Super Silent Treatment


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"I agree with continuing to ignore her. BUT, I think you should call her up and say: "Look I'm done with this stupid game. If you wanna get with me then cool. If not I'll see you around."

Either keep ignoring her until she gives in. Or grab your balls and tell her you don't wanna play these stupid games and if she doesn't want to or still doesnt call you back. Fvck her and move on"

Gotta disagree with you man.

He needs to not even call her.

He already contacted her twice and symped the fvck out on the second interaction by asking her if she was ok.

She'll love it even more and get even more of an ego boost if he comes back for the phone call and round three.

This allows her to answer and then hang up on him and say wow this guy is really crazy for me hahaha I win and then she'll never look back.

His only chance.


Is never contacting her again in any shape or form until she contacts first at this point.

Doing it any other way is symping the fvck out once again and giving up the frame which sends the message he has fallen deeply for her and gives her all the power and ego boost moving forward.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
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Ignore her I think is the best option here as well for the reasons kontroller pointed out.

However even if I ignore her she still has the power to d*mp me. Which makes me want to dump her first....then see her come crawling back. This is that JERK instinct in me coming back....if I dump her she'll come crawling back and then in the future I can have her again if I want.

I know that would be a short-term, jerk strategy but all I've been is a jerk and I'm afraid ignoring her will just invite too much of a chance of her dumping me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Ooh now that is the only possible exception to what I said above mb121.

It could be good but it invites her to give the clever response right back of...

"Whatever...we were done a long time ago...psycho".

You know chick stuff like that said even better than what I just wrote can take all the p!ss (to borrow a phrase from Australians lol) out of the power of you dumping her first.

If you believe on a deep gut instinctual level this is the winning play though go for it bro.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
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You've got to know she's thinking about you. She's got an ego, too. When she sees that the game isn't working, her ego will get the best of her. She'll feel like she's got to win somehow. She'll want to climb back to the top. If she doesn't then she's truly done with you. So, in your case, there is nothing you can do, but make things worse. Or to put it another way, nothing is all you can do. A true winner can walk away at any time. Now that you're seeing her walk away, she's winning. Just back off and find some other girl to try get your game right. Keep seeing women until you get it right. Figure out why she left because something you're doing has been a turnoff.

Remember, she liked you and may have possibly changed her mind about you. What that means to me is that she can change her mind. That means she is just as capable of changing her mind again in your favor if you play your cards right.

So, when she does call you, don't be so eager to drop everything and chase her. When she opens up that door for you, don't instantly cross the threshold. This is your life, and you want what's best. She needs to prove that she's the best. If she's not willing to do that, she's not the girl for you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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KontrollerX said:
He needs to not even call her.

He already contacted her twice and symped the fvck out on the second interaction by asking her if she was ok.

She'll love it even more and get even more of an ego boost if he comes back for the phone call and round three.

This allows her to answer and then hang up on him and say wow this guy is really crazy for me hahaha I win and then she'll never look back.

His only chance.


Is never contacting her again in any shape or form until she contacts first at this point..
Painful and true. Guys learn this lesson one time and one time only. Chicks in drama mode love nothing more than breaking your heart, the old chick you thought you knew is dead and gone. Don't go knocking on the new monster's door or it will eat your soul (or something like that).

I'm actually glad this happened to me. I don't need another round.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Dude, you're very reactive to her. That's not good. You already lost this battle if you constantly think about what she's gonna do next in this relationship.

If you're a true jerk, you won't give a s**t, right?

The best suggestions for you:

- Cut her off from your life. Done, she's gone, not even in your reality anymore. Poof. No phone, no text, delete her number. Assume that you already broke up with her long time ago.

- Bang other chicks and find other girlfriends / FBs.

- Move on with your life.

If she comes back to your front door, just say "Look, it's over. Bye" Don't be emotional about it. Don't be mad, ****y-funny or excited when she confronts you.

And yeah, you gotta cut down the ****y funny stuff. It's okay for flirting or initial approach, but when a girl genuinely give you a compliment like that, at least you have to acknowledge it and tell her that you appreciate her feelings to you.

Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.

What you did was punishing her good behavior.

What happened? Look what's happening to you now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
BTW giving the silent treatment to a girl, is the fastest way to drive her insane. You wouldn't think it would work since it's second nature to them, but when you use it on them, after about a day they can't take it. Quickest way to watch a girl crumble and see the mask slip away.

Sad but true.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
sukatempik said:
Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.

What you did was punishing her good behavior.

What happened? Look what's happening to you now.
Awesome! Guys buy flowers and gifts for women they feel they are loosing. Or the they give more attention by calling, texting, or leaving notes. I feel like that is a way of rewarding a woman for bad. She's not doing you right, so you reward her. lol


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Tick, you misunderstood my post. I'm referring to this quote:

mb121 said:
She got intimate with me and afterwards really tried to open up by sayinig how awesome I am. Then I just am ****y and never reciprocrate (I never, ever give her any compliments, support, etc).
That's how this whole mess got started.

What he should have done right there was rewarding her instead of persisting being C&F.

Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.

Now he has to 'punish' her bad behavior (aka silent treatment) by letting her go.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
sukatempik said:
Tick, you misunderstood my post. I'm referring to this quote:

That's how this whole mess got started.

What he should have done right there was rewarding her instead of persisting being C&F.

Reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.

Now he has to 'punish' her bad behavior (aka silent treatment) by letting her go.
I understand what you're saying, and it all goes hand in hand. You gotta give a little bit, but don't bet the farm. Give her a taste then back off... Give her a taste then back off... He wouldn't even give her a taste. He was just a d1ck. That's why jerks and nice guys can't stay in a relationship.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
reset said:
BTW giving the silent treatment to a girl, is the fastest way to drive her insane. You wouldn't think it would work since it's second nature to them, but when you use it on them, after about a day they can't take it. Quickest way to watch a girl crumble and see the mask slip away.

Sad but true.
Better give her a feedback or disappear?

My sister went bersek when a guy stopped talking to her. :nervous:

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
i would say hold your ground for now.
let her cave first, but after this, stop playing so many dam games.

do playful ones like if she called you a jerk, say it hurt ur feelings then don't talk to her for a day :)

but get out of theses games that go both ways, nothing good can come out of them.


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
I know I know. I ****ED UP! ahh it sucks.

But now the only way to salvage this **** is to punish her bad behavior by ignoring her or "dumping her" first (which I just know will lead her eventually coming back).

If I ever get back to third base with this ***** I will reward her for her good behavior, but until then I can't reward her for bad behavior.

I've learned a valuable lesson from this all. Being a jerk leaves you pushing women over the edge constantly. I know this girl likes me subconsciously but she is consciously thinking 24/7 how she should just let me go.

I'm going to "dump" her in a very ****y, almost flirtative way which will give me the upper hand in either situation (whether she was going to dump me anyway, and if she was still interested [which I know she still is] it will force her to come crawling back fairly quickly). The flirtative/****y way of my "dumping" her will also give her some room to save face a little and come back. This is sooooo JERK but it's the only thing I've got left to both save my dignity and max chances of keeping with this b*tch.

After this I know TO REWARD GOOD BEHAVIOR, NOT PUNISH IT. IE, don't be a jerk be a man.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
tick37 said:
I understand what you're saying, and it all goes hand in hand. You gotta give a little bit, but don't bet the farm. Give her a taste then back off... Give her a taste then back off... He wouldn't even give her a taste. He was just a d1ck. That's why jerks and nice guys can't stay in a relationship.
True, points taken.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
i would say hold your ground for now.
let her cave first, but after this, stop playing so many dam games.

do playful ones like if she called you a jerk, say it hurt ur feelings then don't talk to her for a day :)

but get out of theses games that go both ways, nothing good can come out of them.
Don't ever tell a girl she hurt your feelings. There is no way possible that she can do that. Your feelings are your own, and she can't do anything about them. You choose to feel hurt. An action cannot cause a feeling. It's your belief about the action that causes the feeling. Now, I'm not talking about physical feelings, but emotional feelings.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Blue Phoenix said:
Better give her a feedback or disappear?

My sister went bersek when a guy stopped talking to her. :nervous:
You only do it when they are just totally out of hand and in bytch mode. They will start stalking you. It's a dumb game but it puts you in complete control (until you pay attention again--these are usually lose/lose scenarios)


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hey mb121, we've been there. I was there, too so that's why I was a bit "passionate" about this. It reminds me with my old mistake.

Anyway, hope for the best of you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
sukatempik said:
Hey mb121, we've been there. I was there, too so that's why I was a bit "passionate" about this. It reminds me with my old mistake.

Anyway, hope for the best of you.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
It was funny because she said she would not call me anymore, that I called her when I felt like it, but I DIDN´T! :crackup: She THINKS she´s on the pedestal because I told her I liked her.

Guess what, 7 days later she called and I didn´t answer! After 4 hours I sent a "bait" message "hey, crazy girl how are you doing?" :crackup:

She hasn´t answered back. Let´s see what´s her reaction.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
reset said:
BTW giving the silent treatment to a girl, is the fastest way to drive her insane. You wouldn't think it would work since it's second nature to them, but when you use it on them, after about a day they can't take it. Quickest way to watch a girl crumble and see the mask slip away.

Sad but true.
I concur. There is nothing I hate more than when I pull the silent treatment and he pulls it back. Mind you in my case, he deserves and I am trying to not ever speak to him again. But it still bothers me to hell that he hasn't even tried.

HOWEVER, if this girl is as stubborn as I am...she will not be contacting you anytime soon.