Screw ALL canadian/american women

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score

you and me (OOkevin) are more similiar than you may think.

My family went to Mexico one summer and I haven't been the same since.

I saw the contrast between the women I had gamed there and the women I had been dealing with in America and I damn near wanted to move.

No, that 'independent woman' does nada for me. Nor those this new 'strong female' Bull.


Many women (I know i'm gonna get sh!t for this). can be tamed.
That's the bottom line.

MOST women can be tamed. It is YOUR job to tame them. Sure, foreign women are easier marks because they haven't been brainwashed, your definitely right about that.

But maybe everbody doesn't want to go to Fiji to find a woman.
Maybe he falls in love with an American. If he lets her walk on him, he's a loser and he deserves. The world is what you make it. Don't limit yourself to particular type. Be the man and most times she will be the woman.

Where in the same boat, rowing in different directions.

I'm a man, I don't walk around challenges, I walk over them.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sicarius
The forces that corrupt American men and women are ideas like feminism. Everything is feminized in America - the Army, the wall st journal reported, again, is pushing for kinder, gentler drill sergeants; the TV is feminized; the workplace, everyone is afraid of difference of opinion; college; everywhere.

I read that WSJ and couldn't believe it: fat guys getting dessert and the troops waiting for a ladder to get out of the bus, insane.....

I would like to think that you are right about the cause being feminism. But it doesn't quite add up. Look at western europe like spain, italy, france., and germany. They have feminist movements that are just as strong if not stronger than here in the US. Yet everything I hear about women from those countries is good and head and shoulders above american women.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Non-western women are also generally a lot more quite, non-aggressive, and non-confrontational.
True. It sucks, believe me.
I'm sick of women who are full of insecurities, have neither the ambition to be successful, nor the resolve to be gold-diggers, never ever try to take the initiative and generally keep their life in a constant state of a mess waiting for a man to fix it.

Do you know how hard it is to explain MTLR to a woman who hasn't had sex with more than 1-2 partners? YES, it's hard.

Recently I had to help a girl I was sleeping with to get a better job. Why did I had to do it? Not to gain approval. Or to do a "good deed". Just because I was annoyed at her having 5 times lower salary than mine for twice the work. It turned out that she doesn't even have a CV! Two hours of writing and sending e-mails was all it took to get her a normal job. But without me SHE JUST WOULDN'T HAVE THE INITIATIVE TO DO IT!

Anyway, the way you are describing your "trash" I'll take it any time. Take as many Miss Good Wife as you need. I REALLY don't mind.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
I can't believe the racist shyt some of you guys spew. White men are wimps? They kiss women's asses? That's bullshyt. Color has nothing to do with it. Americanized women are untrustworthy bytches. They can be black women, spanish, asian whatever. If they're Americanized...I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.

Now to address these so-called DJ's who claim that white men just kiss ass, and they somewhow have a handle on things.

You want to talk racial stereotypes? Let's do it then.

Most white women who date average black men (non-celebrity) are fat, low class ho's that white men rejected a long time ago.

If I were to categorize all minorities and say they're lazy, and hook up with fat white women so they can support them, I'd be branded a racist. But the fact is, that is the case a lot of times.

Get this shyt out of your heads that ALL white men are ass kissers. There are a lot of white guys who do kiss ass, but there are a lot of men from all races who do the samething.

I can't believe how some of you white guys sit back and take this crap. I almost have to agree...if you can't even stand up for yourself on a chat forum..fvck being able to do it in real life.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Skydiver43127
True. It sucks, believe me.
I'm sick of women who are full of insecurities, have neither the ambition to be successful, nor the resolve to be gold-diggers, never ever try to take the initiative and generally keep their life in a constant state of a mess waiting for a man to fix it.

Do you know how hard it is to explain MTLR to a woman who hasn't had sex with more than 1-2 partners? YES, it's hard.

Recently I had to help a girl I was sleeping with to get a better job. Why did I had to do it? Not to gain approval. Or to do a "good deed". Just because I was annoyed at her having 5 times lower salary than mine for twice the work. It turned out that she doesn't even have a CV! Two hours of writing and sending e-mails was all it took to get her a normal job. But without me SHE JUST WOULDN'T HAVE THE INITIATIVE TO DO IT!

Anyway, the way you are describing your "trash" I'll take it any time. Take as many Miss Good Wife as you need. I REALLY don't mind.
ok.. just remember one thing. when I come home I won't have some lazy ass working ***** ragging on me for not doing the dishes. I'll will have a home cooked meal waiting for me and I won't have help take care of the childern.

I guess if you are not man enough to afford a woman and childern on your own you need that second income.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
i need to start a bussiness of helping guys get good women..

I must be a freaking superstar of getting good women.

wow, thanks guys for making me feel that I have the best game around.

even though I dont.

this thread is ridiculous

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by englishman
I dont think that shows high self esteem, it shows that shes not that interested in you.
Also good luck at yoga, I went to yoga for a couple of years about 8-10 years back just before it took off, I can honestly say that the women there were the most stuck up of all the chicks id met, how women here get away with calling themselves goddeses blows me away, what a concieted fvcking statment to come out with 'Im a goddes' oh fvckin really, funny I thought you were just another stuck up tart from Vancouver!:cheer:
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind. I see you are familiar with my country. I didn' t think broads from British Columbia were that bad! LOL.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
As for Toronto on a whole, it is one of the most difficult cities because not only do all of the women have the Sex in the City attitude, but the city itself is also teeming with gays, both men and women, I swear the whole town is gender confused.
Toronto women are the coldest on the planet. I have heard this so many times from men and have and am living it everyday.

The problem, is that so many men here are either in denial or think that this is the way it is.

Some people I've spoken to blame the gays, creating a sku'd version of which each gender expects. Others blame the immigrants for creating a society with no cultural tie in with others. We live in an interesting time, because gays can marry, and that has defininte repercussions on roles models, at least in womens expectations.

Don't get me wrong. To be a DJ is to laugh in the face of societies expectations, but there are some factors to consider.

Just two more quick stories.

Once I was at a party in Toronto and I met a guy (25) from Montreal about 4 years ago. Out of the blue, he started about how he found meeting women here in Toronto was like winning the lottery, and that in Montreal, meeting women was easy. He just kept shaking his head about how ludicrous the games and attitude were here.

About 2 years ago, there was a guy (30) my best friend worked with. He was a bartender at a hostel, and he was able to pick up a foreign chick every week. He was considered a ladies man. Then one day out of the blue, he started on about how he found Toronto women cold and difficult to hook up with. He was really exasperated with the women here and said he would stick to the foreigners coming through.

The irony in each of these guys, is not once did I mention to them before hand my thoughts on Toronto women, before they let loose there opinions. Both guys were macho dudes.

Here is a letter I have sent to various publications in Toronto whenever they ask about dating:

Before I begin, I really do wish that it was not this way.

I have lived in Toronto all my life. I have traveled to cities in the United States and once to Argentina. I find this city to be very cold, especially when it comes to meeting women. The people here are so immersed in their bubble that they think this is the way everywhere. I see fear in people's eyes. I have to say that this is the most dysfunctional city on the planet. I tell people to move here for six months and they will see. I used to think it was me, but I have talked to a lot of people (more than 100) and been vindicated many times.

Toronto is a place where the women walk around like they are special, but when you talk to them, nothing is there. Even the ones who are not attractive compared to others walk around like they are queens. Give me a break. It is so hard to meet women here that you have to be an ******* to survive. I'm telling you, I am not making this up. The problem is that if you talk about it, you come across as some whiney loser. I've had three girlfriends, and I tell you I don't know how I met them. Blind luck.

My question is why are Toronto women like this ? Are you all cold, calculating, money-grubbing narcissists ? I know what you are going to say. The usual. But this lonely existence has pushed me so far that I am forced to debase myself and come here for answers. I am an average/good-looking guy who is a substitute teacher. But the coldness here is so great, I defy anyone (especially male) to come here and tell me a colder place.

The women here think they are all that and a bag of chips but even the "ugly" ones both inside and out are given the time of day because the men here are wimps. The price of p*(%$y is very high here. The women say one thing but do another. As a guy you have to be either an ******* or loser. Women here do not know what it means to love or be loved. Even Marlon Brando would have a difficult time here.

But if you want a women, all you need is: MONEY. Not necessarily to spend on them, but to show that you are a good provider. Women may deny this but they are lying. Trust me.

This is the TRUTH about this city (TORONTO). A spade is a spade, a rose is a rose and TORONTO women are COLD. I DEFY anyone to come to this city and tell me otherwise. Finally, the only saving grace is that I can leave and I will. I am going to EUROPE at the end of the month and I am going to see if other women are like this.

Toronto is death. A very subtle one.
Trust me.

You can tell me this is my fault, but I have spoken to other men and it is NOT. I am not the only one with the same thoughts/feelings. Again, invite others to this city and to see for themselves.

You will find that alot of men up here in Toronto are either wimps or *******s. I try to be neither, but as with osmosis, the way the people are around here makes one become conditioned.

As a litmus test to all my fellow Toronto men, find out how many men think that Toronto women are easy to hook up with. What are the true percentages ?

Let me end off with some things I have learned that are positive about hooking up with women in Toronto. The two are in no particular order.

Yes, study this site, become confidence, workout, whatever turns your crank to make you feel # 1.

The first thing, is TRUST. If you want to have a woman in Toronto be with you, you have to get her Trust in you.

The second thing, is RESPECT. If she doesn't respect you, its all a joke and you might as well dress up in a clown suit and jerkoff.

Now having said that, I have found it to be a pure numbers game in Toronto. But balancing showing no interest in a Toronto woman, with actually being interested in her, creates a schizophrenic mind that I find alot of Toronto women transpose on men.

And why do I stay if I think Toronto women are like this ?

It won't be long (perhaps April '06) by the time I go, but having read other mens opinions of women in other cities, perhaps this is a North American problem.

I guess I should just go live in Europe or South America or Asia. Maybe there I would be better appreciated by women.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
lol you say you like Mexican and latina women and yet you like your women non-aggresive and non-confrontational..

really...:crackup: ok,Kevin I see you don't know don't know what you're talking about.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Tha Realnezz
lol you say you like Mexican and latina women and yet you like your women non-aggresive and non-confrontational..

really...:crackup: ok,Kevin I see you don't know don't know what you're talking about.
HAHAHAH... cosign


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
As for Toronto on a whole, it is one of the most difficult cities because not only do all of the women have the Sex in the City attitude, but the city itself is also teeming with gays, both men and women, I swear the whole town is gender confused.

If you're tall and good looking, they think you're either a player or your gay.

So how can you win?
You can't win.

Honestly Toronto women are the most difficult to deal with. I sometimes travel to Vancouver and I am astonished how friendly those girls are over there. I guess the fact that Vancouver is near the ocean/beach and it doesn't have a big city feel to it that makes life go slower and people apperciate it more.

In Toronto people tend to be stressed and there is more competition for wealth and stature. Women idea of fun here is to go shopping or go to clubs and bars. People are worshipping women in this town and most of them act like divas and that makes them as cold as ice.



Don Juan
May 1, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe you guys are too soft then....I have seen it with my own eyes.... My friends get b!tchy materialistic girls to worship the ground they walk on... All you do is "get in their head". Tell'em what they wanna hear... And if they get outta line smack them around a little bit. After that they will respect you.
Originally posted by Sicarius
Tell us the gist of your friends' attitudes.
Well...Most of them don't have any real goals in life. They tend to be jerks with nothing really going for them. They have natural game. When they are not with their girlfriends they are on the prowl looking for new pvssy. They cheat on their girlfriends. They lie to their girlfriends. They are very smooth and always know what to say.

My one friends has this one girlfriend...She is a typical American girl. They have been together for about 2 years now. He has cheated on her so many times its not even funny. She will do ANYTHING for him... If she gets outta line with him (aka yelling in his face) he'll grab her, smack her, or yell at her and make her feel like sh!t. If he asked her to marry him there is no doubt in my mind that she would say yes...
One time she and I were talking and she says to me: "I don't trust him"

Me:"Then why are you with him?"
Her: "I can't leave him"

So basically its GAME. You guys need to step your game up if you want american women...My favorite quote "The truth will set you free, if it don't, LIE". Just tell these girls what they wanna hear with confidence.

The sad truth is you can't be a nice to these american girls now-a-days...Ya gotta put'em in line if you want control.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrStabAHo

The sad truth is you can't be a nice to these american girls now-a-days...Ya gotta put'em in line if you want control.
Seems like a lotta guys didnt get this thread, this okevin dude is saying that if you have to do all this sh1t that a lot of guys here are talking about, then yes you can get laid, but you are becoming as fvcked up as the messed up chicks your banging! and i gotta agree with him, that its fvcked to be that way. :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Man, I don't understand why ya'll are b!tching about american chicks. Down here in Oz, they are as easy as they come. You just have to show them that you aren't up for the usual drama.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
So what you are saying is you went fishing in an Acid lake with your DJ bait and found a decent fish.

well.. hats off to you. I just fail to see how that disproves my theory.
Not all of America is an "acid lake". Have you met ALL American women? Go meet 50% of American women first (that's 75 million women), then come back with your theory.

I would most likely reject that girl you found anyway (for an LTR that is)
Because she's white?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
ok.. just remember one thing. when I come home I won't have some lazy ass working ***** ragging on me for not doing the dishes. I'll will have a home cooked meal waiting for me and I won't have help take care of the childern.

I guess if you are not man enough to afford a woman and childern on your own you need that second income.
What are you, a 10 year old? Who is doing your dishes now? Your mother maybe?

I'm a computer scientist. Money are most definitely not an issue for me. I just believe in self-sufficiency. I wouldn't respect myself if I wasn't able to do my dishes. I don't respect women who cannot support themselves finanscially. That's it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
I'm taking a break from sarging. I like to go out and people watch.
Ever notice how the single hot girls in clubs behave a lot like guys these days? They curse, smoke like chimneys, drink like fishes and generally act like they're at the tittie bar (performing AND watching). I don't think the problem lies with American or Canadian girls, it's just that the bad ones get all the attention.

Remember, like-minded people attract. If you're a decent, confident guy with high standards, you'll attract the same kind of girl. If you're a shallow, sleazy dude looking for a quick f*ck, you'll also attract that kind of girl.
Of course, I'm the nice guy looking for a quick f*ck. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Rev
By the way...a general comment.

If American women have been "corrupted" by American society and its way of life, then it stands to reason by the same logic that American men too are corrupted. What "forces" of society have corrupted women, and why would men be any less corrupted?

By the same logic, American men are trash. Does anyone else here consider himself to be trash?
Men are corrupted in the sense of being taught to be pussies and give in to whatever the woman wants. How many times do you hear stupid phrases like "the woman is always right" and "just say sorry". Sure it sounds funny and innocent, but it really is teaching you to give in to women.

We are being brainwashed to accept this as the "norm." Yes we are being corrupted too, but the driving force is shifting the power directly to women and creating penis-envying/hating monsters in north america.

In summary: corruption is affecting BOTH men and women. However, the corrupting force is driving all the power to women while leaving men a former shell of themselves and the REAL men they used to be. If you don't believe this, just ask yourself why there is such a need for a forum like this for men and why men have to be taught how to be men again!