Women want a paradox , in some ways.
They want Security first and foremost, yet..they actually are attracted to emotional insecurity(it's not what you think. It means they want an adventure with you. UNcertainty, is mysterious. ANd she will only follow you if you are secure, and can provide her security. Physical, mental, emotional security.).
The Emotional Roller Coaster is intriguing and seductive to them.
Think of the terms "Torrid affair", "Turbulent romance".
They want a Man who can stir her emotions. Awaken her, make her feel alive in all the spectrum of emotions.
So, here's a good picture of what women are seeking in their sometimes seemingly contradictory actions.
Women want resources.
My mother told me something a long, long time ago. It was some of the best advice she ever gave me. And it was the truth. More importantly.
"A woman is always looking at you as a prospect and your future prospects."
pros·pect (prspkt)
1. Something expected; a possibility.
2. prospects
a. Chances.
b. Financial expectations, especially of success.
a. A potential customer, client, or purchaser.
b. A candidate deemed likely to succeed.
4. The direction in which an object, such as a building, faces; an outlook.
5. Something presented to the eye; a scene: a pleasant prospect.
6. The act of surveying or examining.
a. The location or probable location of a mineral deposit.
b. An actual or probable mineral deposit.
c. The mineral yield obtained by working an ore.
v. pros·pect·ed, pros·pect·ing, pros·pects
To search for or explore (a region) for mineral deposits or oil.
To explore for mineral deposits or oil.
Bottom line.
Women want resources.
What resources do they want from us Men? (there's many more, and this isn't in any order, but only to give an example)
Sense of Self
Self Esteem
Effort and most of all , the BASIS for all the above.....your Masculinity.
They test to see where your boundaries are. Hence, that's how they deem you fit or unfit as their partner.
All the above are resources she wants. And she will test you to see if you have them or not.
Ultimately, you could have average "looks", but make her feel absolutely divine, and fantastically Femenine and Sexy.
You could drive a less than average car, but make her feel like the sexual tigress she always fantasized to be, and give her the pleasure she always fantasized experiencing!
You could have an average job, but make her feel alive, vivacious, sexy and fun...laughing hysterically. truly enjoying herself and feeling alive, safe, and secure with HER MAN.[/I]
You could earn a little less than average, and still give her a truly romantic, and deep emotional experience she will never forget...years after the event took place. And STILL think about you years later!
Or you could just be a "Taker".