@TheGambino wasn't abusive enough for her.
Gambino, I hope you don't mind me chiming in but I've worked with abused women one-on-one and they and their abusive boyfriends/husbands have quite a toxic and powerful dynamic going on, which is why these women stay so long.
In your girl's case, 8 years, that is a long time!
She may say now she regrets but trust me, there was a powerful pull, an intoxicating attraction and sadly the abuse played a huge role in that.
Not that she enjoyed being abused, but she associated the abuse with power, his power, which kept her hooked in. For 8 years!
Now here you come along, a decent man, a non-abuser, and guess what?
She's bored, unstimulated, turned off. She gives it her best shot, but nothing can compare to the powerful emotions her abusive boyfriend elicited in her.
Even when logically she know it's fvcked up, but emotionally?
Try as she might, she just can't help herself.
These women are a certain type and my advice is stay away from them.
Once a new chick tells you she was in an abusive LTR, immediate dump.
Unless you're an abuser yourself, you will never measure up and by measure up I mean elicit or create the same emotional intensity she had with the abuser.
These women are sad. They know logically they should want a decent guy, but again try as she might, she can't force herself to feel it with a decent guy.
A relationship with a woman like this is her doing everything she can to create as much chaos and drama as she can in an attempt to re-create the drama she had with her abusive ex.
I'm glad you've decided to move on.