Super Silent Treatment

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
reset said:
BTW giving the silent treatment to a girl, is the fastest way to drive her insane. You wouldn't think it would work since it's second nature to them, but when you use it on them, after about a day they can't take it. Quickest way to watch a girl crumble and see the mask slip away.

Sad but true.
What are the consequences? :nervous:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Blue Phoenix said:
What are the consequences? :nervous:
You shouldn't care about the consequences if you don't need her. You'll just move on. If you're needy, you need to learn how to be happy alone first.

If you're wondering why you need to learn to be happy alone first, it is so you won't be scared when she does threaten to leave you or gives you the "silent treatment". This way you won't react out of fear because anything you do out of fear is the WRONG thing to do.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
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mb121 said:
Ignore her I think is the best option here as well for the reasons kontroller pointed out.

However even if I ignore her she still has the power to d*mp me. Which makes me want to dump her first....then see her come crawling back. This is that JERK instinct in me coming back....if I dump her she'll come crawling back and then in the future I can have her again if I want.

I know that would be a short-term, jerk strategy but all I've been is a jerk and I'm afraid ignoring her will just invite too much of a chance of her dumping me.

Dude, it's obvious this girl likes or liked you. Kontroller's advice is not well suited for this situation. She doesn't trust you and thinks you are a jerk. Be a man and call her and risk rejection and quit worrying about getting dumped first. She is not on a power trip here. She just needs to trust you at this point. You are acting really insecure and no amount of ignoring or ****y and funny will hide your insecurities. Call her and lay it on the line. Quit being a puss. I hate to be harsh, but you are acting like a girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
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zinc64 said:
Dude, it's obvious this girl likes you. Kontroller's advice is not well suited for this situation. She doesn't trust you and thinks you are a jerk. Be a man and call her and risk rejection and quit worrying about getting dumped first. You are really being insecure and no amount of ignoring or ****y and funny will hide your insecurities. Call her and lay it on the line. Quit being a puss. You sound like a girl.
No no no... Calling her will not show strength. She's just returning the favor. Don't listen to this guy. He's obviously emasculated.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
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Well take it from a woman going through this...the longer you wait to contact, the more adament she will be on never speaking to you again. It will just make her more and more mad and solidify the fact that you are infact just an a$4hole.

If you WANT something with her, just suck it up and call her and tell if she pulls games again you're out.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
tick37 said:
No no no... Calling her will not show strength. She's just returning the favor. Don't listen to this guy. He's obviously emasculated.

Every thing is not about strength. Good lord...I have to wonder what the majority of the posters on this forum aAre like in real life. Some of you really come off as insecure. This girl believes he is a jerk right now. Acting strong at this point will not impress her. By the way, he is obviously not strong in the first place. It's hard to fake something like that. Just be real. This girl has obviously written you off as a jerk and now you need to neutralize it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
Well take it from a woman going through this...the longer you wait to contact, the more adament she will be on never speaking to you again. It will just make her more and more mad and solidify the fact that you are infact just an a$4hole.

If you WANT something with her, just suck it up and call her and tell if she pulls games again you're out.
He has contacted her. Twice!

Don't do it!

He doesn't have a leg to stand on to tell her to do this or else.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
Well take it from a woman going through this...the longer you wait to contact, the more adament she will be on never speaking to you again. It will just make her more and more mad and solidify the fact that you are infact just an a$4hole.

If you WANT something with her, just suck it up and call her and tell if she pulls games again you're out.

Exactly! Thank you. Some of the posters on here obviously have no clue about women on a deeper level. OP...quit being an insecure little ***** and call the girl and get real with her. That is not the same as being clingy. You people are too paranoid about that **** because you are insecure in the first place.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
OP...if I listened to the posters on this site..I would not have my GF who is by far the best I have ever had. Their insecure methods told me to next her and not contact her blah blah blah. If I would have listened, I would have lost her, because she confessed recently that she couldn't trust me in the beginning because I was too ****y acting and that she was ready to write me off until I opened up a little more. However, the posters on here, told me she was a ho and too much trouble and all kinds of other crap when in fact she just needed to trust me and believe I wasn't some guy who would use her for sex.

You have to balance it and clearly you are lacking balance as you come off as an insecure jerk to women. That equals weakness not strength.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
Exactly! Thank you. Some of the posters on here obviously have no clue about women on a deeper level. OP...quit being an insecure little ***** and call the girl and get real with her. That is not the same as being clingy. You people are too paranoid about that **** because you are insecure in the first place.
There is no way I'm insecure. If you would have said this about 2 months ago, I would have agreed with you. I have nothing to prove to you because I know what and who I am.

Insecure people chase. What you're telling him to do is called chasing. He's already made attempts and any more would look desperate.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
I concur. There is nothing I hate more than when I pull the silent treatment and he pulls it back. Mind you in my case, he deserves and I am trying to not ever speak to him again. But it still bothers me to hell that he hasn't even tried.

HOWEVER, if this girl is as stubborn as I am...she will not be contacting you anytime soon.
You're trying to never speak to him again so you can't stand it when he doesn't call. Okie-dokie! It's the ego thing. As long as he's an AFC and begging you, you've got the ego gratified, and can move on with your life. But if he doesn't come crawling, your ego is threatened, you're insecurities will take over, and you literally can't move on with your life. So you may call and be all sweet and catch the dude off guard, he drops his guard, you feel validated, end of story, end of him... then all your feelings are erased! You're saying you have to end things on your terms. Ending on his terms puts your life on pause.

Lol. You chicks can be nutty. :crazy:


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
tick37 said:
There is no way I'm insecure. If you would have said this about 2 months ago, I would have agreed with you. I have nothing to prove to you because I know what and who I am.

Insecure people chase. What you're telling him to do is called chasing. He's already made attempts and any more would look desperate.
I'm telling him to make one phone call and if he can't reach her to move on. He has already done way too much damage at this point to be playing games. It's time to let her know that he's serious and willing to sacrifice some of his pride/ego. That is not being insecure.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
reset said:
You're trying to never speak to him again so you can't stand it when he doesn't call. Okie-dokie! It's the ego thing. As long as he's an AFC and begging you, you've got the ego gratified, and can move on with your life. But if he doesn't come crawling, your ego is threatened, you're insecurities will take over, and you literally can't move on with your life. So you may call and be all sweet and catch the dude off guard, he drops his guard, you feel validated, end of story, end of him... then all your feelings are erased! You're saying you have to end things on your terms. Ending on his terms puts your life on pause.

Lol. You chicks can be nutty. :crazy:
Yeah I know, it's messed up but that's the way it is. I closest-thing-to-hate him and really don't want to speak to him...BUT it bothers me that he doesn't seem remorseful or seem to care that I just walked out of his life.

Oh well.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Eh, I think it cuts both ways.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
I'm telling him to make one phone call and if he can't reach her to move on. He has already done way too much damage at this point to be playing games. It's time to let her know that he's serious and willing to sacrifice some of his pride/ego. That is not being insecure.
So be it. He'll just have to decide for himself. He shouldn't have been an a-hole in the first place. Now he's regretting it, but switching back in forth is a little confusing. He made his bed, and now he's lying in it.

If this woman is ignoring him now, then he's diminishing his chances by calling her again. She needs time to think about him without his pursuit because nagging her will not give her to time to think of all those other thoughts other than being mad at him. He needs to stand back. She wants him to stand back, but she doesn't know that. To her, that's desirable, and that's the only reason she'll change her thoughts about him. Don't be a chump and let time be on your side.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
I'm telling him to make one phone call and if he can't reach her to move on. He has already done way too much damage at this point to be playing games. It's time to let her know that he's serious and willing to sacrifice some of his pride/ego. That is not being insecure.

Why bother calling? She just will screen it and let it go to v/m and she wins again.

I could have made this thread. That girl I was seeing and broke up with a month ago came over a week ago and we made up. She slept in my bed last Sunday and everything seemed good and I was happy.

Then she ignored me all last week and continues to do so. She texted me Thursday saying she will "call me soon" and I expected a call this weekend.

I still have not gotten the call. I sent 1 email and she ignored that too.

I guess she just had to know I still want her. I guess that after she discovered that I regret breaking up with her, she dumped me without actually telling me. Just the silent treatment. This seems to be common behavior with these psychos.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
tick37 said:
So be it.If this woman is ignoring him now, then he's diminishing his chances by calling her again. She needs time to think about him without his pursuit because nagging her will not give her to time to think of all those other thoughts other than being mad at him. He needs to stand back. She wants him to stand back, but she doesn't know that. To her, that's desirable, and that's the only reason she'll change her thoughts about him. Don't be a chump and let time be on your side.
Spot on!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
OP...if I listened to the posters on this site..I would not have my GF who is by far the best I have ever had. Their insecure methods told me to next her and not contact her blah blah blah. If I would have listened, I would have lost her, because she confessed recently that she couldn't trust me in the beginning because I was too ****y acting and that she was ready to write me off until I opened up a little more. However, the posters on here, told me she was a ho and too much trouble and all kinds of other crap when in fact she just needed to trust me and believe I wasn't some guy who would use her for sex.

You have to balance it and clearly you are lacking balance as you come off as an insecure jerk to women. That equals weakness not strength.
So you managed to secure one piece of pvssy that is an exception to our methods by using your AFC mentality.

You've given this woman the frame and your balls on a silver platter.

She runs your relationship but you've got a girlfriend so AFC mentality= good and DJ mentality= bad.

Congrats to you.

We should call for the immediate deletion of the DJ Bible and follow your symp/AFC ways.

Then when the next girl who says yes to being our girlfriend comes along we'll kiss her ass at every available opportunity and cling to her tightly because we can't let our happiness in life get away after all.

You sicken me kid.

Get your AFC ass to

Signed up for only two months and already talking sh!t you are either a well known troll back yet again or a feminist posing as a male trying to undermine the message of the site. Been that way since the site was founded and sadly they'll be more like you here once you get tired and leave.

And if by some chance your story is true and the posters here called your girl a "ho" by the information you gave them to go on in your topic about her then I doubt in the long run the DJ's here will be proven wrong.

Come back and do tell us as soon as you realize the girl has played you.

We'll be here to help you get back on track and become a DJ instead of the AFC you currently are.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
I'm thinking about sending her a message breaking up with her again. No point in calling, I doubt she'll answer. I hate the feeling that I am getting strung along. I'm only thinking about doing it because I already broke up with her once.

It makes sense she came back acting all nice and sweet and reeled me back in. Only to dump me in return. But won't tell me just gives me the silent treatment. How lame can a psycho get?

I really am done with her games this time.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
My Name is Nobody said:
I'm thinking about sending her a message breaking up with her again. No point in calling, I doubt she'll answer. I hate the feeling that I am getting strung along. I'm only thinking about doing it because I already broke up with her once.

It makes sense she came back acting all nice and sweet and reeled me back in. Only to dump me in return. But won't tell me just gives me the silent treatment. How lame can a psycho get?

I really am done with her games this time.
I think your problem is that you only think about yourself. Why don't you just start your own thread about your own issue? I feel like you are being like a woman. It seems you just say what's bothering you, but not for an answer. It's like you just do it so someone will listen. So, start your own thread, and LISTEN!