Fingz, it's good to hear you again!! I will attempt to answer your questions with as little BS as possible and you just have to argue back if you find inconsistencies.
Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?
Well as far as I know we are a sexually repressed society. Sex is considered "dirty" and of course bad. And don't even get me started on the labels put upon those who have sex. I've even questioned my own feelings on this and I just find disgust has been wired deep down. I can't tell if it has been programmed since childhood or whether it is genetically passed down through generations.
Since sex is is repressed, and the meaning of the word repressed asssumes that it lies there beneath the surface, boiling, ready to explode at any time, then it is only natural to think of ways to channel that force that are "okay" for society to accept. I can't think of any examples here, so you'd just have to use your imagination. I guess this probably includes all those "rules" for dating which is short for dysfunctional-mating (my very own creation, you like....?
That is to say basically that if sex was not distorted, then it would be raw and it would be okay for people to try it and we'd have to deal with all the consequences of that (unwanted babies, STDs etc) So the natural tendency is prevention through repression.
Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?
What purpose does it serve to have a society built up of girly guys and manly chicks?
Actually I don't think it has a purpose per se. It is merely a side-effect of not-so-well-thought-out theories that bloomed during the rise of feminism.
Feminism served as a channel of release from sexual repression of women at that time. Since it needed to make a big dent in the society, it went for the sky and made very strong and bold moves that included blaming males, hatred and disintegration of masculinity.
Appearently, the bold moves were accepted as norm and now were' seeing the side-effects of those bold moves, including the feminization of man, and masculinization of woman. Many misguided males at the time, through lack of self-esteem and mainly lack of thinking ability, accepted them as the norm and those males became the lawyers and judges that passed them down as laws.
Thus began the breakdown of man. The taming of the beast was done through the most cruel psychological warfare that exists today, the induction of GUILT. Guilt has been and will forever be the most effective and the most widely used psychological weapon of choice to tame man. Then men had to find ways to cope with guilt and it included blaming themselves, or swinging the other way. Thus the line between femininity and masculinity began to blur. Innocently enough, guilt created the very first AFCs. A breed of guilt-ridden, emotionally-wrecked males that signified the death of man as we know it. Those were our fathers and our grandfathers.
Why has sex become so glamorized?
What is there to be gained from this? Is it a fluke? A conspiracy? If so then who is behind it and what is the motive?
My first thought on this was simply that it is corporate America trying to drain us from our cash, but now I realize that corporate America is simply utilizing something that is occurring all by itself.
If you follow my line of argument above, about the repression of sexual freedom, and the need to channel this repression, you'll see that corporate America is only one gear in the mechanism that is profiting from a self-occurring phenomenon. Note how I'm staying away from calling it naturally-occurring.
I'm doing this only to show that there's nothing natural about this phenomenon, just like there's nothing natural about abdominal pain occurring as a result of strong medication. Our society has been drugged with a very strong medication the effects of which you seem to be wondering about, the effects of which we suffer daily in our lives.
Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?
Aside from the whole metrosexual phenomenon, why are there so many chumps out there? How come most of my pals treat me like a god just because I talk to girls I dont know? What the hell is going on here???!!!
Why do we have chumps? Because of lack of proper training from the family and lack of information in our schools. I am a firm believer in the amount of influence that parents, grandparents and family in general can have on the minds of children (males and females) It's not only what is taught verbally, but also what the child learns non-verbally and through observation.
The other factor is lack of information, and lack of well made movies. We have let Disney tell our young generation what love is, what romance is and how to act as a chump. Ity is purely a learned skill. Not many of us had any idea what those princess fairy tales were teaching us subconsciously. Most of us don't even consider re-learning the skill until much later in life.
I say let's form an organization that subvertly starts to introduce DJ qualities in fairy tales. We create the fairy tales to teach kids the right things to think and to say all the while seeming innocent enough as a fairy tale. This project could bring a much needed sexual balance in our everyday society. But it has to be done under the feminism radar so it goes undetected. Let's start teacing our kids the value of themselves and the value of putting themselves first and not the princess.
Just like J. K. Rowling did with Harry Potter, we could start a revolution with books for kids filled with fairy tales of princes who have their pick of princesses who are lined up outside the door waiting their turn
Fingz, you're a well versed writer. You could make millions if you write such things carefully so we don't wake the feminism demon
Actually let me tickle the conspiracy theorists for a while as well.
Damn I'm on a roll tonight
Society has seen the rise of sites like this one, that teach males to act as males instead of as chumps. If we continue in this direction, we can reach a level where the young generation of males is learning the values of masculinity early on and that would signify the fall of "girl power" So to prepetuate the machine, feminists have to somehow feed the guilt and self-balme machine in ways that cannot be directly seens as manipulative.
What do we get in the end? We get reality shows, where the strong alpha males are eliminated from a contest to get the hottie and the chump gets the girl. Lesson learned? Be a submissive chump and get the hottie. We get movies where the masculine beast is tamed through guilt and self-blame and is rewarded in the end by getting the girl.
You must realize here that this only works for the un-initiated, that is for the guys who have no other source of information other than these movies and shows. It has no effect on us who have been trained to think differently.
You must also realize that the fall of man was not neccessarily guilt, but self-blame induced through guilt. So when faced with guilt we can choose to blame ourselves, or blame something/somone else. The trick is that if we blame something/someone else, we can end up not changing for the better. So we need to find the balance without attaching too much blame on ourselves.
Dang, i wrote so much!!! Fingz you always get me going....KEEP IT ON!!!
Good noinght now, I must sleep, it's almost 2am...........(yawn)........ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz........