Smock's journal


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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It has been a little bit of time since I have written a journal here. I have came back from Myrtle Beach and the results were as I expected. I was able to meet 1 new person a day for the first five days. I could feel myself getting better at what I was doing until half-way through, I got a ****ed up cold. Yep, it made me feel like absolute ****. I felt my confidence and happiness fall down the drain. It is Wednesday and my cold is gone now. I feel much much better.

I am still waiting for opportunities to show up. I just stand there thinking to myself. It is slightly easier than before, but it is still a challenge just to talk to a stranger, yet alone a group.

Well, school is starting up real soon with me entering my junior year. I am going clothes shopping probably this Friday. While I was down at the beach, my parents did some clothe shopping for me. They went in without really knowing what I wanted. They had the idea of Aeropostale and American Eagle. Jesus... So they got all butthurt when I told them I did not like any of the clothes they brang me back. I did thank them though.

I realize that when I go to school with the idea of how I am going to look, I am going to look way too dressed up, or out of place. However, I remember reading that girls have men after men lined up for them. Should I not be different and look like every other guy that dates her? Or should I be the one that is different(in a good way)?

Oh yeah a few last things;
-I still brush my teeth three times a day
-I still go outside to play basketball
-I still bring my notepad wherever I go(it is deeming more useful than I thought)

I just wish I could just act right at the moment instead of hesitating.

Until then,

P.S. I do not care if anyone comments now. I would rather write down something I can read and look at, than do nothing about it.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hello again Sosuave! I am not gone. I have came back after getting a new wardrobe. Unfortunately it was quite a challenge finding clothes that fit me. I should tell you guys that I am very short. About 5'2". So I found that the best jeans that fitted me were 26x26 with a slim shape to them with still a little room. Tees around 10-14Y. Oxfords at 12-14. It is a good start but some stuff I have second thoughts about, or need expanding later. All in all, at least that I am not wearing Hollister anymore. Feels good man. I have made a few changes too.
-I tend to browse the Internet from my IPod or the family computer. So my computer use has gone down.
-I masturbate less now. Feels surprisingly good.
-I now go to bed around 9-10 and my body is slowly adjusting to it.
I learned something new too. If you want to stay away from something, I find the best method is isolation from the addiction. In this case I got rid of
Windows from my computer and installed Debian. Now I am too lazy to bother getting it connected to the internet. I have not booted it up within a week.

School has started too. I have only been in for two days. So people are still settling into their little groups. I will have to keep you updated Sosuave!

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hello again Sosuave. School has settled in a little. Time to evaluate some of the changes I have made.
-Since starting to go to bed early... I feel super energized during the day. Some of my friends have really taken notice. I feel much happier.
-Not many people have taken notice of me in new clothes except a few people(mostly teachers have a higher respect for me). I feel much more comfortable in my new clothes and shoes.

I have more to say Sosuave, but posting and browsing the Internet from my IPod is very slow. Not enough time for that right now.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hello again Sosuave. I have the kind of news that you guys want to hear.

I finally got my first number!!! The name of the girl was Michelle. Kind of standard how I met her. She rode my bus once or twice home with a friend, last year. At first, I just ignored her. It was not until this year she came up to my locker to meet a friend of hers. I turned to her and told her she looked familiar. She realized, agreed then walked off. Throughout the rest of the week, I continued to eye her and smile at her as I pass her in the hallway. It was not until a few times she smiled at me before I did so to her. When walking on to period 4, I stopped her walking in the hallway, told her that she kept smiling at me. She said I was smiling at her, so I decided to use something ****y real quickly.

Her:"You were smiling at me."
Me:"No, I was smiling before you! You smiled back because you cannot get enough of this guy!"
Her:*Starts laughing*
Me:"See you are laughing. You like me."
"Well hey, I have to get going to class, maybe we can hang out sometime? What's your number?"

After pulling out my... HANDY DANDY NOTEPAD! Which I am so glad to have made. Gave it to her and she wrote it down. Said see ya'. Then left. I was not So Suave about it and all. The time between classes is very short. I started fumbling and dropped the paper. I could tell my face started to get red. That was after I left thankfully. I never knew it would feel like that...was weird as **** SoSuave. Anyway, going to call her up maybe 4-5 days from now and give her occasional friendly greetings.

More to say SoSuave, but I have some stuff to do outside, I also need to get back to my book as well.

Until then,


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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You could always give her a text this weekend if you dont have any plans. If not, then there's always next weekend.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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I am going to do it next weekend. Just need to get some actiony ideas in my head. Oh yeah, on another note, I do not have a cell phone. Just my home phone.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hey SoSuave. Small update. Thinking about date ideas for this Friday. Anyhow, I finished a book just yesterday. The Catcher in the Rye. Quite an interesting story. With some morals and lessons in-between the lines that a 11th grade mind would not be able to understand, unless told so by a teacher. Going to start reading The Great Gatsby. Sticking with the most popular books. Also, Mondays seem to be jogging day, so I went for about 1:30:00.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Ahhahahahaha! I am such a dumb ass! I called her up today at 7PM, no answer. I decided to not leave a message. I must speak to her. I called at 8, still no answer. I finally got her at 9. I felt clingy as **** calling her soo many times. Anyway, I told her to meet me this Friday at the football game at around 6:40-7:10. She said she did not want to. I gave her a second option of bowling this Saturday. She did not accept and told me,

"I am going shopping this weekend."
Shopping my ass. I told her "Well sorry for calling but G'night." Then I hung up, then tore her number into the trash.Sorry was probably unnecessary, and I believe I said it in a not so good(do not have a word for it) tone. Time to go get a fresh one.

Oh yeah, a stupid ass(and obvious mistake). NEVER tell ANYONE about numbers you get or anything related to girls you like. I mentioned this to my sister earlier(yeah, I am just that retarded).

Time to start fresh and get a new number:-D. I will NOT EVER QUIT!!

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hey SoSuave. Nothing much going on right now. Just going to upload a picture tomorrow. I cannot do that right now from my IPod. Picked up a Timex Weekender with a green Nato Strap. Looks pretty nice considering the price range. Goodnight all.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Hello once again SoSuave. Nothing much has been happening, but I got another number today. This girl's name is Carie(At least that is how I think it is spelled). She sits in my homeroom. This one had me feeling much more nervous about going up to her. None the less I just went up to her and told her that she had sat across from me at lunch last Friday, and then I told her that I should introduce myself and I did. Before Friday, I was giving her glances from across the lunch table and during homeroom a few times. I was looking at her once in homeroom and she saw me looking at her and made a motion with her head as if she was trying to say "Hi." I did as well. So I am going to call her up this Sunday to see if she wants to hang out at the Homecoming game next Friday.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Picked up two numbers today. It is getting slightly easier. So when I call Carie to the Homecoming game the Friday after this, I will have two backups handy. Oh yeah, my friends think how I dress is 'fresh.' Feels good man.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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****ed out of my mind SoSuave. Another obvious mistake. I used my Dad's cell to call, and she texts back while my dad has it...****, why am I so goddamn stupid? My parents are ****-tards. I got an acceptance from Carie and there is a high chance she still has interest in me and is willing to hang out this Friday. I picked up another number today during dismissal. No problems with casual numbers. Well, I am going to ***** about this while trying to sleep and hopefully I will confront her tomorrow to straighten **** out. A Don Juan would not let this get to his head, he is always 'calm' and 'cool.'


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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What is up SoSuave! Last Friday was kind of weird. My parents ended up making me 30 minutes late. So it ended up being crowded and Carie was no where to be seen. Today, she did not bring anything up nor does she look at me, so I am moving on to the next.

Texted a girl today, to meet me this Friday at an Ice Rink. Said she was going to some other place. Going to keep her number, and ask 1-2 weeks later. One of my other contacts got some boyfriend(which is a friend of mine), so I am not really caring, but I am going to keep the number for later. Time to go get some more numbers ;-).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
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Going to bed early is a great thing, provided that you have the opportunity. Nothing better than number closing a girl, while you're full of energy.

Nothing worse than attempting to kino a girl while half asleep as well.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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School right now SoSuave. Rejection is not as bad as it used to be. Just do not try to bring anything up. Need to get out this Friday or Saturday. Kind of been lacking on getting to bed unfortunately. I still feel okay during the day,still not as bad as it used to be.

@novaknight I am surprised people actually reply to my journal.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Feeling a little bad here SoSuave. I feel less energetic in the day due to less sleep. Less homework is getting done and I am continuing to hesitate and procrastinate. I do know the reason for this happening. The computer. I thought at first it would not affect me, well, it did a lot. I need to get back on track. Why am I not surprised and why did I see this coming when I first started.
Feeling bad man.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Well SoSuave. I just picked up a phone last week. This should be a little easier. For the past two weeks, I have been visiting the local mall. Each time, I found myself waiting for opportunities(why am I not surprised). Sitting in a god damn chair. However, a day at failure does not mean a day with no lesson. I did not have any confidence or energy in me towards women. Until I decided just to talk to a few people at random, introduce myself, and just be a little silly. I found myself with boosted confidence after I talked to a few people. I did not have any more time to myself after doing that. Perhaps this may lead to a breakthrough.

Until then,

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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novaknight said:
Nothing better than number closing a girl, while you're full of energy.

Nothing worse than attempting to kino a girl while half asleep as well.
Making out with a girl? Sex with a girl? I feel like sleepy sex is better than alert texting... Maybe it's just me :)
Being kicked in the balls by a horse.

Something actually constructive to this journal, I feel you're being to nice and needy but it would help if you posted up what you were actually doing rather than the results. Read NWDJ's and BPH's journals for idea's of progress as well. BPH's is good but he stalls a bit in the middle


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Wrestling started yesterday. Was amazing. Going to get better.
My weight lifting has increased a lot as well.
Last year, I started weight training. I was benching only the 45lb. bar. Now I am up to 120 with 6 reps.
DL-150 12 reps
Squat-155 10 reps
Hang Clean-95 10 reps
Yeah, pretty cool seeing the gains I am making.
5'3". 102lbs. 16 y/o.

Until then,