Someone Explain How No Contact Works In This Scenario


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
You don't understand the power of no contact. Pull up a chair, sit down, and soak up this good game and what I'm about to tell you comes from first hand experience and seeing other people go through it.

Heroin addiction is some sh*t, not only because of the potency of the drug, but also due to the extremes that fiends are willing to go through to cop. These muthaf*ckas will literally do anything to get money to cop to namely avoid the one thing they dread the most, withdrawals.

I'm seen fiends when they're dope sick. They have cramps, they're all hunched over, they get to throwin' up and sh*t, for a fiend being sick in the morning ain't nothing nice.

The same principle applies to a woman, from all their lives they've been told how pretty and wonderful they are by family members, then when they hit puberty, women become aware of their sexuality and power it wields. Girls notice that just by merely being pretty, having a nice or large rack, or a nice or large a$$ that boys and men will for lack of better words, "do some pretty dumb sh*t" in order curry favor with them. Girls and women relish in this sh*t and they use their looks and sexuality to their advantage quite effectively.

Before Rex became fully aware of the game, he came to realize this fact and he shared it with "The NegMan," if dudes would just stop complimenting chicks and saying hi to them for a month. The lack of attention would drink them nuts. They would start question they're beauty and start throwin' n*ggas the a$$ just to get that reassurance that they've still attractive."

You see Vaporize, what you don't seem to appreciate, let alone understand is, that women are analogous to the dope fiend and attention is their drug. Attention is a source of mental sustenance to them. Women need attention to function, to have peace of mind, to validate their womanhood, femininity, and sexuality. We call women "attention wh*res, actually this is a misnomer a more accurate term would be be "attention fiend," or "attention addict," because a woman's actions (in regards to attention and the lack there of,) are more of that of some who uses drugs, especially when she's not receiving attention, especially from the object of her affections.

When you cut all ties with a woman, (probably due to their emotional natures and constantly getting attention,) it bothers them, BAD. They sit and wonder, "Why doesn't he like me?, "What did I do?" "How is he able just to walk away from me like that?, "Didn't I mean anything to to him?"

She'll lament to her friends about how much she misses you and how you wish he would call. She'll be perplexed as to why you're no longer answering her phone calls or replying to her texts. She'll go out on dates with other dudes, but her thoughts will be about you and she'll even go as far as to talk about you, while on the date. In frustration, she'll leave posts on FB about you, while never saying your name, and she'll spill her guts to her emotional tampons and seek their advice on how to get you back. You might not see it all of it and only catch dribs and drabs of it, but believe me, when turn your back on your ex-girlfriend that b*tch is going through it. Mariah Carey, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, and especially Mary J. Blige have all made careers talking about being f*cked in the game after a break up and trying to have the strength to get through it.

:down: Really, muthaf*cka, are you that much of a b*tch? Go listen to following songs:

After that go into the bathroom and say "you don't break up with me and then have peace at mind! I get REVENGE. I either win her back, or the truth about certain things comes out!" as you look at yourself in the mirror and tell see if you don't feel like the b*tch made f*g muthaf*cka that ever walked the earth.

See, Rex figured out a long time that he couldn't play himself with these hoes because he knew that he would have to look at himself in the mirror. Faced with that reality, Rex decided that every interaction he had with a female he would conduct himself as a male as so he would be able to look at himself in mirror know he didn't act like a b*tch and you sir are acting like a b*tch.

You're not being rationale, back in the days of the Cold War, there was this concept of "mutually assured destruction, which stated that if the U. S. or the Soviets were to launch a nuclear strike, the other side would respond in kind. How did you think this chick's brothers, cousins, friends, and beta orbitors are going to feel when you air her punk a$$ out. They might feel some kind of way about it. They might want to approach you about that sh*t. What if this chick or her parents are of a litigious sort and they decide to file a defamation suit against you and have your a$$ in court, and then you're faced to pay some sort of restitution. Your emotionally fuel charge for vengeance isn't going to look so good now is it.?

Here's the harsh reality potna. She lied to you because you ALLOWED her to. It was your job to check her punk a$$ the first time you caught her in a line. By you not checking on that she, you sent the message that you were cool with her b.s. so therefore she kept lying. She only did to you what you ALLOWED HER TO DO TO YOU.

Do you REALLY want to bring the pain? Do you REALLY want to make this b*tch realize that she f*cked up? Then you go No Contact. You strive to achieve that "Steve Austin Bionic Man" status. You become better than you were before. You attack the weights with a vengeance, and as you're lifting you think about the look this chick is going to have on her face when she sees you yoked and ripped. If you're in school, you strive for good grades, so you can get that high powered 5 or 6 digit salary, so when if you name ever comes up in conversation, it's in the context of the trip that you just took, the sports or luxury car that you driving or the house you just bought. You improve your wardrobe and you study and put into practice the advice given on sites like this, so when baby girl sees you again, you have not only one, but two b*tches on your arm who not only look better than this b*tch ever could, but most importantly, they ACT better than she ever could and they're loving the f*ck out of you. That my nigga is revenge served cold and not that emotionally charged half a$$ed attempt at embarrassment that you're talking about, and it will give you the satisfaction that you so desperately crave.

I can agree to that, but I'm not out for revenge. I actually WANT her back. Revenge is just my last way of saying GOODBYE :D. The truth is my revenge and not some manipulative BS scheme most of you are probably thinking of. I made all the mistakes of contact after the breakup and two days later I fixed it by NOT contacting her. My question is can this make her feel a "connection" with me again. If I wanted to forget about her I'd just find someone else and not worry about "no contact", but I want what SHOULD have been given to me. We all know girls don't think logically, but logically speaking a second chance is the most logical thing she could give me.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Vaporized said:
LOL, this guy haha. Look I merely seek advice to get her back, but you want to know why I'm so angry over her actions? Would you like to experience what I felt? Let me paint the picture for you real quick. Alright, so it's Nov 30th 2013 and me and her are naked cuddling together. All my friends tell me she's the most loyal girl in the world and the best ever and then she shows me this msg from kik! I had seen this BS before with my younger sister and I KNEW she was flirting with dudes on there. So I took her phone right out her hand and sifted through it. She was FLIRTING and SEXTING all kinds of dudes! From everywhere! She's a SUPER attention *****! I GAVE her a second chance and despite what ANYONE says I know for 100% fact she never did that BS again, but here's the thing, she didn't give ME a second chance when I screwed up. How does that make ME feel? She lied to her mom just to cover her own butt. Why should I let that go? Her family SHOULD know the TRUTH. That's my revenge, it's not out of hatred! If you lie, then guess what? I SWOOP IN. She broke up with me cuz I called her friend out for cheating on HER BF, so don't come at me with that BS! All of you guys are talking about "spinning plates" and "multiple women", you don't think you're all ***holes? Really? I don't support ANY cheaters male or female, so don't hypocritically judge my post, when you're situation bares no weight. All I wanted was help, not judgmental opinions on something NONE of you know about. If I didn't care about her, I wouldn't have made an account on this website would I? This is how I am with EVERYONE! You don't walk all over me and walk away. I get EVEN PERIOD, now you can highlight in bold what you want, but I don't back down to no one including people on an internet site :p
Fine. Do what you gotta do. Tell the truth about her. See if that helps getting her back.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Who gives a sh*t? Go f*ck other women

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Boo F*ckin Hoo

Vaporized said:
LOL, this guy haha. Look I merely seek advice to get her back, but you want to know why I'm so angry over her actions?....I KNEW she was flirting with dudes on there. So I took her phone right out her hand and sifted through it. She was FLIRTING and SEXTING all kinds of dudes! From everywhere! She's a SUPER attention *****!
And you want this b*tch back? :down: Really dude? Do you have a dad? Is your self esteem that f*cked up that you feel as if this is only woman in the world that will f*ck with you?

Vaporized said:
but here's the thing, she didn't give ME a second chance when I screwed up. How does that make ME feel?
Au contraire mon frere, she did give you a "second chance,"a a second chance to continue being the simp that had been in the past.

Vaporized said:
Would you like to experience what I felt? Let me paint the picture for you real quick.
Muthaf*cka stop with the histrionics. You don't actually think that you're on the only person on this site that's been through some sh*t behind some triflin' b*tch? Get the f*ck out here with that bullsh*t, until you've had a chick question why you as to why you told her you loved her, lie about going to see her cousin spring when in actually she went to go f*ck some other dude, or you experience what this poor dude did

In2theGame said:
A Break..... Ha!

As a young guy it was tough taking flights back and forth from NYC to the south but i did it for her. To raise money,.. I had a big booklet of basketball cards that i had been collecting since the age of 12 till i was 21 over the years and it had rookie cards like Patrick Ewing, Scottie Pippen, Charles Barkley, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan (Yes MJ rookie) and all the great NBA legends. Plus some baseball cards that were hard to come by, Derek Jeter Rookie card, Don Mattingly, I even had a Mickey Mantle (not rookie though). I had a authentic Michael Jordan North Carolina jersey as well. A Walt Frazier Autograph photo etc. I sold all those things to raise money for flights and extra cash to get around for her.

She ends up wanting to take a break from me and gets involved with a dude that was into drugs. She left me even after i did alot more for her. Of course i was fvcking devastated and i would try calling her and she would send my calls to voicemal (BTW this was the start of the Cell phones that were flip phones etc). One time i called she let the guy pick up and i cursed him out and wish i could find him to put a dent in his head then she laughed in the backround overhearing her say "let me touch your c0ck". It made me so angry and hurt that i had to go to my friends house.

few Weeks go by and she calls me out of no where crying that the guy doesnt want to have sex with her. SHE CALLS ME! (the guy that loved her very much) TO TELL ME THE GUY DOESNT WANT HER. What followed was even a bigger slap in the face. She then says "Dont give up on me, We're just on a break and I miss you" I was a young guy that didnt know any better and i said "i miss you too".

We got back together and things seemed great for a while until a year passed and again,.... Said she needed a break when i later found out she was talking to someone. She was back home and her parents were away We got into an argument and then she says "Well, I gotta go because someone is coming over and i need to change my panties" i went off on her and she just said i gotta go. I called later again it was like 1am, she picked up but tells me "i cant talk, im busy and havin some fun on the couch".

I dont even want to type anymore... this just brings back really upsetting memories.

Alright, so it's Nov 30th 2013 and me and her are naked cuddling together

Vaporized said:
That's my revenge, it's not out of hatred!
So it's based in some beta male emotional b*tch made b. s.?

Vaporized said:
If you lie, then guess what? I SWOOP IN. She broke up with me cuz I called her friend out for cheating on HER BF
:crackup: :up: You believe that sh*t if you want to dude, but Rex is telling you right now, that b*tch is a muthaf*ckin' and that's the excuse she gave you. By the way, what the f*ck where you doing offering opinions and chastising the next b*tch for her f*ckery? In the future mind, your own business.

Vaporized said:
All of you guys are talking about "spinning plates" and "multiple women", you don't think you're all ***holes? Really? I don't support ANY cheaters male or female,
Whoa, whoa. Slow your role potna. You're completely and totally out of line because you have zero idea on what is that you're talking about. For one thing, show me when somebody on this site is advocating cheating on their girlfriend. Also you don't know what spinning plates is and the context in which the tactic is used.

When you're single and you're dating, until you and one particular female have come to a clear understanding that you're exclusive, YOU'RE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO SEE JUST HER EXCLUSIVELY! As a matter of fact dudes will recommend against you doing so. This is prevent you from getting what is known as "oneitis," becoming sprung or infatuated with one particular female. Spinning plates also causes you to became more attractive to the chick that trying to holla at due to things such as pre-selection. You don't hide the fact that you're hollerin' at multiple chicks, but you don't volunteer the info either. Who and what I'm doing when she isn't around isn't any of my business.

Vaporized said:
so don't hypocritically judge my post, when you're situation bares no weight.
Vaporized said:
Why are you being so defensive? Why are you mad bruh?:D

Vaporized said:
All I wanted was help,
You know what your problem is Vaporized? No, Rex what's my "problem?" You're what Tommy Sotomayor would call a S.I.M.P. "Somebody Idolizing Medicore P*ssy. You didn't want our help. You wanted somebody to co-sign this path down to slavish "baby PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" beta maledom that you already decided that you wanted to take. When dudes didn't tell how to be a b*tch nigga and gave instructions on how to reclaim your manhood with a possibility of getting this hoe b*tch back from a position power, integrity, and respect you felt some kinda way about it.

Vaporized said:
not judgmental opinions on something NONE of you know about.
On behalf of the Don Juans of, Vaporized, you can take your leave of this esteemed company of men now. It's apparent that you don't have the mental where with all to accept the advice and knowledge that's being bestowed to you. Any and everything that's being said to you will fall about deaf ears, and to continue responding to you will be tantamount to a waste of time on our parts. The Omnipotens Maximus Rex wishes only the best of luck in becoming the emasculated p*ssy whipped servile male in your ex-girlfriend's life that you so desire to become.

Vaporized said:
If I didn't care about her, I wouldn't have made an account on this website would I?
That's your problem, "you care about her. Unfortunately, you care more about her than you do yourself. Your ex whipped worse than Kunta Kinte when he was forced to take his slave name.

Vaporized said:
This is how I am with EVERYONE! You don't walk all over me and walk you can highlight in bold what you want, but I don't back down to no one including people on an internet site :p
So you're going to "Huff and puff, then blow our houses down? Let me tell something potna, these "pigs," around here all have their houses built of bricks, so just stop it with your emotional internet temper tantrum. You're an emotional basket case right now and you're going through p*ssy withdrawal, and that's what all this is, you're upset that you've been cut off from your supply of p*ssy. You're at a crossroads, either take the red pill and join us. See the world as it is. Become a better man, take charge of your life and stop being so reactionary when things don't go your way not only with women, but in life in general. Or you take the bill and continue that path that you're going on. You can do all of the things you've seen in movies in an attempt to get this chick back. If so I recommend or, the women on those sites can help you.

Vaporized said:
:D But I thought this wasn't about revenge. :up: Ole emotional a$$ mutha****a. Enjoy the Super Bowl, you p*ssy whipped b*tch.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
And you want this b*tch back? :down: Really dude? Do you have a dad? Is your self esteem that f*cked up that you feel as if this is only woman in the world that will f*ck with you?

Au contraire mon frere, she did give you a "second chance,"a a second chance to continue being the simp that had been in the past.

Muthaf*cka stop with the histrionics. You don't actually think that you're on the only person on this site that's been through some sh*t behind some triflin' b*tch? Get the f*ck out here with that bullsh*t, until you've had a chick question why you as to why you told her you loved her, lie about going to see her cousin spring when in actually she went to go f*ck some other dude, or you experience what this poor dude did

Alright, so it's Nov 30th 2013 and me and her are naked cuddling together

So it's based in some beta male emotional b*tch made b. s.?

:crackup: :up: You believe that sh*t if you want to dude, but Rex is telling you right now, that b*tch is a muthaf*ckin' and that's the excuse she gave you. By the way, what the f*ck where you doing offering opinions and chastising the next b*tch for her f*ckery? In the future mind, your own business.

Whoa, whoa. Slow your role potna. You're completely and totally out of line because you have zero idea on what is that you're talking about. For one thing, show me when somebody on this site is advocating cheating on their girlfriend. Also you don't know what spinning plates is and the context in which the tactic is used.

When you're single and you're dating, until you and one particular female have come to a clear understanding that you're exclusive, YOU'RE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO SEE JUST HER EXCLUSIVELY! As a matter of fact dudes will recommend against you doing so. This is prevent you from getting what is known as "oneitis," becoming sprung or infatuated with one particular female. Spinning plates also causes you to became more attractive to the chick that trying to holla at due to things such as pre-selection. You don't hide the fact that you're hollerin' at multiple chicks, but you don't volunteer the info either. Who and what I'm doing when she isn't around isn't any of my business.

Vaporized said:
so don't hypocritically judge my post, when you're situation bares no weight.
Vaporized said:
Why are you being so defensive? Why are you mad bruh?:D

You know what your problem is Vaporized? No, Rex what's my "problem?" You're what Tommy Sotomayor would call a S.I.M.P. "Somebody Idolizing Medicore P*ssy. You didn't want our help. You wanted somebody to co-sign this path down to slavish "baby PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME" beta maledom that you already decided that you wanted to take. When dudes didn't tell how to be a b*tch nigga and gave instructions on how to reclaim your manhood with a possibility of getting this hoe b*tch back from a position power, integrity, and respect you felt some kinda way about it.

On behalf of the Don Juans of, Vaporized, you can take your leave of this esteemed company of men now. It's apparent that you don't have the mental where with all to accept the advice and knowledge that's being bestowed to you. Any and everything that's being said to you will fall about deaf ears, and to continue responding to you will be tantamount to a waste of time on our parts. The Omnipotens Maximus Rex wishes only the best of luck in becoming the emasculated p*ssy whipped servile male in your ex-girlfriend's life that you so desire to become.

That's your problem, "you care about her. Unfortunately, you care more about her than you do yourself. Your ex whipped worse than Kunta Kinte when he was forced to take his slave name.

So you're going to "Huff and puff, then blow our houses down? Let me tell something potna, these "pigs," around here all have their houses built of bricks, so just stop it with your emotional internet temper tantrum. You're an emotional basket case right now and you're going through p*ssy withdrawal, and that's what all this is, you're upset that you've been cut off from your supply of p*ssy. You're at a crossroads, either take the red pill and join us. See the world as it is. Become a better man, take charge of your life and stop being so reactionary when things don't go your way not only with women, but in life in general. Or you take the bill and continue that path that you're going on. You can do all of the things you've seen in movies in an attempt to get this chick back. If so I recommend or, the women on those sites can help you.

:D But I thought this wasn't about revenge. :up: Ole emotional a$$ mutha****a. Enjoy the Super Bowl, you p*ssy whipped b*tch.

For someone that avoids hostility my opinion sure does make you angry! Don't hulk out on me "potna" lol. I asked for advice not some pitiful "move on" "she cheated" or "it's over" reply. You gave real advice so I ain't gonna hate but you really don't know me or my situation so cool it with the flaming. I'm emotional but you wrote an entire page trying to use anecdotal evidence to break down my response lol how hypocritical!!!! I respect you for the advice as that's ALL I want I don't want some BS like "move on go get another broad". Just cuz some of y'all give up when things get rough doesn't mean I WILL! BTW the level of hypocrisy you display is beyond astounding! You tell me I have emotional feelings and that I'm mad but you wrote an equivalent of a novel spewing mumbo jumbo unrelated to my question. So potna best saddle up and continue to ride your horse while us "whipped" individuals acquire the finer things in life. I'm sure you're making thousands a week tho right? You got plans implemented that will make you a millionaire! Oh wait I'm sure using Internet logic you probably are a millionaire! Anyways thanks for the advice potna appreciate the remarks of wisdom you bestowed upon my uneducated mind lol and you thought you weren't an emotional wreck haha you let someone on the Internet aggravate you! How does reality feel?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
BTW my goal in life isn't to get the finest ***** ever haha. Really? You think I care about that? That makes me a (insert quirky remark) right? Lol that's a rhetorical question btw so don't answer in case you didn't get the hint. Some of you put on these major fronts in your life and do things no one cares about. Someone told me to lift weights lol I benched double body weight and curled single body weight as a Max at 18 before I was inflicted with a disease! I still lift despite constantly battling with losing muscle mass ect. I'm 20 and about to purchase a corvette in a few months from saving my money up and working. Can y'all say you did that at 20? Do you guys battle things out of your control and still come out a champ? I do mma when not flaring from my disease too! Am I good nah not really but better than any untrained person or beginner. See I don't care about getting those ratchet women half y'all wind up with! My girl wasn't the greatest looker but I liked her for who she was and actually appreciated the things I shared! Call it whipped or b*tch made but I ain't ask you to judge my life I asked for advice from people MORE experienced than me. If you're reading this odds are you ARE more experienced than me and there's no shame in my game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
See I don't care about getting those ratchet women half y'all wind up with! My girl wasn't the greatest looker but I liked her for who she was and actually appreciated the things I shared!
She was FLIRTING and SEXTING all kinds of dudes! From everywhere! She's a SUPER attention *****!
Lol ok bro your girl isn't ratchet at all. Stop being hardheaded and listen to the golden advice being given to you. Your girl was low class, go ahead and fvck her again one day if you want but you would be an idiot to take this chick back for a relationship. Your best move right now is to erase her from your life and move on. Since you're so awesome judging by your last post you should have no problem finding more women to occupy your time with. No matter what you're eventually gonna learn what we're telling you, either now or later after this chick and probably several others put you through hell.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
I know how you feel Vaporized. But, it sounds like your both young and you have your whole life ahead of you. I been in your shoes before and it sucks, but time will heal things. Eventually your gonna come across another girl who is better...

I cant tell you what to do, you can try get her back, but most likely you will break up again and go through the pain all over again. Unless you plan on marrying her, theres not point in trying to get her back. and if her interest level is low she will hurt you again... I would start focusing more on You and start looking for other girls.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Rex Doesn't Know What to Tell You

Vaporized said:
For someone that avoids hostility my opinion sure does make you angry! Don't hulk out on me "potna" lol. I asked for advice not some pitiful "move on" "she cheated" or "it's over" reply. You gave real advice so I ain't gonna hate but you really don't know me or my situation so cool it with the flaming. I'm emotional but you wrote an entire page trying to use anecdotal evidence to break down my response lol how hypocritical!!!!
My plainness of speech makes them hate me, and what is their hatred but a proof that I am speaking the truth.”-Socrates, The Apology

Vaporized said:
ALL I want I don't want some BS like "move on go get another broad". Just cuz some of y'all give up when things get rough doesn't mean I WILL!
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.-Albert Einstein

Vaporized said:
You tell me I have emotional feelings and that I'm mad but you wrote an equivalent of a novel spewing mumbo jumbo unrelated to my question.
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.-Richard P. Feynman

Vaporized said:
So potna best saddle up and continue to ride your horse while us "whipped" individuals acquire the finer things in life. I'm sure you're making thousands a week tho right? You got plans implemented that will make you a millionaire!
"You tell me I have emotional feelings and that I'm mad but you wrote an equivalent of a novel spewing mumbo jumbo unrelated to my question."-Vaporized

Vaporized said:
Anyways thanks for the advice potna appreciate the remarks of wisdom you bestowed upon my uneducated mind lol and you thought you weren't an emotional wreck haha you let someone on the Internet aggravate you! How does reality feel?
Before a man speaks it is always safe to assume that he is a fool. After he speaks, it is seldom necessary to assume it.-H. L. Mencken

Vaporized said:
BTW my goal in life isn't to get the finest ***** ever haha. Really? You think I care about that? That makes me a (insert quirky remark) right? Lol that's a rhetorical question btw so don't answer in case you didn't get the hint.
Rex thinking to himself, "Well that's because Vaproized has convinced himself that he isn't WORTHY enough to have or he CAN'T get the finest b*tch ever. The only people who actively strive for mediocrity or people who have SETTLED for mediocrity.

Vaporized said:
I'm 20 and about to purchase a corvette in a few months from saving my money up and working. Can y'all say you did that at 20? Do you guys battle things out of your control and still come out a champ? I do mma when not flaring from my disease too! Am I good nah not really but better than any untrained person or beginner.
The misfortune of the wise is better than the prosperity of the fool.-Epicurus

Vaporized said:
See I don't care about getting those ratchet women half y'all wind up with! My girl wasn't the greatest looker but I liked her for who she was and actually appreciated the things I shared!
Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.-Adrienne Rich

Vaporized said:
Call it whipped or b*tch made but I ain't ask you to judge my life I asked for advice from people MORE experienced than me. If you're reading this odds are you ARE more experienced than me and there's no shame in my game.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
