Well, after you get ripped, you can lay off the milk and hopefully your acne will clear up. You say it boosts your testosterone or is that your theory for why it causes the acne?
I just recently got back into weightlifting with a main focus on chest (as you can see, a little weak compared to rest of self) and I'm doing the 3 set routine on my bench press:
125 lb (56.7 kg) * 8
125 lb * 6
125 lb * 5 or 6, whatever I can muster.... I have no spotter so if I don't make it, it becomes kinda a problem

One day someone is gonna find me dead in my basement, but not until I put some more weights on that sucker
I also do the incline press about every other workout (workout every other day) so I can hopefully develop upper pectorals.... my bench is so pimp it lets me change the incline any way I want.
Considering my skinny ass only weighs 130 lbs, I think I am doing alright, hell, I might be able to finally break out the 45 lb discs pretty soon

Once I can hit 9 or more reps consistently on the first set of the above routine, I popping them on. You guys are prolly going to tell me I need to do leg exercise too, but trust me, I went to the gym with a friend who has been going for 2 full years, and I did the exact same on the leg press as he did, hadn't ever touched the leg machines... he kept adding weight to the point where he normally would have stopped for himself and was like "geez, you are still going" and I could tell he was kinda pis-sed, haha. I also could do the same calf raises, and dam-n-near matched his performance on the lying row thingie.... needless to say I could do more pullups, but he weighs 30 lbs more. His bench press and bicep curls were WAY better than mine however.
Some chick (prolly trying to think of one reason NOT to like me, hehe) once told me I had skinny legs (looking around ankles) and later, "slender" wrists, but I'll be dam-ned if I can fix that. After countless calf raises, they still look the same.... I understand what they mean now when they say THAT is the hardest muscle in the entire body to train. As for the wrists, I don't think much about them, but I look really silly wearing a watch. I'm just gonna accept these two things as they are and focus on other things.
I gotta tell you, the one exercise I absolutely HATE is the military press. It is also probably my biggest weakness. To make matters worse, I consider my head rather small (lol) so I don't really WANT to have huge shoulders. I'd like to preserve my natural good looks and not mess them up, but at the same time, I don't want certain muscles out of proportion... anyway, keep up the good work guys