So those girls got burned from this guy fvcking spree

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Probably some of you will remember my thread about going out with a good looking wingman, well you definitely have to read whats going on.
Many of you will know already about such things, for others its gonna be the first step to really understand how most women behave.

So this guy is pretty goodlooking about 24, I would say a 8.5/9, about 6 feets tall, dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, skinny but toned with "alternative vibes".

Well I can tell you for sure since I saw it with my own eyes, girls give him free light, no sh1t tests not bvllsh1t, he is liked on the spot and despite his serious lack of overall game he scores great.

He is banging girl after girl week after week, some of them not only make it easy for him but are actively trying to push him to go after them, while others dont try out because(their own words) are not cute enough for him, thise girls I saw them rejecting average guys before.

He just pump and dumps girls and doesnt even bother to be nice with them right after, in many cases he treats them as fvck buddies and they are fine with that, thinking in future it may chance.

In particular I can recall this 21yrs old blondie which gets many attention and treat guys as crap, well he banged her many times, insulted even more and treated her as a fvck buddy untill he got tired and no longer talks to her.

An other time he was supposed to give her a lift after the club but didnt bother to do it and chased an other one, the dropped girl still talks to him and even send afc texts like "you confuse me, but i know you like me"...

But that doesnt really matter the abuse girls can take from him, what impress me is how girls behave around him like AFCs around a hottie, those girls humiliate themselves and simply throw themselves at him with no regard of their bodies or reputation...I swear despite my experience with girls I would never imagine that such good looking girls would lower themselves so much, these are the same girls which flake on you, lie, dont pick up the phone or have the "bored attitute" through your date.

I see those girls as spoiled goods, more like a box of open ham in the fridge that someone opened but didnt finish.

Cant deny that I wish it was so good even for me but what really bothers me and should bother you is that those same girls which open their legs to such men and endure humiliation without even being asked, at some point will come broken and damaged to us, its not so much a matter of ego but more of a "keep your eyes open" just like when you buy a used car from salesman.


No worries, brah. In 6 years you'll be Stagger Lee.

Lol - Let me make this sh!t very simple. Are you listening?

LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Listen to that sh!t again. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.
Jesus christ

Quit b!tching, we know that, are you seriously complaining how male models get all the poon? MAYBE, JUST FVCKING MAYBE, picture yourself...AS YOU ALREADY have done - MAYBE you are the HB6. LOL, life isn't fair right?

Get fvcking lost. You are like all the other HB6's that want the bigger better deal. Go. And. Fvck. Yourself. You bring nothing to this board, you bring nothing to your life. And you sure as hell bring nothing to this community. Live and let die.

I'll admit I'm drunk. Prove me wrong? Perhaps

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not butthurt, I understood how it works from years, Im just sharing some useful info with others, especially those which still see women as angels with no guilt and due to such vision are easily abused and manipulated.
At the same time this is a hugh motivation to work out and improve as much as possible, to live in such way and have so many girls is a good motivation to drop the candy bar and grab the dumbbels.

Regarding Stagger Lee, his posts make much more sense than this last one of yours.

Ah well blaming the alchool for your deranged post is as clever as those girls which open their mouths then blame the beer the following morning, man if you feel the need to bash someone at least have the balls to take responsibility for that, much better to be an a$$hole than a pvssy ;)


Don't be so melodramatic, accept women for who they are. They will always chase after the bigger better deal (BBD.) Accept it. Improve. Go into battle.

Women are as shallow as men are. Game is only effective if women have deemed us worthy of applying it. Good looking guys will suffer with lack of game. Guys won't be able to effectively apply game if she isn't attracted. Don't kill the messenger if you aren't ready to see the truth.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
Don't be so melodramatic, accept women for who they are. They will always chase after the bigger better deal (BBD.) Accept it. Improve. Go into battle.

Women are as shallow as men are. Game is only effective if women have deemed us worthy of applying it. Good looking guys will suffer with lack of game. Guys won't be able to effectively apply game if she isn't attracted. Don't kill the messenger if you aren't ready to see the truth.
Thanks for the info, now lets leave the space for other guys to comment ;)


Who Dares Win said:
Thanks for the info, now lets leave the space for other guys to comment ;)
What other explanation are you trying to look for that I haven't given so far?

Women are finicky creatures, they respond very well to Game. Your friend's looks and status is a plus, but the GAME he pushes cements that deal. YES, ladies and gentlemen - looks and status will help you with Game because you are NATURAL at it. Just think about it:

-Spinning plates is natural
-Indifference is natural
-C*cky funny is natural
-Negging is natural
Etc. etc.

WDW, what are you trying to get out of this post? People telling you that Game conquers all/ Or that life isn't fair and we must abide to the looks matter theory.

I'm not calling you a beta, but I'm VERY VERY certain for you to start a thread like this means you have insecurities about yourself. Fvck it and live life. You might say that you work out live healthy and in abundance, but this very post shows that you aren't. I'm just giving my opinion on how your mindset works, please correct me if I am wrong.

At the end of the day, if you are decent looking (fit, groom and the BEST of your physical potential,) you will have success - given you approach a great amount of women.

Tell me I am wrong and I will show you why.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
Great original post. The OP isn't complaining. He's making useful observations and sharing them with the guys here.

The single best way to understand women is to OBSERVE WHAT THEY DO.
Actually I believe a crude report after observation is the best way understand how things work not only with women but every social dynamic, its takes to be slightly annoyed to consider to chance our views (culture,society etc) and to know whats in the other side of the fence to decide if its worth the work to jump and gain it.

In my everyday life Im rewarded from girls anytime I do some unappropriate behaviour (according to modern culture) but what I saw around this guy is definitely two steps above what I was expecting, it really looked like a movie.

Total lack of emphaty toward those girls yet many rewards from them, still I cannot provide a solution to the equation but this is an other factor to add.


Mike32ct said:
Great original post. The OP isn't complaining. He's making useful observations and sharing them with the guys here.

The single best way to understand women is to OBSERVE WHAT THEY DO.
There isn't really much useful observation than being good looking conquers all. At the end of the day, guess what?

We aren't given the hand that we want. Life isn't fair. Accept your fate and let these guys fvck all the women OR put yourself out there and try to even this battlefield.

Understanding women is the first step. Accepting it is the second. Improving your game and trying to conquer it is the third and final step. We aren't naturals, we are merely learning and applying. I know when i night game, there are many other men who have better value than me. That doesn't stop me - being shorter and less attractive. I know at the end of the day, not all women will come home with me. Yet some may. It SUCKS, I can tell you all about it. The moment that it doesn't suck is when you have these shortcomings and push your way through.

FVCK people that tell you sh!t isn't possible.
FVCK people that tell you you are up against the world.
FVCK people that make you feel inferior because of characteristics you can't change.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Attraction for females is based mostly on appearance/looks. These visual/appearance cues that make a guy attractive aren't something you can just game or with personality obtain. It's mostly dependent on how your face looks but also having a few other appearance factors.

Attraction is every thing. Most women turn into compliant slvts when they are highly attracted.

Thanks to women's shallowness and putting physical attraction above most all else, a minority of better looking guys can almost sexually monopolize all the women.

But not all women, all the time are like this.

I try to not let it get to me that appearance puts a limit on what you can do with women. I don't need to believe in a fairytale that I can game and scheme my way around what is an appearance problem. You get in where you can fit in. That's all you can do.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
There isn't really much useful observation than being good looking conquers all. At the end of the day, guess what?

We aren't given the hand that we want. Life isn't fair. Accept your fate and let these guys fvck all the women OR put yourself out there and try to even this battlefield.

Understanding women is the first step. Accepting it is the second. Improving your game and trying to conquer it is the third and final step. We aren't naturals, we are merely learning and applying. I know when i night game, there are many other men who have better value than me. That doesn't stop me - being shorter and less attractive. I know at the end of the day, not all women will come home with me. Yet some may. It SUCKS, I can tell you all about it. The moment that it doesn't suck is when you have these shortcomings and push your way through.

FVCK people that tell you sh!t isn't possible.
FVCK people that tell you you are up against the world.
FVCK people that make you feel inferior because of characteristics you can't change.

Spot on BeDJ. Try to conquer while learning and quit observing others with envy. What has Mr Dirty blonde hair got over you.......nothing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Your 28 and now just realizing this? didn't you have a post bragging about you and your wingman picking up chicks every week?

This post sounds like your projecting your jealousy that you're not the guy slaying all those chicks.

I fail to see the value of this post, are you trying to tell us that looks matter? cause gee that's something we haven't heard here before :rolleyes:

I use to roll with a guy like that, it pvssed me of as well cause while I was getting one phone number a night he would get 4 or 5 effortlessly. But I took the challenge as a learning experience and was happy to roll with a guy who was in the "Know" (this was before SS back in my uber-afc days).I told myself that even though I may not be good looking as him I could learn the traits that made women swoon, give him free shyt, money etc

I learned a couple things of being a man thanks to him and move forward with my journey, I think you can become this guy has as well it's called being a high Value male

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Your 28 and now just realizing this? didn't you have a post bragging about you and your wingman picking up chicks every week?
No you got it wrong, I asked suggestions about going out with a very goodlooking wingman, making it clear that I like the guy as friend also outside the hunting.

And no I realized quite long ago, I just didnt imagine it was in such measure

I fail to see the value of this post, are you trying to tell us that looks matter? cause gee that's something we haven't heard here before :rolleyes:
Im not trying to say anything, Im not some rapper you listen on your ipod, Im just reporting a situation and try to get some feedback from people since unlike many users in this board I dont pretend to know it all.

Danger said:
Good observations OP.

THIS is why you do not wife up women in their late 20's or early 30's. You are buying used goods and they are just selling you a used car before it begins to fall apart.

They are for sex only.

This isn't bitter, this is reality.
This isn't b1tching, this is observation and adaptation.

Ignore the insulters and just keep on sarging and plowing. But remember, don't commit.
Thanks man, and again I have to agree with you (as usual), it may sounds bitter for the posers in here but we have to accept reality wheter we like it or not.

The thing that impressed me the most and that I forgot to mention is that those girls I talked about are not club rats, they are the same girls next door which are often whorshipped here.

Honestly I dont hate anybody but all radars are up anytime I deal with a girl, if she has a past of a slvt is fine to me as long as she doesnt expect me to buy it all and pay full price for a used good.

Many people think we're bitter or whatever but the truth is that we just dont want to pay full price for a second hand good, we're fine paying the right amount.


I don't think anyone would think the initial post is out of bitterness. It comes off as a rant on how life isn't fair.
Who Dares Win said:
Probably some of you will remember my thread about going out with a good looking wingman, well you definitely have to read whats going on.
Many of you will know already about such things, for others its gonna be the first step to really understand how most women behave.

So this guy is pretty goodlooking about 24, I would say a 8.5/9, about 6 feets tall, dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, skinny but toned with "alternative vibes".

Well I can tell you for sure since I saw it with my own eyes, girls give him free light, no sh1t tests not bvllsh1t, he is liked on the spot and despite his serious lack of overall game he scores great.

He is banging girl after girl week after week, some of them not only make it easy for him but are actively trying to push him to go after them, while others dont try out because(their own words) are not cute enough for him, thise girls I saw them rejecting average guys before.

He just pump and dumps girls and doesnt even bother to be nice with them right after, in many cases he treats them as fvck buddies and they are fine with that, thinking in future it may chance.

In particular I can recall this 21yrs old blondie which gets many attention and treat guys as crap, well he banged her many times, insulted even more and treated her as a fvck buddy untill he got tired and no longer talks to her.

An other time he was supposed to give her a lift after the club but didnt bother to do it and chased an other one, the dropped girl still talks to him and even send afc texts like "you confuse me, but i know you like me"...

But that doesnt really matter the abuse girls can take from him, what impress me is how girls behave around him like AFCs around a hottie, those girls humiliate themselves and simply throw themselves at him with no regard of their bodies or reputation...I swear despite my experience with girls I would never imagine that such good looking girls would lower themselves so much, these are the same girls which flake on you, lie, dont pick up the phone or have the "bored attitute" through your date.
The OP comes to...
Who Dares Win said:
I see those girls as spoiled goods, more like a box of open ham in the fridge that someone opened but didnt finish.

Cant deny that I wish it was so good even for me but what really bothers me and should bother you is that those same girls which open their legs to such men and endure humiliation without even being asked, at some point will come broken and damaged to us, its not so much a matter of ego but more of a "keep your eyes open" just like when you buy a used car from salesman.
It all ends at Stage 4: Depression.

Most women we are fvcking now have been fvcked over in the past - physically and mentally. Your LTR could have been pumped and dumped by some guy that never called her back. Is that to say we should shack up a virgin princess during high school?

My perspective on love and relationships are anti-monogamous. I pump and dump, fvck with women's emotions, drop them at a moment's notice and feel no remorse. I'm the guy that makes a woman damaged goods for the next. I'm contributing to the downfall of Western civilized women. In a sense, I'm watching the world burn.

Marriage and commitment is a losing strategy, no matter how well you screen. Rollo mentions that young men should stay single until 30, then find a nice piece of 21 year old piece of ass to be in a relationship with? It is possible, but from threads and posted for guys in their 30's, highly unlikely. So the three options for average men are:

1) Lifelong happiness with your high school sweetheart.
2) Relationships with potentially damaged goods.
3) Non-monogamy

Game-aware men know that the first option is blasphemy and the second option carries emotional and mental risks to his well-being. The third choice, well, it's difficult to say the least. The tradeoff between freedom and steady sexual release. Writer's block.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
As a good looking guy I've realised I have it easy.

Every time I go out to clubs I manage to kiss random women with relative ease.

OP just be prepared to settle for used up women like a lot of members here have.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Why does everyone want a nice 21 year virgin who has never been touched? I'd rather have a girl in her late 20s who puts half the money down on a house than a virgin.

Girls care more about money than sex. Sex you can get anywhere with any girl, yet a girl who gives up her body easily will have a very difficult time spending $100 on you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Jesus Christ this board is becoming so ridiculously negative nowadays. All it seems to be is guys whining about how girls are going for guys who are more desirable than them.

Why is this a surprise? Of course they'll go for the more attractive option.

We should all be working as hard as we can on ourselves to boost the odds in our favour. If you feel you're ugly then work on your career - make some money. If you can't attract women on looks then you'll have to find some other way rather than just resigning yourself to defeat and whining about how girls don't want you...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
If you were a hot chick, would you go out with an ugly guy?

Hell to the no.

So, I don't blame chicks anymore. They are doing what they are supposed to be doing. 95% of beta rage comes from guys going for unattainable women. If you went for someone your own level, you wouldn't be complaining on SOSUAVE every day.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
For all of those who get it as a "arg arg girls are going with hot guys Im so mad"

Guys you got it wrong, its not about that guy scoring high but about how girls act given certain circumstances and implications of such behaviour, for everyone, them and men.

Its not a personal thread, its a macro one as much as any thread about crime rate or immigration, its the discussion of a phenomenon on a large scale.

Its no different than a guy showing how bankers can avoid paying taxes while average joes have to, and having others telling that he is butthurt and he should improve himself, this board is getting full of posers and their indirect implicit bragging.

The point is not that these girls go with hot guys (surprise surprise) but the conditions in which they do, which goes against anything touch and said from society,school and so on.
(this last line is the simple explanation for the retards which fail to see the bigger picture).