Day Twenty-Seven: Dec 06 (Part One)
This was a WONDERFUL my phone broke and I ended up trying to retrieve my notes, which then caused me to breakdown the stuff I was practicing to it's FINER POINTS. Like I understand it so much now that I fully believe in it 100% and realize how it all goes down...
I'm starting to recommend that you sit and think about all you greatest interactions and all the great parts of you that came out and put together from open to close. Your whole mindset and structure...then how it applies to all the female psyche and stuff...and BAM!! You have something that works for you. I have too much stuff to small chunk so I was actually just focused on going in and offering value because I know I will be escalating...I ended up adding in another part and running with it. Still field testing HARDCORE though...
Basically I now see why I will RARELY get blown out, and how I can never run out of things to say. Also figured how to make my interactions super solid and get her to stick around regardless if she wants too or not...It's alot of realizations, but again haven't fully internalized it all...SO...
To kick off the night, I hit up the place tired as ****...go in chat to a mixed 2set on elevator, chat to a 5set and then a 2set. I love the fact that I don't have to actually warmup. It's hilarious how I could be dead tired not wanting to talk and next thing I'm just chatting everyone...anyway I ended up spotting spongeworthy...
Spongworthy & Distant Light
This is one of the newer guys that I genuinely enjoy hanging with, really seems like he wants to get good. He was really a good wing and we'd always just play into whatever we were saying about each other, it was hilarious...
- After meeting him I jump in a 2set and bring him in...(Memory sucks without my phone) I forget what happens but I'm OFFERING VALUE and just escalating, I do remember them talking about getting approached twice before I came, they were talking about these french guys so I acted french and was kiss all on her cheek and neck...some how it got into a bit of naturally screening where she was saying "What do I have to do to be cool and in your crew?" I did a bit of flirtation stuff and next thing I know I'm all over her and checking out her necklace...THEN I FIND OUT SHE DISLIKES SHRIMP!!!! This was hilarious because she thought she was done, and I was cool with sponge's girl because she loves seafood...Sponge wasn't really keeping this set going, and I didn't care if I got my girl or not, so I ask him if he wants to see if we could move them which he says "Yes" so I tell them to come join us...We head out on the rooftop, take pictures and then they want to go get drinks, expecting us to follow them, BUT I already knew sponge didn't want to hang with them no more so I let them go.
Insight #60: The way I'm starting to move chicks now is by saying "Come Join us!" because I notice the frame that is going on when I do it is "You're starting to meet my bar of a cool chick, so you can roll with me".
- Sponge and I hang at the fireplace outside, there are two chicks who we start joking about...I hear sponge playfully arguing about weather so I joke saying I'm an expert meteorologist and breakdown the weather, then we like give a short story about our lives...This was REAL FUN...Sponge's job, Sponges facts, Sponge's childhood, 1st girl's "wild animals roaming the streets", 1st "girl's insider teacher secrets", 2nd girl "Father look alikes", 2nd girl's "Gerbil in the insulation for 8 weeks", DL's "Secret animal farm", DL's "Bad ass high school days", New Girl's "Creepy polish rich guy SAGA" (CLASSIC Story)...This was a real cool experience, something that I noticed spongeworthy does that I really like is he brings up like these "FUN FACTS" that are real intriguing, he really believes it's valuable and interesting, so it always goes well.
Insight #61: Anything you can teach a chick is cool NO MATTER HOW LAME OR RETARD it is, chicks are interested in it because there interested in you and so whatever comes from you is already valuable so she'll run with it and appreciate it regardless...ALSO IT"S FUN FOR YOU!!!
- I open this 2set, (Memory Lost) I know she was a teacher in high school and really wanted to help the kids, she was getting SUPER EMOTIONAL asking me what she should do to try and help them...Anyway I'm just offering value and escalating, telling her how I'd go in her class and just wall slam her...I was escalating hard and ended up kissing her...I almost lost the set a few times due to bumping around, her 3rd friend, but I just focused on offering value and everything was cool. (Can't remember ****! I NEED MY PHONE!!! hahah)
Insight #62: To move things forward SUPER need to have a personality where she has to actually figure out how to attract you. This is very FLIRTATIOUS and gets chicks going and will find a way. I can easily #close, makeout, etc when coming from this perspective.
- I had spongworthy open the next set turns out the only set in the area was a 2set who happens to be the gf of a PU instructor, I didn't tell sponge until after...I wing him just chatting with PU gf as he talks to the other chick who just met the PU gf. I was just OFFERING VALUE as sponge did his thing...joking about being shy, joking about how me and her met, a few inside jokes created, etc. Eventually we leave...
- I throw sponge into a 4set, at first he was hesistant but I give him a few words and BOOM he's in...I went all ADD and ended up seeing Katalyst who introduced me to a friend...But I got back on track later on and chatted to two of the chicks, again just OFFERING VALUE...We looked outside pointing at her house, we did some salsa, I told her I like her style, escalated a bit...She was a bit shy at first as I come off a bit TOO HIGH VALUE now, she couldn't understand how I liked her style. I bring Katalyst in set who chats my chick, I go ADD again and chat the asian friend who is REAL cool...I always ask asian chicks if there japanese so I can talk japanese and stuff, but she has me guess saying how her name doesn't even sound japanese, of course I get it right that she's filipino...Me and filipino girl starts doing poses and she's talking about going to a danceclub and wants me to come but I can't. She's a lot of fun, and I love her energy, she ends up going to find her 5th and 6th friend to leave this place...I go to sponge and I do some callback humor because I heard him telling his girl I'm his bodyguard, so I act like the bodyguard a few times...Some MM guys come in not realizing all these chicks are together and since me and warlock didn't actually have a chick we liked we gave it to them...I later seen sponge had moved his chick to the couches and they were together, I did the bodyguard stuff for a bit, it was hilarious...
Insight #63: TALK TO YOUR WING!!! JOKE AROUND WITH YOUR WING!!! In set...chicks love it and actually enjoy just watching you and your wing interact with each other. A good example of this is back when upsetmidget winged with me and he bursts out saying "Why don't you just **** her?" as I'm
texting and then proceeds to tell them about my sexually frustrated female friend who I could **** and we bring up an inside joke by saying "She has an arsenal of dildos".
Katalyst & Distant Light
It's always hilarious winging with katalyst because when he ****s up his fury he wanted to be pushed into harder sets so I roll with him and throw him in sets. There weren't any HOT table sets so I looked for the most swirly wirly dancers who are just oozing female polartiy...He goes in a few times and friend ****blocks or they wouldn't run with it and we'd be cracking up as were on opposite ends of the rooms, having a blast...
- I winged him on the dancefloor of a 2set...he goes in and the friend locks up so before she can even react to what happens, I pop out of no where and spin her hard and pull her in...haha. Katalyst did something wrong and I just hear him building the FURY!! Hahaha
- I jump into a single set dancing and he comes telling me to jump into this 5set that blew him out maybe 3 times...I'm having fun with my girl but he insists, so I tell her I'll be back and I go over there claw one chick. Then I look at the friend across from me, pointing and saying "YOU I WANT!" and claw her...she is STUNENED and I start hip bumping, I then realized I met these chicks before, haha, I actually escalated hard on the 3rd chick who pointed it out. The FUNNIEST THING though was this could've went VERY BAD and CREEPY but I had that 100% belief and assurance in whatever I was doing, so they had to buy into it.
Insight #64: Reality is all SUBJECTIVE so if you just believe in everything you do, people will have to buy into it because your not reacting or needing any external feedback to get assurance that your reality is RIGHT
- I grab this chick and start singing "I kissed a girl" in her ears, her friend takes pictures and a 3rd chick jumps in...haha...It was purely offering value and just having fun.