Small Town Sarging


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Naturals and pickup artists

I've recently had the pleasure of rolling out with some naturals here in Oregon. Before I met them, I had heard so much about them, I just assumed that they had some sort of transcendental level of skill that I feared I could never acquire. After hanging out with them over the past few weekends, I learned there is nothing to worry about. Some random observations:

1. Their "number" or count is indeed very high. One natural, 'B,' is closing in on 300 over the course of a decade. What is the key to his success? There is no one thing. He is quite good looking, but does not have a model's physique (he has a muscular but not a chiseled physique). He likes to dance, but quite frankly, he is not terribly good at it. He is occasionally approached by women, but generally only on the dance floor. His clothing is nice at times, but he often dresses down and prefers discount outlets.

His main ability lies in his knack to create a safe, warm, massive rapport with the girl in question. And with guys. The vibe I got from him when I first met him was: "damm, this is one of the nicest dudes I've ever met." He seemed nice to the point of being meek, even deferential. He does not neg, nor run any ****y/funny at all, from what I can tell. He compliments everyone. Everyone. And he does this all the time: "you look great! you always look great!" "It's so good to see you again! I missed you!" Sure, he lays it on thick, but people crave this type of acceptance, and when it comes from a guy who seems socially adept and is good looking, it has an immediate disarming effect.

'B' will compliment, shower people with affection, smile and make them as comfortable and feel as accepted as can be. He's already in 'comfort' from the very beginning. It's not a discrete phase of pickup. And I'm starting to believe that 'waiting' to create comfort is a huge mistake. If you are already high value, there's no need to generate attraction. The girl is already attracted and any more dhv-ing beyond that point is going to make you look like a ****y bastard.

He's nice, he smiles, he's deferential and this ability to create a safe warm rapport combined with his good looks, envelops chicks in a cocoon of good feelings. There's an emotional safety there, and the attraction is there, and there's a certainty that he will reciprocate warm feelings.


2. Naturals like to dance. At least the ones I hang out with. And I believe this willingness, this love of dancing, signals to girls a feeling of confidence in moving your body, and with your sensuality. B in particular, does not dance particularly well. But he *loves* to dance. He's so at ease on the dance floor, the girls pick up on this. And girls love to dance.

Another guy I wing with, 'E', is better than most at dancing. I've seen him get out there, dance, and then leave with the girl, while barely saying a word to her.

Conclusion: if you know how to dance, feel comfortable dancing, and better yet, *love* to dance, you can facilitate your ability to pickup massively. Pickup is no longer something to think about: it just 'happens.' The two of you look good, want to have a good time, you smile, you flirt, you dance, then you grind, you get swept up in the moment, and 'bam!' you guys are walking out of the building going...wherever.


3. The naturals I know are not gaming 9's and 10's. They are not looking nor waiting for that 9.375 or 9.43 to turn the corner. These guys are gaming cute, everyday girls. In the parlance of pickup, these are moderately attractive (6), cute (7) and pretty hot (8) girls. These girls might have five extra pounds, their blonde dye job might be a little overdone, whatever. Who cares. They guys don't worryy about how they come across in field reports, they don't care about bragging to their buddies, it's about having fun with a girl who's willing to have fun with them.

I've often dismissed girls in the 6 or 7 range, or simply used them for target practice or to warmup. A natural will lay these girls, no hesitation. And absolutely love doing so. I'm not proud to say this, but on Sat. I completely ignored about a half dozen girls, all in the 6/7 range. My wings swooped in on them, including E, like they were the last women on the face of the earth.


1. make girls feel comfortable and accepted. This is quite important if you are good looking, well dressed and confident. If you are ****y on top of all that, you risk alienating people big time. In fact, ****y seems not to work well, period for anyone I know. At least not around here. If the girl is being a bit *****y, yes, you can tease. But not too much.

2. Stop thinking and just dance. Turn off the brain and dance to the music.

3. Don't worry about the "numbers." Set the calculator down. If the girl is cute then vibe with her. She will show you a great time. You could be waiting all night for a 9 or 10. And then, are you going to pin your hopes solely on that one girl if/when she shows up? Will you have the balls to approach? A bird in the hand....

In conclusion, you can forgo a lot of the pickup literature altogether (maybe all of it) if you look good, know how to dance, and are not ridiculously selective. The naturals I know get farther in two or three minutes on the dance floor than most of the guys who have read The Game get in several hours at a bar.

As a postnote: I have noticed that the same girls attracted to naturals are also attracted to me. There's no qualitative difference or advantage naturals have in their ability to attract. However, they are much much more comfortable in their own skins and treat sexuality as a wholesome part of their lives, not something which generates a ridiculous amount of anxiety. Sex is part of the natural course of their lives. What's the big deal? It's like drinking and breathing and eating. Immensely pleasurable, but...not a big deal.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Writing Urge Strikes Again: I decline kiss and sex close opportunities

I know I write a lot. I just like to write. It's fun for me, and I do think it helps me to process what's going on. I don't think it helps or hinders me in the field. In fact, I think it helps slightly. What I need in the field is a drill sargeant who not only feeds tactical advice but threatens punishment if I don't keep upping the ante with a girl whos' feeling it. Like maybe a punch in the gut, or maybe a slap in the face plus admonishment: 'you pvssy! why did you leave? Get back in there and shove your tongue down that girl's throat!' Actually, everyone in the room should hear this to further my humiliation.

Friday July 21: Two Kiss Close Opportunities.

I arrive at TR again. I haggle with the girl at the front trying to get comped. S the promoter steps in and waves me in. I find K and chit chat for a minute. The Indian girl approaches me again. She stares at me and smiles. We hug. She compliments me on how good I look. She eyes me up and down. Smiles again. I fluff with her for a while. I'd assumed she'd lost interest since I didn't make a move on her the last three times. I guess she's still hot for me. I fluff for a few minutes and eject. She keeps staring at me. I think she wants me to escalate. I chicken out. I don't want to get rejected. I eject after a few minutes of pointless conversation. She wants to give me the opportunity, but I keep chickening out.

The first was with the tall blonde green eyed chick. Actually, B had gamed her at TR last weekend. She's a friend of one of the female promoters. And K my wing is a promoter. And B and K are friends, and can see this is a rather small big town. Apparently, B bounced this girl last weekend and they get together and makeout sometimes.

So I see the blonde with the promoter chick when I arrive at TR and start talking to them. The promoter recognizes me, and says that we have already spoken. I couldn't tell, and so I'm relieved that I'm actually talking to people I already know. I ask the promoter to introduce me to her blonde friend. The three of us chat for a bit, then two more guys come in, rather timidly, but join the conversation nonetheless. All five of us are talking and hanging out now. The blonde says she's waiting for her cousin, which is why she glances towards the door on occasion. She says she should wait outside. She asks us (the guys) to hold her drink. I point to one of the other dudes, who holds the drink looking confused and forlorn about having to wait on the chick.

I see the blonde chick again later. She's already been flirting with K and B and S (the former dealer) another promoter. She just walks right up to me. Now, I've had a beer and a shot and am feeling pretty sick so I can't remember exactly who did what. But she walks up to me, gets right up in my face, to the point where I'm forced to give her a hug as a reflex. I hold her around her waist. She admits she's just thrown up. She's drunk, staring into my eyes, not really saying anything, aparently waiting for me to do something. Obviously a perfect time for a kiss close, or at least for the attempt. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. I don't escalate. The girl finally says: "I think I'm gonna dance with that guy in the funny hat." This is her excuse to eject probably bored with my unwillingness to close her. I ask her to dance, mistaking her cue to eject with an invitation to ask for a dance. She just walks away.


The second was with another female friend of B's. She is a tall brunette with porcelain skin, jet black hair and striking blue eyes. Nice body too. I talk to her and the heavyset guy standing next to her. I ask how they know each other. The vibe I get is that he is definitely not a boyfriend. The three of us talk and the guy just disappears at some point. The girl and I talk alone now. I compliment her several times on her pretty blue eyes. The girl then takes an expectant step forward with a glazed smile on her face, until again, as with the blonde, we are staring face to face, faces inches away, bodies pressed together. Her eyes are wide open staring into my eyes, her mouth is open, in a relaxed slightly slack jawed smile. I put my arm around her again. We talk like this for a couple of minutes. I think I just eject at this point without going for a kiss. I don't know why. It's pretty obvious what she wanted.


Wing K and I head to the bar. K opens another of the cute waitresses. My best guess is she's an off duty stripper earning a few extra clams as a waitress/bartender on her night off. She's got a cute face, a very big chest, small waist and nice curvy booty. K begins gaming this waitress. As he talks the girl keeps glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. Again, three times. Here we go again. I don't know why this happens, but at least half the time my wing opens, the girl will immediately begin staring at me instead.


Saturday, July 22: Sex Close Opportunity?
I wing with K and natural E ('Erik'). I didn't open a single girl at the first venue: 'Bushwacker's.' K opens two sets at the bar. The second set goes better than the first: a blonde and brunette and maybe some other girls? I didn't really pay much attention to them. E grinds with the birthday girl, a tall blonde with a very cute face and some baby fat in her face, waist and butt. The sensual energy this blonde and E generate on the dance floor amazes me. Eventually, the brunette friend of the blonde invites us guys to bounce with her. I didn't open the brunette or the blonde and was not terribly attracted. Nonetheless, she wants all of us to roll with her and her girlfriend. I feel like I did nothing to deserve this, I didn't even talk to either girl, so I'm wondering what to do.

During the time I'm debating, E gets into the girl's car and rolls. I'm left there still debating with K! How embarrassing.


So there it is: two obvious kiss close opportunities and probably a sex close opportunity with a girl I didn't even talk to. I still felt like it was a 'bad night.' My mental state is really weird right now. The problem is clear: fear of rejection. My mind trying to convince me that girls are not attracted, despite all evidence to the contrary.



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I think I just eject at this point without going for a kiss. I don't know why.
The problem is clear: fear of rejection.
I've had the same experience. What worked for me: FORGET the kiss-closes and f-closes. Make some excuse to leave the club, right then, and get her number. Call her later for some informal date.

If having a coffee with a girl in Starbucks is enough to take you out of your comfort zone . . . there's no way in hell you'll ever have the guts to lead her to a bedroom.

I've had maybe 2 kiss closes. Both were drunk girls, and it went nowhere.

You can have zero kisss closes and still have an awesome love life. Get the #, dude. All this stuff gets so much easier when you get the girl out of the freakin NIGHTCLUB already.

My mind trying to convince me that girls are not attracted
Maybe maybe not. Train your mind to choke out out the following words: "We should hang out later, give me your number." Apparently, you didn't say that to any of these girls.

"We should hang out later, give me your number." If you're so horribly shy, you can't even pronounce those words, kiss-closes are absolutely out of the question!!!

Let's see a # close.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
phyzzle is somewhat right. i also have the feeling that this time you recognized the opportunity the moment it took place, if thats the case, close or no close this is definitely a level up for you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Friday July 28 FR

Friday was pretty fun. Several of us were celebrating our birthdays this weekend so we all got drunk and acted stupid. Progress is apparent although a bit slower than I'd anticipated as you all know. Nonetheless, a good time was had by all the entire weekend.

K and I roll into "Lucky," a country/western joint at around 10:15 PM. We've got three girls coming to meet us. Kevin and I number closed two of them, an 8.5 blonde and a heavy set girl about a month ago. By getting on the single heavy set girl's good side and calling her, we were able to pull all three girls out to the club.

K and I walk in and as soon as we get to the bar, the first chick approach occurs. An average looking, nearly albino blonde girl rolls up to the bar and stands directly in front of us, as we are perched on our stools, sipping our beers. She just stands there and stands there. I count this as a chick approach despite a lack of kino or conversation since she has so obviously positioned herself for no other reason than to be opened.

K opens her and chats with her amiably. I do the same. As soon as I talk to her, she drops her hand down from her waist to below her waist, and she begins to "accidentally" rub my leg with her hand. She leans in, breathes whatever's she's saying into my ear. She mentions something about a boyfriend during the fluff. Some guy comes over and whispers in her ear, and she leaves to go back to her table a few minutes later.


The three girls we're meeting up with approach us now: the blonde 8.5, the brunette 7.5 and the heavy set girl. I give all three hugs. K tells them that we're celebrating birthdays and the girls buy us shots at the bar on the opposite side.

First we all hang out and talk. It's very awkward. I had no inhibitions talking to the girls previously and just letting loose. As I told another wing, "dates" and "comfort" create tremendous discomfort for me. I have to get out of my comfort zone to get into comfort. K and I look around the bar and the girls look around, looking rather bored. I don't know what to talk to them about. I know how to run ad lib attraction game like a master, but comfort game is foreign to me.

The girls say they will buy us drinks. They take my beer and give me a large cup and a smaller cup:

Girls: "drop it!"
Me: I stand dumbfounded. I'm holding a larger glass and a smaller glass in either hand, without any clue as to what do with them. The heavy girl takes the small glass and drops it into the smaller one.

Girls: "chug it!"
I chug. The drink is so very sweet and has no bitter aftertaste of alcohol, I down it one swig. And so begins my long drunken weekend.

The girls want to dance. They begin walking to the dance floor. I'm not sure if we're included in the plans. As far as they are concerned, better to move around rather than stand in a circle staring at each other blankly and silently.
K: "lead the way, ladies!"

All of us are dancing in a circle. Then we just stop dancing. No energy. No flirtatious fun or even merely comfortable vibe. Just no chemistry there, or just a lack of experience with comfort game on our part (me and K). I'm trying to act animated by making silly faces. The blonde rolls her eyes.
blonde: "that's dumb!"

I don't know what to do really; it's been so boring up to this point I try to force the action. It doesn't work.

I give a friendly hip bump to the lady in her late thirties getting down behind me. She takes this as a green light to escalate. She rubs my face with her hand with a big smile on her face. She quickly plants a wet kiss on my cheek as I try to pull away. I turn my back to her and laugh in embarrassment. She then takes this opportunity to grind her crotch into my ass. It feels very weird because her crotch feels hot and wet, even through her clothing. I step forward and away from the lady, with my back to her, and the assault ends.

We all stop dancing. The blonde and I stand to the side. I just start to fluff with her and kino her. I put my arm around her waist and talk into her hear.
I ask her about her job, and how things have been going since we've last seen them. She leans in talks into my ear also since it's so loud.

She complains about the fact that she's single.
blonde: "my fvcking a--hole boyfriend left me!"
me: "what?" I say in mock astonishment.
blonde: "yeah, he fvcking left me to go to california! a--hole!"
me: "that totally sucks!"
blonde: "what's wrong with these girls around here? don't they know how to say excuse me?"
me: I start laughing.
blonde: "that's not funny! how does that feel?" she shoves me hard with her forearm into my ribs. It's pretty painful. I push her back, gently. No cold ****s to the jaw.

The blonde continues to hit me hard, slapping me with her hand several times on my chest and arms.

The girls decide they're going to go back to the bar. K decides that the sarge with the three girls is over. My assessment is that while things are a bit tentative and awkward, I think it's normal for things to be a bit awkward at first. K repeats that he thinks that he's out and can't make any more progress with the girls. He wants to do a takeaway by not talking to the girls.


By this time, my buzz is getting extremely powerful. I feel extremely uninhibited. I open every girl in sight. Every last one. I start with the heavy set girl who happens to be standing next to me as my buzz kicks in hard. I tell her she's my my friend. I tell her I like her, pointing my finger at her, smiling and yelling this to her.

me: "I like you!"
girl: laughing extremely loud. "Why?!" she says in complete confusion.
me: "because you're cool!" I punch her lightly in her stomach, having fun feeling it wiggle.
girl: she just starts cracking up laughing. She gives me a wet kiss on the cheek as a reward.


There's a short brunette with a very cute face: big brown eyes, wide cheekbones and a wide ass in front of me at the bar. She stares at me. I give her a big hug. She wraps one arm around my waist, her hand falling on the small of my back/top of my ass. I start engaging in drunk talk. I am very loudly telling her that I like her, over and over if I recall correctly. I then give her a hard smack on my ass. She gives me a look of mock shock.
her: "hey, you smacked me on my ass!"
me: "you touched my ass first!"
her: "that's true," she concedes.

I start checking out the honeys grinding and dancing on top of the bar. The brunette says she'll be getting up there and I should check her out. I say ok, and she leaves. I make eye contact with one of the girls walking off the bar. She's staring and smiling back. I raise my hand, staring and smiling back, gaining tacit permission (in my mind) to smack her ass as hard as possible.
Pow! I spank her really hard. K grabs my hand, smiling, saying that the bouncer was watching me. I tell him that the girl gave me permission and that it's ok. The bouncer never does come over.


I open more girls. I talk to every guy I make contact with. I shake their hands. I give them high fives. Chest bumps. I chat to every girl I see. I put my arm around the guys. I put my arm around the girls. I hug every girl. I put my hand around the waists of every girl. I lean in and talk in their ears. I tell everyone they're my friend. That I like them. That they're my new friend. I just say all of this over and over and over. I'm very drunk and very happy.

The typical reaction of the girls is to laugh like crazy. I try to kiss one of them, a tall brunette, about 5' 11" in her heels. She blocks my face with her hand.

Not really solid game, no real game plan. My only "plan" is to be befriend everyone. I want to validate everyone. I shower people with compliments. I tell them how much I like them. I try to find actual reasons to like them by asking questions and qualifying. Other times, I just tell them I like them after they've laughed at one of my jokes, or simply if they've smiled. This gets them to smile some more, and laugh some more. The girls seem to be especially riotous in their laughter. They seem to like drunk, loud, friendly, uninhibited guys. Then I reward the girls and guys some more with kino.


I just run around running drunk friendly guy short set game. Then, I start working the room by re-opening each set. Now the girls are more comfortable. I number close a tall blonde who's about a 6.5. She's with a guy. I ask them how they know each other. They say they go to business school together. I tell them that business school is awesome. They love this and start laughing. I tell the blonde that we should hang out in the future, for some reason I can't recall at this moment. She agrees and I enter her number in my phone.




Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
More On Friday

K is wanting to wind down and we're heading out the door. Five feet from the exit, I feel a tap-tap-tap on my shoulder. I turn and see a really cute brunette 8 standing at my side. She's got curly dark hair, a cute face, a nice slim body, nice clothes and a bright white glow in the dark smile. After writing a post on chick approaches, I am not taken by surprise this is happening this time.

me: "why did you tap me on the shoulder?"
her: "I don't know!"
me: "there must've been a reason!"
her: "I thought you were interesting!" she shouts out over the music and yelling.
me: "well tell me something about yourself, so this conversation can become more personal."
her: silence.
me: "you brought me into your universe!"
her: "I'm sorry!" she apologizes sheepishly. She just stands there nervously, hands clasped together sheepishly, her feet pointed inwards towards each other.
me: "tell me something about yourself. who are you?"
her: "I like to play video games! Do you like to play video games?"
me: "sure, I get totally addicted to playing video games!"
her: "I like warcraft! It's my favorite!"
me: "cool. I like unreal tournament. do you like that game?"
her: she looks really confused. I think she may be about video games and trying to build a connection.


the brunette's friend shows up and tells her they're going to the bar. I tell the brunette we should hang out and play video games together.
her: pauses......"ok."
me: "give me your number."
her: xxx xxx xxxx.

I try to enter the number. But the brunette's girlfriend begins to molest me as I look at my phone. She yanks my necklace. She then begins to fondle my chest (the dividing line between my pecs). The brunette's friend then begins to fondle my stomach. Then the brunette's friend begins to rub my forehead.
friend: "so smooooth!"
brunette: she begins to rub my head also.

I get so flustered with the double team kino that I enter the number but forget to hit "save" on my phone and can't find the number later. I hate that!


I try to number close a girl with a very cute face seated at a table with her two girlfriends and a guy. I had opened the cutie's thin brunette friend. The brunette was really friendly. So is this cutie. I qualify her after getting some IOI's: laughing, smiling, etc. She says she's going to go to graduate school. I reward her saying thats cool, she's smart blah blah blah.

I then say I can tell her all about that, and tell her to give me her number and I'll call her about it. She says she has a boyfriend. I tell her it'll just be a conversation. The girl then says, "I can give you my number." I take the number then befriend the guy. I call the number later that night. It's a dud. Not her number. That was her way of getting rid of me.


K opens a very cute 8.5 brunette walking down the street outside. She's with her heavy blonde friend. I wing K. I qualify the big girl for practice. I tell her she's exceptionally mature for her age. She says "thank you." I get her number and say I'll call her and her friend later. K tries to close. The girl says she doesn't give out her phone number. We've done a good job isolating our girls respectively. As happens so frequently, the hotter chick eventually stops talking to K and opens me and begins joking with me and laughing at my jokes.

Some guy walks up between me and the girls and says to noone in particular that he owns the entire block, including Lucky. Then he walks off with the girls.

I tell the bouncers before I go that their bar is the best, with the prettiest girls in town. The bouncer gives me a big, knowing smile. I shake the hand of the bartender walking out the side entrance. I tell him I won't cause too much trouble next time, saying I'll limit my drinking. He busts out laughing. I bust the chops of a few random girls walking down the street, not really serious sarges. Just drunk talk.



I was able to get four numbers: one from a heavy girl (a conduit to the cute girl?). One from an '8' who opened me. Unfortunately I lost it on my phone. One from a 6.5 tall blonde. One dud from a cute coed with a boyfriend.

I opened everyone. My goal was to befriend everyone. I befriended the guys, the gals, the hot ones and average ones and less than attractive ones. I befriended the bartenders, the staff, the bouncers, everyone. Everyone had a smile on their face. Some of them might have been laughing at me. Some of them might have been laughing nervously at the loud, drunk guy. And A LOT of girls groped me.

I was opened twice. Exactly as my chick approach post predicted, this happened just as I entered, and just as I left the venue.

Some of the guys in the lair, and some guys who've responded to my posts on other boards have suggested I'm blowing myself out by running too many dhv's (i.e., running too much attraction material, overwhelming the girl, and not giving her a chance to qualify herself). By complimenting everyone I saw, this possibility was minimized and it drastically reduced the amount of confusion and uncertainty in the groups and individuals I approached.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Sat. July 29

My first set is at the swankiest bar in town. I arrive after wings S and K get there.


I see the tall blonde hostess there. She's the girl I referred to as the swiss miss girl for her heighth, fair complexion, and blonde pigtails. I also compared her to nicole brown simpson. I see her and tell her I haven't seen her in the longest time. She says she's been in europe for three months. Oh, and she's just bought a puppy dog! she adds with a shy smile. I chat with her for a couple minutes She's in an awkward physical position. She's got one foot on one step, one on the lower step, she's talking to me over her shoulder, and her left hand is carrying a plate with a wine glass perched precariously in the center. I'm afraid she's going to drop it, so I tell her I'll be inside to meet my friends and I'll see her around. She frowns a bit, as her smile evaporates as I say goodbye. She likes me so much. So does the little brunette bartender chick inside. So does the other blonde who works there.


S and K? They're already in set with a two set. I roll up put my arms around them and K introduces me right away to the two girls. The two seem not to be terribly interested. Some other guy (AMOG) rolls in and the girls seem to be receptive to him. He's a tall, conventionally handsome guy.

I look around and see a very fetching 8.5 brunette staring at me. I look away and then look back. She's still staring very hard. Still staring. Yikes! I look around a bit more and am distracted by a gorgeous MILF. She has the most confident body language I've seen in a while. She struts by at 5 8", curvy, muscular tanned body, draped in a turquoise green dress. She glides, not walks up the stairs. I wait for the inevitable peep up her dress.


A girl opens by saying to me: "damm! her dress is way too long!" I look over my shoulder and see a 6 brunette.
me: "hey, I'll look up anybody's skirt. Including his." I point to a male seated next to her. The guy looks very embarrassed.

I tell him I like his shirt: "wait, is that a shirt or a jacket?"
him: "it's a jacket."
me: "dude, that is a NICE jacket! where'dyou get it?"
him: "Saks."
me: "Sakes? They won't even let me sweep up there!"
the guy laughs.

The group includes a short brunette, a guy, a tall brunette and a cute girl with brownish blonde hair. And a brunette with a frown on her face.

me: "she's trouble. I recognize her from club x," I say pointing to the frowning brunette.
tall brunette: "no you didn't. She just got to town two months ago."
I just laugh at the tall brunette. As it turns out, she doesn't like me.

I talk to the cute girl with brownish blonde hair. She bears a vague resemblance to Jodie Foster. I talk to her and then walk over to her directly. I tell her that lots of girls have been groping me recently. I tell her that I'm comfortable touching girls too. I hold her around the waist to demonstrate. I run my hand down her low back and stick a couple of fingers an inch down the back of her panties in her ass crack. She doesn't object. She starts to laugh out loud when I say that one of out every four times, the girl objects, but that three of fourt times, the girl doesn't object. I hold out my hand. I twirl her around and get her laughing. I then steal her seat:

me: "aaaah! I stole your seat!"
her: she's smiling and embarrassed. Her hands drop and they begin to gently rub against my leg.
me: I warn her that I can tell what she's doing with her hands, because I've seen it so many times before. I tell her she can't get away with kino because we're face to face. I tell her she should try to sneak in kino indirectly while standing at my side. That way, my peripheral vision won't catch it.
I demonstrate to her. I move my hand in directly from the front. Then from the side, so she can see the difference.

As a result of my nagging, she winds up pulling her hands up away from my legs and she sticks them into her pockets. Maybe my admonishment worked too well.

I tell her she looks like Jodie Foster. Including her chipped tooth. She licks her tooth self consciously. I tell her that I love the fact that she studied martial arts. I tell her that my friend K taught me some martial arts maneuvers and I explain but don't demo them to her. I tell her that she's sinned by touching me, but that she'll go to church tomorrow to confess her sins.
her: how did you know I go to church?
me: "everyone in oregon goes to church," I state flatly.

I try to incoporate the *****y brunette into the conversation, saying she's the protective one. She gives me a dirty look and stares at my hand perched on her shoulder. She tells her blonde friend that the blonde friend is going to the bathroom. She repeats this twice and the blonde eventually says to me: "I have to go to the restroom.

At this point, the "bouncer" steps in and asks to talk to me. He asks me if everything's ok. I begin to get very defensive and state that everyone here is talking loud and having animated conversations. He says he wasnt saying I was bothering the girls, he says he was asking if everything was all right. I'm still pissed at him, defending myself. I say I get groped by girls all the time and I let it go.

him: "and you're complaining?!" he laughs.
me: I'm still pissed: "I'm just saying, it's a high energy atmospher and my voice is loud, that doesn't mean I'm bothering the girls."
him: "ok, that's why I was asking, to make sure."

K explains to me later that one of the girls told him that they thought I was completely trashed and were therefore concerned about my behavior.


Some blonde woman is staring at me at a table in front of me. I walk over to a new two set. A blonde 8.5 and a brunette 7. I open by saying that I'm having trouble bringing my energy level down to match the energy level of the bar. The blonde begins to laugh with her mouth open immediately. Her eyes are smiling.

blonde: "I know! It's like, there's a general area (creating a box with her hands), and you're up here!"

The blonde starts to whisper to her girlfriend and then laughs some more. I hold my palms up saying how tough it is for me to get it right. I see the bouncer standing eight feet away, leaning against the wall, watching me intently. I watch him. I keep talking to the girls. The girls keep laughing and looking at each other. The bouncer is satisfied that my sarge is going well enough not to require close supervision and he walks away briskly. I take this as a good sign that my conversation is going well.

As we all talk, the blonde slaps my chest really hard. Then she slaps my stomach really hard. I tell her she slapped my stomach like a drum. The blonde covers her mouth, looks at her brunette friend, and her shoulders lurch up and down with laughter.

K walks into set. I tell him that the blonde slapped my stomach like a ballplayer dribbling a basketball. The girls start to laugh in embarrassment.
Here comes the **** test:
brunette: "why don't you think girls like sports?! I like sports!"
K: "you have to neg a lot here, the girls here are tough. just change the subject." He gets away with saying this, because his tone of voice is friendly.

K isolates the brunette. The blonde and I chat. When I opened, I was talking to the brunette and blonde both. When I looked away from the blonde to the brunette, the blonde would look away in disinterest. Now that I'm talking to her exclusively, she is staring directly into my eyes. I put my around her waist as I talk. She leans in to talk into my ear. She keeps kinoing me relentlessly.

I start to qualify her out of the blue:
me: "who are you?"
her: silent.
me: "what separates you from these other people."
her: "I'm a nurse," she volunteers immediately.

I reward her, saying that nursing is awesome. I qualify her some more:
me: "so you have some money."
her: "no. I mean, I have lots of loans."
me: "I hear that. I know people who have tons of loans they have to pay off after school."

me: "you know what, you're a lifesaver, and a heartbreaker. that's awesome!"
her: starts giggling incessantly some more.
me: "one of my best friends worked as a paramedic. it was a total adrenaline rush for him, working in emergency intensive care."
her: "well i work in pediatric care."
me: "awesome I love kids."
her: "I love kids more."
me: "I love it when I see a big swollen belly."
her: she pooches out her belly.
me: "you have an inflammed belly."
her: "did you hear that? he said I had an inflamed belly! ha ha ha!" she says to her girlfriend.
me: "you have belly inflammation."
her: "don't call it that!"
me: "ok, you have a swollen belly."
her: "ha ha ha!"

She slaps my chest. She slaps my stomach. She grabs my necklace. She then rubs my areolas. Then she stares into my eyes with the most flirtatious smile. Here's where I blow it. **** test:

blonde: "do you remember my name?"
me: "Kelly." Her name isn't Kelly. The blonde looks like she is about to cry.

K has to volunteer her name.
blonde: "do you know how to say my name?
I say her name.
blonde: "noo! that's not it!"
I pronounce her name three or four times more and by the fifth time her eyes light up when I pronounce it correctly, although it was just luck as i happened to pronounce it every way possible until I got it right.


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Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
More On Saturday


K and I talk about leaving. Here, we should've invited them to bounce. Instead, we just say we're leaving to go somewhere. I tell the blonde to give me her number. She says she doesn't give out her number. I tell her to give me her email. She agrees.

K says we shouldn't talk to anymore chicks until they leave. I see a blonde staring over at me over her shoulder. I can't remember if it's a different or the same blonde who stared at me right before set.

Two errors:
1. shoulda bounced.
2. fvcked up on the sh1t test name recollection.
There were some other minor errors. So what. Didn't handle the sh1t tests properly.

Oh, should've escalated after the nipple grab.


I get opened as soon as I step into the club. I see a blonde 7 who had given me an AI at a martini lounge a couple weeks back.
her: "I know you! I know you! Don't you remember him?!" the blonde says excitedly to her 7 Asian girlfriend.
other girl: "oh yea!"
I try to place them and then act like I don't recall them as a dhv.
I'm surprised by this approach, and don't really escalate.


I order a corona from a very friendly, tall blonde. I walk up to the bar. I get a very obvious AI from a blonde 7 about 8 feet away at the bar. I walk up to her and start chatting. She's friendly, smiling, but a bit shy. I fluff a bit with them, but without the massive IOI's I expect, I eject after a couple minutes.


S has brought a girl to the club. She's a thin attractive young blonde with fashionable glasses and a hearing aid. When S turns for a second, she opens me and begins talking to me, fluffing with me. We get stuck trying to get her to understand what my name is, due to her hearing aid. I spell my name in the air. S pulls her away and isolates her.


K has a girl come out to the club to meet him as well. I'm on my own left to prowl. K's girl leaves after about fifteen minutes so I have a wing again. We head upstairs to the VIP lounge. Once we walk past the bar, I get opened again:


tall brunette 7: "I don't like how your glasses look on you!" she says, tugging on my sunglasses perched on the back of my neck. We chat a bit. I recognize this as a chick approach with a neg as an opener. As we talk, I accidentally get some spittle on her eye, and she winces and blinks. I apologize for my clumsiness. Then she leans forward and accidentally sticks her nose into the palm of my hand. I instantly feel better since she's just as clumsy as I am, if not more so.

Now a guy comes by and stands right next to her. Doesn't put his arm around her, or say he's a boyfriend, I just assume it. I talk to him a bit. He looks like a gang member or something. He says he's a promoter and gives me a card. I move on.


We walk around the VIP lounge, then back by the girl who opened me before. The brunette's girlfriend grabs my glasses and puts them on for a picture. She tries to snatch my necklace too, but I catch her. I get out of there. They're too high energy for me.


I chug some champaigne now. And I get very drunk. S opens a blonde two set. I game the blonde that S isn't talking to. S takes the first blonde by the hand and asks: do you want to to see the VIP bar? They walk there. The second blonde and I follow, which is pretty beta in recollection.

S puts his hand inside the thigh of the first blonde. She doesn't object. He makes direct eye contact with her. Then he kisses her. Simple. Another guy walks up to the first blonde when S leaves for a minute.

first blonde: "Ugh, he finally left." she says, having bonded with S already.

I try to kino the second blonde. However, she's put her arm up as a barrier and is leaning back a bit, preventing me from getting any closer.


I get an AI later from a half Mex/half flip chick, about a 7. She stares hard. I stare back. I chat her up. She's uncomfortable with my arm around the waist kino too.
her: "do you have a girlfriend?"
me: "why, are you jealous?"
her: "I don't want her to see me and get mad at me!" she pushes me off her at this point.

We chat and chat, but she says she has a boyfriend. I just talked to her for practice and don't feel like closing her.


K tries to game the brunette who opened me. He reports back saying she's "b1tchy." I go over there and soon we are hugging and rocking back and forth in each other's arms. She negs me again: "I'm taller than you!" I say we're the same heighth. Her girlfriend pulls her by the arm. The brunette doesn't move. The girlfriend grabs her arm more firmly a second time and drags her off.

K seems astounded by the difference in receptiveness. He also is really wow'ed by the number of chicks who approach me every night.


Meanwhile, I get completely wasted drinking too much champaigne, and stumble around town until 5 in the morning. It's so much fun getting drunk.

B, the natural, meets up with me at around 4 AM. I'm very drunk and sleepy. He gets a girl he's about to full close to watch over me. She's very sympathetic, saying she knows what its' like since she's a bartender. After five minutes I just bust out laughing uncontrollably. I laugh because I can't believe that B is able to get this girl to nurse a complete stranger to health while he wanders off Now THAT's a compliance test.


S, the promoter and former dealer calls K later. S says he woke up with his shirt on, his pants off in the bathroom, in a house of someone he doesn't know. "Where the fvck am i?" S cried out to K, as K laughs retelling the story.

B the natural, full closed the girl who nursed me.

E, the other natural, full closed a waitress.

Wolf is still trying to kiss close consistently.



1. several chick approaches again (3): at the swanky bar, then at the entrance to the club, then inside the club.

2. my kino is meeting with some resistance. I'm cavemanning. K and S make kino fun. K does palm reading and twirls girls around while holding their hand. He dances with them. S parcels out kino, by holding them around the waist, and by testing for compliance before a kiss close. He also holds their hand strategically to lead them around the club and demonstrate his ability to lead.

Wolf, on the other hand, crushes the girls with his weight, smothers them in his arms, and generally displays awkwardness and a bit of neediness in his kino. I need to be more strategic.

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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
NorPacWolf said:
Wolf, on the other hand, crushes the girls with his weight, smothers them in his arms, and generally displays awkwardness and a bit of neediness in his kino. I need to be more strategic.

I know we've been busting your chops about busting a move, but relax. You don't need MORE strategy, you need less overthinking. Thinking about strategy while gaming gives off a stink of desperation, you know women pick this up quite easily. Assume the sale. Have fun going about your business and think about the game afterwards.

The way you write about the interactions gives me the impression that you are noticing things as they happen and you are "steering" the interactions. You don't have to "steer" because they are already on a natural "straight to the bedroom" course. Any interference mid-game only steers your interactions off this natural course. This is why we say "assume the sale". You and any woman you interact with are naturally going to progress to the bedroom, if you know that's what it's leading to and just go with it. The "naturals" understand this "natural course" and don't interfere with it by using tips/tricks/techniques. A "natural" KNOWS that any and all interaction with women will lead to sex (at some point). You are a natural just by being born a man. However, your interference with the known game plan displays to a woman that you are "trying". To a woman, trying means "desperate". I've been lacking the words before, but I think I can help you best with this:

Let go of the reigns. Stop trying. You have the confidence and experience from all the practice. You have developed enough confidence and comfort around women. Since you've done the field studies, you are perfectly able at this point to stop studying and relax: your work is done, now it's playtime. Interactions are only ackward if you make them ackward. Stop giving a damn and have fun, dammit!

NorPacWolf said:
Wolf, on the other hand, crushes the girls with his weight, smothers them in his arms, and generally displays awkwardness and a bit of neediness in his kino. I need to be more strategic.
Had you done this with a smile on your face while having fun, the crushing and smothering would have been "good". The ackwardness and neediness are products of thinking about it and trying to accomplish it - artificial versus genuine, forced versus fun.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, thanks for the feedback. Although, I don't completely agree that dropping all strategy is a good idea. I have been socialized or socialized myself to forget about sex altogether to focus primarily on my academic and professional pursuits. So reminding myself: "kino" or "kiss" or "number close" is not a bad idea because my general tendency is to let things stay at the "friends" or "flirty" level. So I HAVE to push myself and remind myself to move things forward.

Vulpine said:

I know we've been busting your chops about busting a move, but relax. You don't need MORE strategy, you need less overthinking. Thinking about strategy while gaming gives off a stink of desperation, you know women pick this up quite easily. Assume the sale. Have fun going about your business and think about the game afterwards.

The way you write about the interactions gives me the impression that you are noticing things as they happen and you are "steering" the interactions. You don't have to "steer" because they are already on a natural "straight to the bedroom" course. Any interference mid-game only steers your interactions off this natural course. This is why we say "assume the sale". You and any woman you interact with are naturally going to progress to the bedroom, if you know that's what it's leading to and just go with it. The "naturals" understand this "natural course" and don't interfere with it by using tips/tricks/techniques. A "natural" KNOWS that any and all interaction with women will lead to sex (at some point). You are a natural just by being born a man. However, your interference with the known game plan displays to a woman that you are "trying". To a woman, trying means "desperate". I've been lacking the words before, but I think I can help you best with this:

Let go of the reigns. Stop trying. You have the confidence and experience from all the practice. You have developed enough confidence and comfort around women. Since you've done the field studies, you are perfectly able at this point to stop studying and relax: your work is done, now it's playtime. Interactions are only ackward if you make them ackward. Stop giving a damn and have fun, dammit!

Had you done this with a smile on your face while having fun, the crushing and smothering would have been "good". The ackwardness and neediness are products of thinking about it and trying to accomplish it - artificial versus genuine, forced versus fun.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
NorPacWolf said:
I don't completely agree that dropping all strategy is a good idea.
No, not drop the strategy, stop thinking about the strategy. You have practiced enough that it's getting to be second nature or automatic, right? At this point, the impression is that you are trying to "fix something that isn't broken".

There is a party going on and you are so busy cleaning your house that you don't have time to mingle with your guests, understand?


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
NorPac, dude, you have it made. I can't understand how you're NOT scoring when chicks are just walking up into your lap 24/7. Maybe it's where you are... the girls are more agressive. Where I live that kind of behaviour means "let's get the 'F' out of here".

Sorry, I just find it frustrating to read field reports where the guys are lucky enough to be sought after everywhere they go.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
PM Box Is Full

fyi, my pm box is always full so I recommend you email me instead at Hope y'all had a great weekend!



Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
10 More Chick Approaches

I've actually been approached by ten girls in the past four days. I've been given approach invitations by at least 14 other girls in that same span. I'm talking about girls just staring at me hard.

On Friday night, it occured in textbook fashion. I was approached just as I entered a club, then approached again just as I was about to leave. I was actually approached by two chicks just as I was about to leave. (3)

Sat. night, I was approached immediately again as I entered a club. Then my wing's girl opens me. Then upstairs by a girl as I'm walking past. Then again, by her girlfriend as I walk past on my way back. Oh, and some girls opens me at another bar. She seductively mouths "thank you" very slowly with bedroom eyes after I give her the chair she had asked me for (at bar's closing--I was closing out my tab). (5)

Monday evening at the theatre. I'm standing in line. Some giggly girls are walking in my direction. One is tall, wearing daisy dukes. We stare at each other. As the two girls walk closer, I take a step back to move out of their way. The daisy duke girl changes her trajectory and bumps into me anyway. Her friend is surprised by this, and scolds her. The girls giggle even louder and stare at me over their shoulders once they are past. Even when I'm trying to get away, they come to me.

Once the movie is over, I see a delicious blonde walking past me inside the theatre itself. I have to check her out, to my surprise, she stares back holding eye contact as she walks past. I didn't think she'd do that: it's late at night, inside a dark movie theatre. I thought she'd be more reserved.

The pattern is clear:

1. chicks approach me immediately as I enter a place.
2. chicks approach me immediately as I am walking out/away.
3. chicks approach if they've just seen me, not the second time they've seen me.

Also, I get people staring at me constantly, at my watch, at my ass as I try on jeans, when I talk to girls, etc. It feels like I'm walking around with a spotlight sometimes...

realsmoothie said:
NorPac, dude, you have it made. I can't understand how you're NOT scoring when chicks are just walking up into your lap 24/7. Maybe it's where you are... the girls are more agressive. Where I live that kind of behaviour means "let's get the 'F' out of here".

Sorry, I just find it frustrating to read field reports where the guys are lucky enough to be sought after everywhere they go.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

By golly, I think he's starting to see!


Neo gets up after being shot by agent Smith in the hallway. Neo looks around and sees the coding where he only saw the program before.

Trinity: "What's he doing?"
Morpheus: "He's starting to BELIEVE."

Agents pull out guns and draw down on Neo...

Neo: "No."

Agents open fire, Neo raises hand to "halt" postition: the hail of bullets stop short and suspend in mid-air (flocks of women). Neo ****s his head in mock-curiosity and plucks one of bullets out of the air to examine it.

And here is where NPW is: examining the bullet.

What happens next is NPW is going to be "Neo" in the club. A woman is going to run at him like agent Smith charges Neo in the hallway. Where NPW would have ran away or lost the battles before, he's going to close the deal - without looking, with one hand behind his back! He'll be refreshed, renewed, REBORN! His power and confidence will be stronger than ever! Give us a good hallway-warping flex, NPW!!!!

Our hero is no longer concerned with "finding the code", he sees it. Now, it's a question of how he will use this enlightenment! (My bet is that he'll fly around like superman snatching up chicks out of mid-air and delivering them to roof-top makeout sessions.)

Meanwhile, the phone's ringing in the background... a woman wants to be with you NPW: you better answer that.
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
Where the grass is greener
Wolf, it looks like you have the makings of an attention w h o r e.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
So you can remember every conversation you've had for the past 4 weeks, but you can't remember the name of the girl you're talking to right now? :)

I number close a tall blonde who's about a 6.5. ...I tell the blonde that we should hang out in the future, for some reason I can't recall at this moment. She agrees and I enter her number in my phone.
It's been a while. Have you called this girl? If not, why not?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Whoa! It sounds like you guys are negging me! I think you guys must be attracted to me or something, lol. Don't worry, I love you guys too. :flowers:



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Is it negging? Or is it nagging?

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
