As the time progressed, you did the opposite that hooked her up. I'm going to tell you what changed.
This is good. A woman spouting feelings from her mouth mean she has some level of investment, this is good, this is what you want.
You got to understand that women test men. She telling you that you didn't initiate was a test, to see how invested you were, since she was very invested, and you failed.
Exactly, you are following your instincts which is fine, you have good instincts.
This is what happened:
In the beginning you appeared like an alpha guy, who was busy, didn't have time to
text, she was chasing for your time and validation, this is how every situation with a woman should be, she MUST chase you, it is in their DNA, women are hardwired to chase men, to try to get men to commit, women want to work hard for her prize.
When time went on, she complained that you didn't initiate, well, in you male brain thought "we've been having fun and sex, I should initiate more often", then you started to initiate, and poof everything went to $hit, that was your problem, doig what you thoguht she wanted, instead of doing what she needed.
You should've kept it lite, once per week with a lot of fun, and then a very cold silence from your part, that way she wonders about you. You should've been busy doing other stuff and dating other women but being silent. Women have a lot of orbiters who text them, and you not texting her, you were different, so she was hooked, but as soon as you behaved like other orbiters and giving her free attention, she despised that.
If I were you, the time she texts, reply one text normal, don't invite her to do anything, if she asks say you are busy for that week and do not give any other time to meet, is she ask you say you'll let her know, and then go on with your life dating other women. I would invite her to go out two weeks after she texts you. You need to become the guy she was attracted before, the one she was chasing, but you need to be busy living you life and not waiting for her.
No man will make a woman wait for sex, but when someone does it, it creates mystery, cause men love sex, so if you're not ****ing her given the opportunity, you must be fvcking someone else, at least in her mind, and that's what you want.