Don Juanabbe
Master Don Juan
I think Kevin has made some very good points. Something has changed with women in Canada and the US.
They aren't all bad, per se, although I've been with some doozies, who have pulled some pretty unreal stuff on me - my fault completely, I take full responsibility, I let it happen.
That said, I'm not going to give up on all N. American women. There are some good ones out there, you just gotta weed em out.
I actually think that N. American women do have high standards. Sometimes too high.
One little hottie I approached said, "you're cute, but I have one little problem with you."
I said, "what's that?"
"You smoke cigarillos. I saw you smoking, that's my problem with you"
Should I be upset about that? Hell no. I actually respect her for not liking the fact that I smoked. That showed to me that this woman has a healthy self esteem.
However, I think the big problem for alot of N. American women is their self esteem and self worth is suffering tremddously because of the daily bombardments os propaganda they are recieving in the media. I think some resort to *****iness because of it.
Again, do I have problems with women? Yes, but then I also realise I've been meeting the women in the wrong places - namely pubs.
So now I'm going to do something about it - I'm going to join a yoga club and see if I can meet any women who are more worthwhile there.
The bottom line is I went through a bitter stage because of past failed relationships with Americanised women, and I don't want to be bitter about it.
Let me tell you, there is an overabundance of beeyatches and hors these days.
But then there's also an overabundance of white male arse-kissers who dump money on women and shower them with gifts, chase them, and basically let themselves get walked all over. So I can't really blame some women for taking advantage of this - it's only human nature.
However, what I don't understand are the fat ugly ones with attitude, anyone care to eplain that one to me? LOL.
They aren't all bad, per se, although I've been with some doozies, who have pulled some pretty unreal stuff on me - my fault completely, I take full responsibility, I let it happen.
That said, I'm not going to give up on all N. American women. There are some good ones out there, you just gotta weed em out.
I actually think that N. American women do have high standards. Sometimes too high.
One little hottie I approached said, "you're cute, but I have one little problem with you."
I said, "what's that?"
"You smoke cigarillos. I saw you smoking, that's my problem with you"
Should I be upset about that? Hell no. I actually respect her for not liking the fact that I smoked. That showed to me that this woman has a healthy self esteem.
However, I think the big problem for alot of N. American women is their self esteem and self worth is suffering tremddously because of the daily bombardments os propaganda they are recieving in the media. I think some resort to *****iness because of it.
Again, do I have problems with women? Yes, but then I also realise I've been meeting the women in the wrong places - namely pubs.
So now I'm going to do something about it - I'm going to join a yoga club and see if I can meet any women who are more worthwhile there.
The bottom line is I went through a bitter stage because of past failed relationships with Americanised women, and I don't want to be bitter about it.
Let me tell you, there is an overabundance of beeyatches and hors these days.
But then there's also an overabundance of white male arse-kissers who dump money on women and shower them with gifts, chase them, and basically let themselves get walked all over. So I can't really blame some women for taking advantage of this - it's only human nature.
However, what I don't understand are the fat ugly ones with attitude, anyone care to eplain that one to me? LOL.