OP let me share my experience with a girl who from the onset of a relationship we had, expressed how much of an ******* her ex was to her. The way she expressed herself, I could feel it still pained her up until that very same day. She said she was in the hospital dying, and the dude did not visit her .... and dismissed her news of being in the hospital.
fast forward a couple months later after I "committed" and spent thousands of dollars on trips and eating lavish (not because of her, that's my lifestyle and what I enjoy), a trip to Mexico City, and a trip to Argentina, my GUT told me something was definitely off.
After snooping through her phone, my GUT was right. guess what? she was on a snapchat streak with an account. i confronted her, she called BS. little while after, she came to 'confess'. she says it was her ex, and that he reached out first (i've seen a lot of that shared on here) and that she was merely being polite. HAAAAAA
man, if I knew then what I know now....I would have left her in Mexico City alone.
it is NOT worth the trouble. for content: I ended up slapping this girl so hard, that after, I was walking to my vehicle and fell on my knees and went backwards, tearing both of my quad tendons. I could not walk for 8 months. It was like God sent instant karma and a serious wake up call.
that was it for me. she insisted on staying around until eventually she got the
message. I had to threaten her that she would get hurt, for her to stay away. even so she was chasing via email and text.