Maximus Rex said:You don't understand the power of no contact. Pull up a chair, sit down, and soak up this good game and what I'm about to tell you comes from first hand experience and seeing other people go through it.
Heroin addiction is some sh*t, not only because of the potency of the drug, but also due to the extremes that fiends are willing to go through to cop. These muthaf*ckas will literally do anything to get money to cop to namely avoid the one thing they dread the most, withdrawals.
I'm seen fiends when they're dope sick. They have cramps, they're all hunched over, they get to throwin' up and sh*t, for a fiend being sick in the morning ain't nothing nice.
The same principle applies to a woman, from all their lives they've been told how pretty and wonderful they are by family members, then when they hit puberty, women become aware of their sexuality and power it wields. Girls notice that just by merely being pretty, having a nice or large rack, or a nice or large a$$ that boys and men will for lack of better words, "do some pretty dumb sh*t" in order curry favor with them. Girls and women relish in this sh*t and they use their looks and sexuality to their advantage quite effectively.
Before Rex became fully aware of the game, he came to realize this fact and he shared it with "The NegMan," if dudes would just stop complimenting chicks and saying hi to them for a month. The lack of attention would drink them nuts. They would start question they're beauty and start throwin' n*ggas the a$$ just to get that reassurance that they've still attractive."
You see Vaporize, what you don't seem to appreciate, let alone understand is, that women are analogous to the dope fiend and attention is their drug. Attention is a source of mental sustenance to them. Women need attention to function, to have peace of mind, to validate their womanhood, femininity, and sexuality. We call women "attention wh*res, actually this is a misnomer a more accurate term would be be "attention fiend," or "attention addict," because a woman's actions (in regards to attention and the lack there of,) are more of that of some who uses drugs, especially when she's not receiving attention, especially from the object of her affections.
When you cut all ties with a woman, (probably due to their emotional natures and constantly getting attention,) it bothers them, BAD. They sit and wonder, "Why doesn't he like me?, "What did I do?" "How is he able just to walk away from me like that?, "Didn't I mean anything to to him?"
She'll lament to her friends about how much she misses you and how you wish he would call. She'll be perplexed as to why you're no longer answering her phone calls or replying to her texts. She'll go out on dates with other dudes, but her thoughts will be about you and she'll even go as far as to talk about you, while on the date. In frustration, she'll leave posts on FB about you, while never saying your name, and she'll spill her guts to her emotional tampons and seek their advice on how to get you back. You might not see it all of it and only catch dribs and drabs of it, but believe me, when turn your back on your ex-girlfriend that b*tch is going through it. Mariah Carey, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, and especially Mary J. Blige have all made careers talking about being f*cked in the game after a break up and trying to have the strength to get through it.
Really, muthaf*cka, are you that much of a b*tch? Go listen to following songs:
After that go into the bathroom and say "you don't break up with me and then have peace at mind! I get REVENGE. I either win her back, or the truth about certain things comes out!" as you look at yourself in the mirror and tell see if you don't feel like the b*tch made f*g muthaf*cka that ever walked the earth.
See, Rex figured out a long time that he couldn't play himself with these hoes because he knew that he would have to look at himself in the mirror. Faced with that reality, Rex decided that every interaction he had with a female he would conduct himself as a male as so he would be able to look at himself in mirror know he didn't act like a b*tch and you sir are acting like a b*tch.
You're not being rationale, back in the days of the Cold War, there was this concept of "mutually assured destruction, which stated that if the U. S. or the Soviets were to launch a nuclear strike, the other side would respond in kind. How did you think this chick's brothers, cousins, friends, and beta orbitors are going to feel when you air her punk a$$ out. They might feel some kind of way about it. They might want to approach you about that sh*t. What if this chick or her parents are of a litigious sort and they decide to file a defamation suit against you and have your a$$ in court, and then you're faced to pay some sort of restitution. Your emotionally fuel charge for vengeance isn't going to look so good now is it.?
Here's the harsh reality potna. She lied to you because you ALLOWED her to. It was your job to check her punk a$$ the first time you caught her in a line. By you not checking on that she, you sent the message that you were cool with her b.s. so therefore she kept lying. She only did to you what you ALLOWED HER TO DO TO YOU.
Do you REALLY want to bring the pain? Do you REALLY want to make this b*tch realize that she f*cked up? Then you go No Contact. You strive to achieve that "Steve Austin Bionic Man" status. You become better than you were before. You attack the weights with a vengeance, and as you're lifting you think about the look this chick is going to have on her face when she sees you yoked and ripped. If you're in school, you strive for good grades, so you can get that high powered 5 or 6 digit salary, so when if you name ever comes up in conversation, it's in the context of the trip that you just took, the sports or luxury car that you driving or the house you just bought. You improve your wardrobe and you study and put into practice the advice given on sites like this, so when baby girl sees you again, you have not only one, but two b*tches on your arm who not only look better than this b*tch ever could, but most importantly, they ACT better than she ever could and they're loving the f*ck out of you. That my nigga is revenge served cold and not that emotionally charged half a$$ed attempt at embarrassment that you're talking about, and it will give you the satisfaction that you so desperately crave.
I can agree to that, but I'm not out for revenge. I actually WANT her back. Revenge is just my last way of saying GOODBYE . The truth is my revenge and not some manipulative BS scheme most of you are probably thinking of. I made all the mistakes of contact after the breakup and two days later I fixed it by NOT contacting her. My question is can this make her feel a "connection" with me again. If I wanted to forget about her I'd just find someone else and not worry about "no contact", but I want what SHOULD have been given to me. We all know girls don't think logically, but logically speaking a second chance is the most logical thing she could give me.