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Snow's 2007/2008 Bootcamp Journal

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Day Twenty-Nine: Dec 12th (Newbie Sarge 4.0) PT2

There were a few times that I did wing...
- 3set who are just STANDING there, I open saying "OMG you guys can't be standing here all bored", I start imitating them and busting on them for being bored. This blows wide open, turns out there all from london, I'm escalating with one chick but I noticed for some reason I like the short innocent looking one. But before I know it I bring Northern into the set and "S" (Forget his handle) were all just chatting and I ALMOST GO ADD...I see Spongeworthy and I was going to bring him in and eject but spongworthy leaves after saying hi realizing it's already 3-3...I keep it going but my girl leaves tomorrow and I'm feeling the itch to go somewhere else, so I just stop talking and hold the set as Northern #closes his girl...He later tells me how he's going to day2 them monday and asked me if I wanted to come...I would've but have NO PHONE lol...

- I open this 2set by the bathroom and I bring spongworthy in to wing, it's going good as I escalate on my girl and have fun. She's very witty and I like it. Not really my type but I like her for some reason...I ended up reopening her and her friend says "Where's your BF?" I'm joking saying he's around the corner and then ask her if she REALLY THINKS I"M GAY...She's shocked saying that I dress so FLAWLESS...hahaha...that it was impossible for me NOT to be gay. I then get congruence tests from my girl when she says "Ok that thread isn't funny no more, it's boring" and she starts demanding I make it fun and I tell her she needs to make it phone because I'm already the party and I want to see her make it fun...For some reason I go off to show her I'm the party and do some dancefloor with these 2 cuties on the dancefloor...she walks by and tells me she wants to hang with me and to come with them to the bar. I'm going but go ADD...and open a 3set and then lose the 2set.

- Summa, Kydd, and I start lording this table section...I don't know how but kydd is sitting at a table with a girl and summa is doing the same with another girl. There are a large variety of drinks and I just help myself. This chick in the corner who is HOT is looking at me so when her guy friend gets up I chat her up. It's going good but I'm trying to find out if that's her BF, eventually I realize she actually just wants to chill and I actually want to go crazy, so I tell her I'm going to go party and I'll leave her there, she tells me to have fun for her since she's not going to be doing **** tonight.

- I wing raven in a 2set...warlock introduces me to the fatty...I'm with her for like 15mins and NORTHERN shows up who I then introduce him to her and there chatting for awhile...this will comeback to HAUNT ME...

- I wing with indeed in this 2set, I'm escalating hard, inches away from her face, eskimo kissing, etc...but she thinks I'm drunk hahaha asking how many fingers she has up...so when she is back with her friend she looks at a random area and waves saying "Hi", she runs off with the friend as if there going to meet there friend. Me and Indeed were dieing at how fake that looked...hahahaha

Other Sets
These were generally the other sets that if I just STAYED IN SET...I would've pulled...
- 3set that I opened, who were part of a mixed 5set, were having a blast dancing, chatting and having fun. We bounce outside and hangout, everything was PERFECT but I go ADD and leave them after maybe 10mins together...which basically happened over the course of me reopening 3times...lol

- Meet this one chick who is waiting for her friend, I'm escalating hard and about to makeout...Fatty from raven's set comes out of nowhere DRUNK hugging me saying she loves me and embraces me. Kills everything, I introduce everyone and then staff are telling me I can't hang around in this area...I would later see her but I think she was a bit drunk, so I just help her find her friend, I dance with her and then go ADD...

- 2set black chick who is HOT, and super attracted to me, I'm just naturally screening and escalating HARD on her but then she realizes that her friend doesn't realize she's right there and I let her go...

Damn there were a few other sets but I can't remember much...I need my damn phone so I can remember in detail what's going on...plus running late to hit the night venue tonight...I wanted FOOD before I go out now I can't...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty: Dec 13th

Interesting Night...I think I have to make my own rules and guidelines again...So today my experiment was to not go all ADD and to stay in set...Honestly it's BORING as ****!!! The whole time I was complaining about how many hot girls were out there, that I haven't even met...I shall continue this experiment a few more times though...

Basically the who experience sucked compared to the experiences I have when I'm ADD...BUT when I was with the macedonia and two denmark chicks...I do remember sticking in there long but it was generally built on our sexual tension and passion that was basically a mixture of fun and just sitting down flirting both physically and verbally.

Bottomline though I learned a lot and got a more clear picture about how I generally want to do things...
- I want to just have FUN!!!!...in the mix of it all I'll take the #s of chicks who I'm attracted too and actually like...close to the end of the night I will pull a chick out of the venue
- I will go back to my PULLING in 5min attitude...as that seems to have the best results and is most fun.

At the rate that I'm moving to get my phone fixed, I won't have it for this whole month...so rest of this year I will just go back to that "5min Pull" mentality to hit it up because I've had some of the craziest experiences based of that whole mentality...But this no phone situation kind of sucks because I chatted up this cutie in the subway station and it basically was going to go nowhere but just being a little CHAT.

The Night Venue
As I do my thing on the elevator having a BLAST as usual, basically chatting up the mixed 3set and then 3 other chicks come onto the elevator. Everyone is cracking up from all the retard stuff I'm saying..."Welcome to the elevator", and I remember say something else that wasn't funny at all and everyone is cracking up...As soon as I get out the elevator I claw a chick who is by a table, I can see some guy watching me as I've already cut space and in her face...I remember I have a MISSION tonight so I eject and bump into Lprince and soundselector which we then begin the MISSION...
- Lprince is in a 3set with a REAL CUTIE...I wing him and occupy the two friends for maybe 10mins, I'm just chatting away as lprince does his thing. I'm talking about VA, the good foods in VA, how they know each other, the friend's life story, etc...I notice fat friend all over lprince and at the same time I went ADD for like 1min opening this chick standing around looking bored as ****, I leave remembering what I need to do...So I spin fatty who does a half spin and starts GRINDING!!! I see lprince #closing so I start engaging the two friends again...

- As we walk I end up opening this 2set who turns out there RICH LA Chicks...not hot at all, but I chat them up and find out she was an actress/model back in the 80s...We start talking about LA, me not wanting to go to LA, acting, etc...then she says I should be a male model on the side so I can travel, eat and party all in one. Lprince was winging me, I spend a good 15mins with them as she tells me about the whole experience and how much fun it was...Then I switch off and talk to the girl lprince was talking too, and she tells me who they are, how there pushing to come out with there skin care product, how her kids hangs with will smith's kids or something like that...The funny thing was, these chicks weren't superficial like those Las Vegas chicks I once met...We leave and before I leave the ex-actress gives me her card for whenever I hit LA to call her up.

- We open this 2set of milfs, Lprince wings me again...This set blows wide open and I'm on my girl. I didn't realize how much I liked her until after the fact, this couple sitting down was watching me the whole time and sort of shocked at how easy I met this chick...Bascially we talked about food, turns out she's a FOOD LOVER, caviar is her favorite thing, she was qualifying herself hard...I take pics and then I move them to the couch area, which she is a bit worried because she doesn't know if it's mines or not so I say..."Your adventurous aren't you? Sit down" We start talking more about her friend's spa...I joke about me and her going to her spa since she lives right down the block, we'd be in our PJs and slippers just skipping to the spa to get a massage. We talk about food channel shows, and she then tells me about her friend who won one of those contests and has her own restaurant...We move outside as they smoke and then move back inside, where we chat a bit more and then they need to use the bathroom my girl demanded we stay there and wait for them... (But of course you know once they leave, something new will attract them and they'll forget there whole thought of coming back)

- A 3set ends up right infront of me and Lprince so we just open it, I claw my girl and touch her scarf, I'm not ATTRACTED...I keep talking, we chat about toronto, calgary, montreal, she was telling me some interesting stories, this whole interaction lasted maybe 15mins. Until I seen a 2set to my right who I then jump onto because I wasn't attracted to my girl even though she was cool...

- The 2set, I welcome them to the party area and instantly start engaging them, were talking about FOOD and she happens to like thai food, so I ask her if she's ever been to republic and she says "Dominican Republic"...hahaha...I'm dieing because that was so random, she's cracking up too and the friend wanted to use the bathroom so she basically goes and the friend stays...I realize I'm not attracted to this girl either but she's funny...We chat about her coming from toronto, her trip to costa rica, dominican republic, me having to go to LA and her coming along with me...Then the BT SPIKE of the century, I said something about going to domincan republic and she says "No I'm not going there ever again because last time I had DIARRHEA". I wasn't expecting to hear that, I was in tears for maybe 2mins...the friend came back and is wondering why the hell I'm die laughing. Her friend wants to keep checking out the place, so girl gives me a kiss and leaves...This lasted about 15mins

- This was a 3set of girls which turned into a 5set of 4 girls and 1 guy later...This chick I was attracted to, she's Australian. This should've been the set for the night but I ****ED UP, I held back on my regular escalation and ended up with just a kiss...Basically forgot the first half, all I remember is I move them to sit down and I'm all on my chick, feeling her ass, rubbing her legs, holding her hands, etc...But what I notice is she's eye coding her SISTER, logistics aren't on my side either because she doesn't live in NY...All my escalation has to be discreet and anything that is out in the open she'll reject, I didn't realize this FULLY until after the fact...Lprince is winging, and he pulls out the video camera as me and her joke around with the candle, which she then starts roleplaying as a magician, then we take silly pictures on lprince camera, and her friends...We start throwing pillows and dancing on the table, but the worker tells us to STOP...hahaha...He then starts to try and game my girl...We talk about Australia and how I'm going home with her, we do a bit of dancing in our seat and just HAVING FUN...Maybe 30-40mins in and I haven't KISSED her yet, I know I could've done it too because I nuzzled my nose on her face, and generally if I can do that, I can kiss them, but I hold it back which didn't really hurt me...THEN...THEN...THEN...She says she's hungry and wants to go eat, I seed a place but do you think I even go...NO...I ****ing rationalized that she's with her sister so nothing could ever happen...WTF!!!??? So then she wants to shake hands, I ****ing grab her and kiss her...then leave...

- 2set of very stylish chicks, I'm attracted, Lprince wings, his girl is cute too but is acting SUPER unreactive/bored...I'm having a good time with my girl, I'm escalating, I have NO CLUE what we were talking about but we spent like maybe 5-10mins together and she really needed to use the bathroom...I had kept talking so she stayed longer but she said she really need to go and to find her later...Then she gives me kisses on the CHEEK...WTF...

An that was the end of the night...There was nothing action packed at all, just a typical approach that I could've moved somewhere, but the experience was as action packed which made me dislike it and think of it as a WASTE OF TIME!!! **** the lay...I want the experience to make the lay worthwhile, these approaches looked and felt like regular textbook approaches that you hear about...it didn't have that SPICE of DISTANT LIGHT...One funny thing did happen though...

There was a mixed 4set that opened me...apparently they met me on friday, I have no clue who they are as I forget names and faces once the night is over...So I go towards the friend's face, I don't know if it's because going for makeouts are so autopilot for me but I go in and me and the friend just kiss each other and in my head I sort of went "Woop, I met to kiss her cheeks" and we both like correct ourselves and go for the cheek...lmao...Really funny and interesting because it felt like back when I was in "5min pull" mode, I'd just walk up to chicks knowing they'd kiss me and I'd generally get a makeout...hahaha...But this time was a mistake and she even corrected herself, and we didn't even acknowledge that we kissed, it was like nothing.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hey I just started reading your journal and even tho i havent got all the way through yet I had to stop and give you props. I'm just starting out with tha approaches and being social in general and I can tell its gonna be a while before I'm anything near your level but your journal inspired the **** outta me.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Solomon said:

When u gonna post dialogue maufugua?
If u have to wear a "wire" like Pap use to soo be it
But you going over mafuguas heads....


P.s. Do you post on any other sites?

*goes back to the vikings-arizona game, and texting hb's, and imming etc etc*
It's hard for me to get a big piece of dialogue because my actual VERBALS are the least important to me, because everything I say is golden and worth being said. So my mouth just runs...

When I get my phone fixed I'll try to get some audio...even though my wing has videos of us infield he said he'd put together a little 08 video.

I post on a NYC meetup group, and RSD forums...Distant Light is my handle

Get-With-It said:
Hey I just started reading your journal and even tho i havent got all the way through yet I had to stop and give you props. I'm just starting out with tha approaches and being social in general and I can tell its gonna be a while before I'm anything near your level but your journal inspired the **** outta me.

Don't stop...it's so life changing...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Summary Of My Style

This is like a quick rundown of it as I still need to gain MASSIVE reference experiences on every little thing before I start talking about it more indepth...I've pulled based on this and from the experiences lately 100% sure I could've lead it to a pull many times over...

The two things that are foundation of everything is my REALITY...I'm both HIGH VALUE/UNREACTIVE and The Party/Social Dictator...I already assume high value and come off that way, I'm TOTALLY Abundant and Indifferent. The positivity and the whole laid back mentality is what keeps my state and reality firm and concrete. As the high value guy I have the right to go out and create adventures without worrying about any external factors...At the same time I'm the party...I host the energy, I handle the problems and I create the whole experience...If I'm out of the equation then nothing HAPPENS...I make it happen by taking ACTION.

My game is HEAVILY Qualification based...I'd say 60-70% of everything I do can be categorized as qualification, and it's going on from very subtle levels (The frames) to actual Verbals...The other 30% is basically me just offering value and giving an experience. Me just offering value alone can get me laid...as I've done it in the past but I've expanded myself and became more versatile to enhance the experience for the people I interact with.

My game is built on FUN!!! Fun!!! Fun!!! Just giving her an experience, when were alone and isolated I can act on the sexual tension and make her super horny...I'm high value so I don't need to build any attraction, she just has the chance to try and win me over and get me to actually want to **** her...

The approach basically goes down as ME expanding my party by pulling the women into my reality and having them act through my frame. I go in HARD!!! They will always open because I'm high value, so I'll never get blown out, and also she's getting sucked into my frame from the get go.

All I actually do is OFFER VALUE by giving her a wide range of emotions, touch and different sensations...She doesn't have to do ANYTHING but sit there and observe my personality, get comfortable in my world and enjoy the experience...This is like the FOUNDATION of what would be considered OUTER GAME...All I'm doing is being Authentic, Self-amusing, and free associating...There is no pre-planned thoughts, just listening and flowing...

At this point which takes 30secs to get into...She's basically reacting to me and experiencing her female polarity freely...She is open to escalation, connections and the interaction moving forward...THIS IS WHERE I can give her the EXPERIENCE!!!

I like to call this the "Enjoyment Of Interaction" because it is things I do to make MYSELF enjoy giving her the experience and also to show her my personality...It's all an expression of me...I FLIRT, NATURALLY SCREEN, and BUILD UTOPIA...

Basically I flirt by making her actively figure out how to get "ME" attracted and responding to her...Chicks will always stay in your reality because she has this little game to play and will do ANYTHING to try and get you attracted, she won't leave so longs this keeps going...

I've done this alot, and got a bit addicted to doing it because I can EASILY get makeouts and escalate things pretty fast like this. This also causes chicks to qualify themselves naturally and do different stuff to get me going...

Naturally Screening
There are three distinct ways that I do this, which I recently noticed, but basically the women is showing me why she's better than all the "Other" women because it is her GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to **** me...She will always try to live up to my standards...

I realized on a subtle level I'm the anchor of the conversation as if I'm the KING choosing my women, then female friends pointed out that I act like a TOP MODEL who you have to work for there attention, then the GENUINE CURIOUS GUY who really wanted to know about certain things...

Secret Society
This is the KARMA side of me, I can either use the Dark Side or Light Side because I'm giving her reasons why I like her, setting up things that she can use to backwards rationalize anything that happens and basically creating the girl that I want her to be in my WORLD

I've done this a few times just for TESTING purposes and it's yet to fail...always ended up with a solid # or a potential pull that ended up in me being drunk and just letting it fall apart...I've seen chicks become very said or think I'd never call them just off this stuff...

Potential Fourth..."5min Pull"
There is apart of me that's came out a few times where I could basically pull in 5mins...The RAW UNLEASHED MASCULINITY has sucked chicks in and caused this insane experience...Basically would be able to just walk up to chicks and makeout with them...Pull them around all over and extract...This has it's place and I shall DECODE...

All in all...it gets deeper but that's the overview of where I'm coming from...In the coming months I'll post more and more...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty-One: Dec 19th

My ass was suppose to stay in the house, SNOW!!! SNOW!!! SNOW!!! SNOW!!!

Me and Lprince have a saying "Just show up", so longs we go out, we win...Lprince PMS me via facebook to meet at his house, takes me 3 HOURS to get to his place. Were were suppose to meet up with Law and go to a house party. It was a journey...all I will say is I slipped on some ice and almost grabbed some random guy who I would've taken down with me.

I finally get to Lprince's place and we take 3 trains and end up walking 11 blocks to this chicks house party...The whole experience was AWESOME, the party itself wasn't really anything, just close friends, I was about to drink my night away via Grey Goose but there was no more.

We head to the night venue after 30mins, the whole experience was fun and I enjoyed it...

The Night Venue
DEAD!!! Not really dead just no cute chicks that I'd want...I see maybe 3-5 chicks that are actually CUTE so we must adapt. I eye this chick and give her a retarded gesture but I found out the guy that is there is some community guy's friend. GOOD TO KNOW because I was going to go in and takeover his set. Anyway on to the sets I actually did...
- I open this tall chick who had two orbiters following her...I grab her and find out she's from maryland and give her **** for it. I qualify her, she's basically qualifying herself the whole time and then her two friends arrive trying to blow me out but I instantly engage them and the chick is trying to say she's from VA but once she realizes I'm about to say I HATE VA...She switches saying she's from NJ as my original girl is saying she's from VA, I ask the 3rd chick who I should believe. (I was about to switch targets) I bring hiro into the set and I continue to escalate on 1st girl and screen her. I then go ADD when I get bumped...

- I get bumped and say hey to the chick who bumped me, but immediately switch to the 2nd girl and start screening...THE WHOLE TIME MY MIND WAS SAYING "Go for the makeout, DUMBASS she wants to makeout, stop playing with her give her the makeout she wants it, do you realize she wants to makeout"...I'm clawing her and rubbing her stomach, face, arms, etc...We start talking about her being my manager and how since I love shrimp and she loves mac and cheese we would create Mac-Shrimp...This girl was really into me and I kissed her cheek and held her close the whole time but I let them go...

The Bounce
The set that was sitting down who I did the retarded gesture too, they stood up and I naturally grabbed the chick with short hair. I'm not too attracted to her but her energy causes me to actually like her alot and the experience was cool.

The frame was "The sexual tension is TOO INTENSE, no one can handle it". I created this secret frame from the jump street, she somehow felt the party from me and gravitated to me, were crotch to crotch and when I go for the makeout she BITES my lip...**** YEA I'm into that HARDCORE, PAIN, stuff, didn't know how much I liked it until just now.

The whole interaction is straight up push pull, making out, me coming and going back to her. Her biting me and setting up the secret frame...Examples of dialogue...
- OMG there is so much sexual tension no one can even look at us were in our own void
- Everyone is so jealous because of how much tension is going on
- If someone was to touch us they'd die of shock because this is too much
- I don't think we can sustain this amount of tension
- People are having orgasms just watching us (she said this)

The list goes on and on between me and her...I'm just engaging and disengaging escalation while chatting with her. It's SO ON!!! Lprince is winging me and her friend fell on the floor from drunkness...My girl wonders if her friend just fell, I say no it was her imagination and that our energy made her fall.

Lprince sets up a bounce with the drunk friend and goes to get his coat...I OVER HYPE the place we are going to and it works, it was so MONEY and SO EASY...The fact that I was fun caused them to want to come with us to go eat.

Insight #66: Always OVERHYPE wherever it is your going, just to give her an excuse to go. She'll convince the friends to come along even if the friend's don't want to go

We start going on the elevator and we go at it again about push pull stuff, TONS of eskimo kisses, this chick is so expressive and passionate about everything she says...BUT there is one thing I notice she's doing, SHE THINKS HER FRIEND IS ****ING IT UP WITH ME AND HER

Throughout the cab ride and the eating place, my girl was qualifying herself saying her friend wasn't herself and how she's acting SO OUT OF CHARACTER...She monitors everything her friend says and breaks it down for me just so I don't think there crazy. This was VERY INTERESTING...While eating she basically tells me she wants to **** but she can't because of her friend acting weird (Drunk) and how she really wants to hook up next time she comes to NY. This was VERY INTERESTING...I've never really seen a chick who wanted me actually try to keep me calm because she thought her friend was ****ing up her chances with me...OMG THIS WAS TOO INTERESTING...

The whole time me and her are feeding each other, kino pinging with her hands, calling each other love and darling, grabbing each other while eating food. Overall having a blast...people are watching us the whole time.

Then the friend starts testing me, and my girl actually starts defending me and the friend starts getting pissed a bit saying if I always call chicks darling after only knowing each other for 30mins...She is really trying to mess it up between me and my girl, and you can tell my girl is HATING the fact that she is doing this. At one point my girl tells me that it might not go down because her friend is feeling real sick and she's very worried, so if she acts any bit weirder she's going to just take her home.

THEN...I drink half a bottle of red wine...Dun Dun Dunnnn...This ends everything, I get so chill and relaxed that I can't do ****. I didn't even realize I was drunk until lprince accused my girl of getting me drunk. Me and her basically hold each other as we walk out the place...

I'm DONE...Like I gave up right when I started drinking, she #closes me, takes my facebook and ends up hitting the cab with her friend...POOFING into the night...I then realize what HAPPENED!!!

The Verdict
Overall this was textbook, she could smell that I was a naturally attractive guy as she was happy that I showed up and pointed out that me and lprince seemed different than the average guy there. She clearly was into me and wanted me to **** her...heck I was sucking her finger and kissing her hand...

The whole experience was AMAZING despite getting drunk and ****ing up the pull...I think I'm 7 for 7 now with drunkness ****ing up a pull...I did learn that I like that HARDCORE SEX, her biting my lip turned me ON so much, the whole push/pull experience was INSANE...I know the sex would've been the best sex I'd ever have but...I got DRUNK.

Also I realized I've got my whole structure down all I have to do is just follow the waypoints and move it forward. From meet to bounce was all in about 5mins. Madeout in about 1min...While we were eating we really got to peel the canvas and find out about each other, it was mainly just stories and her qualifying herself.

I notice I REALLY come off as the screener, chicks always qualify themselves to me...ALWAYS...I can basically sit there and make a chick qualify herself to me all day, easily.

The biggest thing learned though is I realized HOW MANY CHICKS WANTED me but the mere fact of me not moving it forward sort of let them down when it was 100% clear that these chicks wanted it. This **** doesn't take hours to happen and it's now in my reality that I can consistently pull in 5mins...

EDIT: While debriefing with lprince, he could tell that I was going to lose it, he says that my girl REALLY wanted me to pull but I slowly stopped leading it. Like I kept everything going in my world, and as I drunk more and more, I just sat there and she started dictating what would happen next. Eventually she says she wants to get a cab and I still don't do ANYTHING...This ALWAYS happens when I drink, it's sad and almost dumb because this time I knew it would happen, I just wanted to drink the red wine since no one else was drinking it...DUMB MOVE

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty-Two: Dec 20th (Part ONE)

Lets take a moment in the life of Distant Light...

This is between the 15th to 20th time that I've ****ed up a pull in the past 3 months (Basically all I had to do was lead them and it would've been off to the logistics solving)

FUN FACT...I'm 8 for 8 when it comes to pull getting ****ed up due to me drinking. (All 8 times the chicks came up to me asking "What are we doing now?")

This was a new ****UP, instead of a alcoholic beverage messing things up, or the music, or my ADDness...SHRIMP messed it up for me, my best friend in the universe, ****ing FOOD over *****...hahaha...Atleast we know I stay true to my values

But lets start from the top because alot of things were learned...

Start of the NIGHT
I meet up with an OLD wing upsetmidget who comes back from cali, we hangout in the daytime and just catch up as we head to the night venue which is DEAD, so we just chill out and shoot the **** because there really isn't ANYTHING...
- Warlock arrives and tell us there is alittle something, we go to the bar area ONE SET, not really attracted, I'm just socializing...BUT as a result I'm stacking old self-amusing lines and of course it seems forced, but I then catch myself and scramble everything up which actually causes the whole interaction to change as it is no longer forced and there opening up. They want to dance but I don't want to go crazy, I end up ejecting shortly after but later realized I should've just bounced them since they are the ONLY chicks really there...

- A few cycles of sitting around and checking the bar out, I spot two chicks from london who aren't hot but the ONLY chicks so start chatting and introduced warlock and upsetmidget. We chat with them for maybe 10mins about london, them knowing the main character in harry potter, talking about traveling to Serbia...

Go back to "The Island" which is our isolation spot...Choding, Choding, Choding...Lack of sets breed frustration for me so I say "**** this! Lets go to the bar and bring some chicks back here, might as well chill and have chicks with us."
- Go to bar and bump into london chicks I say "Hey come with us to the Island" I just walk assuming they'd follow and they did. We sit down together and start joking around...How harry potter got bullied back when he was 15, how harry potter is pulling chicks, nightclub fabric, Me and one of the chicks dancing while sitting, joking about mr bean, the sister wondering how her sister watches all these american shows, (gossip girls, one tree hill, heroes) our travels to serbia, etc...This is total social times I barely escalate and my mind starts trying to **** with me saying "The sister has a bit of cuteness and style to her ain't **** right now, you should go for it" Luckily they end up leaving this place so we leave them on a HANDSHAKE...WTF? (Since when do chicks give me a damn handshake)

- I opened this swiss chick who was actually attracted and I was going to bounce but I ended chillin with her and noticed some guy who tells me he's the co-worker. Again I love how European chicks hold back on there escalation until later on when your making out or about to have sex and they go CRAZY...She was leaving tomorrow, MILF, we talked about swiss chocolate which I expressed I hate chocolate...lol...She appriecated it and started telling me about swiss chocolate...Eventually we part ways when I stop talking and just dance in place, my way of letting them just leave.

Insight #67: Be authentic, SAY what's on your mind and respond on your own terms...Don't get thrown off by other's realities, don't qualify yourself, or try to impress.

- Place brings in ONE new set...I open it I forget how, but she introduces me to her friend and then I move them to "The ISLAND" My girl at first complains that it's cold but a bit off disengaging logic and she's sitting with me, meanwhile warlock is winging me (Thanks) and I'm chatting my chick...I set up a secret frame earlier on "You have a Fun/Sexy Side and a Logical/Boring side" (Wyoming part of her is the fun/sexy, D.C her logic/boring side) This worked WONDERS, I swear "Building Utopia" is the best thing that I do...Of course it unfolded as I found out she lives in D.C, politician, so I consider that her boring part and anything boring I tease her D.Cness and anything fun that I love I call it her Wyoming side...She tells me about the wyoming and how it took FOUR HOURS just to get to her basketball game, how you have to get emergency helicopter to get to a hospital and she thought that's how it was all over the world, she tells her friend that some city had like 5 hospitals in the area and her friend couldn't believe it since they don't have a hospital nowhere where they lived...Joke about snow and having a snow fight, talking about me and her walking together and six year olds ambush her, (SHE LOVED THIS, I'm saying this because a NEW part of me was being expressed on that part) her saying she'll build a fort...Anyway a bit of escalation but the MAKEOUT was on!!! All I had to do was go for it, but I ****ed around...Created another secret frame as it sort of unfolded that she knows I've ****ed milfs she asks me what the oldest was and I just say 48 which shocks her and also tell her about the 38 year old LA chick who looked 22...This chick is triangular gazing me the WHOLE TIME, but I'm ****ing around...She was a bit cold and ran under the heater and I continued to claw and started jumping between "Social", "Milf hunter", "Wyoming/D.C" frames...At this point I'm ****ing around and slowly the window closes and I can see it closing. We move again inside and sit down, chat some more, get up by the doorway and talk about me being the party and how she's glad she came out because she'd have been staying home just watching ****ty tv...STILL I DO NOTHING...Warlock even isolates my girl and I do nothing, then they finally LEAVE...I also created a third secret frame of her being my manager/body guard since she was a politician...

Insight #68: On a high note from the start, attempt to MOVE HER just for the hell of it or if your in a high traffic place...usually they'll go and if not just continue chatting as if nothing and try again later

Insight #69: Part of "Building Utopia" is creating secret frames that you and the girl are interacting through, this is VERY POWERFUL as certain frames can go even deeper and SO MUCH starts going on, her experience just interacting with you will SKY ROCKET her her head

Insight #70: Coming off as a "Top Model" based on my receptivity of what I like and dislike...If she was doing stuff I enjoyed I'd be more receptive and if I wasn't too into it, I'd lose focus to the point of going silent.

Losing Focus...WTF!?
I was suppose to be sticking to the structure and internalizing it more and more because when I was doing that, I was having the BEST RESULTS...But I didn't really even focus on that and actually just went FURIOUS. The factors were the lack of HOT chicks, I didn't do a complete overhaul to settle for some chick that is cute just to boost my ego and say "I'm ****ing chicks". I want the chicks that are HOT, meets my standards, and that I enjoy...If she is cute and REAL cool nice, if REAL COOL...social circle...

But for a moment I went into "I'll go for ANYTHING" this was SO REACTIVE and sort of a unattachment to who I am, the true me. Now I was going to use my skills just to get a chick to feel better about myself...WTF!? My mind was seeing these guys with chicks and I'm laughing at myself saying "Damn you know who you are and look at these girls with chicks and your with NOTHING." Again DUMB and I almost wanted to go home in defeat because I was a COMPLETE CHODE. (Not really but in my mind I was thinking that)

What could I do? I'm being reactive and I don't know it...What's going on with me? Am I falling back? Where is that UNSHAKABLE SENSE OF SELF? What will happen? Well this is what happened...
- I'm going CRAZY standing in the bar and everything that walks in gets clawed hard and I'm on them hard...friends pull them off but I go in so hard that they have to stop and interact, but I'm going off REACTIVITY so once I open everything seems forced...This happens 5 times...

- Time to PIRATE AND PLUNDER...Start from the EDGE of the bar all the way outside just opening everything I didn't open yet...Meet these New Jersey plastic chicks, (Kept mental note and got reopened by them, never pursued) meet a german chick, grab this RUSSIAN CHICK (YES!) and her friend but get sidetracked when I notice GERMAN CHICK who I should've pulled a month or two ago and sort of stopped calling...She's moving to chicago, I told her my phone broke...More dancefloor on frenchy, mixed set...BLOW THIS ****ING PLACE UP!!!! I've offically opened EVERYTHING...Then stopped to wing with warlock by talking to this guy...Later spot this french chick that katalyst approached awhile back, this is my 3rd time ever seeing her and of course we love hanging out but I don't hang with her that long, she introduces me to her friend who kisses me from the start...

- I see this black chick who I then claw...turns out to be a 3set she's super into me, I'm wondering "WTF am I doing?" She is so into me that I'm about to makeout and then I pull away she probably thought I was choding out but there was a BIG REASON why I did that. I slowly start dancing and looking elsewhere until she finally leaves to go to her friends...YES!!! Warlock passes by and see's my face is like STUNNED...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Day Thirty-Two: Dec 20th (Part Two)

Why was I giving up my power just to get some external validation...I rather have a ****ty night then give up my power. I was about to makeout with a chick who I'm not attracted to at all, I know the type of chicks I want. I don't want to **** some chick just to say I ****ed a chick...**** THAT!!! I have a clear vision of where I want to be heading and that was dumb on my part. All night I was just chatting up chicks and ACTUALLY trying to get with them for the fact that there wasn't no chicks I wanted, other guys were on chicks and I was moving away from my SENSE OF SELF and wanting validation...

I caught myself and snapped out of it, ACCEPTED that it doesn't matter if I have a ****ty not just LIVING IN MY OWN REALITY. I'm a man who has values and knows who he is, **** THE VALIDATION, **** THE EGO, **** EVERYONE ELSE...I'm living through my own LENS and even if guys are with chicks who I wouldn't really go for doesn't say nothing, no need to compare...

DL "Snaps Back To Reality"
YES! This is the guy I've come to LOVE...High Value, chicks just want to **** him, he's fun not giving a ****, just offering value and giving women the experience...If the chick is different from the bunch she will get further and further with me, until eventually she causes me to want to PULL and solidify the experience...

I ACCEPTED the moment, but at the sametime I remembered "Go out and make it happen". This stuff won't happen on it's own, GO OUT AND TAKE WHATS YOURS. You want a crazy experience? GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. I made that decision that I'd create CHAOS!!! (Revamping Structure...)

There she is looking at me and pointing...who is she? My bad memory has no clue who this cutie is, I likes. She comes back around and I stop her and start chatting her. She is saying she met me before but I don't know, so to just end it I ask her name, where she's from. I tried for the makeout three times but it's a no go...**** YEA THIS IS DISTANT LIGHT...I grab her and take her to..."THE ISLAND"

Holding her hand, she stops to put on her jacket which I joke around about how SECRET AGENT-like she is. (Secret Frame SET..."She's a agent who is interrogating me and seducing me") I'm holding her by the collar of her jacket, she's CUTE. Take her to "The Island".

She starts saying she sees me alot, which I say I'm her mark. She wonders why I come here alot and saying how I'm like one of those guys...I dislike this **** and say "I have a gf of 8 years" This throws her in a loop...MAKEOUT...I pull back and she says "OMG your one of those guys, STOP! STOP! Leave me alone" I'm laughing and enjoying it all... (Brings back memories and also reminds me of the chick I extracted in three mins and pulled later on...I wonder is this the CHICK? But I then realize this is the why I get congreunce tested now, they pull away all interest)

She then uses the gf comment as a way to end it all...Saying "OMG I feel bad you have a gf". This through her into a loop where she was saying she'd leave and she'd feel terrible. I then laugh and tell her "You actually believed that?" She starts saying "The first answer is always the true answer"...haha...I'm loving this. She won't makeout and is saying she's going to leave. So I just stop and chill back not caring if she'd leave. (State and Reality is FIRM)

I then grab her and flat out tell her why I am the way that I am, by basically telling her this whole seductive agent interrogating me frame is to make the EXPERIENCE much more fun than the regular...and I imitate it typical guy who wants to **** and just grabs her up just wanting to **** with no actual experience to make the sex worthwhile...She laughs and agrees and said "Yea, we both know why were here, were horny and want to ****". Then I just pull her and MAKEOUT HARD!!!! I stop and laugh saying "You're trying to capture me...I think its working" MAKEOUT I'm rubbing her *****...

Then I remember not to get all crazy foreplay, as my whole interaction is built on FUN FUN FUN...EXPERIENCE and ADVENTURE...We can do all that crazy stuff at home...So this is the TURNING POINT... (HOLY **** I AM THE DUMBEST MAN IN THE WORLD)

I tell her "Ok lets leave and continue the adventure", she is down...but then I say "WAIT! WAIT! Will go to good stuff diner first it's AWESOME, I want my shrimp and then will continue our adventure" She's down...Now I walk to Raven and try to tell him bounce his chick to good stuff but he never got the que...I find warlock and do the same, he didn't get the que...

Throughout that whole process I was doing my dancefloor stuff as I go finding them, like I'd walk ahead spin around zoolander style and motion her to come and she'll start doing that ****ing SPY LIKE seductive mannerisms and we'll come together and just makeout. EVERYONE is watching us and are stunned at what is going on. I'm in the bar area WAITING for Raven and Warlock thinking they got the word to bounce there girls too...

SHE FINDS HER FRIEND!!! ****!!! I say hi, and she is telling her friend she's going home with me. Everything is COOL until random COMMUNITY guy appears and then my girl says "Ok cool we can leave". BUT then community guy tries to caveman makeout and my girl instantly says "WAIT SAVE MY FRIEND SAVE MY FRIEND" and she goes in and INSTANTLY BLOWS HIM OUT...WOW

I start doing a bit more dancefloor stuff with her, total flirtation, and making out...EVERYONE is watching this go down it's AMAZING and FUN. BUT then the friend isn't too cool with the whole sex between me and her...So there going to do THE TALK and my girl is assuring me that it's going down between me and her...But I already know it's done the friend is going to get her way...

POOF...I'm just dancing with this Irish chick dressed in full russian gear for maybe 10mins as I wait and I'm just like to warlock and davinci "It's over, I'm a dumbass"...I'm actually laughing at myself because ONCE AGAIN I **** up a pull and laugh at the fact that I'm the one that is messing up the PULLS the chicks are even helping me and I just mess it up over DUMB ****...

Although I love shrimp, and I was thinking about shrimp for 7 days...I ****ING LOVED THIS EXPERIENCE. The whole spy/agent seductive frame was AMAZING and sort of unfolded, this chicks facial expression made me want to ravish her. An she was testing me in that CRAZY manner that the other chick who we sat in her hallway as she act like she had no keys, that **** TURNS ME ON and enhances the EXPERIENCE...This interaction NEEDED CLOSURE just like on Friday with the HUGE SEXUAL TENSION so intense that people watching orgasmed (She said that part)

I did learn what motivated me to want to PULL, the actual EXPERIENCE being so much FUN that to solidify the experience we'd have to let loose in sex and laugh about it after...This is where it gets funnier...

EVERYONE BAILS AND GOES HOME...I CLOSE SHRIMP by sitting in the diner by myself eating my shrimp and laughing at myself. I was DYING almost in tears with the amount of jokes I was having because of all this.

Side Note: - The german chick that remembered me who I #closed and wanted me to pull that same day we met, she was there and I was actually all over her when she was with some guy...haha...because I had lost a pull and since she was leaving to chicago, I madeout with her right there and tried to bounce her but she couldn't leave because she had a table. I don't even try to wait it out and pull...THEN I see RANDOM COMMUNITY guy with the New Jersey Fake chicks and she is sitting on his crotch with her legs on his shoulders, if he wasn't COMMUNITY I was going to blow him out and take the NEW JERSEY girls because I'm 100% sure I could've taken her off of them, I've done **** like that before.

Lesson Learned
- GO BACK TO THE STRUCTURE...I haven't been internalizing all the stuff, and I sort of just jump around giving a wishy washy experience rather than a SOLID/FIRM experience that I've put together...

- FULL EXPRESSION...**** THE WORLD...I realized I hold back allitle of my personality when I'm alone and not really doing anything. **** IT 100% RAW EXPRESSION and saturate this world with CHAOS of who I am. Of course they'll love it because just by them observing there experiencing something of value.

- I will NO LONGER EVER use the samething twice...If it just arises then it doesn't count...

- I shall go back to my habit of going for the makeout 1-5mins in JUST CAUSE and constantly reattempting...I stopped before because I'd sometimes end up just going in to makeout with chicks that I'm not super attracted too just because making out is no big deal to me...But I rather do that then sit back and have a chick thinking I'm chode just because I didn't makeout with her...It's not like the chicks are UGLY there cute and sometimes pretty but just because they don't meet the criteria where I'd **** them, I don't even makeout with them...

- Worry about myself, stop caring about what others are doing and comparing there EXTERNAL RESULTS to mine...I've come a long ****ing way and developed myself, just because I'm seeing an experience in there life doesn't mean it is consistent...

- FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!!!!!! Stick to whatever I'm doing and don't fall off...Make sure when pulling they STAY ON THE PATH and make sure I STAY ON THE PATH!!! When it's PULL TIME...PLAY TO THE HILL, GET CREATIVE...and NUKE THAT ****!!!

OVERALL I look at this report and realize it was a great night and I learned alot...almost went to **** and wanted to leave many times...but the WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS GO HOME EARLIER...**** THAT...TAKE ACTION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Observation Report #2

I had went out to help my wing learn the game the right way...Which was a massive success, but at the sametime I realized a few things that I'll just throw up there.
- (Generally this is me when ALONE) My STATE is held within as I enjoy the fact that "THE WORLD IS MY PLAYGROUND" so when I go in a set it starts normal but it's FLARING with my energy that sucks them in...

- DAYGAME IS FUN!!! I can go anywhere and just approach and chat chicks up...You also end up having more interesting/intriguing interactions as the chicks qualify themselves...

Majority of my time was basically helping my wing and watching him do his thing, as I realized I neglected him and sort of just did my own thing...At certain times I did approach...
- To show that this is a playground...I open a chick saying something about having a huge snow fight and the great music in the store. She is qualifying herself the whole time just asking where I'm from, telling me she's from London and leaving tomorrow. I claw her for a bit and then eventually leave...

- I approach this chick in the shoes store as I assume my wing will be in set for a long time, ends up me being in a set for a bit...I tell her she has a cool style, she's from Alaska and I'm HOOKED...I want to know about Alaska and she's telling me all about Alaska, cali, fashion being late in Alaska, Food in Alaska...I tell her to ship me some sushi for christmas, about 5mins in she tells me she's married but were already so into our conversation that it doesn't matter were into this conversation. I realize my wing has left set so she takes that as a queue that I'm leaving and we part ways...She also gave me a card to a restaurant that she said was REAL GOOD, so that was cool.

- One set in an all girls store that my wing is in...I come in and chat the UG, turns out she's cool, I claw her in and turns out her friend's are FOOD ADDICTS and she starts telling me about Venezuelan food and a restaurant. (That's TWO NEW PLACES in one day) Were joking around and she's a bit intimidated that I'm actually talking to her, WIERD...What was even crazier was my wings girl kept focusing on me every so often and then trying to eye code my chick because my wing was fumbling. It really showed that when you are the source of good emotions chicks will just gravitate towards you...My wing ends up joking around saying were BFFs and then Brothers, totally reaction seeking but I run with it because it's hilarious and he's doing good today.

There were a few more stupid stuff that I was doing here and there, but today really showed me HOW MUCH HOTTIES are out in the daytime. The world is just a fun place that I can't stop cracking up just looking at this PLAYGROUND...I'd just eye **** chicks and subtly play with them, maybe throw a comment out there.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Solomon said:
so what happens now?

does the saga end or continue?

It still lives...Been slacking with posting though as I've been busy with trying to get into school and SH!T breaking...Down to my 3rd computer, still no phone...But still a smile on my face.

I'm two FRs behind started off the year with THE WORST NIGHTs ever...Not really the worst but the simple fact that I was being "Who I Am" instead being a Frat Boy with no depth.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wow! This journal is long as fvcking hell! Got a few coffee sessions in store coming up. Starting from Page 1....

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
My "Theory Of Everything"...

Check my sig in RSD, I still post I've just become more off the radar since I am now actively building my life. In the past I was always down for meeting up with new guys just to help introduce them to all this BUT now I'm focused on just living my life.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
There you go man. I think of that as a new level of yuor game. Its not about just pua or whatever but its about your life and yourself. I progressed from just pickingup women, or lines. I am now involved in myself more.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
cool dude said:
There you go man. I think of that as a new level of yuor game. Its not about just pua or whatever but its about your life and yourself. I progressed from just pickingup women, or lines. I am now involved in myself more.
Yes sir...

Its funny cause I sometimes say "Damn I wish I was doing this back when I first started" but I don't even think internally as a person I could've pulled it off. Life now is rather unreal and the potential possibilities can seem abit intimidating.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
gonna read through the journal when I get a chance. I like the playful banter that I've read so far and situational openers

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Has it really been 5 years!?!?!?!? I still can't believe it...

It's ironic that the TWO YEAR GAP was around the time when I was transitioning to a whole different outlook. Who would've known my life would've changed so drastically.

I'm sitting hear reading my old journal and it's crazy that I never cameback on here to share what I was learning and the experiences I had in those two years. All I can really say is LIFE CHANGING and by far the BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. I've changed drastically from a dude who was good at chasing chicks to a guy who is just fascinating and has an amazing lifestyle. The 2 year gap consisted of me building and exploring a certain lifestyle that I wanted. I ended getting that AND some...

My boy had sold me his flipcam back then so I started recording my life, one day I decided to make a music video for my facebook page as an archive of such a glorious 2011. THIS WAS THE STEPPING STONE as it showed me how much fun I was capable of having in life AND it made me realize how much people wanted more "memorable experiences". Fast forward to 2013, I live a rather sick lifestyle and had a rather WILD RIDE...
- Summer/Fall '2011, decided to build a lifestyle...I went out 70 days in a row, in 30 days I was able to go to a good venue 7x a week. People started wanting to connect to me and I had a crew of tall chicks that loved me.
- winter '2012, became connected to the "high end scene...Back in 2009, I had 100 community dudes in my contacts. HOWEVER, 2012 wintertime I had zero community dudes contacts AND 50+ "connector" contacts
- spring/summer 2012, best/craziest time of my life...Lets just say I was not only connected in the "high end" scene BUT the hipster/gay scene AND burner scene also.
- fall/winter 2012, I started "disappearing"...Things had become so easy that I was literally disappearing in the venue to go fool around and/or have sex, didn't matter where it was. Bathroom, in the club, rooftop, street, stairwell. I became INSANE and for the first time in my life started going raw just due to the fact that things happened so fast and I would have to carry a box of condoms in order to keep up
- 2013 "WakeUp Call"...I was getting more and more wreckless as a close friend started to state I was changing. I WAS but it was such a thrill for me that it took an std scare, (didn't have anything) allergy's and symptoms of a heart attack to finally cause me to slow down.

I'm gonna continue to sift through the old posts I used to make on here to see if I have any similarities in the way I am now. (I've drastically changed to the point that I could be a totally different human being)

P.S...Along the way, I had many people who couldn't believe the stuff I used to talk about. THANKFULLY I had always been recording to keep an archive of my life so with the help of a friend I started to share bits and pieces of my life. As a present from me to you, since this was the first seduction forum I ever joined (and where it all began)
