So.. here's what happened to get me to post in the first place


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Use it or lose it, is how the saying goes.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
reset said:
Use it or lose it, is how the saying goes.

Haha.. no the blah was to erase what i had originally put.. just didn't know what else to write. Reading that "How to achieve emotional control" thing.

I really have a hard time stepping out of myself and being the observer though. It's the same reason i disassociate from other peoples feelings. I find it difficult to put myself in someone elses shoes and to observe things from the other side.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
That is actually a symptom of a sociopathic person, obviously from your crying you are not as bad as me but you could very well be a sociopath. That could be why your relationships never work out, it could be why you sabotage yourself.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
NickBe said:
That is actually a symptom of a sociopathic person, obviously from your crying you are not as bad as me but you could very well be a sociopath. That could be why your relationships never work out, it could be why you sabotage yourself.
This forum is about self improvement.. so why don't you work on that sociopath thing of yours.

Don't get me wrong, I care about other people, I care about their feelings.. But seldom do i think of that BEFORE doing something.

You may not be sociopathic.. just an extremely negative person.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
That's because you live in your own head. I suggested a journal, just pour it all out. Then, after a while, you can go back and read what you were thinking... over time, you can actually track the progress you are making. You'll see it in black and white, how the thougths you have today are different than from a month ago. Try it.

I had my own issue with a chick that turned MY world upside down... I was completely lost man. And like you, I had spent my whole damn life thinking I was a victim, and that things were happening to me to make me feel bad.

My parents, my family, the kids in school who picked on me, the religion I was raised in... all that stuff added up and made me feel like I was a helpless loser.

NOTHING changed until I finally said, "that's it. I've had it. I've got one life and I am going to do whatever the hell it takes to make sure it's a good one."

It has NOT been easy... but it has been WORTH IT.

Maybe this drama with this chick will be enough to just slap you silly... if you choose to make this a reason to change , it's all uphill from here.

So, for the final time... take the suggestions I and the other guys have given you, do some QUALITY reading...

and maybe I'll be talking to you again in the future. Not for awhile though... you've got a lot to process. If you keep talking about it, it's just going to make you more confused. Take your time, do it right. It can be done.

jackofasses said:
This forum is about self improvement.. so why don't you work on that sociopath thing of yours.

Don't get me wrong, I care about other people, I care about their feelings.. But seldom do i think of that BEFORE doing something.

You may not be sociopathic.. just an extremely negative person.
For a guy you don't like that much, and who's opinion you don't care about, you sure are investing a lot of energy into him and his opinions... think about that.

Take care, I am officially out of this thread. :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Work on it? why is it a problem? I do not see it as a problem my being one step ahead of everybody else. I got the kind of life most people envy, I travel whenever I want, I barley ever work, I am free to do whatever I want. On top of that I can sleep with some of the most beautiful women this world has to offer.

As far as I can see being who I am has allowed me a degree of success very few on earth will ever have.

By the way I am not a negative person. Nobody knows the truth about me sure I talk about it here but in real life no. I create an illusion that makes people comfortable and happy.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
"we tend to live as if our lives are determined by circumstance, by factors beyond our control. This essentially passive orientation towards life leads to the feeling that we are victims of circumstance or fate. We tend to get so used to things happening to us that we forget that we can control our own lives."

THAT hits home. Not so much for the girls.. but man.. all the crap that ceaselessly seems to pile up on my doorstep.. especially this year...
