That I’m an old fart and I can’t for the life of me stand people who don’t get it.
I’m just busy and every time I compromised on selectiveness it comes back to bite me because I just do not have the time to re educate
I’m fine with testing boundaries ONCE, and she has to get it just from my reaction. If I have to explain to someone how to behave and respect I find it an extreme turn off
It means they may grumpily do or not do what I asked but behind my back they’ll do othe stuff and I don’t have the time to police
if they don't just internalise how to behave there is no hope
However when you find someone who just gets it life is just to much easier for both of you, it's bliss...
That goes for me as well... for the right girl she'll be treated like she's never dreamed but I have to get to that stage naturally
I guess I don’t just want my pen inked and that’s it… in fact at times I failed to perform if I don’t at some level find the girl intellectually compatible and femininine in some way
Call me the odd one out but I do "get this"^^.
If I read this post correctly, you desire more than the young hot smokeshow who cooks for you and who you can readily bang, you desire a woman with a decent level of EQ and intellectual compatibility as well as beauty and I actually applaud you for that!
Such women DO exist!
It reflects at least to me you have depth and a certain amount of emotional integrity, which are attractive qualities at least to me and my circle of female friends.
It does become exhausting having to constantly educate and set the same boundaries, I can relate to that even as a female and yes agree it's a huge turnoff.
I'm not sure why you're being criticized for it but anyway...
Re this girl, it seems to me she does "get it," and it didn't require much explaining or teaching; you didn't contact her for 4 days and now SHE has reached out asking what your plans are later (she wants to see you).
Thus, she's no longer 'fighting your frame,' the opposite she has graciously "fallen into your frame." And she figured it out all on her own..
So why the dismissive response "I'm busy"?
Isn't this precisely what you wanted?
Why not meet her halfway at least? I like
@BeExcellent response.
You could always say "Hmmm. Got stuff going on until pretty late. What did you have in mind?"
You respond in a nuetralish way & volley the ball back to her. See what happens next....
Spot on!
Anyway, you're gonna do what you want regardless just maybe be a bit less stubborn and don't cut off your nose to spite your face or whatever that saying is?
JMO good luck and keep us posted.