Thanks BB for the heads up but i'm familiar with your company through my research. From my knowledge, it's what you said, web development. I'm looking for mobile app development and have been in contact with firms that focus on that, which i think is probably my best bet. I maybe be looking at web development in the future but that doesn't come into play yet.backbreaker said:I own a web development company and my best programmer, by a country mile, is indian. I'd be pretty ****ed without him at this point.
Frankley, your project is too small for what we do so I'm not trying to push my compaines stuff on you but PM me before you hire someone so i can look at their stuff for you i can do that for you
If you want to go the indian route i can put you in contact with the guy you need to be put in contact with
App development from what i've been quoted can be done for 5k-100k depending on the complexity and quality. i'm definitely not paying the low end as i will pay for the quality, and i don't expect to be paying the high end as the coding (i've been already told by a programmer i know, the PhD mentioned) is not complex.
Any suggestions on how to overcome the MAJOR downside of being a single founder with no technical experience starting a technical company would be appreciated.
The startup incubators rarely fund single man companies, let alone single man tech companies without technical expertise (re-iteration of the above).
I've weighed out my pro's and con's as unbiased as i could as a potential investor and the con's outweight the pro's without a technical co founder. I do have some things i plan to do that should even things out but any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. If you guys don't know how to judge your own concept with weighted values, you should learn to do it. It has helped me in the process of developing viable concepts/businesses.
Idea Good +1 (confirmed by 10+ people and not one person has been able to identify a fault worthy of throwing out the concept)
Invested money/has developed an MVP (prototype) +2 (this shows that i'm dedicated and focused and i will have to actually execute this to get the Pts)
Proof of market/concept that my clients are interested in this +1
Social Media +1
Simple coding and easy to build/manage +1
multiple sources of revenue for an app +1
Non technical single co founder of a technical company -10
Pros +7, Con's -10
As i stated above, i plan on turning that +7 to +11. Proof of concept/market is generally sufficient with one single reputable company saying they are interested if they investors like the team and the concept. Since they won't like my team, i plan to get 20 reputable potential clients to say yes. I believe that gives me a fighting chance and I will still be open to them recommending a technical co-founder. Also once i start to gain traction and recognition there will be more people interested in joining.
I'd like to scratch out learning to code. I will read on coding but asking me to learn to code in 2 months or less is not likely and a waste of my time at this crucial moment.