Swoop's DJ Journey. If you have doubt in yourself, read this.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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I still don't consider myself a DJ, although Shezzler care to disagree. Thanks Shezz.

For those who have follow my journey when I join this forum. I created this nick Swoop to mean attack when I see a target. I was willing to put aside my ego and throw myself into Bootcamp training. Seriously, i thought I would fail but I wanted to at least admit I tried. I had low self esteem but I always try and look into the positive side of things. I am not young like most of you. Some people say when you are old, you probably can't do much to change or improve your being. That's a load of crap.

Anyways, I really put myself out there. I sarge 3 to 4 times a week. I did tons of approaches. In the beginning, I was horrible. I got shot down left and right. My ego was bruised. I hated clubs... cuz it was too hard. I confide in people for support, (Thanks Master Sapiens). I pick myself up. And I go out again. I re-read alot of materials. I try different methods. And finally, it starts to come together.

Through the help of some experience people, like Leviathan, Jariel and others who have guided me. I start to step back and analyze my mistakes. I start to drop all the canned materials, cuz it is sending the wrong signals to the girls. using other people material makes you come off as fake and girls can tell. You are not comfortable in your own skin and it shows in you bodylanguage. I realize that I must develop my inner game. I started doing things I enjoy and I dress better. I switch my mentality. I told myself, well, if a girl don't like me for who I am, then screw her. I approach, using my own personality as my weapon of choice. I don't care about rejection. My fear is no longer there and my insecurities about what ever I think is wrong with me, I drop it. I look myself in the mirror and I see that I am a great guy. I will be a great man one day. My attitude changed cuz my mindset changed. And all this created a different aura in me. I walked with pride and confidence. I talk to everyone I meet. I talked to hot girls like they are regular girls. And guess what? They were not *****y or walk away from me like they did in the past. They open up. I was shock. Now it's time to carry the convo... but my skill in that department was lacking and of course the girl gets turn off and leaves or if I did get the #, she flakes. I realize I can open up a girl now, any girl. Because it's all in the way you approach her. It has to be natural. The moment she looks at you, she is trying to read you. And if you are scared or insecure, she will think you are a loser. I don't have that inside me. I know I am a man. I open up a convo like a social stranger would. I talk and talk... and after doing this for a while now, I can finally grasp the concepts the seduction community was refering to. It's like driving a car, if you are not used to gas break and changing gears, you will be too focus on that to be actually thinking about where your heading and you're not gonna enjoy the ride, you can't observe what's going on in the environment. You are prone to crash and burn. It's like that in the Game. Because I have internalize some of the principles and my convo skills is up to par, I can actually analyze the girl I am talking to and decide how to guide our interaction. You can only acheive this through practice. You will also realize all girls are different... you can tell what she is looking for in a man by her actions and her responses and in what she says. I used that and demonstrate those values to her by sharing some amusing interesting stories of my past. Btw, I don't make up stories.. it makes me feel fake and feeling fake would destroy my genuine confidence. We all have interesting stories, you just have to dig deep to draw upon that to send the right message about yourself. And if you dont have any interesting stories, well go out more and do stuff you have never done before.

Anways, what success do I have to show for? I have reject sexual advances from mature women. I no longer need that. It's weird I know. Few months ago I want to get laid so bad, now that I get offers, I reject them. Why? Because I know I deserve better. I have game waitress, female bartenders, college chicks, girls with boyfriends and married women as well. I have made out with hot chicks. I got numbers that I delete cuz I lost interest. Finally, after realizing my improvements and that I finally have some game. I don't care about going after tons of girls, I am gonna go after the girls I truly desire.

And to my biggest suprised. I game the hottest girl in the club. The 10. My oneitis. I used push and pull. I tease her. Other guys shower her with attention, but I am the only one she tries and grab my attention. We finally got more intimate today. She kiss me. I act like it's normal. I didn't kiss her back. She stares into my eyes.. trying to get me to kiss her. I smile and kept the convo going. I would have never thought, a girl like this would ever pay attention to a guy like me. But with the right frame of mind and some skills. It's actually possible. We plan to hang out. She was the one who ask.

Since I am far from being a DJ, sometimes my AFCness kicks back in. I know there is a chance I could screw up everything and the girl loses interest. But you know what? It's doesn't matter. I learn not to beat myself up when i screw up. I just learn from it. I know as time pass, I'll get even better. As of right now, I am content. I know I got some skills now, I can even hook the 10s. Wow!

Again, I want to point out, I don't consider myself good or remotely a DJ. But I have made progress and I want to share this with you all to inspire you. Don't underestimate your own mind, it has the ability to adapt and learn. One day, things will make sense and it's only by subjecting yourself to approaching women over and over again that you truly understand. We all have a DJ inside of us, it is being prison by your fears, insecurities, and ego. Let him out. He'll take over.


PS: I kept most of my field reports private. If you want to read some of them, pm me.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score

Truly amazing!

Swoop, I sense you have the exponential potential to be a greater man than I would ever be!

You should post your FR’s and other works to this thread so others seeking the Truth may edify themselves from it.




Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hey swoop...well done on the improvement!!

Also this made for a nice read and a great boost to us all!.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Amazing!

Originally posted by Sapiens
Truly amazing!

Swoop, I sense you have the exponential potential to be a greater man than I would ever be!

You should post your FR’s and other works to this thread so others seeking the Truth may edify themselves from it.


Thanks Sapiens.. I doubt I'll become great. I'm easily content.
I still got a long way to go...

I'm collecting my fieldreports and after I reach my goal. I might create a blog and have them all together in one place.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score

Don’t disappoint me. It is simple discipline that is required. Meditate and follow the Principles.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sapiens

Don’t disappoint me. It is simple discipline that is required. Meditate and follow the Principles.

Master Sapiens, I won't dissapoint you. It's not a question whether I can or cannot become great. I know now I have the potential and ability to do so. It's more like I may stop and focus on developing myself in other areas in life, not just the pursuit of women. The principles will always be in me, and perhaps the path I embark on will lead me to true Greatness.



Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
All the AFC's, Noob's and KBJ's here should take a page from swoops book.

I'll say it again great work man.


Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
south africa

great post
very inspiring
you don t care a **** whether you are rejected or not
you know you are a great guy and nothing can faze you
brilliant thinkng

scorpio king

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
wassup man! congratulations man!

We and swoop were like the last soldiers of shezz and rbb's bootcamp before we unfortunately quit because of certain variables.

This guy was inspirational because of his field reports. Whenever I wanted to quit, I just read some of his works and then I become rejuvenated. Thanks to another inspirational post man! glad to hear from you. :woo:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by scorpio king
wassup man! congratulations man!

We and swoop were like the last soldiers of shezz and rbb's bootcamp before we unfortunately quit because of certain variables.

This guy was inspirational because of his field reports. Whenever I wanted to quit, I just read some of his works and then I become rejuvenated. Thanks to another inspirational post man! glad to hear from you. :woo:
Sup, Scorpio King. Remember there is no longer a time limit for the bootcamps, we all learn at different pace and as long as we keep going and set small goals for ourselves, we will improve. I had to slow down on my progression of the bootcamp to focus on my weakest area of the game. I had to do this in order to improve. So let's keep going soldier! ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Respect! It shows how getting out there and applying the theory can really pay off!

What you said about your mindset change happened to me too and I think it comes with experience and comfort. You also learned that girls are different, no theory or technique is set in stone and you have to adapt, and a lot of other things that only come with experience.

Well done mate. Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Great work man.

The problem I had was, the minute I landed a woman and got into a relationship with her, it totally f*cked up my game and alot of what I learned.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jariel
Respect! It shows how getting out there and applying the theory can really pay off!

What you said about your mindset change happened to me too and I think it comes with experience and comfort. You also learned that girls are different, no theory or technique is set in stone and you have to adapt, and a lot of other things that only come with experience.

Well done mate. Keep up the good work and keep us posted!
Yup, it's critical for every AFC to go thru that mindset change. It's the turning point of becoming a DJ. I can tell everyone it's one of the most liberating feeling. It's like the moment you truly accept yourself. Girls will respond to you now cuz they sense you are real.

Again, it's so true that every girl is different. I actually use a different frame of mind depending on the type of girl I am gaming. And througout the whole interaction, you figure out what techniques would fit this girl or what values to project on this girl. That's a big part of the game is learning how to read a person, and you can only understand this thru experience. When I have time later, cuz I gotta go to work now, I'll post 2 different fieldreports to demonstrate the difference in my approach to 2 different types of targets.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
Great post Swoop.
Really good thing for someone like me who's new hear to read.
Makes me nod my head and say 'ya, I can do this too'.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Arizona USA
Good Job Swoop. Your post actually incorages me and many others to go out and try to socialize with as many girls as we can.
Good luck buddy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Bookmarked. Truly inspiring.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2006
Reaction score
You're a good kid Swoop.

You show that positive thinking, never giving up, keeping an open mind, and listening to advice can produce success beyond what many think is possible.

Thanks for posting your story, you inspire others - like me:)


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks man


Thanks for your testimony, it has hit home. I will write my own soon,i feel as though I am not alone in the messed up dating world, there are alot of guys out there who are in bad situations I was at the point of suicide and came very close..all because of a woman, then I discovered dyd and then in December the Don Juan forum. thanks to all...I just wish someone would read my posts and reply to them but ohhhh well keep sarging.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score

This is truly inspiring. I know I will be there soon enough if I continue putting my effort into this. Just like my guitar playing or bodyboarding waves, it took experience and time to get where I am today.

Thanks Swoop, this gives me an idea of what I have to look forward to.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Here are two fieldreports showing the different frame of thinking on different types of target:


Gaming Cute Geek girl at a club.

This is a club I frequent alot. There are some girls you will always recognize if you go to a place often cuz girls go there often too.

Anyways, I have always thought this girl is cute but I haven't approach her yet since I was working on other targets usually.

Finally I wanted to approach her. Here is how it went down.

She went to sit at the sofa at the lounge section. I did too.
I sat right by her.

Swoop: "Hey, I see you around here quite alot, it would be rude if I never say hi."

HB: "Oh hi, yea, I come here to hang out with my friends every week."

Swoop: "Oh really, who did you come with?"

HB: "Well, they didnt' show up today. I came by myself."

Swoop: "That's cool. I usually come here by myself too. But I came here not to hang with friends but to get away from them."

HB: (hehe) "Really? Why?"

Swoop: "Because they bug me too much. In here, they will never find me cuz they don't like this club but I do."

HB: "Oh I see."

Swoop: "I'm Swoop btw."

HB: "I'm (name)."

Swoop: "Wow, I never heard that name before."

HB: "Yea it's kinda rare."

Swoop: "Cool, nice to meet you."

HB: "Same."

Swoop: "So why aren't you dancing?"

HB: "I don't know, why aren't you dancing?"

Swoop: "Cuz I have 2 left feet."

HB: (laughing) "Yea, I am not very good either."

Swoop: "So if you don't dance, what do you do for fun then?"

HB: "I'm kinda a dork. I don't do much really."

Swoop: "man, Dorks are cool people with interesting hobbies. So what are you into?"

HB: "I enjoy reading."

Swoop: "Really? Awesome, me too. What books do you read? Wait don't tell me. You are one of those girls who hangs around the New Age section of the bookstore."

HB: "hehe, no I use to do that, but I mostly like teen books."

basically we talk about books for a few minutes. I know my books so I can relate to her.

HB: "Oh I also like computer games."

Swoop: (Giving her a high five) "No way! Awesome! ..... what's your favorite?"

HB: "Oh I love... (forgot name of game), I'm so addicted to that game. hehe"

Swoop: "hmm... I don't know that one. What type of game is it?"

HB: "Have you played Warcraft?"

Swoop: "Yea, I played that one, it's like Starcraft and Command & Conquer."

HB: "Right, it's like those type of games."

At this point, I know I have gotten good rapport and she seems very into the convo, so it's time for me to eject to give her a moment to miss me and to show her I'm not the clingy type.

Swoop: "Hey, I gotta go up stairs for a bit. I'm glad we met."

HB: (smiling) "Yea, me too."

After 20 minutes of dancing upstairs. I decided to go back down stair to talk to her again. I see her talking to some guy. So I just walk pass her and just sat down.

After a few minutes of chatting with the guy. She moves away and sat next to me.

HB: "Hey, you're back."

Swoop: "Yup... (move in closer to her and give her some deep eye contact), so are you in school or do you work?"

HB: "I'm in highschool."

(EEEEEEEKKKKKK! Jailbait! DAMN, this sucks!!!!)

She tells me how she hates highschool.. etc.. at this point, I am not interested in gaming her anymore.. But she does seem cool.

I decided, it's time to go home, I had to work early tomorrow.

Swoop: "Hey, it's time for me to take off."

HB: "Now why would you do that? It's not even 1 am yet."

Swoop: "Oh I gotta work early tomorrow."

HB: "So I gotta wake up early for school tmw too."

She was basically trying to get me to stay... But only if she isn't a highschooler. I would have. Oh well..

Swoop: "I really gotta go, but I'll see you again next time."

HB: "Ok, I'm mostly here on thursday.. see you."

I left...


Ok, I figure out early on that in order to game her, I need to connect with her through her interests to make her feel we are alot alike since she seems to have a low esteem. Btw, I am into books and games so I am being genuine when we were talking about those things. Meanwhile, I sat very close to her where I can give her deep eye contacts, and once in a while I did glance at her lips. Too bad there is no way for you guys to see how my posture is when I talk to her, cuz this is also important. I sat with my elbows on my knees, legs spread, my head slightly tilt and turn to the right facing close to her. Just think like how you would posture yourself if you were to lean in a give her a kiss. The reason this is important is it sets the stage where she sits next to you in an intimate manner as well. 90% of the interation is through bodylanguage btw. I was about to turn up the juice in our second encounter but finding out she is still a highschooler, I had to stop. She was actually very cute when I was really up close to her face. Btw, if she was legal, I would have transition the convo to about boys, then about sex.. then about me, and then about us making out hehe.

I decided to share this FR for you highschoolers to see that highchool girls are not that difficult to game, shower her with some attention, relate to her and make her feel good. And posture your body in a manner that you're like her boyfriend already without having to touch her. But once you gain enough rapport, then kino kino kino.

Stay tune for the next field report, gaming 2 hot women. The sex and the city types of ladies.