Swoop's DJ Journey. If you have doubt in yourself, read this.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
FR#2: Gaming 2 "Sex and the City" type of ladies.

I was at this bar/restuarant with my friend for lunch. There sat on my right, 2 ladies who come across like those ladies in Sex and the City. Both are attractive successful types HB8s . They were very loud and talking about men. On their right, sat a good looking man. The ladies notice him and they basically trying to start a convo with him. The guy was polite but he felt a little uncomfortable. Both ladies were kept asking him questions (forgot what they were talking about since I was also talking to my friend). but soon the guy were getting annoy cuz he wanted to finish his lunch and then he left. After the guy leaves.. One of the lady said to the other, "he's not my type." Anyways, these two ladies were looking at the bartender and making judgement and commenting on how he looks and trying to cold read him.

At this point, I decide to try some stuff on these two ladies.

Swoop: "You ladies seem pretty skill in reading people, so tell me what type of guy do I look like?"

Now both ladies turn and look at me.

HB8a: "hmm.. Well, you look like you ride a Harley."

Swoop: "Hey, that's pretty good. I almost baught a Harley once, but it would be hard to ride it during winter so I baught a car instead."

While she is padding herself on the back for coming close.. I switch the table.

Swoop: "You know what you ladies look like to me?"

HB8a: "What?"
HB8b: "Yea, tell us."

Swoop: "You look like heartbreakers."

HB8a&HB8b: (laughing)

HB8a: "You are right. We are."
HB8b: "But it's not our fault, we can't help it if men fall for us."

Swoop: "True, men have to take responsibilities for their own decisions. You ladies look like you guys have alot of fun, so what do you do for fun besides harrassing other customers?"

Both laugh again.

HB8b: "Hey! We weren't harrasing him"

Swoop: "Suuuuure you guys didn't" (rolled my eyes)

HB8a: "Fine, now we are gonna harrass you."

Swoop: "Lucky for you, I enjoy being harrass." (smile)

They laugh again..

btw, my friend was sitting there silent enjoying this interaction.

HB8a: "Ok, tell me your sign, I can tell you more about yourself."

Swoop: "Well, if you believe in that, then you should believe in fate. If fate wants you to know my sign, then we'll meet again somewhere else."

HB8b: "OMG, (laughing) he is being smart ass now."


She spent several minutes trying to dig it out of me, trying to trick me into giving her a clue.

HB8a: "Ok, just tell me what month you were born."

I just gave her this look like "do I look stupid?"

Swoop: "Alright, fine, it's (said the month in german)"

HB8a: "What?"

the other girl caught on.

HB8b: "He said it in a foreign language."

Swoop: "haha"

HB8a: "You jerk!"

Swoop: "haha, Like I said, if we bump into each other again somewhere else, then I'll tell you."

HB8a: "Ok, at least tell me where you hang out."

Swoop: "Now wouldn't that be cheating fate?"

Basically at this point we just talk about good places to have fun and relax around the city.

Finally it was time to leave..

Swoop: "Anyways, it was fun talking to you two. But I gotta go. My friend is waiting."

As I was waiting for my bill, getting ready to leave..

HB8a: "Hey, what's your name?"

Swoop: "I'm swoop. And you two?"

HB8a: "I'm Tonya."
HB8b: "I'm Kristy."

Swoop: "Alright, hopefully I'll bump to you two again." (wink)

HB8a: "Hey, we'll plan to go to (Name of bar) tonight. You should come."

Swoop: "We'll see.."

HB8a: "Hey, you better come!"

I just smile and leave...

When we were walking out, my friend whisper to me, "Hey, I think those two ladies like you."

I cracked up.

Btw, I didn't show up to the bar. I had other plans and also they aren't really my type. But I picked to share this FR because it's different than the previous one in that I never try to built any deep rapport... I just tease and kept a strong mindset and never giving in, demonstrating strength as a man while making them laugh.

I just want to point out to those who read field reports. Don't focus on what the person says but rather on the type of mindset he is carrying. People focus too much on learning lines that they miss the point. You will never learn if you only focus on the surface. It's what behind the lines that is most important, that is the mindset the person has, the principles that he demonstrate thru his words and actions. That's the most important. When you cultivate this type of thinking through constant practice. You will deliver your own material to get the same result.



Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Seems you have it all sorted now swoop. Who mentored you. Was it shezzler? He seems like one of the best DJ's on this site to listern to. Seems to know his stuff. Along with Sapiens too. On you last post... I think thats where my problem lies thow. Sometimes i hit off great with girls and i can control the situation really well. Other times i just totally lose the plot. I think its down to my mindset rather than what im saying. I havent come up with anyways to improve on this. Also where are you from? Highschool is legal aint it? 16+ here in the uk anyways....


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tomatoes
Seems you have it all sorted now swoop. Who mentored you. Was it shezzler? He seems like one of the best DJ's on this site to listern to. Seems to know his stuff. Along with Sapiens too. On you last post... I think thats where my problem lies thow. Sometimes i hit off great with girls and i can control the situation really well. Other times i just totally lose the plot. I think its down to my mindset rather than what im saying. I havent come up with anyways to improve on this. Also where are you from? Highschool is legal aint it? 16+ here in the uk anyways....
I have guidance from several of the people on this forum. Shezz definitely help alot, gives great suggestions. Sapiens is my mentor and has helped me tremendously by teaching me principles and help me to look deep into myself and understanding the truth of things.

About losing your control of the situation. Somestimes I lose it too. That's what I mean when I say there are times I switch back to AFC mode, then my flow is different, I get nervous and I lose the girl. Yea, to me, it's about the mindset. There will be time when your mindset is bein challenge... like encountering your target's boyfriend during your pickup. I have had that happen to me twice. Both times, I handle it well. I kept my mindset and didn't allow it to phase me. One suggestion I can say is, be aware of your internal state. Medidate on your mindstate, know it's essense and stay connected to it. If you sense a shift, you can save yourself by excusing yourself from the girl, like telling her you have to go to the restroom or something, this allows you to get back in focus. When I was dealing with my oneitis, the HB10, I lost focus so many times it's funny to watch, I mean sometimes I couldn't even think of things to say cuz my mind is clouded with thoughts like "Wow, she's so hot!!!" So I kept walking away from her to gather myself, I did this many times. But because of her, I gotten stronger now. Some girls don't phase me one bit, but the ones I really want do, and I practice on them the most and by doing so you will learn how to maintain control of your mindset better.

PS: I live in the US, and Under 18 is illegal.
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Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
I'm impressed, this is how I would to be like one day. If I can be 100% comfortable with myself then nothing will phase me, nerves do get the best of you can tend to make anything you had in your mind evaporate which leaves a bigger and bigger gap.

It would be great to be relaxed at all times.

I have enrolled in Sapien's bootcamp so in 12 weeks (maybe sooner!) I will be up to your standard.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I wanna share some personal technique I have discover.

When I go out to sarge, I don't go out with any plan of actions nor any openers ready or any rehearsed stories to tell. I go out with a blank mind. Yes when we think too much it only rattle our nerves. I spoke about meditating on the mindstate in one of my previous post. I'll elaborate on it here for everyone to understand. I use the word meditate which implies to control your mind and not let it run wild with thoughts, thus you have a clear mind. And the mindstate I was refering to is the essense of the DJ mindset. Everytime when we are in a different mood, our mind is also in a different state, this affects how we think, which leads to how we respond. For example, when we are in a crappy mood, it's very hard to be funny and upbeat. So recognize this. Be aware of your mindstate. Now learn to cultivate a DJ mindset, sorta like putting on your game-face. The way I learned to cultivate a DJ mindset is by visualizing in me how I would be if I was to become the man of my dreams. How do I act? How do I think? How do I look? What values or principles do I hold? The clearer the image of him becomes in your mind, the stronger the mindset becomes. And when you can feel it, you know you have it. So when I go to a club/bar, I am only concern on how I feel. Do I feel good? If yes, then it's game time.

Now this is why it's important to have a clear mind and the right mindstate. It allows you to be natural as you will learn to think on the fly. You will also become versatile. I'll give you an example.

Mini FR:

When I was at a bar last night, a drunk hit on a girl who was playing pool, he waited for her friend to go to the restroom to approach. I sat nearby to watch the game. The girl was unresponsive and uncomfortable. The drunk loser didn't get her signals and kept talking, but he finally left. I glance over to the girl and made eye contact then I just shooked my head to express what's she is feeling. She smile and did the same. Instant connection and I approach on this premise.

Swoop: "Don't you just hate that?"
HB: "hehe, yea."
Swoop: "Anways, you're pool game is pretty good. Mind if I get next?"
HB: "Sure."
Swoop: "I'm swoop btw."
HB: "I'm Kristen."

I went back to my table and her friend, HB5, came back and they finish their game.

HB: "Hey, Swoop, you're up."

I racked and she break. She didn't make anything. Most girls can't really break. So when I was up, preparing to shoot. I overhear them talking.

HBfriend: "He is cute."

I look up at them.

Swoop: "Don't distract me like that."

HBfriend: "oh he heard me."
HB: (giggles)

We end up shooting pool all night.

The point of this mini FR was about the opener. It wasn't preplan. I think on the fly. I never thought about using my bodylanguage as an opener (the eyecontact, shaking of the head) , it provoke a positive response from her. And everything that follow was just part of the initial opener. I never thought about this type of openers and yet it came to me. So having a clear mind and the right mindstate allows you to be very versatile.


Let me share another mini fieldreport. When I was at a party, I was talking to this hot chick. We both were sitting down and leaning back. I wanted her to get close to me so i can give her some Mavec, sexual looks, gazing into her eyes etc. I just pretend I couldn't hear her. So I lean forward, naturally she leans forward as well. Now if I were to lean back, she would have too. So I didn't. I stay at that position. She did too. I then look at her eyes. And if she tries to break away, I would tilt my ear forward like I can't quite hear her again. She would then stay close. Our face would be side by side most of the time. I would then straigten my head back and gaze into her eyes and lips. When our convo reaches a certain sexual peak. I just say, "Kiss me." I was a little drunk by the way and she had quite a few shots as well. Anyways, that's the line that pop up. She ask me "really?" I just responded like it was natural, "Yea." She gave me a small kiss at first, then we made out.

Now this has become one of my favorite kiss close technique. So again, be in the moment, let your instinct guide you. Release the DJ inside of you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I learn something new recently. We all know the importance of kino. But I just now realize that there are more types of kino. Normally when I encounter a girl, I would use kino when we are comfortable, touching of the arm, back, hand, etc. Although this is good to establish closeness, it doesn't do much to seperate yourself from her friends who do that as well. So one night at a club, I decided to experiment with a new form of kino, I call Romantic Kino.

Romantic Kino is basically using intimate touches. I don't mean touching her untouchables. I mean treating her like she is already your girlfriend, brushing her hair, holding her hand, wrapping your arms around her waist etc. This idea came to me when my oneitis did that to me and I could feel the profound effect it had on me. So I decided to test it on a girl and I was blown away with the result. I could see the girl eyes widen everytime I do something like that. She would smile and her body language became more engaging. She starts getting closer to me as a result. By the end of the night, we exchange #s and she txt me before I even got home.

I must point out that you can only pull the Romantic Kino once you established comfort and trust between the two of you and you guys are already doing regular kino.