Society and Sexual Distortion

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Instead of rambling in my usual style, I want to hear from you guys. My basic question is this...

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

This goes much deeper than the feminization of man, for we are also looking at the masculinization of woman. More specifically,

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

What purpose does it serve to have a society built up of girly guys and manly chicks.

Also, it just seems ridiculous to have a culture that worships a natural function of two bodies, which leads to my next question…

Why has sex become so glamorized?

What is there to be gained from this? Is it a fluke? A conspiracy? If so then who is behind it and what is the motive?

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Aside from the whole metrosexual phenomenon, why are there so many chumps out there? How come most of my pals treat me like a god just because I talk to girls I dont know? What the hell is going on here???!!!

I have my theories but I will keep my mouth shut till I get some feedback…

In the meantime, I am sure there is no shortage of opinions on this matter, so by all means,

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
It is all about control and 'agenda' setting! I have written countless posts on this matter - I'll see if I can find snippets of my posts and post them here.

Here is one of my most recent posts on this issue...

Sounds like you guys had a communication problem...that is expected if she was a feminist...feminists are not the 'giving' kind of women, they are 'takers' because by their mere feminist thinking they see it as 'weak' to cater to and so-call 'bow down’ to a man's needs and natural power. Feminists' main concern is that they want the ultimate 'POWER' in the relationship - what they say and feel takes precedence over what you say and feel; thus, you as the man, are always left 'wanting' in the relationship and are always unfulfilled!!!

You have a power struggle going on here for dominance. Your girl has an artificial and an unnatural masculine way of thinking and this inevitably clashes with your (the male's) natural aggressive controlling place in the male/female union.

It doesn't surprise me that she acted the way she did after she read your e-mail - feminists try to be 'hard-asses' and they lack sensitivity and lack the nurturing and loving part of their femininity. They always want to be right, even when they are wrong, because it is not about understanding who and what is right or wrong, it is about who has the ultimate 'POWER' in the 'relationship'!!! They want to be the dominators and control the man's thinking and actions!

These type of women work best with afc men, because the feminist then get to ‘play’ the aggressive masculine role in the relationship and the afc ‘plays’ the submissive feminine character. So the relationship could still be successful because you still have two complimentary halves in the equation, albeit taking on opposite and unnatural roles and going against their divine natures!!! Although an aberration, it's a feminist/afc match made in heaven.

Feminists don't like to listen (although they pretend to) because it is not about trying to understand what you want and to then for them to comply, it is about who has the ultimate 'POWER' in the relationship. They feel that their interest and wants supersedes your desires. They are selfish people to the extreme!!!! That is why you always see her take take take and never or rarely, give give give!!!

If she gives (cooks dinner) it is usually done out of ulterior motives, to level the playing field, if you will. She'll come back and say, "I cooked dinner for you now you 'have' to do something for me. This is tit for tat situation - and again it is about her getting her way!! Also women know that if they are to keep company with a man, eventually they'll have to 'cave in' on occasion, so that the man can get the 'appearance that she is catering to him and that he yet has some control as a man! Or else the man may flee!

Also in this ‘I’ll give you something then you have to give me something in return’ mindset, the favor in return that the man must give is always disproportionate to what she gave and to the action she has taken. She’ll make a demand that is far greater than her efforts…because it is not about treating you with kindness that she does and take such actions for your benefit, rather it is what she’ll receive in return from you that motivates her to reciprocate . It is all about who has the ultimate ‘POWER” in the ralationship!!

Example – she cooks for you and then states, “now you have to pamper me and take me to a bed and breakfast for a weekend and give me massages day and night.” Huh? It would have been cheaper and much less time consuming to have just gone to the Ponderosa Steak House!!! :)

Unnaturally agressive women (Feminist, Lesbians, Wh@res, etc.) are extremely ‘selfish' and ‘manipulative’ people and must be avoided at all costs, if a man is to be ‘the man’ in the relationship.

If you are a confident man and know your role, as a man, with regard to females, then you are actually their ‘nemesis’ and they will try to defeat your natural tendencies and overcome your powers. This kind of union will eventually end up in failure, because she has gone against her natural universal genetically designed femininity whose sole purpose was to complement the male’s nature, so that a proper and productive union may occur between the two sexes!!!

This ‘different and complementary’ nature amongst the male and female was obviously created for a reason. This ‘reason’ of genetically defined roles promotes harmony and bliss’ when followed, but when either party goes against their nature then there is discord and strife and eventual separation!!! As there should be when your true natures are not followed!! This is why the ‘courting’ relationship process is so important before marriage – it gives an opportunity for both to see if they are compatible in this natural/unnatural union!


The movie "The Matrix” underlying thesis was, "It's all about control". I'm glad you got out of ‘the matrix’, but what I don't understand is why do you want to get back in it? :(

Oh yeah, she is pretty and the sex is good. OK.
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The main reason why a 'certain part of society' is pushing towards this 'unnatural' male/female state of mind and behavior is because you have 'unnatural forces' at work here! The unnatural forces that I am referring to are the "hors, feminists, and homosexuals'.

These individuals and now 'organized' groups, are advocating this change in 'society and encouraging others to change their attitude and their notion of what is the 'proper' role and mindset of a man and a woman, because when this unnatural shift in thinking occurs, it will make 'their' thinking and behavior ‘normal’ and it makes 'their' inroads and acceptance in the societal mainstream easier. 'Their' behavior is now the norm and if anyone goes against this 'unnatural' conduct then they are labeled as 'homophobes', 'male chauvinists', and 'misogynists'.

So to avoid the wrath of these groups and to gain their economical and political favor, general members of society and politicians avoid confrontation with these ' unnatural forces'. Soon enough this unnatural thinking and behavior, unchallenged, becomes common and dominant thinking amongst the general populace.

To further this agenda, media, especially TV, has been taken over by these groups and those who sympathize with their cause, because they know the power of 'mass media' has mass appeal and influence over the thinking and behavior of their audience - especially our easily impressionable youth.

This is why this 'unnatural' mindset is embraced by our youth more so than the older generation because our youth are easily influenced and follow the fads and the customs of what they see on TV and because they want to be accepted into the mainstream and don't want to be seen as intolerable or different by taking a hard stand on what is right and natural. The youth succumb to the peer pressure of the masses and they mimic the thinking and behavior of the masses to appear cool, hip and in the know.

Through time, the 'rightful' thinking and acting men and women become a 'minority' and do not have the power or the will to change the unnatural forces at work, unless they have the same resolve and resources as the hors, homosexuals and feminists, to organize and influence the populace through the 'mass media'.

People just want to live their own lives and they have no underlying ‘cause’ or ‘commitment’ that is so detrimental to their ‘own’ personal lives that warrants them to come under one banner. Unfortunately their enemies of the ‘natural’ male/female mindset have the ‘cause’, the ‘resources’ and the ‘resolve’ to organize and influence our youth. Inevitably ‘their’ ‘unnatural’ thinking and behavior become ‘mainstream’ to their advantage, of course. ‘By their own efforts and manipulation ‘they’ have now become the mainstream, and what ever comes forth from their thinking becomes the adopted practice of many in our society!

It’s all about control!!!!
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Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
systematically and categorically ignore exverything PRL just said.

The simple answer? With the lack of such harsh environments which foster traditional male-female relationships, women have rebelled, and their virtues are being aggressively extolled unto the heaven's emphasizing the positive to the point of exclusion of the masculine. This is why traditional liberalism tends to reside in places of higher population density; cities as opposed to rural counties.

Furthermore, much of where the attitude of 'girl-power' derives its fundamental idealogy from the 'centuries of 'oppression' endured by women past' imbuing it with an inherent mistrust of that which manifests itself as masculine.

In the midsts of all this 'girl-power' and the absence of traditional roles men are having a harder time defining themselves and end up doing so by their relationship to women and thusly the woman became the central focus of social interactions.

Prevailing social attitudes of the reformers press the opposite role of a complimentary item or a non-entity upon men where the positive aspects of masculinity are de-emphasized or dismissed entirely. I read an excellent book illustrating this point (written by a feminist author I might add) about how misguided feminism is fundamentally destroying the nation's young males through uplifting women while denying young men. When I remember the full title, I'll post it.

I had an argumentation professor who once assigned everyone in class to deliver a ten minute presentation on why their's is the better sex. I only barely managed to hold my own against the obvious and stalwart bias inherent in my professor's execution of her role as mediator of the debate; soft-balling and commending the females, while systematically deconstructing the male arguments. I was only able to defend myself and my gender because of a background in debate leaving the other males sacrifices to the goddess of feminist ideology, whimpering as they left class and subjugated to the professor for the duration of the class.

Where there is the systematic stifling of 'anti-social' thought (you mean you don't believe that women are more integral to the perpetuation of the species than men are, and in effect men are now genetic luxuries with all the wasteful excesses that implies? *that's sarcasm, btw*), there is little or no divergence from that ideology. Men are now taught from the earliest ages that their mother's are faboo and great and life-givers, in essence the root of all good. They are simultaneously instructed that their fathers (if they know them, and no doubt lack of strong male role-models has most definitely contributed to this) are simply anti-deluvian wife-beating rapist war-mongering subjegators, in essence the root of all evil. Naturally this would cause an impressionable child to subdue his evil (masculine) tendencies in favor of the good (feminine)

Lastly, sex has always been glamorous, all-the-moreso in repressed (or alternatively socially-responsible) societies which traditionally concieve the topic as taboo.


(editing note: not everyone has an unlimited amount of free time to expound at leisure and then refine their posts...PRL)
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Cyrano the instigator of hate appears again! This effeminate has the audacity to reject truth and the reality of things, because he doesn't like it to be said!!! What an idiot!!!

Why do you tell others to dismiss my post? Don't they have the right to use their own thinking and determine which statements are correct, or must they abide by your commands.

You like to bytch about all of my posts but you never once commented on what points exactly you disagree with and how it should be corrected. You know why? Because my commentaries are not in error and my thinking is correct. You look foolish arguing against the reality of things!! So ciontinue making your derogatory and inflamatory cries - you hateful, envious, foolish man, if that is what you are, or should I say effeminate.

I read the first paragraph of your post and it is all dribble and I could not bear to read further. No surprise to me that an effeminate mind such as yours will oppose a man's rational thinking and take issue with what I said! You are one of the main characters that I am referring to in my above posts!

Why don't you let your writing stand on it's own merit without feeling the need to downplay the counsel given by a mind that is far more superior to yours? I know why. It's is because you must degrade the statement of others so that yours would seem more worthy.

I'll let my thinking and the counsel that I give speak for me. Why don't you do the same!!!
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Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Cyrano, there is absolutely no insight in your commentaries - they ring hollow and void!!! The way it reads, sounds like you took his comments from a textbook..a grade school one at that and written by a feminist homosexual type.

Why doesn't it surprise me that you are reading and quoting a book written by a feminist. You think just like them!

You sound like a 'bookish' 15 year old - you know words, but when you put them together they just don't make sense!!!!!!!
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Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

People think they can restrain the laws of nature by their own "social laws". However, no person can take into account ALL of the factors that go into the creation of the laws of nature, therefore, each "social law"--due to its imperfect method of formulation--will always be less optimal than the natural law.

Religion is a great example of unnatural laws put in place to further society, but at the expense of human happiness.

That is my "long term" answer.

The question now becomes: Yes, society is more imperfect than nature; but why SO MUCH!?

There are two different things that govern the actions of a person. Mind and body. Thoughts and feelings. Morals and desires. The logical and the illogical.

Whenever one thing gets too "out of whack", the other jumps in to try to correct it. This is why many people say that society acts like a pendulum: swinging back and forth between one extreme and another.

Right now, society may be overcompensating for a previous indulgence in the carnal. We just happen to be in one of the upswings of the society pendulum.

That is my "short term" answer.

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

Back to the laws of man.

The "lawmakers" of man have not yet realized that it is NOT beneficial to have ALL people created equally. So, being the logical minds they are, they have assumed all people to be equal, and are basing their social legislation based on that ASSUMPTION.

Eventually, they will come to LOGICALLY realize that nature was right after all. (Man/Woman, +/-, action/reaction, etc.) How long will it take? Who knows!

Why has sex become so glamorized?

We all biologically need sex. The sublimated desire must manifest itself in some fashion.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

See above...

Also, not EVERYONE is an AFC. Most of my friends are anything BUT an AFC. Usually it is the more "intelligent" people (notice the quotes!) The people that think too much.

They try to figure out nature from the ground up. They try to understand the optimal way of doing things. Of course, they fail miserably.

What they DON'T realize is that nature is FAR more complicated than anything they can imagine. There have been 100 billion people that have lived and died on this planet without understanding it completely. The catch is that we ALL understand it intuitively, and everything will work itself out if we let it.

And that is enough for me!


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
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Red Sox Nation
Fingz, it's good to hear you again!! I will attempt to answer your questions with as little BS as possible and you just have to argue back if you find inconsistencies.

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

Well as far as I know we are a sexually repressed society. Sex is considered "dirty" and of course bad. And don't even get me started on the labels put upon those who have sex. I've even questioned my own feelings on this and I just find disgust has been wired deep down. I can't tell if it has been programmed since childhood or whether it is genetically passed down through generations.

Since sex is is repressed, and the meaning of the word repressed asssumes that it lies there beneath the surface, boiling, ready to explode at any time, then it is only natural to think of ways to channel that force that are "okay" for society to accept. I can't think of any examples here, so you'd just have to use your imagination. I guess this probably includes all those "rules" for dating which is short for dysfunctional-mating (my very own creation, you like....? :D)

That is to say basically that if sex was not distorted, then it would be raw and it would be okay for people to try it and we'd have to deal with all the consequences of that (unwanted babies, STDs etc) So the natural tendency is prevention through repression.

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

What purpose does it serve to have a society built up of girly guys and manly chicks?

Actually I don't think it has a purpose per se. It is merely a side-effect of not-so-well-thought-out theories that bloomed during the rise of feminism.

Feminism served as a channel of release from sexual repression of women at that time. Since it needed to make a big dent in the society, it went for the sky and made very strong and bold moves that included blaming males, hatred and disintegration of masculinity.

Appearently, the bold moves were accepted as norm and now were' seeing the side-effects of those bold moves, including the feminization of man, and masculinization of woman. Many misguided males at the time, through lack of self-esteem and mainly lack of thinking ability, accepted them as the norm and those males became the lawyers and judges that passed them down as laws.

Thus began the breakdown of man. The taming of the beast was done through the most cruel psychological warfare that exists today, the induction of GUILT. Guilt has been and will forever be the most effective and the most widely used psychological weapon of choice to tame man. Then men had to find ways to cope with guilt and it included blaming themselves, or swinging the other way. Thus the line between femininity and masculinity began to blur. Innocently enough, guilt created the very first AFCs. A breed of guilt-ridden, emotionally-wrecked males that signified the death of man as we know it. Those were our fathers and our grandfathers.

Why has sex become so glamorized?

What is there to be gained from this? Is it a fluke? A conspiracy? If so then who is behind it and what is the motive?

My first thought on this was simply that it is corporate America trying to drain us from our cash, but now I realize that corporate America is simply utilizing something that is occurring all by itself.

If you follow my line of argument above, about the repression of sexual freedom, and the need to channel this repression, you'll see that corporate America is only one gear in the mechanism that is profiting from a self-occurring phenomenon. Note how I'm staying away from calling it naturally-occurring.

I'm doing this only to show that there's nothing natural about this phenomenon, just like there's nothing natural about abdominal pain occurring as a result of strong medication. Our society has been drugged with a very strong medication the effects of which you seem to be wondering about, the effects of which we suffer daily in our lives.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Aside from the whole metrosexual phenomenon, why are there so many chumps out there? How come most of my pals treat me like a god just because I talk to girls I dont know? What the hell is going on here???!!!

Why do we have chumps? Because of lack of proper training from the family and lack of information in our schools. I am a firm believer in the amount of influence that parents, grandparents and family in general can have on the minds of children (males and females) It's not only what is taught verbally, but also what the child learns non-verbally and through observation.

The other factor is lack of information, and lack of well made movies. We have let Disney tell our young generation what love is, what romance is and how to act as a chump. Ity is purely a learned skill. Not many of us had any idea what those princess fairy tales were teaching us subconsciously. Most of us don't even consider re-learning the skill until much later in life.

I say let's form an organization that subvertly starts to introduce DJ qualities in fairy tales. We create the fairy tales to teach kids the right things to think and to say all the while seeming innocent enough as a fairy tale. This project could bring a much needed sexual balance in our everyday society. But it has to be done under the feminism radar so it goes undetected. Let's start teacing our kids the value of themselves and the value of putting themselves first and not the princess.

Just like J. K. Rowling did with Harry Potter, we could start a revolution with books for kids filled with fairy tales of princes who have their pick of princesses who are lined up outside the door waiting their turn :D

Fingz, you're a well versed writer. You could make millions if you write such things carefully so we don't wake the feminism demon ;)

Actually let me tickle the conspiracy theorists for a while as well.

Damn I'm on a roll tonight :)

Society has seen the rise of sites like this one, that teach males to act as males instead of as chumps. If we continue in this direction, we can reach a level where the young generation of males is learning the values of masculinity early on and that would signify the fall of "girl power" So to prepetuate the machine, feminists have to somehow feed the guilt and self-balme machine in ways that cannot be directly seens as manipulative.

What do we get in the end? We get reality shows, where the strong alpha males are eliminated from a contest to get the hottie and the chump gets the girl. Lesson learned? Be a submissive chump and get the hottie. We get movies where the masculine beast is tamed through guilt and self-blame and is rewarded in the end by getting the girl.

You must realize here that this only works for the un-initiated, that is for the guys who have no other source of information other than these movies and shows. It has no effect on us who have been trained to think differently.

You must also realize that the fall of man was not neccessarily guilt, but self-blame induced through guilt. So when faced with guilt we can choose to blame ourselves, or blame something/somone else. The trick is that if we blame something/someone else, we can end up not changing for the better. So we need to find the balance without attaching too much blame on ourselves.

Dang, i wrote so much!!! Fingz you always get me going....KEEP IT ON!!!

Good noinght now, I must sleep, it's almost 2am...........(yawn)........ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz........


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Think about this - really has anything changed? and if so is it for the worse or better?

You've got the likes of PRL - who calls any woman that has had sex before marrage a wh#re - this is the self same guy who at 41 - is not married, single and looking for a woman who's a virgin. Posting ad's on internet personals whilst BSing about his age.

So I ask myself what kind of woman do you want? Do you want someone who will cook and clean for you? who does you laundary? who's a virgin and has no life experience? who's a second class citizen to you?

Perhaps you need a mother not a wife.

Or someone who complements your life? someone who has something to bring to the table - who you can have meaning full conversations with - who's had actual life experiences.

That's a woman.

People brand this new term "Metrosexual" around like it some kind of disease. What's wrong with having a manicure of pedicure? If you enjoy it - nothing. I moisturise - because I get dry skin - so why not use products out there that help you.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Think about this - really has anything changed? and if so is it for the worse or better?

You've got the likes of PRL - who calls any woman that has had sex before marrage a wh#re - this is the self same guy who at 41 - is not married, single and looking for a woman who's a virgin. Posting ad's on internet personals whilst BSing about his age.

So I ask myself what kind of woman do you want? Do you want someone who will cook and clean for you? who does you laundary? who's a virgin and has no life experience? who's a second class citizen to you?

Perhaps you need a mother not a wife.

Or someone who complements your life? someone who has something to bring to the table - who you can have meaning full conversations with - who's had actual life experiences.

That's a woman.

People brand this new term "Metrosexual" around like it some kind of disease. What's wrong with having a manicure of pedicure? If you enjoy it - nothing. I moisturise - because I get dry skin - so why not use products out there that help you.

There are definitely men out there who don't know how to be men. But there always were and always will be those kinds of men.

Technology has made it possible to exchange ideas, meet and taslk to like minded individuals. So you have groups - and I will label feminists as a group - who can easily meet, talk and exchange ideas. So what? that's the price you pay for technological advance. Look at this board. Men coming together to pick up and get women. Could not this site be thought of as a way men come together to try and exploit (get sex) out of women by sharing these ideas?

It's the say with homosexuality. Should we outlaw this? I think not.

What males fail to realise, is we do have collective power. We place the power in the womens hands. it's no these feminists faults - fvck them thats what I say. Becuase if men were to ignore these women, we then take away their power. If men were to ignore these B#tch women who are only after attention and free drinks - they no longer have the power. Will this happen? nope.

So we must adapt. Thats what sites like this are for. Men must be men. Because at the end of the day - what get's women wet? what do they want? confident MEN. Men who will flip them over and slap their A##.

That my friends will not change.

Those men who fail to adapt - to overcome - to improve, will be left behind.

Fvck them to.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Newman (argh), another effeminate.

Here we go again the Dona Juana effeminates are coming out the closet on this thread. Controversy seems to follow me. No one ever criticizes my thinking on a particular issue or the advice I give to others - they just make personal attacks! Why? Because my insight is right on point and my counsel to others is exact, so they cannot go on objective factors they must rely on their sensitivity to the homosexual / hor issue. I don't bow down to faggots, literally and figuratively speaking. I'm scared what these homos might do to me if I do 'literally' bow down to them. :eek:

I didn't come to SoSuave to tickle the ears of hors or homos. I came here to expose the fallacy of this homo / hor thinking and the destruction it has wrought upon the minds of our male youth in the last 20 years!! You call it "AFC". A more descriptive phrase that describes this thinking/behavior is "submissive effeminate behavior".

Men have gone astray from their proper thinking and thus abandoned their proper role in the male/female relationship, and now men are more effeminate then their female counterparts. As evidenced by the presence of many so-called "master dona juanas" on this website.

If you notice, the people that do the most attacking on others give the least insight! I wonder why that is? I know, because they have no constructive insight to give, so the only input they have is destructive input.

Fags ridicule those who have an opposing view to their effeminate thinking and scorn those who are most masculine, because their weak thinking is exposed to the light of day and their message cannot stand to the light of the day for fear of exposing it’s blemishes and ugliness. So homosexuals pray for the cover of darkness, and they hide under its’ cloak, but first they must destroy the bearer of the light – not through sound reasoning and rational argument, but rather through unwarranted personal attacks and blasphemy of the tongue. I know your corrupt thinking fools!

Well here I am fellas, "GETTING STRONGER EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!"
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by NewMan
So I ask myself what kind of woman do you want? Do you want someone who will cook and clean for you? who does you laundary? who's a virgin and has no life experience? who's a second class citizen to you?

Perhaps you need a mother not a wife.

Or someone who complements your life? someone who has something to bring to the table - who you can have meaning full conversations with - who's had actual life experiences.

That's a woman.
You are a bigger idiot than Cyrano. You are equating a woman's "life experiences" with how many penises she had in her vagina and ass before she met you? ARE YOU INSANE AT THE ROOT????? And you see this as 'adding value' to your life and that this penis experience as a hor is good. You have to be the biggest moron on earth to believe this shyt!! You sound like a pvssy! You probably look like one too!

Yes fag, I do want my wife to cook, clean, wash dishes, do laundry - that is what wives do fool!!!

Here is some sarcasm for you twit..... No ,I want her to build me a house, fix my car, protect my person and home when a intruder invades, shovel the snow, mow the grass, fix the plumbing and handle electrical problems. I want a wife with carpentry skills and who is not afraid to fix a leak on the roof....this would leave me time as a husband to clean and cook one hour a day and do the laundry 2 hours every two weeks and then I could catch up on my 'soap operas' and 'oprah' for the rest of the day!!!!!

You are right 'oldman' why would I want an untouched woman when I can get a hor!!! What crazy man would want a clean womb over a abused, mangled, diseased one??? I don't know, maybe a 'real' man and not an effeminate!!!

We all need a mother idiot, through her we came into existence!!!

Newman and Cyrano are the biggest AFC's on this board - effeminate chumps - quit advising others on the matters of men -faggots!!!!!!

Only foolish or ignorant DJ's would take your counsel!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Señor Fingers
Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

Why has sex become so glamorized?

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

Indeed, no shortage of opinions and no opinions are short. :D

I ran on...skip to the bottom for a summary if you wish.

Seuxality has become distorted because it's become a commodity. You spoke on another thread of the Gunwitch Method, so let me quote something from that:

Beta (inferior less attractive) males who happened to be intellectually superior set up misogynistic arranged marriages, barter systems for financial ownership of wives, religious persecution and moral persecution for women who enjoyed sex with the alpha (superior more attractive) males, as a means of being able to secure sex for themselves with no alpha competition.
Essentially, women were considered more as a good/service traded than as traders in the market themselves. (slaves, if you will) This is NOT the "natural state" of things, as Gunwitch also points out. The female in nature is an independent many species they carry out tasks such as hunting and defense of the offspring, while the male coordinated the herd and takes care of general defense. The women are empowered in nature as well as men, although the roles differ. But men over time started to denounce the female role in society as "inferior" in a bid to up themselves over women...and these men were classically "beta males," since the alphas had no need to promote themselves over or show status in front of ANYONE. It was just understood. :)

Anyway, I'm rambling on, but I needed to set up my point. Eventually, the women had enough of being repressed and maligned, so they rebelled and tried to take back their natural place in society. Unfortunately, not all women are created equal. There are those who have a natural set of talents which are marketable in today's society. THESE are the truly "independent women" of this generation: politicians, athletes, business owners, etc...

But not all women had the strength or fortitude to forge their own ways in society, especially with the overbearing beta-male infrastructure that had been set in place, determined to smack women down into their place. They needed a bargaining chip...something to make them traders instead of traded. And what does just about every halfway decent looking woman have that we want? ;)

Exactly. Women used their vag!nas to bargain their way into the workplace, to move up in society, and to become successful financially and socially. The lazy way out...wave your ass in the air and watch old dirty beta-men of power flock to you. Look at our role-models for young women today. Britney Spears? Christina Aguilera? Got where they are because they traded in on their sexuality. Even pop icon Janet Jackson is now showing off her boobies at the Super Bowl to get some easy attention and publicity.

Women wonder why they're denigrated as sex objects. It's because they trade their sexuality for what they want in life. They don't even have to give it up...they get rewarded just for providing sexual stimuli (something for men to jack off to). Sure they have power now, but they traded away something intimate to get it. They took the one thing they abhorred men for trading on (their sexuality), took ownership of it, and now trade on it themselves. Not because there's any honor in it, but because it's so EASY. That's one of the reasons women are so sexually open in today's society...they're ADVERTISING their primary commodity.

As girl-sex became a commodity, advertisers and corporations began to cash in on it as well. Sex has become the next big "gotta-have" item, up there with sports cars, big houses, and bling-bling jewelry. People who try to fill their lives with meaning by buying things now "have to have" sex. They go out and buy fancy houses, fancy cars, fancy clothes, fancy cologne, fancy hygeine products...and since women trade on their sexuality in the real world, men try to BUY sex from women with drinks, with services, with niceness, with all kinds of absurd crap.

But somewhere within us all, we still respect our sexuality as something outside of the corporate world, even though we've come to trade on it as we see fit. Thus, women with some DIGNITY in their lives still...they won't turn over their sex even when presented with a decent offer for it. Plus, unlike men, who have traditionally been trained to hide their feelings, women are allowed to understand things like "masculinity" or "femininity" and in the process of understanding and learning to market their sexuality, female nature forces its way into women's lives.

Men brought up in the corporate consumer society just dont' understand this...they weren't brought up to understand things such as arousal and affection and those primal desires such as sex drive. The don't understand "masculine" and "feminine"...these words are just terms from a lost hunter-gatherer situation. In today's consumer/service world, sex is simply the popular thing to do, and because society is judging their value on the amount of consumer garbage they have, they NEED to consume sex. They no longer have the balls to say, "I'll f*ck when I'm goddam good and ready."

This is the AFC...he bases his self-image on the amount of corporate wealth he has and expects to be able to buy meaning for his life. He can't live, can't accept death, runs from and blasts to hell everything he can't understand, tries in vain to give meaning to his life and eats up EVERYTHING that society and corporate America feeds him.

So in summary:

1) Sexuality is distorted because it's traded on as a commodity, originally by beta-males and then by ambitious but lazy women.

2) The line between masculinity and femininity is not blurred, the concepts just aren't learned any more. "Man" and "woman" are put on the back burner in favor of "consumer" and "producer." The natural world hurts the corporate machine we built for ourselves, so we hide from it.

3) Sex is glamorized because people think they can replace the fulfillment of a natural, meaningless, yet passionate life with some meaning crafted of commodities (houses, cars, jewelry, and p00n, to name a few).

4) AFC mentality is fostered by the thought of p00n as a commodity, which men then try to trade other goods and services for. While women, through learning to use their sexuality, still acquire some sense of femininity, men, who can't market their sexuality because male sex has never been established as a traditional commodity, never learn about masculinity. They learn to be corporate consumers and traders. Status is no longer about the biggest mane or the strongest herd or the most powerful/most skilled beast, it's about the most money, the nicest cars, and the hottest women.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Hello Fingers,

Here is my 2 cents...

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?

Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?

It is because in general humans feel that they can control nature.
The idea is to change society into some form of "Utopia", an idea how society should ideally look like. But every "Utopia" is in the end artificial, meaning not "in line" with nature, to a greater or lesser extent. One big Utopia nowadays is the idea of women have the same rights as men. Originally this idea was, that every human should have the same possibilities evolving his/hers own happieness, or simpler to give everybody the same opportunities, to treat people the same in this sense. Over the time this idea became abused and it was more and more made into "making humans the same". But to make all people the same one has to treat everybody different, so this became exactly the opposite of the original idea.
An old saying goes like this: "Those who do not have anything want to share". To me it seems to be the same with feminists. Even if it might be somewhat cliche to say, that feminists in general are not very good looking, I guess there is some truth about it. Since they have "nothing" (look wise) they want to share, meaning people should not express their sexuality, so everybody becomes the same. I think in general there there are far more complex forces at work, but this might be an initial idea....

Newman: your point about giving woman the power is excellent

Why has sex become so glamorized?

I think the major issue behind this is self esteem. In an increasingly complex world it gets more and more difficult to cope with daily life. Therefore the main issue becomes self esteem, meaning to be able to cope with life or not, or at least the feeling to do so. Sex is a mean generally seen as raising the self esteem, or the lack of having lowering the self esteem. Since self esteem is an essential human need sex becomes glamorized in the futile believe that it will create self esteem, which is wrong. Lots of sex will not automatically create high self esteem aswell as the lack of it will mot automatically decrease it (although the lack of sex can be a sign of low self esteem).
Another aspect might be the point above, having a sexless society. Since one cannot repress ones own sexuality (or if so only into a "shadow" as Jung would say) this pressure has to go somewhere. And when the act of having sex ist the only way of expressing ones sexualtiy in a society then sex itself will be glamorized.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?

I do not really know, but Icepick and legolas have some valid points...

The Real Man

Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Peurto tican,

You have the same values as me. seriously.

i cant belive this.

In a world of fags and dumb fuks.

Youre right....that guy is a chump...let him have a ho.

Woman should have values and be a good mother to kiids and a good wife.

I think religion...the absence and decline of it has eroded morals and guilt anymore...hors say we are animals....we have carnal lusts...hors fulfil these with mon other than husband.

Women from my grandmother and my mothers generation made good wives. Now we see hors everywhere....hors are taking over and converting other women to hor like behaviours...hor behaviour is now considered normal and acceptable.

I bang hors.....i only fall for a good honorable woman.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The real man, you are right on point!

Fingers, a lot of your questions can be answered or explained by the current mindset of the many subgroups that make-up the masses - they have done away with morality, rules of conduct and God. That's what changed in the most recent decades in the 20th century that had the most dramatic effect upon the minds of our youth, influencing their thinking and behavior.

Of course this 'agenda' was pushed, as stated in my second post! I know fags, hors, hormongers and feminists hate the reference to morality and God, but that is why I am mentioning it, because it is these groups that are mostly to blame for this upside down inside out 'distorted' reality we have today in the male and female thinking and behavior!!

This touches some points from your thread "bytches, hoes, and hypocrisy". I have some unfinish business to attend to there with 'don ronny'. I'll go hit that thread.

What scares the hell out of me is that I thought this site was pushing the strong male agenda of 'being a man'. But how could this be so when you have so many effeminates on this site advising our young men to take a course of action that is aligned with the current hor/fag agenda and therefore perpetuating this 'unnatural' fallacy!


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
I think you guys are getting way too philosophical and are forgetting that this phenomena is relatively recent, within the past 20 years or so...Why?

People want what they can't have. Simply, Women had gotten so used to the emotional disconnect in their relationships, that suddenly a guy that 'understood' became very appealing...Before you knew it, John Cusack had a legitimate movie career....

Women realized that they could garner power through money, as well as beauty. It was empowering.

It is a revolt against the inequality between men and women in society...Of course it is going to be over the top until things die down and there is equilibrium. We are seeing the see-saw swing in both directions now. With women wanting strong confident men, not emotionally driven wusses....

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Man I am seriously pissed off right now.

You guys have inspired me with some of your insights and I wrote lengthy reply only to have it deleted into oblivion by a system crash.

Argh! I hate Windows!!!


I promise I will post my response when I get a spare moment...things are a bit hectic right now...

In the meantime, keep posting. I am very curious to get multiple POVs on this.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
I will probably be pelted with rocks and called foolish for this one... but what the hell.

Why do you think that sexuality has become so distorted in modern society?
Why is the line between masculinity and femininity becoming progressively blurrier?
In my opinion... sexuality has been distorted throughout history period. I have been reading a lot of classical stories lately (many of them about men and women... like Les Liaisons Dangerueses, Don Juan, Pride and Prejudice... just to name a few) Sexuality was the same then as it is now... there is only one major difference... men held all of the overt power. Women could not vote, own property, for a long time get an education... any of that. But take all of that away for a second... you would see there is not much difference. Honestly... if Ovid, Casanova, and others existed now (which they do)... we would laugh in their faces. Casanova incessantly pursued the same woman until he got her. I read about other "seducers" of those time periods who would write a woman a letter every day until she fell for him... these things we would consider AFC behavior... and now women do too. Men have always chumps to women. Josephine Bonaparte dominated one of the baddest men in history... Napoleon. While Cleopatra was seducing Julius Ceasar (and later Mark Anthony), Rome was falling apart. Both Casanova and Nietzsche were never the same after they were heart broken by only one woman... one woman.

Then we talk about "Metrosexuality" which a lot of the "Real Men" are appauled by. I go back throughout history for this one too. Can anyone say John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, King James I, Elvis Presley, Michael Jordan, Pablo Picasso, Casanova... shall I go on? All of these men (whom we would not doubt their "real manhood") would be considered "Metrosexuals." Hell... Casanova wore brighter shirts than probably women today! It has been the same then gentlemen... and it will always stay the same. The reason why is seems so different, is because society is on an equal playing field now. Women can vote, own property, and get just as much education as we can. Society (as it pertains to males and females) have changed... "Sexuality" is not.

Why has sex become so glamorized?
In sociology class... I learned something interesting: we witness violent acts on television 64% of the time. Amercians actually experience violence acts less than %1 of time. What we learned basically in that class was that violence is depicted on television almost three times more than it actually occurs... I think the same thing applies to sex. We still have those same "morals" and "values" that we have had throughout history (especially from most of the people I have talked to) it is just that scarlet letters are not permissible and divorce has become legal. Also... "sex" is just as "loose" as in was throughout history. Prostituition is not anything new. Orgies (see Sodom and Gomorrah, the Chinese "Floating World" and others), group sex, swinger sex, homosexuality (King James... the author of the "King James Version" of the Bible was bisexual. There is even talk of homosexuality in the Bible) and all of the rest of it has been performed throughout history... for some reason however... it is simply overlooked.

Why does our culture seem to foster and encourage an AFC mentality?
See: the answer to your first question. The rules of attraction have changed and everyone is having a hard time adjusting to it. Women here classical love stories and wish for that... but when they get it they hate it and cannot figure out why (I believe women never liked AFC behavior... it's just that now they have a choice). Men have exhibited AFC behavior throughout history (they have been able to get away with it) but that is not happening now. Once things have been ingrained in your head over and over... it is hard to change. And because we have seen AFC behavior perpetuated so much (throughout history and on television) it seems correct because we are so used to it.

So those are my conclusions... if you take away all of the choices we have given women... things would still be the same. But we gave them choices, and now you see what was always there, but what up until this point has gone unnoticed and covered up.

The Rules... Have Changed

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
