Alright, so I want to use the no contact method to either get my ex back or cut off all ties with her completely. She seems to have this attitude that I will always be a friend and that is POINTLESS! Anyways, so I have NO WAY of seeing her PERIOD, but she told me she needed some space after the breakup, so I'm giving her the space she wanted, BUT here's the thing I'm almost positive in a few days she will reply with something like "I've thought about it and just want to be friends". Obviously I don't want to be her friend I want to be MORE than that if possible, but if it wasn't meant to be and she doesn't have feeling for me, then it wasn't meant to be! My question is I can guarantee she responds with the "lets just be friends statement" so how do I initiate no contact if she classifies me as a friend? If she thinks I'm always going to be her friend, then she will never know what it's like to miss me, so what would you recommend I say to this (to initiate no contact) AND if she does contact me after I initiate no contact how do I reply? Do I just ignore her? Give her an ultimatum that we can't be friends and pretend to agree with the breakup so she second guesses herself? Completely baffled by this lol I need solid advice!