I'm still trying to learn. I didn't want to post this because I know what to do and thats NC forever but I would prefer some feedback so I see where I went wrong for the next girl that is better then her and I actually see gf material in.
Been dating this girl for 3 months. All went great the first 2 months.
I did everything right. First date we made out, she basically started to pursue me 80% the first 2 months. She reached out all lovey dovey, after date 3 we hooked up. Cex was good. She starts to tell her puppies in her house that im daddy. She is trying to name our children already, making fun comments about that to test where I stand about that idea. She
texts me everyday. She never flakes. She introduces me to her friends but she says that im very stiff and we have a small argument after 7 weeks of dating. At this point her interest level must be 90/100%. She even says she would do anything to be with me, change religion etc etc. I just play cool, aloof and chill all the time and enjoy it. She also wants to be exclusive and asks me to stop seeing other women. She comes over and during cex: I told her Im not going down on you, so she didn't want to blow me anymore that night. I just dont lick women, maybe my wife one day.
2 days later
Turning point day. She texts me if im downtown and she wants to see me. I just dont open the text because im in a bar looking for new plates and I dont want her around.
She comes in the bar by coincidence and she runs in me actually talking to a chick. She sees that after texting me where Im at. I ignore the girl im talking to and go to my main chick, kiss her and meet her. That evening we dance, laugh, and all. At a certain point a random dude I know from the gym passes us and looks at her and her friend and I see him looking very scary. I ask him whats up, he says I know the girls. The friend of my main chick demands me, asking me what his name is and I tell her I dont want to say it. My girl yells at me in front of them demanding me to answer her friend and I take her outside saying that I dont accept disrespect in a very calm and kind way. I kiss her goodbye and bail. That evening she also flirted with a guy in front of me and danced very quickly (3 seconds) with another guy who took her from me. But she was all over me, kissing me and grinding me all night.
Ok. She texts me that night and that morning that she wants to talk right now to defuse things. I say no, you disrepected me also talking to other guys, dancing with a guy and hugging a guy in front of me is unacceptable. I dont like her yelling also and that I need to think about things. She replies with ok and accusing me of sh*t also.
I ask her to meet up 4 days later, we meet and she goes on an emotional rage for 1.5 hours in my car. I mostly listen, dont argue and let her talk. She clearly doesnt like it that I try to control her is what she says. I just open her up and listen to a lot and sometimes I disagree or agree but I keep my full calmness.
Then I NC her for a week. I text her again to meet, we talk, have a good date and she gives me her cheek but then calls me again later that night. Next morning we text normally. Then my mom adds her on facebook ACCIDENTLY. I know this was a major f*ck up because she will feel smothered again. She calls me that evening, we talk and then after 30mins she goes in arguing again. How she doesnt know where things are going, how I ignore her, dont reach out to her, dont talk to her. She feels undervalued, she wants me to text her every morning and talk to her and that I put in hard work or its better that I dont contact her at all.
After this phone call I keep calm and relaxed and tell her. I also told her that I told my mom about her (2months later) and that my mom added her on accident, she told me, and thats the truth. But Im sure she felt smothered, after all that happened. I knew it. Hey I dont want a relationship true phone, if you want to meet up lets do it. She keeps me on read for 6 days. Then I text her on snapchat to meet up again.
She goes along with it with okay I think sunday or saturday. I say good if ur sure sunday, if ur not sure, nevermind. She says. Well nevermind then. I replie with Ok.
She then texts again a minute later that she wants to see me sunday and that I dont need to act so insecure.
Then yesterday she told me shes downtown going out for a little bit. I was going also but I hoped I wouldnt see her. Then I go to a random bar, I knew she could be there but its the best bar in town, its where I met her and where things went wrong also. I see her and talk to her. Hey nice to see you, hope your doing ok. We make small talk for a minute then she says im going back to my friend. I say ok no worries and I left the bar because I didnt want to see her that night. I said see u tommorow, I also felt distance. Two hours later she text me ''where are you'' I replie 2 hours later that im in another bar and heading home. She opens it but doesnt reply in the morning.
Remember, I am her type, she likes a guy like me, she is really attracted to me but what happened made her blow up. Also understand that she doesnt like her mother, that her mother runs her father. She told me that her mother and father are living together but lost love for eachtoher a long time ago. She also says that she hates her mother, because her mother always tries to control her and thinks shes a failure.
Then something happened I never ever experienced in my life.
She texts me hey my adress, im waiting for u, ring at number *
I go in her house, I bought her flowers for her new home. I thought I couldnt come empty handed, even I knew she feels smothered and controlled in her opinion. That what she said a week earlier.
She shows me around the appartment but I feel distance from her. She looks at me like shes still furious and mad. She tells me she lost 2.5 kg weight due moving to her new home. I try to keep the convo very chill and relaxed. I even hugg her at a point and she is open for that. I was just being sweet. I also noticed that she didnt look good, didnt do her hair so much and she felt very stressed disorientated, not relaxed and mad.
Then we watch a movie and shes 2 meters away from me on the couch. My plan was to talk for an hour or two then make a move towards affection but it will end differently. She asks me where I parked my car. I said on the private spots downstairs. She becomes mad and says that I cant put my car on her private parking spots from her neighbors and demands me to move my car. I say relax, there are 60 open spots, no one will notice. She gets mad again. I say calm down, there are 60 spots open chill out. She raises her voice demanding me to move the car right now. I say I dont think its the car thats the problem.
She says no its your behaviour thats the problem! You never do what I tell you, you talk about respect but you dont respect me, as a matter of fact just move your car and leave and dont come back!
I say calm down in a chill relaxing tone but she says no leave my house just go. I say I think its better that and she ends it ''that you dont ever contact me again''. I say lets not end it this way, lets calm down, talk it out and Ill be on my way. She says no, just leave. I grab my coat and bail.
I delete her from facebook, instagram and snapchat. This was yesterday evening...
Also I like to add to @jake_gyllenhaal list of red flags ''the age pill for men''.
She has 3 of your 4 qualities for a big red flag single sallie at 30 years old.
1. She has multiple dogs, 2.
2. She must be a alpha widow, Im not sure but I feel that. Every woman is at age of 30.
3. She doesnt do single girl group stuff like weekend trips to miami. NO ITS EVEN WORSE. She has a house with her best friend in Marbella in Spain where she goes to 6 times a year. I can assume what the ladies do there where the men with money come.
(she invited me over a month ago lol, at that point I ofc thought, I would never do that)
Also I think its over since she kicked me out. What do you guys think. Also I bet that her friends all bad mouth me.
Yes I am moving on, she wasnt gf material anyway. I just want to learn from this experience fellas for the next women.