Smock's journal


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Yup guys, another journal here on the High-School forum. This is the 5th active journal right now. The other's seem to include; Nino-TK, BPH, NorwegianDJ, and the latest being Bums'.

I of course have been lurking mostly through The DJ Bible, Anti-Dumps' existing posts, Senor Fingers book, and Pooks' book. My my, have my views of women changed since then.

I'm still in High-School. I am going into 11th grade next year around the end of August and what not. I am 16 right now. I came to this site from another site. That other website is an on-line community image board(for those of you that get it:rolleyes:.) Someone from that site posted a recommendation to read "The Book of Pook." I read it first to last page and still go over it now and then for it's amazing and awe inspiring content. I found through that book. I read Senor Finger, "Weapons of Mass Seduction," as well. Also browsed the tips section in The DJ Bible.

I now see that I need to take action in my life. Instead of being that guy in the corner not really doing anything. I have been very passive in High-School so far, just sticking with my friends from different groups and chatting. Not really getting my image out there. I have not been very successful with women and girls at all. I have stayed single most of my life and have not even gotten to first base:crackup:. I have not been interested in women at all up until now. I have gotten to go to a few dances with girls in the past 10th grade year. However, I realize that these girls at best are only 3-4s, on my scale. Seeing that this is what I attract without really doing anything, I need to step up my game. I have not gotten out into the game for more attractive girls because of the fear of rejection and lack of confidence. So, I now have the tools to complete the goal of filtering out the interested from the uninterested women to pick from, and to be a better self.

I am writing this journal because I am tired of all the bull**** I have done this summer. It is so god damn boring staying inside on the weekdays with no one home but my sister and I. So I want to go outside to walk around and explore, do some mini-travel. My summer has not been all that horrible. I am a Marylander. So it is common for people in Maryland to visit Ocean City once-twice a year like my parents do. They take my sister and I and meet the rest of the family down there. The weekly trip this year has been better than the one's in the past. Being 16, my mom has let go a bit and permitted me to go wherever the **** I want.

Most of the days I had been down there, I was able to walk around and follow the Boot Camp that was published on The DJ Bible. I successfully made eye contact with many people and said "Hi," or "Hi, how's it going?"(with a grin or a smile of course) I did this up to 50 and continued to do it losing track. I did it first to single older people(since they don't intimidate me much). I then moved on to older women. Then older couples or small groups, then younger couples and small families. Until I worked my way down to single younger women. I noticed something very interesting. Younger single women acted with a larger and more eccentric response to my greeting. Most of them gave a small giggle, then smiled back, made me feel twice as good about myself compared to greeting the other groups of people. Another thing I noticed about myself was when I walked along to a more crowded area of the city. I became really stressed and filled with anxiety in my head about saying "Hi," to the passing people. I am still slightly intimated about saying to some other groups of people, I will have to work on that. Lastly during the week, I started small conversations between only a few people. I ended getting a free fresh funnel cake.

Enough of that. If you're still reading this text, I congratulate you and thank you as well.

I should go over my goals, interests, hobbies, wants, etc.

Short-term wants/goals
-Go outside everyday the sun is shining
-Get a weight set and get into starting strength
-Get my driving permit
-Buy a bike
-Walk outside of my property premises
-Improve my skin and keep it clean
-Get rid of the darkness around my eyes from lack of sleep
-Get my nails nice looking
-Get a new wardrobe for myself.
Will have to add to this list.

Interests I can do outside to spend time productively
-Anything artistic
-Reading older works from the best minds that existed
-Exercise a little more
-Guys, give me some ideas. In the meantime I'll see what I can do.

So as you can see this journal is more about improving myself rather than getting women, even though I'm interested. Women are bonus to the changes. Never center your life around women, you'll crash and burn every time.

So with all of that out of the way, here comes the start of a new life. Oh yeah, why am I on the computer now anyway?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated guys.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2011
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Do it to it mane.

Looks like you have a solid starting point, realizing that improving your life comes first, girls come second. Looking forward to another active journal on the site - high school forums been getting boring lately.

Keep reading the classic posts as that really helped me in the beginning. If you have a reaction like me, things will seemingly come naturally after understanding the basic idea of things. This site has really been great motivation and guidance for me. I definitely would not be as happy as I am today without it.

Good luck dude and keep posting.

Bum :yes:


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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NorwegianDJ said:
Don't forget 1 & 2.
Yeh, weird place to find valuable info, right?
I'll post an entry for the day. Got back from studying the drivers' practice test.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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So for the first day down and many many more to go, I'd have to say that it could have gone better but I did something. Much improvement is needed(that's why I am here, right?)
I woke up around 2:00 P.M. even though I went to bed a little earlier(1:00 A.M. instead of 4)
I need to reset my body clock. After I woke up and ate breakfast, I decided to go outside and listen to some music in a chair out on the porch. It was hot, but enjoying. I saw the tire swing outside and decided to sit on it instead. Little did I know a wasp would come out and sting my ankle. Back to the inside for me a bit :(. I went back outside and started to do what I have not done in a while and that was just shoot some basketball hoops. So, I did something today. After getting a shower, I called it a day. Studied for the state's driving permit test. Going to see what I can do later tonight besides browsing the Internet or playing games.

Tomorrows' plans:
-Work for neighbors from 10:00 AM-for a few hours to make a couple bucks
-Swim in their swimming pool
-Shoot some more hoops
-May start on reading a book outside

Oh yeah, can't wait until the weekend. My dad said he would take my sister and I to a water park. I went to one down at the Ocean this year, and now, since I will have time to myself, I'll go back to the boot camp and start some conversations with people.

Until then,


Don Juan
May 1, 2011
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Hey man, I'm gladly going to be cheering you on!
I'm in your grade and around your level with girls too.
Self-improvement is my goal for now.
Hang out with your friends as much as you can during the summer!

Good luck!


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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galmorphus said:
Hey man, I'm gladly going to be cheering you on!
I'm in your grade and around your level with girls too.
Self-improvement is my goal for now.
Hang out with your friends as much as you can during the summer!

Good luck!
Good luck. Best of all, have fun! Don't get any doubts in your mind and keep a consistency.
Working on my own collection of tips, books etc. for the night.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Smock said:
Don't forget 1 & 2.
Yeh, weird place to find valuable info, right?
I'll post an entry for the day. Got back from studying the drivers' practice test.
I've never actually bothered to know what the rules are, but I think I know what you mean. Only lurked there a tiny bit a while ago. Kinda awesome, yet screwed up place.
Good job so far.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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NorwegianDJ said:
I've never actually bothered to know what the rules are, but I think I know what you mean. Only lurked there a tiny bit a while ago. Kinda awesome, yet screwed up place.
Good job so far.
Cool, I'll be posting later before I leave for the weekend.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Alright, I am here now in NJ for a weekend trip. Going to be a prefetch chance to get in some conversations with some people. Hopefully women.

The day was sizzling hot. I could see humid fogs out in the distant. So work was cut for the afternoon. Have a project next Mon.-Tues. to get some money.
For the day, I took a swim for 2 hours, went back to get lunch. Then went outside to shoot some more hoops. Then got packed and left. I also started to read a book.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Well, it may be the 24th that I am writing this, but I have not been able to access a real desktop computer just until now.

I am now in NJ for a small weekend trip to a small resort with an indoor water resort. I probably would have done much much better if the place was not infested with minorities(specifically, Asians that cannot speak English very well). Don't get me wrong, I am not racist or anything. I felt uncomfortable with the ratio of white:black being 1:10. There was a light at the end of the tunnel.

I ended up meeting 4 girls, and 3 of the staff members.
2 of the girls were 12-14. I did not go for their numbers, they lived too far away for me unfortunately. Instead, I got their names of Franny(lol?), and Christine.

The other two were more of an age I would hang around 17-20. I got them by throwing some humor, smiling, and eye contact.

I used a ****y/funny statement.
Me:*Looks at lighted up elevator buttons*
Me:Hey, I'm going to that floor too.
Me:*While looking at one of them* Well, that is already one thing we have in common, this relationship is going great so far!
Cannot remember beyond that point. I got both of their names being;
Jennifer, and Hannah.

For the staff members, they saw me walking around with a grin on my face and I made small talk between each of them as they went about their work day. By the time it came around the evening, each of them were standing in the lobby smiling and chuckling at me. I was able to get one of their names being Robert.

Lastly, my family seems to tease me and make fun of me for being more confident. I remember Pook exclaiming in his book, that as I change, people will want me to fail, even my family and closest friends.

Anyway, going to leave it off at right there. I have much more to say about yesterday, but I need to go do stuff right now outside:). I also need to get myself a god damn notepad to write down what I've learned, what I can improve on, what new interests I can go about
doing, and for numbers.

Until then,


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Smock said:
Lastly, my family seems to tease me and make fun of me for being more confident. I remember Pook exclaiming in his book, that as I change, people will want me to fail, even my family and closest friends.
True that. It's just that they're not used to it. In my case it was my gymming. Mom would sometimes refuse to drive me, refuse to by my food and supplements.

My sister would use to tease me and tell me I was out of this and that girl's league. Now however, she seems to have more respect for me as I seem to have a new girl all the time.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Thanks to everyone for the support! I will update within the next day or so.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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The last few days I have not written have not been bad nor have they gone really well. I'm outside a lot more with the work that my neighbors give and pay for me. I have made a few changes around the house and plan to do more. It simply sucks that I have such distractions around the house. The only other factor that keeps me from doing something more productive is that work makes me fell very diminished after the day is over. I feel like I want to fall asleep instead.

Anyway I've made a few changes:
-Play basketball daily because I like to do so
-Made a small notepad that fits into my pockets
-Brush my teeth three times a day

MY next outing in public would be next Saturday at a friends' party. Hopefully I can get to meet some new people.

Things to change in the near future:
-Get some Sudoku and Word Search books
-Clean up my room and basement

Tomorrow is a new day and I hope I can make the best of it.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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BPH said:
Where do you live man? Cause it seems like everybody parties except me...
I live in Northern Maryland. I think you are from Delaware, right? I do not party a whole lot though. I went to some under 21 clubs in my leisure time on the weekends during the school year. I was doing **** all wrong. I was trying to impress women through my awesome dancing. Now, I only dance to get some exercise and I do it only for my self enjoyment. Real men feel they don't have to impress or prove themselves to anyone.
Going to post an update today.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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Well, the party was kind of a bust. There were only a few people there. I had already known them through past school years. The week so far has been fairly unexciting. I am still practicing Basketball in some of my leisure time. I enjoy it and I am seeing improvement in how often I make a basket. I am still bringing in a small amount of money from working over at my neighbors.

Over this weekend I am having my cousin go with my parents and I to an Amusement Park. My goal this time is to have a conversation with five people. On the 12th of August, I will be heading down to Myrtle with my cousins. This will be the perfect time to step up with approaches instead of conversations if I can pull off some confidence this weekend.

Until then,


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
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I have came back from the Amusement park. My cousin did not end up going with me. He will be this Thursday when I head down to Myrtle with him.
I feel like I am being held back by my parents, now that they think I am absolutely crazy.
It is much more challenging talking and conversing with people when my parents are by my side. Oh yeah, I was able to get in at least two short conversations with two women. Unfortunately they were both over 40. Simply because they do not intimidate me.

I got their names' being;
-Bueller(Yeah, she was black and had a few problems with speaking fluently)

I found that one of my problems is being unable to grab my balls and just do it. I am missing many opportunities. I was standing in fairly long lines, having feelings of anxiety trying to talk to people that are right next to me. I also find myself not grinning or smiling, or walking with confidence. It is one thing to wear a smile, but it is another to wear it proudly and truthfully.

For the past week so far, I have been browsing the Internet to get a grip on making a good first impression to everyone I walk by through clothing. I have emptied out my closet and got rid of any junk in my room. I feel that if I get much nicer clothes, I will stand out more in a crowd(specially in High-School). I feel that I could have much much more confidence. I have worn very few button-up shirts. When I do, and look at myself in the mirror, I end up giving a natural grin or smile, because I cannot help it. I feel getting nicer clothes will make me feel happier.

My ideas of nicer clothes include;
-No visible branding(I am wearing clothes, not advertisements)
-No graphic-tees(I feel like a Middle-Schooler)
-Casual Button-Ups with a plain tee layered underneath
-Solid colored polos(without any logo)
-Straight fit, dark jeans(tired of having it very baggy
-I really like Timex watches, very easy to read
-I do like the look of Desert Boots
Still creating ideas as I am writing this.

I still practice shooting hoops everyday just outside my house, on my own. I take 20-30 mins. everyday-every other day to practice a little. I am getting much much better, and my sister has taken notice of this. She has asked if I may get into any clubs.

Until then,