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Snow's 2007/2008 Bootcamp Journal

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Fr: Playground...

I realize I've fallen into spectator mode when I'm out with wings...I eject to see how far they'e come. This makes it hard for me to really approach because I'm constntly ejecting..

I did all throw away sets, I was ruhing cause I have rehearsal and then I have a Day2 that I have to cancel...which isn't normal in my life...I've flaked more than chicks...

On to the sets...

2set Moving
- I go in, indirect but I donzt even try at all. I let them walk.

- I went in direct, the set blew wide open. She's into me, but I hate her voice and way of being....She was cute, but it felt like she was hyper and nerdy...I eject

4set Mixed (3 guys, 1 girl)
- Hard set, we were on an escalator, 2guys were infront of me. The girl was a 9 from the back...a 7 from the front...I opened but because of the way we were situated the guy pulled her away. As I talked to the 2 guys infront of me

- Chick reading a vietnam book I open saying she's going to b my medic...I vbe for 2mins and then eject...

4set Moving
- Said "Are you guys going to the Partayyyy". The target opened but he 2 UGs kept it moving and she rolled off eventually. you could see she was debating whether to stay or go.

2set from spain
- I opened with an accent and started mentioning her beads. she was ice cold. Stayed unreactive and the friend shifted around to ask me something. The set had changed...

- I open some chick who was looking at flower pots...I said something about not picking those flowers for our room. Thi blew open, I joke and say the flowers bring out her eyes.

- Opened some chick direct, it went ok but she's moving to canada.

2set Moving
- I open about food because there was a ho asian. I mistakenly said I was looking for Asian food...haha...this set went real well...but again I ejected.

Harry Potter
- This was funny because we were joking about routines...it's funny because the chik didn't hear the opener...haha...This was hilarious because me and my wing were making fun of this routines, mainly the false time constraint.

Harry Potter 2
- Again I did routine...haha..again she didn't hear. I still opened it, but her husbnd came...talked a bit more then left.

I just finished rehearsal so I' out ad about again...
- Chick Husband comes...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: Playground...PT2

Almost finished the blueprint...I'm scared...I'm about to blast off to Pluto once I start implementing this stuff...Right now everything feels like a rubrix cube...somedays it just clicks and I can get any set I want. Other days I doubt myself and start going in half assed...

Yesterday was one of those, also add to the fact that I was spectating a lot, even though I opened many sets...

These are sets I did after rehearsal...the day2 I canceled because I wanted to sarge...hahah...what can I say I'm addicted to sarging.

2set Crossing Street
- This chick had hips...I really liked her, a soli 8. I go in direct and the friend sits back and relaxes...no obstacles...BUT her phone rings 2mins in and she ends up crossing the street. I didn't like that at all because I liked her a lot. Her body was real nice.

- This chick was hot, an 8, I opened direct...she was super shy...this turned me off, I was ready to eject 2mins in. I stook around and let her blow herself out. She was waiting for her friend to go to a club...a few mins later a guy came to pick her up...hahaha...if she didn't have a wierdness to her I would've been great...because it looked more like her BF than a friend...which again most chicks never menton here BF or husband to me.

- I went in direct, she just says "Sorry I'm in a rush, I'm on a date." I didn't 7other plowing

2set Italian
- These chicks were cute as hell, I forget how I open but I eventually let them go

There were 5 other sets I did that I completely forgot. this is what happen when you put in notes and then sleep...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Blueprint Approach Journal

First time ever...I didn't go to school due to injuring my foot. This enabled me to come up with a One Year internalizing plan, now that I finished the blueprint.

It is fully detailed and everything is on my phone since I won't be home to post...I will end up posting either coming home on the bus/train or going on the bus/train the next morning.

Each FR will consist of...
- # of sets approached that day
- Observations from the approaches
- Realizations based on the concepts I'm learning
- How well I held my nimbus
- Lessons learned for the day
- Actual field report

I'm really dedicated and spent most of my free day coming up with this whole plan. I also have THREE key daily reminders for when I'm infield...I shall share them...

1. "This is a Bootcamp"
No stalling, you have to approach, approach, approach. You must keep approaching nonstop, do it over and over. Push your capabilities, lean into your fears, and walk through the fog of emotions. You are training your social muscles by gaining experience, challenging your reality, and internalizing ways of being. Each experience has a lesson, through trial and error you will internalize a way of being. Experiment with different things and create anticipated responses until the concept is natural.

2. "Everyday is a new adventure"
You have no idea what's going to happen, so each day is a new adventure awaiting. Enjoy the journey that your on and learn to laugh at yourself, this is about becoming a better man and improving. Allow yourself to watch things play out. Make your own decisions based off of firsthand experience.

3. "Consistency, not perfection"
Get good good with women in general. A PU is messy it takes effort and dedication. Go from point A to point B as quick and straightforward as possible, get fancier and fancier when needed. Always attempt to close and play each set to the wire. Don't have a relationship until you've know them for a long time.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: Chode side wins 0-1

Sets Approached Today: 3
Cold Approaching Observations
- It's all my fault, its me battling my own mind, my mind wants me to be a chode. Majority of my approaches go good, but the whole time I'm fighting my mind

- No dedication in set at all. Not pushing it at all, just doing it for the sake of doing it. On a scale of 1 to 10 the effort I'm putting in is a 2.

- Hotter chicks who ooze female polarity tend to walk fast as if they have something urgent to do. They look at no one

- Many mixed sets...some BF/GF

Realization of Concepts
- Feeling good, gets me in state easily, I tend to be unstifled automatically. This causes me to not even want to expand the party because I'm already feeling good and entertaining myself.

- Concepts, cause me to get stuck in my head...and as a result I stall. Usually what killed me in set was if I thought...but to internalize these concepts I need to consciously thin about them. Surprisingly I don't think about the concepts when in set.

- Success barriers are kicking in "Be a chode", "Look at all these cool guys with chicks, your uncool", "Don't go too far in sets", "Go home, this is impossible", "Every chick has a BF, its over for me.", "I suck, every guy is ooler than me."

- Excuser...NO HOT CHICKS...this was true for the first hour but the econd hour was no excuse.

- State was held going out to sarge, despite having fuked up legs (Reason why I didn't go sarging or school yesterday) Eventually got out there, went in my head and stalled.

- Going in my head killed my state, I was stifled, didn't sing no more.

Lessons Learned:
- I can't stall, since I do have to think about the concepts I must sarge anyway.

- When I feel good, assume value and I'm indifferent...I feel on top of the world. This clicked in and out.

- I must start amuisng myself again. Today I forgot about it and also forgot about having an abundant mentality.

- I must keep the ball rolling by going out and internalizing the concepts. I decided not to be hard on myself anymore, even though I had the lowest amount of approaches in the past 6 months, I still learned a lot.

Field Report: "Chode side wins 0-1"
The chode side wins...success barriers came in, my reality was being fuked with and I let lame excuses cause me to leave early. I really tried to keep it together, but it was too late.

- I was on the phone, it was one of the few chicks I liked and had seen all da. I got of the phone to open. I go direct it blows wide open I like her a lot. She's going to meet friends...I go back on the phone like a chode and let her go. (This is common for me) I spoke on the phone again and she thought I was still talking with her, her RAS was super focused on me...yep I'm dumb.

- In virgin music store one cute short chick, again one of the few cuties I seen all day so I was forced to approach. Go direct, it's going good...she mentions BF...I plow its going we'll BF looks over and she just cuts off from me saying "Sorry I an't do that"

- Blown out, totally uncalibrated...First of all I was stifled, stuck in my head, out of state...the chicks saw me on the wall and I didn't approach but it was one of the few hot set so I go anyway...I go direct, its on...friend cblocks instantly and pulls her...now I opened in middle of street so as she pulls her the run pass the moving car so I couldn't even plow...

That's all folks the rest is me doing a bunch of nothing...Totally didn't amuse mysef at all, there was no sort of abundance mentality. For the most part I was just ever so often feeling good and indifferent.

I will be going out tomorrow...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Chode side wins 0-2

Sets Approached Today: 10 (edited)
Cold Approaching Observations
- No effort, no dedication...not pushing the envelope...not persistent...effort was a 2 once again.
- Sets just go because I don't hold firm at all, I just let them go.
- Forgot basic fundamentals...I realize I no longer smile nor do I go in with ANY energy. Eye contact wasn't as intense.

Realization of Concepts
- Wasn't feeling good...when wing showed up I was my normal cool self with him.
- I was kind of amused today at different points and realizations...I still wasn't doing what I wanted to do.
- Didn't really implement the concepts at all
- Success barriers kicked in again
- I'm resisting what I want to do, stalling which causes me to spectate.

- This wasn't held at all...times I'd be so stifled that if I tried speaking the person to my left wouldn't hear me.

Lessons Learned:
- disconnect from my mind, abuse my mind, and let it go crazy...its really insane how my mind could hold me back despite everything I've done and went through.

Field Report: "Chode side wins 0-2"

The mind wins, the chode is out and every 2-3 months seems like I'm going forward and backwards. Feels like I'm running in circles...

- This chick had an orange hat, I opened direct it opens. I then mention her hat and she goes. I can feel that I'm not trying at all.

- Next set I got blown out she was waiting for her BF, I had went direct.

Moving chick
- I opened standing firm and holding my ground. This was the most effort I did in the past week...She stops, its funny to see how it registers in her mind that I'm in my own reality because all of a sudden she stops as if she didn't hear me. I however talk about her style and random BS. This was surey reactive and she felt it...because she walked off and I didn't even try plowing.

2set Mom and Daugther
- I ask some dumb sh!t about a place to take my 3 gfs. It was retarded, this didn't last long even though it opened. Again I didn't try plowing.

- Open direct...she says BF, I'm done

Next set I forget...set after that blown out...next set

- Best set of the day just because I was totally indifferent and plowed. The set was going well in the sese of me bing totally indifferent.

- Self-amused about pictures...set blew open...I eject...

It's days like these that make me forget that Note: Might be typos due to me typing from phone...

I ever even did anything in this. As of right now I can't even have a 2min solid interaction...yes it might be because I'm trying to internalize new things but I still can't even approach...I can feel the negativity raising...

As I type this I reaize a 9 sits infront of me do I open we shall find out...

...and I opened...did I plow not really did I even try to close...no...a 2min interaction...

Opened about her brick of a book saying she could kill someone with it. Her book is about murder, I joke about her being a hitman since she is wearing red latex jacket. She says she'll let me lie. It's going well I get up...and just walk off...she gets off and leaves too.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Authenticity wins 1-2

Sets Approached Today: 12
Cold Approaching Observations
- Guys in set won't butt into your set if your indifferent and just amusing yourself. Guys will stay quiet and maybe look.
- When self-amusing the women can't help but laugh because your bringing her into your world and she finds it funny that you find what your doing or saying funny.
- All chicks want to be apart of the fun, because its the warm end of the pool. Your party is more fun than there party.
- AMOGS will try to amog you if they see something more fun than there party...indifference always win.
- Still very little effort put in set, effort was about a 4 out of 10...

Realization of Concepts

- It's super easy to do sets when your just entertaining yourself. I felt myself saying "Who's the next person I can bring in my party".
- When you fully and truly assume high value everything just click...because now when your just amusing yourself, the chick is receptive to whatever you do, if you keep it going they'll let it go.
- When indifferent stuff just run off on you...good and bad validation...everything is just a moment thing rather than an ego thing where your attaching all these good responses to your ego, to build an image. There are two particular things that come to mind that happened today.
- Abundance mentality, it really turns into you really not caring at all if it goes good or bad. It's as if I was just going with the flow because there are many more women. Each set the chicks knew I was willing to walk away.
- When everything just clicks you really don't care. It's like your feeling good regardless if you have a good or bad set. Your state never goes up nor down its stable.
- When you assume high value you get away with anything, because its not creepy or weird, instead its unqiue because a high value guy is doing it. You basically standout and they always see the good in you or block out any things the really dislike.
- Selff-amused and everything works...because you just feel good and your indifferent. You assuume high value and have an abundance mentality so the chicks already know your just giving them the privilege to be in your world and see what your about...that's what they want to see.

- Despite how tired I was...the Nimbus was flaring every so often I brought out the "hot searing cold" which I'm so used to...for some reason today I brought ou the "Raging brush fire"
- I felt good and was rarely stuck in my head because the concepts sort of started sinking in after those last 2 days.

Lessons Learned:
- The women are happy that you invited them to the party.
- Amuse yourself and don't worry about a thing, because everything you do no matter how retarded will be cool if you assume high value...people will just accept it

Field Report: "Authenticity wins 1-2"

Third day in...things are clicking...surely was a great day. First set was straight out of class on break...

- I'm on the elevator with some new AMOG black dude who all of a sudden thinks he runs sh!t and dislikes me because I don't say sh!t to him or his boys. (I don't talk to much guys in school mainly the chicks) Anyway I'm on the elevator and say "Stand clear of the closing doors please." Some chick I know tries to tell me shut up...she obivously likes the AMOG dude I don't even acknowledge her. I talk to the chick about her col looking bag, she turns and I see these big glasses so now I'm like "Wow your glasses are cool as ****" The AMOG try to say something on the low but of course I ignore him. I talk to the chick about trading glasses, I say I have invisible glasses on. Elevator ride is finished and I keep it moving.

After school I start tearing it up...

- A chick infront of a shopping store sitting down...I open saying "Come on lets go shopping...what did you buy...lets hit forever 21...my gosh this will be a great adventure...ok cya." The whole time I was just amusing myself and she was just loving it, she kind of disliked that I left...she was waiting for someone, I think her BF but she didn't want to mention it. (Could it be because she thought she'd be kicked out of the warm end of the pool?)

- Chick with some guy...but I didn't notice the guy. I joke about her riding me to union square, I'll hop on her bike. Set blows open she's loving it. She mentions she's not going that way, and I say "Ok I'm sad now" she says sorry and I walk off and as I turn around a guy is standing there wondering what is going on...hahaha...

- I open a chick in a shakespeare manner mentioning that she is texting me which she agrees...I ask her about where we shall eat and giving her choices...all of this in a shakespeare manner...I then eject as she is about to turn the corner.

HBMickey D's
- I randomly see 2 chicks I know in mcdonalds. I hang with them for a bit, so while there arm wrestling, I notice a chick from across watching so I give her...the wave of awesome...she smiles...I tell her join the wrestling match whoever wins gets a free 4 piece nuggests.

- Infront of the costume shop I open a chick saying we shall dress up like so and so. I joke about us going on an adventure. I fluff abit, she's waiting for someone. (Again like other chick sounded like she didn't want to say BF) I talk a bit more and continue on my way.

- I just roll up on her saying there is no way were having our first date here...I start demanding that she tells me what she's eating...I ask her on a scale of 1 to 1,000 how good it is, she says she loves it...I then say goodbye.

- This was a moving set and I was in the mood to go wild so I tap a chick from behind....startle her and without even acknowledging it I say "This is a cia training simulation, get ready to take out all targets infront of you" and I start acting like I'm in a shoot out, doing the dumbes sound effects and stunts. she is so thrown off, I then tell her she failed because she never even got to pull her gun out. This chick went through a range of emotions. I then introduce myself, she is actualy in a rush but enjoyed our few mins of interacting...I surely did.

- I see a book with a horse infront of a girl so I say, "Hey lets buy this horse...lets go to Ireland and buy it...wht will we name it..." Eventually she walks off.

Last few sets was pure self-amusing comments. One chick in a mixed set I asked if she's a good cook. I did another wave of awesome to some tourist. Then I acted like some chick holding a dog, had my dog. Pure entertainment...

Overall great day...can't wait to go out tomorrow...it's funny because I'm learning WAY more now that I'm focusing on implementing specific concepts rather than actually just approaching and trying to move from point A to point B with every set. There are a lot of smaller and finer things that I never got to learn when I would just interact and mov thee interaction forward towards sex.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Note: Maybe a lot of typos due to me typing from phone on the bus...

I've been busy, constant school and memorizing. I have school 3 days in a row. This whole blueprint journal is honestly going to change my lie once again 100x more than back when I first transitioned to blueprint stuff a year ago. I want to point out yesterday I didn't go out...excuse was because of rain but for now on its no excuse.

Sets Approached Today: 11
Cold Approaching Observations:
- All sets shall open...I am still waiting to meet a set who will blow me out. When I open the women can't help it but laugh and enjoy the invitation to my reality.
- Eye Contact...this is what creates that bubble. I noticed when I don't hold eye contact it would break that bubble and cut them out of my reality each time I looked away.
- If they love your world then they won't blow you out and actually try to contribute to the interaction.

Realization of Concepts
- Being indifferent feels sort o like a**** because I don't give a **** and so at times I won't even keep eye contact. But you can see it working because my focus on them only occurs when I'm talking to them or if there saying something interesting...this has a lot to do with RAS, which I will focus on in the next 2 weeks.
- Being indifferent...I can now read my scripts outloud on the train over and over...people don't even say ****.
- Dudes are of no effect I don't even see them no more. Two real 90s gang members who back in those days used to cut people's faces for no reason was right next to me talking all types of ish...I didn't react at all, I didn't even realize they were there, I was myself...
- I seriously no longer care what anyone thinks both good and bad
- You can feel good all day for no reason...you can eassily access the nimbus. This is automatic now.
- Amusing yourself shows your in your own reality, shows you are the generator of emotions and creates the parties. The fun is always by you. People are drawn towards the party.
- From the start women are assessing your value and seeing if your in your own reality. This is why if you assume high value your in like flin.
- Assume high value and you will naturally act accordingly, there was no doubt in my mind that I wasn't high value. I basicaly have this internalized.
- Assuming High Value caused many women to watch me, and be in proximity. My eye contact alone got me opened twice today. One chick opened me reminding me that we met before and each time after that she'd watch me, smile and wave. Also some random chick started smiling at me and saying Hi as I gave sexual intent with my eyes.
- I surely have the abundant mentality, might be a bit too extreme...passed up 3-4 solid chicks...2 hot actress/models (I really liked both), one decent food lover, and one cute cook...I'm basically willing to lose them all...which at this point I already did. Also a chick who flew out to Cali is coming back to NY...she wants to hangout and is interested in my crazy adventures.
- Each set I go in the chicks know I don't care about the outcome and they know I'm willing to walk away.
- I feel women are abundant because I can honestly meet any girl.
- In my social circle the women love me and appreciate me more than ever, especially due to the self amusement...I can make jokes for days...

- Nimbus was ON basically all day, low energy it was "Hot searing cold" and every so often I'd go all "Raging Brush Fire".
- I was feeling good all day from morning to now. No ups and no downs

Lessons Learned:
- Indifferent is way better than being confident...because you'll automatically feel confident due to assuming value.
- Abundance mentaliy can be taken to the extreme...don't know if its a good o bad thing
- If you have the value then everything you do is unique no matter how weird or creepy it may seem on the surface...I make a few stalkerish voice tones or retarded body movements.
- Feeling good for no reason is priceless, especially when you go in and out sets feeling the exact same no matter how good or bad the set went is just great.

Field Report: "Authenticity wins 2-2"
Have school tomorrow and didn't have much time to sarge but I wanted to approach something so I can keep internalizing things and gaining the reference experiences. Even if I had to do one liners, as I started this blueprint internalization plan I had made a habit of just doing one liners as I walked down the street.

Mixed Set

- I open with an accent asking for broadway st. This was funny just playing with the accent.

- I joke about loving her umbrella which was all messed up, it brought a smile to her day.

UGMickey ds
- This chick was not cute (Bad acne, cool style) as I realized when I opened but I no longer compare one chick higher than the next...so I opened infront of my social circle...mentioning her big mcdonald cup, calling it gigantic size. She loved it and enjoyed that I spoke to her, she started talking to me. I start saying if I need a drink she can save me by giving me some. I eventually go back to talking to my friends.

- Seen a chick at journal section of bookstore, I open by picking a book and saying this might be good to write about my six gfs who I'm cheating on. She jokes back saying I should get a bigger book for that. I ask her what she's putting in hers and she goes to say the first entry would be about how she met me. This goes on for a bit but I'm going to meet my class mates and I tell her that I will comeback to chat her if I see her around when I'm with my friends. Then an incongruency in my interaction by asking for the # when I clearly said I would get it if I see her again, so she repeated what I had said and I was cool with and said "This isn't love this is destiny". I leave...now if I wasn't focused on internalizing concepts I could've never go to my friends and just interact or introduce her to my friends.

- I seen this chick with a nice ass but realied a 4 face when I opened. I said something about move night and pointed out thins for us to watch. All of a sudden I say she's my myspace date. Something I realized was I thought she was locked up so to unlock her I amused myself by getting ready to bust on her for not getting the jokes but she got it. I say in set fo a bit and then leave to look at this sex tv...made me want to start watching TV again.

- Seen a HOT girl waiting outside so I mention something about texting. This chick had that ***** look on her face...I open about texting and she mentions she's waiting for someone. I ask her if she's going on any big adventures today, she isn't...I eject.

- A hottie, with a nice gym ass...I accuse her of trying to take advantage of me because she has two bottles of wine. We joke about that, she's loving it. I tell her how she took advantage of me 3 nights in a row. I'm having fun with her she's cool and hot. We then part ways because she is about to go in some store.

- Not my type but cute, I tell her we broke up already and to stop texting me it was 10 years ago and I came to NY just to tell her stop. She says she was the one who broke up with me. (Rare that chicks add stuff right off the start) I go into a whole story about her best friend, we talk about allergies, then my school. Thn we have to go separate ways becaue she is headed in other direction. What's interesting is we got seperated many times but she would catch up to me to continue talking...I'd jut talk as if she was still next to me even when she was way behind.

- This chick was cute, I was memorizing my script as I go home, I seen a homeless man and felt like amusing myself so I opened chick to my right saying "If we put together two nickels we can give him a dime, it blows wide open, she's smiling and all into me. She continues talking about working all day and I talk about school and how I do it everyday. She is loving me, like literally loving me, but she has to get off because her stop is up...

- Instantly turn to my left because I thought the chick to my left would be hot...I was wrong, but I don't judge or value a hot chick more than a chick who is less hot anymore. I say the same stuff as HB7 but then somehow we start saying we would meet here same day, same time, same seat and give money to a homeless person. We fluff about my school and then we start talking about our stops. I have her guess my stop which was a long ride, her stop is next...I tell her I have to take a long ass bus right after the long ass train ride. Her stops up and she says she will meet me tomor, same place, same time, and I say "Same seats too".

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Fr: Authenticity wins Playoffs

Sets Approached Today: 21 (4 of which my wing opened)
Cold Approaching Observations:
- It feels like your just a social being the interaction seems so normal and spontaneous. I myself forget that I was actually approaching.
- Women enjoys having great interactions and are willing to meet up, it's just natural.
- All locked up and unresponsive sets can be turned around.
- You must lead the interaction majority of the time no matter how good of a set they will not continue the interaction. This is where persistence and closer mentality come in.
- If your getting AIs from start its a done deal...I don't even look for IOIs or IODs but I notice I can just say "Give me your #" and they'd give it t me.
- Women believe most men are pussies because they never approach or try to get with you...they don't realize women want **** an that if a man just goes for it then I would be easy. They were talking about how they all do the dating frame BS when it should be sex first then those thoughts later...this all stated by two cute chicks in my social circle who like chodes but the chodes don't see the hints nor approach.

Realization of Concepts
- Total indifference from good and bad responses, I always remained the same.
- Indifference caused me not to even care about #s or even getting the girl...I'm a reference experience addict.
- Fell asleep in book store...I would've never done this before.
- Constantly feeling good, this is a done deal. I'm feeling good 24/7
- Amusing myself is what causes my sets to go well...once I reaction seek its over and rarely hits...
- I'm no longer caught up in the outcome or worrying about getting #s or lays. As of righ now I'm not really # closing.
- Assume high value causes you to have ZERO Approach Anxiety....I never had in for a long tme but I don't even flinch when it comes to opening.
- *****y ones when indifferent and amusing yourself will open up...any hole in your centeredness and your finished.
- Chicks will add to the fun, women enjoy the invitation you give them by opening and being self amused...

- It was always lurking in the shadows, I was tired and even sleeping when I was suppose to open sets. I was feeling good but wasn't in no "Raging Brush fire" mood...it was just "Hot Searing Cold"

Lessons Learned:
- When seeing an unexpected hot chick don't flinch, for a split second I'd be mesmerized.

Field Report: "Authenticity wins playoffs"
Effort was about a 6 I didn't hit every set I wanted but I opened 80% of them...many was little to no effort. The others where I put some effort meaning I tried plowing or just stuck in set ended up turning into an actual interaction...You'll see what I mean

Black chick
- Sh ask if I'm in line I say know and then tell her she's too short for them to see her that she needs to jump up and down. She tries to restart to conversation twice but I just wanted my food and wanted to eat.

- I tell her me and her should buy these desserts on display and have a food fight...Set blows open and I ask hr which dessert she'd buy first...at this point she's next in line and she's focused on me so I tell her to go...

- Chick visiting in my class, I open ask where she's from...Japan...I speak some japan and tell her how much I love Japan...we talk about japan...Her english is bad...all during class she's watching me.

- I hear high heel noise when I come out the bathroom so I point out we both make noise...We try to walk at the same tempo and rhythm...were having fun, she compliments my shoes...she comments on my long legs and I move hip to hip with her...I leave the building...

- I opened a chick in the dog section saying we should have a dog fight with our dogs. she hasn't gotten a dog yet she is waiting until june. I say something else then go back to my convo on the phone...I then realized her ass was NICE...

- I compliment her dress and say its a chef dress which she is confused and wonders if its a good or bad comment. I then state I love food. She says she thought I was taking a survey and I start busting on her and act like I'm some survey chode...she thought this because I had my school binder with me.

Winged set 1
- wing has just arrived and I want him going that way he doesn't slow me down...we hit a 2set he opens about a book for his cousin...UG is talking about books and since this is my wing set I want to be a good wing while still internalizing what I'm internalizing. So I realize his target RAS is not focused on any of us so I engage her quick...self amusement constantly getting her invested...I stop talking and let wing do his thing. It's going well and eventually he ejects after 10mins.


- Open a chick about languages and start speaking spanish..I ask what she knows, I find out she does marketing...introduce her to my wing who walks off right after, he had that says "The click" so I ask if she's down with the click...self amusement at its finest...this chick surprises me saying she's part of the crips...I'm surprised and laughing, I love it. She recorrects herself by saying she's blood because she has red stockings. This goes on longer than I wanted it to go...she shows me a magazine that she was in...At one point I realized she was in a rush, but eventually I just eject. My wing was pissed as to why I didn't close.

- wing hovered, I go in saying we'll buy one of everything. I no longer self-amuse and it just goes down hill. I try to plow but I'm still running out of gas.

HBPreg, HBRandom
- I opened a chick saying "I don't want that gift for my bday, you got me that last year." Set blows open, I realize she's pregnant...

Wing Set 2
- A set went dry for my wing so I come in, he reengages her and I self amuse about russia and having her bring me there. This causes her RAS to focus on us again and my wing is in another 5min interaction somehow he just lets her leave.

- I grab a puzzle and stat that me and her need to go do this puzzle. I tell her get he drinks and popcorn and stat this ill take forever...then I just say will do all the puzzles in one week. She then says we will never get it done with drinks but it will be more fun...I then eject saying I'm looking for my friend which is my current puzzle...

- Opened about gfx arts a bit of self-amusement...and all of a sudden I have a 10 to 15 convo of her talking. I seriously tried ejecting 4 TIMES she kept plowing and wanted me to close. Finally a friend alls and I get to eject after another 5min of convo. My wing was pissed I didn't close because she was a hot milf...nice ass...she seen me later on and reopened me.

- Seen her in video game section so I open asking if she's a gamer...I point out some random game and she says she has a wii so I say we can play ii sports at her house...she then says in the saddest tone saying..."aww my wii is at home in Argentina". I ask how long she's staying and eject.

Wing Set 3
- He opens about her looking at his ear...I jump in saying he's a ear model. This is when SELF-AMUSEMENT commences...5 to 10mins of self amusement. We are talking about ear model industry, were in 2 different departments because I have no ear lobe and he does, were top ear models...I make a story about ben who came close to being the top...Saying no one is allowed to touch my ears and chicks can't even lick my ear...I say chick tried to lick my ear and wing says one tried to bite my ear like mike tyson. This was insane...I leave to go text so he can get 1 on 1 time...h doesn't t close and her friend shows up.

- I opened this chick saying "You should buy this book"...it went well somehow I'm clawing her and saying I like her. She's leaving in a week. Self-amusement...she's totally attracted and for some reason I feel like a **** if I don't close but I also don't want to close because I won't call. So I was going to take her # but then I was like no I'll just give her my #...which I still took hers. I told her if she gets a green card or comes back to call me...maybe then I will be in the mindset of closing. I was actually pissed for closing because its a bit ****ed up.

Wing Set 4
- He does sking vs snowboarding opener...calls her out on looking at his ear. We go off again on some new ear model jokes and we ask her which type of ears she'd take mines or his.

- I unexpectedly seen her and just tried to open...she just hook her head...I wasn't amusing myself at all.

- I open talking about the 2 rats...saying if we were rats what food would she eat on the train floor. She's adding to convo...joke about them jumping up here...then I go in train and ignore her by going on y phone typing this while she reads her book. As she leaves she's all smiles saying bye. All I had to do was lead and close in this situation but I wat to gain reference points

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Sets Approached Today: 15 (2 I winged, also didn't bother counting sets during and before school time)
Cold Approaching Observations
- All sets can be opened it all depends on how you go in.
- BFs don't matter at all...if your that cool social guy then the BF is not a factor.
- Words don't matter, its all about what your sub-communicating...
- Girls just wanna have fun

Realization of Concepts

- 90% of sets could open all it takes is assuming value, self amusement, and indifference
- It's all clicking together...
- Indifference caused me to seriously not care about anything. Even the reactions I get really doesn't change how my state is.
- Feeling good is where it all started...your state never shifts because your indifferent and feeling good for no reason...so no matter what your always feeling good.
- Self-amusement is why I can never get blown out...I'm not trying to get invited to there party I have my own mobile party...I don't need the girls I just chose to have fun with them...there lucky
- I really had to become abundant...like I said I gave up all my girls and even sarge focusing only on internalizing concepts...you don't know how tempting it is to want to care...its like in my mind I'm saying is "I know I can get you" This takes a lot of self control...
- Assuming high value cause me to not flinch nor hesitate when seeing hot chicks, I go in assuming it.

- State never shifts no more...this is what is great...add on all the spiritual **** and you got feelings that feel better than orgasms...I mean literally...
- People can tell when your feeling good, women focus in on it by giving EC, proximity or constantly watching to see what you do.

Lessons Learned:
- All sets can be opened it all depends on you
- It really is all about the concepts internalized
- There is no need for techniques or method once you have everything internalized
- Stick and focus on something and it will start to become natural...then the next step is stapling the principles in
- Women will always go to he warm end of the pool...be the warm end and women will want to be around you.
- Not following up with my #s caused me to become abundant and not care for the outcome. Before this each hot girl # I got I'd be so happy and validated and every set after I'd want an outcome...but now that I made a choice to focus on internalization and watching many great sets stopped for the sake of reference experience...I learned to not care anymore.

Field Report: "Welcome to the Playground"
- I meet my wings they want me open a set because both of them got blown out and they wanted to see if it could open. I go in direct saying she's cute....blows wide open...I comment on her cool glasses, she asks me what brings me to this corner...I say friends...she says her friend is picking her up...she is caught off guard when she realizes he is at the light...hahaha...it's an obvious BF I'm smiling as she is trying to covertly get in th care without him noticing me...funny stuff

Winged Set 1
- My wing intros me I say hi she says she likes my name I say its part Chinese, French, and Irish...somehow I'm speaking NONSENSE to make it sound like a language...she speaks back in a real language and I'm clawing her...I remember this is my wings set...I stop and made my wing speak again, he tells me she speaks five languages...why'd my wing intro me, I like her now...anyway all of a sudden her RAS did a insane shift...her BF was coming and she spotted him and goes "OMG I have to go nice meeting you guys" and speeds off...very funny.

5set Party girls
- I open high energy asking if there going to the partay...they imitate my approach...there all fiesty, one chick hits me and runs into the restaurant...I'm indifferent and amusing myself...I let them go...5mins later we see them and get reopened, there going to party...I bring them in 2 walk off...find out 21 bday girl hugs happy bay...go to cutie saying he's too young, she is 21 too...Tell them go to a venue that PUAs frequent...me and my girl splits from the set and talk about school, and Indiana...2 chicks who walked off comes in, my girl introduces me to her cousin and my girls BT is high. I say were getting married and claw her...she finds out my school name, somehow she seen my binder, I accuse her of being psychic or cia...wing2 comes in and starts gaming my girl, I personally don't care...he does ESP routine, first time I seen that routine and he got both right...we all leave eventually...In he whole set it was me and 3 other guys gaming them.

Wing Set 2
- He does his skiing vs snowboarding opener. I tend to know all his openers now so I just follow up amusing myself saying she looks like a good skier she has the legs, I ask if she can do tricks. Friend comes in I engage her while my wing is with his target. I go hip to hip with my girl seeing for snowboard legs. My wing wants to bail so we leave.

- Wing doesn't open so I follow her in makeup store...I tell her she's my new makeup artist she thought I was serious...I say just kidding and go direct, I tease her fo taking me seriously. Find out she's from france and I say there trying to takeover and maybe she's cia...she loves it and plays along saying "shhh" I eject

- I open saying please tell me you have an accent with my own accent...she has none so we joke about that, we talk about art and her painting...I eject...

- I go in direct...she's in a rush but it looked like it would've went nicely.

- Joke as if she's my myspace date...I'm cracking up and tell her I'm joking...shezs waiting for a friend to go party...friend shows up I introduce myself and tell them about the well known PUA night venue...chicks says "O no the guys there are ****ing wankers" hahaha I crack up due to the irony. I eject...

- In virgin music store and I act like its a club so I open a chick asking for ID to this club...poor english but the vibe was on so opened anyway...I say I'm looking (It was true) and that she must help me because he's real short and I can't see him behind the racks of cds. I eject...

- Instantly open this chick right after HBvirgin leaves...I say I need help finding my short friend...she's willing to help hahah...I tell her I'll giive her a boost in the air and she ca find him...she has me describe him...then I say I'll just call him and I eject...

- open a chick saying we should get blind sticks and play blind to move people out our way...it opens, we talk about our adventures for today...she's meeting her ex bf to get money from I joke/hi five saying she can get the money and we can go eat...she says she is staying home and drinking...(Could I have done same day pull?) I eject...

- I open saying "Were off to dinner", I ask about accent then types of inner were getting...she mentions she's going for drinks and I joke saying she's taking advantage of me because 1 cup and I'm finished...continue taking about drinks and finally I eject.

- Opened a chick by pointing at a magazine, pure self-amusement...she loved it but said she was real tired and didn't feel like interacting right now...

Escalator of glory
- I welcome chick to the escalator and ask her if she's a vegetarian she isn't...I say that's good because she couldn't roll if she wasn't a meat eater...I ask for her favorite meat then I eject.


- open about blind sticks...this didn't hook at all because this time it wasn't self-amused...at this point I plow amsuing myself saying we will order 3 bind sticks 3 big bug eyed shades and walk down a crowded street together...Set has now opened...there going home, no partying, there going to meet friends real quick...fluf talk for 5mins and I eject.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Hangout

Sets Approached Today: 12
Cold Approaching Observations
- Chicks are looking at sub-communication, I can feel the subtle differences of when I got it and don't got it.
- If you go in half assed you get blown out plain and simple...
- BFs show up so many times randomly...

Realization of Concepts

- Indifference is there now I just need to open all sets and not just go for the hot chicks...I only open decent sets when I see a great opportunity to amuse myself.
- Amusing myself wasn't there for a few sets...at one point I just approached how I used to when I would just ooze masculine polarity. My goal isn't to really pull though, just self-amusement.
- Didn't really assume high value even though I ort of acted that way...maybe it just came natural to me and its internalized.
- Abundance Mentality is a hard one because certain hot chicks I don't want to let go and I want to meet again rather than gaining the experience and focusing on what I want to learn.

- It was stable as usual...

Lessons Learned:
- Commit to everything I do...either do it or don't...

Field Report: "The Hangout"
This was nothing but a big hangout for me, hung out with my group of wings for the first time in a long time...today it felt more like a hangout...sets were scarce...I should've opened decent sets too but I didn't really do that much...so I had a lack of approaches...

With wings I tend to spectate and always keeping the party going...only times I really approach when with wings are...
A. There is a real hot chick or my ideal chick
B. One of my wings refuse or hesitate to approach her
C. If they want to see me approach

I have yet to approach bootcamp style and just hit set after set without any breaks.

- I said she was cute we would've talked but she was going to make reservations...I wasn't going to wait outside and later I realized I should've went in with her.

- In jamba store, so I open asking which is best, then I joke about having a jamba party...my target could bring movies and her friend could get the popcorn. It was a good set but I ejected....I also liked the tall girl a lot...but for the sake of just getting reference experience I did what I had to do.

Blown Out
- Was trying to open but opener was said to fast and she had no clue wtf I was talking about...I jut let her walk off.

- This set was a mistake, I was actually trying to get with her...I was bouncing around from actually wanting to meet her and internalizing concepts...Anyway I go in saying she's my new makeup artist because I am in sephora so I motion for arm in arm which she takes...I then introduce myself...I do my old drawing state from within and sexual intent...she wants to know more about me...I flick back into reference experience mode and its like a battle within my mind...I try to # close and get BF excuse...

Note: My actual intentions wanted me to plow because I knew it was BS...My reference gaining mind was saying eject we got the experience...

I plowed and kept gaming, excuse turns from her BF outside, random guys her BF, BF is actually around corner getting a haircut. I stick in there because I really like her and I hit that point where she is seeing if my reality is strong enough for her to be lead by me...this is when I go back to reference experience and I want to eject

All of a sudden a chick who works in sephora who I gamed while on a day2 a month ago seen me. So I'm super happy, hugs and kisses...she tells me not to leave cause she wants to chat with me.

- I talk to a chick about having movie night...we joke with that a bit...she is into it but also kind of not committed to the interaction, she sort of pulls away and her BF comes in few seconds after

- I joke about making smoothies...we were in whole foods...she play along then I let her go.

- Opened coming out of whole foods...she didn't hear what I said but I stopped her I didn't plow though.

- I heard a chick say there it is so I jump in saying "Yes here I am"...I ask them if the had any great adventures she says yes...I say I'm on an adventure...looking for my keys that dropped in the sewer...we talk for a bit and I eject.

HBIce Cream
- I say "You got ice cream without me"...talk about the ice cream, what it is, where it's at...I eventually eject.

- I stop her and ask about her yogurt which she talks about...I intro myself and we talk for a bit....like HB9 I start actually gaming and getting into it...but again battling my mind to gain reference experience so I eject...

Today was a battle of the minds...I want to come out the gate and just push sets to the lay but I also want to learn and understand social dynamics way more.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: Long Day....

Sets Approached Today: Unknown (Noted 15)
Cold Approaching Observations
- Sexual Intent causes the whole interaction to become charged...the women are really into the interaction.

Realization of Concepts
- Sets run well when your in the moment...everything you do seems so spontaneous...
- Most of the sets I wasn't in the moment, only a select few...
- When you bring out the source of polarity women just go nuts...they add to the interaction.
- I've always been indifferent to a females beauty but this time I was looking at the depth and it actually cause women to bring out there cool side.
- I tried consciously being the person who is chosen by all way which caused me to walk around forever 21 and just approach as I it really wasn't an all girls store. It felt real normal and I didn't feel out of place at all.

- I was in state all day or better said I was feeling good all day.
- I find I get really lazy and don't get as much experience as I can...meaning I don't see much approachable chicks so I'm waiting and waiting for any decent sets. This causes me to get in a half assed mode.

Lessons Learned:

- I must open everyone...mixed sets, ugs, decent sets, old people, etc.
- I must be committed to every set I go into the set has to work.

Field Report: "Long Day..."
I want to run through this very fast...the abundance of chicks was the but the quality wasn't in my favor. I opened what I liked but I should've opened everyone...I would've got more experience.

A lot of sets weren't committed at all...which resulted in blowouts...

Blown Out
- I go in saying "OMG get me this shirt" complete reaction seeking...this went no where.

- I open saying nice hat...she was disinterested and I was in my head.

- I go in direct it sort of opens...but she's in a rush.

- In pet store I ask if the have dogs, they have cats, I say I dislike cats because thy scratch, I go into a story about a girl's cat I know...I don't plow at all.

- I open saying we each should buy a cat and we started giving them names...she hooked at the start but then I was reaction seeking...she was unresponsive.

...Got blown out by next set

- I open a tall chick I haven't seen my type too much so I sort of ignored the friends...the cblock and eventually pull her away. I had opened her asking how tall she was and commenting on her killer boots.

- One chick had an interesting style so I opened by commenting...it was going ok but they sat to at I wasn't going to sit...

Opened Two more sets which I totally forgot...they went good though

- Again due to scarcity of chicks I seen this girl when she was 3ft away so I opened direct...she's in a rush though.

- There as a tall chick, I went in direct...sexual intent...masculine polarity...verbal content sucked but my sub-communication made this set go well...I eject.

At this point I started hitting set after set, then I meet some old wings who wanted to go to some art gallery...at this point we go to time square and I stopped keeping track of sets...Only Three sets I remembered.

3set Partay
- I open asking if there going to the partay it hooks there ready to be venue changed...BUT I wasn't DECISIVE...they ask where and I lose it...because I have nothing to say...they just say "Yea were just going to go to the bar, bye"

Winged in Mixed Set

- These tall Europeans with some dude...my wing games one chick while I talk to the guy and his gf, eventually we eject.

3set Pull Potential

- This set was a winged 3set...3 of us and 3 of them. I engage my girl who my wings said was a 9. This girl I really gamed, like I wasn't focused on reference experience this was a playoff set...

Basically someone opened and I ask her what she's drinking...ask where she's from...Montreal, I as about the clubs, he's not a clubber. I ask if it's better than NYC, she says she hasn't been there long...she's from Vancouver...she then says something about NYC being a good place to visit.

Ask how they know each other and somehow I marry her after finding out she's leaving tomor. I say it will be marriage then divorce in one night. We talk about having our honeymoon right now, she laughs and say this isn't vegas. She says she wants to do it big, big suite. I then say she has to cook once and she says no we will have room service.

Somehow my school comes up and I tell her two stories...one was how a cop car was in camera frame, as I played a henchmen of a drug dealer and how the shot got missed up due to sound man appearing in frame...Second story was about me trying to get my script before my shoot in 2 days. She tells me about her job where she looks up on other businesses or something that. Some CIA type of thing as I call it...she laughs and agrees it would sound much cooler so she calls herself an undercover operative.

I continue saying we will get a condo right above us...eventually she starts saying stuff implying I do this all the time and I say I only meet someone special like her every few months. I somehow started saying something and said the street corner...she then says that the interaction on that corner was nothing...realizing were actually on that corner...so I bust on her for basically saying our interaction means nothing.

At one point I'm drawing state within and getting more sexual and she then says "I ran out of things to say"...hahaha...I then have us pick 5 countries we shall go too. I picked 2 and she picked 2 and then we agreed on a 5th together...I had her choose something in south America.

We hear sirens so I say that's cops coming for her ad we have to flee in a bike wagon. She laughs and says its like an indiana jones movie and I need a hat and whip. I then look at the M&M store and tell her we get the hats there and have her choose a color for her hat based on he Five colors above.

All through out this I'm testing her by asking her what my name is, asking her what our 5 countries were, having her tell her friends what we have done so far...she remembered it all. I was hugging and clawing her, sexual tension was high, eventually my wing said lets find our 3rd wing who ejected 5mins in.

We vibed real long and it was a real good set...Summa was a good wing but later on he said he wasn't even in the mindset of bouncing or trying to pull...No biggie abundance mentality...I've let many women go...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: Masculine Polarity...Generating...

Sets Approached Today: 10
Cold Approaching Observations
- When you ooze masculine polarity chicks can't help but look

Realization of Concepts
- When your already chosen by women it feels like your naturally selecting and the interaction feels like that.
- When in the moment it feels so much better, you can take in all the experiences as they come.
- Drawing state from within and giving that rich eye contact is the main course...verbal game the dessert...I had showed my wing how I looked at chicks, he felt the awkward vibe because me being another guy and giving him that look.
- Being indifferent about a females beauty means I have to look deeper and some of these chicks today didn't have much that I found attractive.
- It doesn't feel weird approaching at the makeup store, all girls clothes, shoes store, and any other stores that have abundance of women.

- State was fairly stable...but two sets who blew me out, who I've opened before...I really wanted to start trying to turn those sets around, just to say I can turn the set around.

Lessons Learned:
- I need to put in the effort and push myself not to be so lazy, I put about an average effort into my sets
- I must approach women in general

Field Report:"Masculine Polarity...Generating..."

Major excuses...because all I want to do is approach my specific types of girls that I like...all the ones who aren't I let my wing approach. This limits me a whole lot.

- She is just standing waiting for someone so I ask if it was me she was waiting for and she jokes saying yes. I then ask her how the market is...I then eject...

- I ask her how good these pretzel's she's about to buy are...she never had them so I bust on her for looking pretty confident getting these pretzels...This causes her to try and gain my approval by saying she's getting them as a little snack and talking about them. Eventually I let her walk off but she stood there as if she was expecting me to plow.

- I tell her to buy the whole rack since were in a shoe store...She starts saying I should buy it for her, so I rock, paper, scissors it...I lose...WTF...I try to tell her that she will have to buy the food and plane tickets...She points out I already have the food...Eventually I eject but she reopen me and even comes back to m as if we were together...but I eject again not saying anything to her.

- I open a moving set asking where a good place to eat is at, she instantly says what budget were on and I say Billons of dollars. I'm being winged right now...I go off opener and talk about her style, she talks about her day. she had mentioned we weren't here to find food which I basically told her its true how I liked her and I loved her hair which I touched I think my wing negged them and they just left...no biggie...

3set Mixed (2 guys, 1 girl)
- One of the hottest chicks all day I ask about a cool movie since were in virgin music store...She shows me one I plow saying where she's from...Brazil, I have her speak Portuguese...She lives in the area and I joke that she can swim across to Brooklyn where I live...All of a sudden 2 guys show up with stacks of movies...girl is saying nothing but good things about me...I engage the guy and as how they all know each other...He says he met her and he's from greece (Not BF?) I eventually eject...but the whole time her RAS is on me...even as she leaves she is only person who says bye...(That was after I already ejected)

- Funny set...she's selling I try to take it out of Customer frame...because she was eyeing me from the start...So I go in direct as she tries to sell I claw her and everything...I tell her she can take me to the place and eventually I go for her # which she says she can't give it out but I should give her mine...somehow her logic kicked in and she realized she wasn't getting a sale so she walked off pissed...hahahaha...

- This chick was eyeing me so I said Hi and went up to her, we talked about but I think I qualified myself by talking about myself...so when I went for the # he was really thinking as to whether she should or shouldn't I honestly didn't care because I'm not even trying to pull.

2set, Mom and Daughter
- This is the second hottest chick, my ideal body type. I open the mom asking how tall her daughter is and where there from...I plow and go talk to the daugther but she oozes NO female Polarity besides her sexy fashion...I got super turned off but the mother loved me already...they were from canada and leaving in a week.

The next Two sets were blowouts from 2 chicks who i've opened 2 times already. I know because I got the same response last time and it was the same auto pilot response.

- I went in direct, her body was insane but she's from Westchester...I gave up quick after that told her it wouldn't work out...I ejected.

After I met up with a chick who came back to NY...Which reconfirms why I shouldn't attempt day2s they cut into sarging time...When we met up I had that feeling to flake and just sarge more...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Sets Approached Today: 5
Cold Approaching Observations
- No observations, besides some chick was super into me off the opener

Realization of Concepts
- The women can feel something

- Stable...to the point I don't do anything

Lessons Learned:
- I need to put way more effort

Field Report: Mind Scattered...No Experience...

- Open direct with zero effort put in interaction...she literally walks off right after I open.

- I open about good places to eat and intro my friend, I ask where there from and then my wing asks if there tourists, my girl is, she's from japan. I speak some Japanese and say I love japan. I marry her and tell her if she will take me home, she will, her friend approves too.

- I joke about her waiting for me which she plays along and says some story about me having an incest lover...She is verbally killing me and declares herself the winner...find out he's waiting for some guy and I joke saying if he is a nerdy suit guy who walks like this...I eventually eject...

Winged a 1set
- Wing opened and I happen to be along his side so I stood there, I opened my mouth a bit and her RAS focused on me, I tried to stop but it was me being me so I stood quiet for a bit and she kept trying to blow him off.


- Piss Poor logistics but I go with it...goes ok but they were all leaving as I opened...I only hooked my target...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: Leader Of Men

Today isn't an actual sarge day because I couldn't sarge today...but I did however set up a monumental hangout with my new social circle, also learned a lesson in always leading.

Basically we were going to some screening due to some pretty famous indie film maker coming to my school promoting his film...I should've stayed and networked...

So its set like this...
- Go eat at this new place I found (did I mention I love food)
- Meet 1 of the chicks there
- Have 1 of the guys meet us there
- Take them to the place

Our obstacles
- We would get there late if we went to where I wanted to take them
- We had to find our way on foot...or more bluntly I had to get us there
- We had to actual go in and sit

So we leave to go eat and I realize we might get there late. So I decide we eat somewhere else...I call the one chick and she's already there waiting, so I basically tell her stay there and we will meet her, so we go to the original place. I'm trying to hurry because I told them we might not have much time. I get there and direct he two other chicks to tell hem how to get there. Eventually the last guy meets up with us...

After this we hit the train and everything is going good but our train is skipping stops so I ask a random chick what our stop is, we have to get off and catch next train...we get off however one girl in my group says we can walk it...now will never make it.

We walk in one direction, I ask a guy for the street direction and here is the interesting thing...

I assumed that the street was in that direction I just wanted reconfirmation. The guy says "Yes I guess" turns out he was wrong. I'm trying to direct us and each time one of the hick says she sees the place, but she was wrong...

Now the whole time I'm being real calm, chill and leading...I'm making and keeping everything fun so everyone is enjoying the experience of getting lost and we don't really care if we make it we all said we can just chill because we were having fun.

Anyway I ask more people as I head us on the right path and of course we get there I must go first...I go in and now the door is shut, so we walk another way and mistakenly end up by the room where the guy changes films in the theater...funny stuff because I stopped them all and motioned to go back...were cracking up...They have me going first walking into this dark room to open this door which lead to a pitch black room...

...Can't find seats because we can't even see, eventually we get a glimpse of a path and I walked it and finally got to where we was going...

Overall if this was two years ago I wouldn't lead nothing, I seriously wouldn't be able to do what I did. Ain't no way...

What I learned
- After assuming high value for so long playing that role is nothing
- So longs your decisive and take ownership for your actions then it's all good.
- You can either lead my example or delegate it...either way your leading and not being obnoxious...
- Women appreciate being lead because they are safe and trust you so they can act however they want.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Learning Adjustments

I was going to post todays adventure but it got erased by mistake so I might as well tell you that I adjusted my way of learning...

I was focused on 5 specific concepts and I'd internalize them by going in and getting experience.

I'm going in and learning the application of having those concepts and actually approaching. This way I get experience using the concept and actually approaching with that state of being. Basically going from open to close with that state of being

I'm doing because I was passing up great sets and ejecting for no reason, when many of my sets are GREAT and really going well. I had taken abundance mentality to the extreme.

I also realized I had a success barrer because the only reason I wouldn't put in 100% effort is because I know how good my game is and I know the success I can have...when I did massive approaching and had the effort I was improving too fast for my reality to handle and I created a success barrier...

But no more its time to push it...

I will post todays adventure tomor morning while going to school so stay tuned...


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
All I have to say is you're going to be a fantastic actor one day and I hope I can be right there with you in the limelight. If not, I'll watch in admiration or something.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Shaik said:
All I have to say is you're going to be a fantastic actor one day and I hope I can be right there with you in the limelight. If not, I'll watch in admiration or something.
hahaha...thx, but as of right now it doesn't seem that way because I don't put my 100% into it.

A teacher who was taught by Miesner himself said I had potential but I already know I haven't gave it my all and I'm sort of slacking...which is because I foused on self-improvement a lot to the point where I had no form of balance.

At times I'd have to flake on chicks due to scripts...then it was me not wanting to do films because I wanted to sarge and it was just chaotic, I might find a balance.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
FR: One more set...

Sets Approached Today: Unknown
Cold Approaching Observations

Realization of Concepts

- In this game you can't care what anyone thinks of you...if you do then your done...sets will blow you out left and right...you can't care...you also can't care if there unresponsive...
- You must draw state from within sometimes the environment will change drastically and kill your state...
- Approach Angles must be calibrated, I was having mixed results...
- Social vibing feels like the energy is going up, up, up and when you break or kill the vibe you basically reset the emotional energy.

- State wasn't firm at all...it sucked...

Lessons Learned:
- Keep going and hit set after set until something sticks, there shall be no stalling
- Off days will help you grow and create a stronger reality.

Field Report: "One more set..."

Today was pretty rough as far as getting into sets go. Called up one of my wings the plan was to hit time square and pull 2 tourist to the hotel...

I don't even remember many sets just many blowouts a few sets opened but not much...

There were 2 memorable sets...

First set I winged a 3set that turned into a 4set. I did everything I could to hold the set for the 15-20 mins...the 2 chicks I had were not cute and spoke little english...My wing was talking to his 8 target and a 4th chick who came in. He said it wasn't going good for him...

Second day I was telling him today was rough and that it will make us stronger...I say we should keep going because all it takes is one set...

As were leaving we see 2 chicks infront and while I don't like them much I say go for it because this will be our last set tonight...

He opens and I instantly engage my girl...she's a 8 in the face, real pretty. we vibe a good amount...germany, speaking german, logistics such as where she lives and how long she'll be here, what she does, how she knows the other chick, we get married and hug and kiss...Clawed her for majority of the walk. eventually I # close and kiss her goodbye. I realize both me and my wing # closed and it was some of the best winging we've done to date.

...Other sets I just remembered...


- Wing opens I engage them by guessing where one chick is from...I was close, but then the hottest one started testing me saying "Guess where I'm from" I try twirling her but she doesn't she keeps her frame saying "guess where I'm from" I have her guess where I'm from...but at this time the set had blew my wing out.

- Dressed to party I open saying "Are you guys going to the partay" 3 hook then unhook then I hook the 3 others...there looking for his one club, I try to setup a bounce which there willing to do but they want the cheap vodka first...
Last edited:

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Many Upcoming Updates...

All I have to say is OMG...

I got soo much updates to type up...

- The 50 approaches in 1 day...
- Today Night Game...insane

It reminds me as to why I go out and do this were really social butterfly's...I will update tomorrow morning, just a preview we opened 3 different bachelorrette sets all with 6+ amount of people.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Report 3 days ago... PART 1

Sets Approached Today: 50 (48 recorded)
Cold Approaching Observations
- When indifferent chicks realize it won't matter if you act negatively or not because it won't affect you.
- The woman's mood will change if you remain indifferent to everything happening in the interaction
- Women of beauty will be at ease just because you are indifferent to how hot she is.
- Not worrying about the outcome causes insane interaction because you no longer come off manipulative
- A woman's RAS can still be focused on you even if she isn't actually looking at you, she could be actively listening to you.
- Many chicks realize I can take it or leave it I wil still feel the same after this interaction

Realization of Concepts
- You don't need confience you can be indifferent and tear it up.
- When indifferent you can take things as they come because you don't care.
- Just because a chicks eyes isn't focused on you doesn't mean her RAS isn't focused on you she could be actively listening

- It was firm at one point it was spiralling down.

Lessons Learned:
- I don't have to build confidence or search for confidence...I can just remain indifferent.
- Actual approaching is like my test lab because in everyday life when I approach it's basically everything I've learned becase I'm not actively trying to learn something I'm just interacting...So actively sarging is where I learn only the reference points and experienes.
- I must be consciously aware of RAS at all times.

Field Report: "50 Approaches in 1 Day"
First I was in school rehearsing talking to the women that I have alread opened. I realized there is one I really want to pull. I was suppose to hangout with people from the school but the women flaked. So it was us guys hanging and as the last chick leaves us I was saying some BS about givng her the fordham stroke which I finally realized this one chick was chuckling and her RAS was tuned into me. Finally we head down to the deli...just us guys so I start doing what I love to do...

- Friend pointed her out...I opened about sushi which she said the fresh sushi was better. She likes sushi and knows how to make it. She's been to japan, usually works in china and is going to china in a month. Eventually she gets her sushi and she leaves.

- There at the atm, one is on the phone ordering food...I open asking which type of nuts to buy...she doesn't eat nuts which I say "What girl doesn't love nuts". I intro myself and chatted her for a bit...her friend gets off the phone and pulls her away.

- I like her so I open about our date at this pizza shop and asking her what she's getting...if she's a simple or complex eater. I ask her what type of pizza she's buying...she is loving the interaction but then I see HBrussian right beside me...

- ...I instantly open this chick about what she's buying and I tell her she's taking me on a date...I intro myself and at the time HBblack sas bye. The I ask HBrussian where she's from and we talk about the food. I cold read her on her ear rings. Were about 5mins in and guy who works there cblocks with his other worker...She is trying to order and the guy ignores her, I speak projecting my voice and he ignores me...I later realize my value was going down and down. The other guy goes to the girl saying "You were talking to him its his fault blah blah". These chodes basically cblocked because I always come in here with my hot french friend who all these guys like.

- I joke about her texting me ad that its over, she hooks insanely well saying "Fine there are plenty of guys out here anyway I will find a new bf, I already had 5 other guys anyway" I joke and say I have 10 and hi five her...her phone rings its some guy so I play made and make faces...eventually I tell her bye because my classmates are waiting.

Eventually after hanging with the classmates I head towards the battle dome. This area became a blur because at first I was choding about doing barely any sets and thn I made he decision to focus on one concept and I just went insane...

Hb Asian
- Asked for a place to eat she just points to a place and walks off

- I go in direct she tries to blow me off but I plow....don't remember set nor content

At this time I guess I head to bookstore which again is a blur...

Escalator of Glory
- This chick I talk about the experience of going up this escalator.

Blowout 1
- She just looks at me at this time I was still in choding mode and putting little to no effort.

Escalator of Glory 2
- I ask her what she's sipping on and how her day was. It hooks but I eject

- I open his chick saying my bday isn't this week its next week. I comment on some of cloth I ask her if she's giving me a surprise party. We vibe for a bit and I eject, she really thought my bday was next week.

At this time I think I made he decisiosn to just internalize being indifferent fully and once and for all. We leave the bookstore at this time.

- I jokingly say I love that she's buying me flowers and she's so thoughtful. Her RAS was focused in listening wise which I didn't realize at the time. We talk about picking me a cactus or some unique lookingg plant. She has no clue which one I like so I give her a hint by telling her a story about me and her in the dessert. I eventually eject....

Sorry I'm Late 1 (This became my self amusing opener for the day somehow)
- I opened this chik and ask her where she is taking me and that I don't want pizza again. Then we vibe about things which I forgot about and at some point she points out that my dress matches her tie for our date.

After this I get blown out some how

Sorry I'm Late 2
- Mention I'm late, I should've taken the helicopter... Accuse her of forgeting to get me flowers and that were off to dinner...then go to the movies. She was hooked but I ejected saying I'm looking for my friends and I'd chat her up if she's still there.

- Open her for self amusement...indiana jones cd was on the rack so I say we should get that and I start singing indiana jones song with her...I eject.

I got blown out twice after that not sure how...I do another waitng for me opener and find out she's coming from work...then a 2set in a rush that I manged to hook but didn't keep it going...Right after I open a chick who has an ipod on who tries blowing me out but I imitate her walk and it hooks not sure what happened next...Open a chick direct goes well she's meeting friends...

- I opened her because he looked down and I opened her about that. It hooks she qualifies herself, I ask her if she checked out the market...I introduce myself we alk for a bit and then I tell her I have to go find my friends and I eject.eject.

I get blown out twice in a row...