO pays exhorbitant taxes based on his income. Would he just SHUN it away because he has enough dough to do so?
I get that passive income and the like is taxed at lower rates, that real estate has depreciation features, that owning your own corporation has its inherent tax benefits. Yes, legally skirt the issue of taxes. But that doesn't make anything RIGHT. It just means those that can turn a blind eye do, because for NOW, it doesn't effect you. However, so long as the illegality of taxes persists, there's no telling what other LAWS will be passed.
AS a for instance, if the estate tax is REPEALED, the step up in basis people receive at death on the transfer of real estate will be eliminated. MEANING, those who inherit property will pay taxes on the gain in their home. HOW big would that tax revenue be? And who does the estate tax most hit? Probably those with just enough assets to qualify. Those who are rich and superich have their money planned in such a way as to minimize or eliminate taxes altogether.
That's just one of many different changes to laws people barely read about. Or what about the deficit reduction act? Not only does it harm the young and old most, but it drastically changes laws regarding medical and nursing homes, to the point you either BUY long-term care, or forfeit all your assets upon sickness. There's more to it than that, but for anyone retiring now, or with parents, you either die with no money, or you buy long-term care. It's change for the good, in some respects, but in other's a change for the worse.
I'm glad there's been some good points raised, but most of the points being raised seem so diffused and spread out I can't make heads or tails of them.
I'll take note of going to the Supreme Court and do so. To me, no problem is big enough to be tackled.
I'm not saying handouts Str8up. I don't believe in the social programs that we have, which are more like a resort, encompassing FULL benies for all, with little contribution. But why play a game with already skewed rules?
I already SIDE with you in wealth creation and personal financial independence, but you're playing by their rules anyway, because THEY implemented them. I'm all for R/E, taking care of my own, etc, that's HOW the country was founded and what it was founded for. However, I don't think people are unproductive dolts, that because they're not as smart, or fortunate, skilled, or blessed as you, that they deserve to die.
As stated previously, the intended consequences of our society were long planned out centuries ago, beginning with the creation of forced schooling which dumbs down the masses, on top of the media/government controlled news syndicates. From there, people haven't taken the RED PILL to awaken, so while you can be bitter at their misgivings, to them it's like a SPLINTER in their mind, to which they can comprehend WHY things aren't working out right.
And you can go about your own business as long as one chooses, but so long as the UNDERLYING thinking behind such devices is corrupt, it will only be a matter of time before it infiltrates all levels of thinking/planning. I don't get why it's SO easy for guys here to believe in some AFC agenda, but not see the easiest complicity of all? Illegality with respect to laws, branches, departments, taxes, etc??
You can make your millions, but as long as they write the rules (and the people allow them to) with carelessness toward us, and lethargy on the part of the citizens, they right the rules for the top 1% in mind, and other agendas. It's fine, amass millions, but that doesn't change how illegal some things are, and you can turn a blind eye, but that doesn't make it go away, or change it, and what's all the free money and autonomy, if the imprint we have made is worse than before we arrived?
As far as the tax status of OTHER countries, that's because the US hasn't caught up yet. Europe and Asia are the 2 oldest populations. In some 30 years, Men will out Number women 2:1, and rise exponentially. Birthrates have not kept up to replenish their supply of women, so women will be imported, or the population will decline (esp with larger world wars).
Moreover, the older populations have placed a HUGE strain on the European and Asian populations BECAUSE of social projects, such as social healthcare and pension programs. The US is GETTING there, our population age is catching up, which means...
>less tax payers, more benefit receivers.
>more benefit payouts, for longer periods of time.
>more drain on taxes.
So for the visual...the WHOLE in the bucket funnelling money OUT, is bigger than the SUPPLY putting MONEY into it. WE're at the tipping point of not being able to pay. Why do you think the Canadian currency is barely 10% less valued than our's? It used to be 50%! World currencies have caught up in valuations, while the dollar has tanked. That's not just cyclically, that's a total fiscal policy change.
To solve the financial crisis looming on our doorsteps the following must happen:
>Increase taxes on the whole
>Increase payroll taxes
>Decrease benefit payouts
>Lengthen the age to which you apply for said benefits
People believe in the following strategies:
>People work longer
>More immigrants, more workers
>Greater international trade
>Diminish spending
Ask yourself how many of those APPLY now? Especially when the SENIOR population and boomers, are the largest voting population, who would fight tooth and nail to protect the benefits they've paid for over decades. The generations in trouble are our's...those 40 and under, because benefits we've been locked into, don't apply (and personally I don't care about them anyways, but I don't want to pay something to get nothing), yet taxes will still exist to pay for what are basically illegal collections.
The analogy of the DR vs. the Janitor has nothing to do with income, expenses, benefits, or education. I'm speaking specifically on the illegality of taxes. Taxes effect the DR and Janitor the same, possibly the janitor more, since he's like to feel a larger crimp on his low wages. The DR obviously deserves his return on invested capital (his education) but that does not negate the fact he ALSO pays exhorbitant taxes based on his income. Would he just SHUN it away because he has enough dough to do so?
I get that passive income and the like is taxed at lower rates, that real estate has depreciation features, that owning your own corporation has its inherent tax benefits. Yes, legally skirt the issue of taxes. But that doesn't make anything RIGHT. It just means those that can turn a blind eye do, because for NOW, it doesn't effect you. However, so long as the illegality of taxes persists, there's no telling what other LAWS will be passed.
AS a for instance, if the estate tax is REPEALED, the step up in basis people receive at death on the transfer of real estate will be eliminated. MEANING, those who inherit property will pay taxes on the gain in their home. HOW big would that tax revenue be? And who does the estate tax most hit? Probably those with just enough assets to qualify. Those who are rich and superich have their money planned in such a way as to minimize or eliminate taxes altogether.
That's just one of many different changes to laws people barely read about. Or what about the deficit reduction act? Not only does it harm the young and old most, but it drastically changes laws regarding medical and nursing homes, to the point you either BUY long-term care, or forfeit all your assets upon sickness. There's more to it than that, but for anyone retiring now, or with parents, you either die with no money, or you buy long-term care. It's change for the good, in some respects, but in other's a change for the worse.
I'm glad there's been some good points raised, but most of the points being raised seem so diffused and spread out I can't make heads or tails of them.