you guys are acting like big pyssys.
BOOO HOO all women dont want to bow down to me.
of course not..your on a internet message board crying like toddlers about how women get what they want.
who gives it to them?
stop crying..and STFU....all of you at one point will fall in love with AN AMERICAN Women if you live here...and this thread and anger, and bitterness will all be forgotten.
what will your excuse be then?
"ah, Chris, dogg, man...well she is just...u know man, she just got it"
"what about the fact you and a lot of your SS online and said most if not all american women are useless?"
"well, man..I dunno what your talking about im in love."
this crap is ridiculous..keep thinking women are all bad.
where do you pick these women up? the strip club? high end clubs?
stop watching MTV, BET, american Idol..and more.
and go to a diff venue for women.
maybe a church
charity work
book store
then stop being a *****..99.9 percent of you, overate and front on here..but is that how you really are?
no, if you wouldnt have these problems..which arent problems..they are just excuses on why you cant land a good girl.
Im not perfect..I have my insecurities..but im in touch with reality.
which leads to believe...
you either dont really date
or you pick up chicks on myspace all day
or pick up girls at bars and clubs..and try turning them into a housewife.
when studies show only 9 percent of marriges are born from bar pickups
now im rambling..but this origional post was a kid who cant get his emotional act together